Piaget and Cognitive Development

Piaget and Cognitive Development
 Briefly
Summarize Each of These Concepts
 Schema
 Disequilibrium
 Assimilation
 Accommodation
First - Some Ideas About Learning
 Romantic
Ideology: Predisposed to Knowledge
Plato and older philosophers: The mind exists somewhere
else first
Children are just mini-adults that just haven’t had the same
experiences as adults
Ideas About Learning
Cultural Transmission
 Aristotle
- Tabula Rasa
- John Locke
 Society and Adults can impress
anything they want onto a child (at any
time too)
 All development from the environment
Progressive Ideology
 Humans
are go through stages of
intellectual ability - these are genetic
 From
experiencing the world, humans gain
an understanding of it
Important Concepts of Piaget’s
Stages of Cognitive Development
are important to understand for
Piaget’s theory!
Active Construction
 Cognitive
 Children
 They
ability is not simply taught
must actively explore the world
must actively construct their own
understanding through assimilation and
Qualitative Differences (vs.
 What
do you think this means?
 It
is not a limit on how much a child can
 It
is the type of understanding; the way that
children are able to understand the world
 These
stages are the same for every
child, regardless of their culture
Invariant Sequence
child cannot jump past stages.
stages must progress in order
Age Does Not Equal Stage
 Just
because a child is a certain age, it does
not mean that they have reached the
corresponding stage.
 Just
because a child is a certain age, does
not mean they cannot progress to the next
(“Typical Children”)
Stage Mixture
 There
is no solid boundary between stages
 Cognitive
development is a progression,
and some cognitive abilities mix through
each stage
Object Permanence
Conservation - Number
 Look
 Is
at each row of Jelly Beans
there more in the top row?
 Is there less in the top row?
 Are they the same amount?
Conservation - Area
Which cow has more grass to eat?
Hypothetical-Deductive Reasoning
 1 Volunteer
 John
is taller than Sam
 Sam
is taller than Anne
 Who
is taller: Anne or John?
Hypothetical-Deductive Reasoning
RULE: If you hit a glass with a piece of paper, the glass will
Mr. Zika hit a glass with a piece of paper:
What happened to the glass?
Scientific-Inductive Reasoning
Three strings are hung from a bar. String #1 and #3 are of
equal length. String #2 is longer. Charlie attached a 5 unit
weight at the end of sting #2 and #3, and a 10 unit weight to
Charlie wants to find out if the length of the string has an
effect on the amount of time it takes the string to swing
back and forth.
Conservