What is an Essay?

Writing an Essay
Essay Writing Workshop
Is this you?!
Today we will learn how to write
an essay, step by step!
What is an Essay?
An essay is a written collection of prose,
organized and divided neatly into
Always remember that an essay is a
written form of communication and
therefore, must be clear, organized and
easily understandable to those reading
What is the Purpose of an Essay?
An essay is used to state and support an
opinion with proof and explanation
Essays can be used to persuade others to
agree with your opinion
Why do we write five paragraph
The first paragraph is an introductory
The middle three paragraph are the body
The last paragraph is the concluding
1. Introductory Paragraph
2. Body paragraph 1
3. Body paragraph 2
4. Body paragraph 3
5. Concluding paragraph
Body Paragraphs
Each body paragraph states and explains
a different point to help you prove your
An opinion is always stronger when it has
more supporting facts (proof)
Fact is a true
Facts can be
supported, upheld
and proven by
An opinion is one
individual’s personal belief
on a subject
Everyone is welcome to
have an opinion, but not
every opinion is based on
Opinions can be based on
what a person has heard
from others, and is
therefore subject to bias
Fact is Stronger than Opinion
For this reason, make sure that you
phrase and word your essays as if they
are FACT, not simply OPINION
How will learning how to write an
essay help me in the future?
Formal, essay writing will be a requirement in
all College or University courses (regardless if
they are English or not)
Depending on your future career, properly
structured and formal writing will be
expected for any forms, reports, memos, etc.
Essay and Paragraph Structure
Body Paragraph #1
Body Paragraph # 2
Body Paragraph # 3
Broad Statement
Introduce topic
Reason 1
Reason 2
Reason 3
The Point
The thesis
Introductory Paragraph
• Begin with a Hook to capture your reader’s attention
• It is a general sentence about your topic.
• Introduce the topic, the author and the title of the
play **Hint use the essay question to guide you**
Three • The next sentence should list your three
• The Thesis
• The specific point you are trying to prove
Introductory Paragraph
• Disguises and costumes are a fun way to explore new identities and take on a new persona.
• Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare explores the use of disguises and costumes throughout
the play.
• A) Disguises and costumes drive the main conflicts in the plot
• B) Disguises and costumes create humour throughout the play
• C) Disguises and costumes allow characters to explore different class and gender identities
THESIS • Therefore, for these reasons disguises and costumes
are key elements in the play Twelfth Night.
Disguises and costumes are a fun way to explore new identities and
take on a new persona.
Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare explores the
use of disguises and costumes throughout the play.
A) Disguises and costumes drive the
main conflicts in the plot
B) Disguises and costumes create
humour throughout the play
C) Disguises and costumes allow
characters to explore different class and
gender identities
Therefore, for these reasons disguises and costumes are key elements
in the play Twelfth Night.
Paragraph Format
Disguises and costumes are a fun way
to explore new identities and take on a new
persona. Twelfth Night by William
Shakespeare explores the use of disguises
and costumes throughout the play.
Disguises and costumes drive the main
conflicts in the plot, create humour and
allow characters to explore different class
and gender identities. Therefore, for these
reasons disguises and costumes are key
elements in the play Twelfth Night.
Body Paragraphs
Each of the three body paragraphs deals
with one of the three reasons/proofs
Always remember to present them in the
same order: A,B,C
Reason/Proof A should always be your
weakest argument
Reason/Proof C should always be your
strongest argument
Topic Sentence
Evidence (PROOF)
and Explanation
• A strong topic sentence clearly stating the
reason/proof upon which the paragraph
will focus
• Evidence and Explanation that
demonstrates how the reason/ proof
supports the point
• A Concluding sentence that states what
you’ve proven in this paragraph and links
the reason/proof back to your thesis
Topic Sentence
•Disguises and costumes drive the main conflicts in the plot of Twelfth Night.
•In Act 3 scene 4 Antonio mistakes Cesario for his friend Sebastian
•Antonio feels betrayed by his friend:“Will you deny me now?/Is’t possible that
my deserts to you/Can lack persuasion?” (3.4.334-336)
Evidence (PROOF)
and Explanation
•If Viola was not in disguise, Antonio would not mistake her for his friend
Sebastian. Mistaken identity causes confusion between Antonio and Viola. Viola’s
disguise as a man is the driving force of conflict within this scene.
•Therefore, disguises and costumes are key elements in the play Twelfth Night as
they cause confusion between characters and create conflict in the plot.
Paragraph Format
Firstly, disguises and costumes drive the main conflicts in the plot of Twelfth Night.
In Act 3 scene 4 Antonio mistakes Cesario for his friend Sebastian. Since Viola is
disguised as a man and looks like her twin Sebastian, Antonio easily mistakes the two
characters. Antonio sees who he believes to be Sebastian in the midst of a duel and offers to
fight on his friend’s behalf. Viola does not recognize Antonio and is confused as to why this
stranger is fighting for her. Although Viola is grateful, she is confused when Antonio asks
Cesario to return his purse he left Sebastian.
Antonio feels hurt and betrayed and asks his friend “Will you deny me now?/Is’t
possible that my deserts to you/Can lack persuasion?” (3.4.334-336).
Antonio has done a lot for Sebastian since arriving in Illyria. He rescues Sebastian from
the shipwreck, stays with him in Illyria despite the dangers and gives Sebastian money. When
Cesario does not recognize Antonio it creates conflict between Cesario and Antonio. Antonio
feels hurt and betrayed while Viola is confused as she does not understand what is going on. If
Viola was not in disguise, Antonio would not mistake her for his friend Sebastian. Mistaken
identity causes confusion between Antonio and Viola. Viola’s disguise as a man is the driving
force of conflict within this scene.
Concluding sentence:
Therefore, disguises and costumes are key elements in the play Twelfth Night as they
cause confusion between characters and create conflict in the plot.
Topic Sentence
Secondly, in
addition, also,
Topic Sentence
Topic Sentence
Thirdly, lastly
Transition words between
Firstly, disguises and costumes drive the
main conflicts in the plot of Twelfth Night.
Secondly, disguises and costumes create
humour throughout the play.
Lastly, disguises and costumes allow
characters to explore different class and
gender identities.
Concluding Paragraph
Restate thesis
Restate your three
Finish with a broad
concluding sentence
about the topic
• Begin by restating your thesis or the point
you attempted to prove in your essay
•The next sentence should restate your
three reasons/proofs: A,B,C
• Finish with a broad concluding sentence
about your topic in general
•Therefore, disguises and costumes are used throughout William
Shakespeare's play Twelfth Night and are crucial components in the play.
•Disguises and costumes cause mistaken identity within the play causing
confusion between characters and creating conflict in the plot.
•Also, disguises and costumes add humour in the play in particular through
dramatic irony.
•Finally, through disguises and costumes characters in the play are
permitted to explore gender and class categories which they would
otherwise not be permitted to do.
sentence •Disguises and costumes are used throughout the play Twelfth Night and
are crucial to the entertainment of the play.
Paragraph Format
Therefore, disguises and costumes are
used throughout William Shakespeare's
play Twelfth Night and are crucial
components in the play. Disguises and
costumes cause mistaken identity within
the play causing confusion between
characters and creating conflict in the plot.
Also, disguises and costumes add humour
in the play in particular through dramatic
irony. Finally, through disguises and
costumes characters in the play are
permitted to explore gender and class
categories which they would otherwise not
be permitted to do. Disguises and
costumes are used throughout the play
Twelfth Night and are crucial to the
entertainment of the play.
Tips for Writing Formal Essays
Do not use personal pronouns (I, we, you)
These suggest your essay is an opinion
instead of factual
Write in Present tense
Do not use rhetorical devices or creative
writing skills
Do not use contractions (Can’t, won’t,
Do not use slang or informal language
Tips for Writing Formal Essays
Avoid using vague language (be specific)
In an essay do not simply summarize your
novel/play (assume that whoever is reading
knows the novel/play well)
In your body paragraph, be as detailed and
specific as possible when explaining and
supporting your evidence and quotations
Use transition words to move smoothly from one
idea to the next (in addition, lastly, for example,
NEVER bring up new information in your closing
How do you feel about essays?
Lets write one as a Team!
Introductory Paragraph
Introductory Paragraph and Thesis Statement
 The first sentence [or two] in your introductory paragraph
should always be a hook sentence to get your audience
interested in reading your essay.
 The next sentence should list your three reasons/proofs.
These should be ordered from weakest to strongest (or at
least important to most important) to make sure the
audience want s to keep reading your essay.
 The thesis statement is the most important part of your
essay. It is a specific statement that expresses your
opinion about a topic without using the words “I believe” or
“I think”
 Your thesis statement should only be one sentence long
 Your thesis statement is always the last sentence of your
introductory paragraph
Introductory Paragraph
Sample Introductory Paragraph
Topic: Mandatory Civil Service for all Canadians in their eighteenth year.
 Already exists in many other countries around the world
 In this economy, it is a good way to get some job experience
 A good way for Canadians to do something worthwhile for their country
Introductory Paragraph:
The topic of civil service is not one that enters the mind of many
teenagers as they approach the time at which they are required to make
those life altering decisions that affect everyone. However, there are
many benefits to considering this issue. Mandatory civil service at the age
of eighteen is an admirable idea because [A] it already exists in many
countries around the world, [B] it would allow teenagers to gain valuable
job experience and [C] it is an excellent way for individuals to do
something worthwhile for their country. For these reasons, [Thesis
statement] civil service should be mandatory for all Canadians in their
eighteenth year.
Essay Question
One of the social elements William
Shakespeare explores in Twelfth Night is
the issue of just and fair treatment of
Consider Sir Toby and his treatment of
other characters in the play. Using three
specific examples from the play, argue
whether or not Sir Toby treats other
characters fairly or if he takes advantage
of the relationships and interactions he
has with others.
Broad Statement:
Introduce Topic*use the essay question to guide
Introductory Paragraph
The Body Paragraphs
The Body Paragraphs
 The body of an essay contains three paragraphs. Each paragraph
deals with one of the three reasons/proofs from your introductory
 Remember, you must always keep your reasons/proofs in the
same order. Therefore, write about them in the same order as
you did in the introductory paragraph.
 At the beginning of each body paragraph, use a transition word to
remind the reader which paragraph they’re reading.
At the beginning if the first paragraph, use the word “First” or
 At the beginning of the second paragraph, use the word “Second”
or “Secondly”
 At the beginning of the third paragraph, use the word “Third”,
“Thirdly”, or “Finally”.
Body Paragraphs
Each body paragraph should follow the structure bellow:
Sentence #1
 Topic sentence stating the Reason/Proof dealt with in
the paragraph
Sentence #2
 Offer a piece of evidence to support your reason/proof
Middle Sentences
 In your own words, explain how your evidence supports
or proves the reason/proof
Last sentence
 Concluding sentences summarizing the paragraph’s
reason/proof and connecting it back to the thesis
Body Paragraphs
Topic Sentence #1
Concluding Sentence #1
Topic Sentence #2
Concluding Sentence #2
Body Paragraphs
Topic Sentence #3
Concluding Sentence #3
Concluding Paragraph
First Sentence
The first sentence in your concluding paragraph should
restate the thesis statement. DO NOT repeat the thesis
exactly the same way you stated it in the introductory
Never begin your concluding paragraph with, “In this
essay, I have proven that…”
Middle Sentences
Rephrase (but DO NOT copy) the three reasons/proofs. If
the reasons/proofs are short and brief, this can be
accomplished in one sentence. Otherwise, restate each in
its own sentence, each beginning with an appropriate
transition word/statements.
Concluding Paragraph
Last sentence
 Finish your essay with a profound general
statement that leaves your audience
thinking about the point of your essay.
This may take more than one sentence.
 Never, never, never, even in your
wildest dreams, in spite of peer pressure,
introduce new information in the
concluding paragraph
Concluding Paragraph
There are several different reasons why compulsory
civil service for all eighteen-year-old Canadians is a
beneficial idea. First, many other successful countries in
the world already do it, so Canada can look to their
examples. Secondly, young Canadians would have the
opportunity to gain valuable job experience for themselves,
often doing things that they would never be able to do in
their hometowns. Lastly, it would give Canadians the
chance to contribute to the development of their country.
Given our freedoms and lifestyle opportunities, it only
makes sense to give something back to the country that
makes it all possible. It is an easy concept to understand,
and on that can make a world of a difference.
Concluding Paragraph
First Sentence: (Restate Thesis)
Middle Sentences: rephrase
Last Sentence: Profound general
Concluding Paragraph
And that is how it is done!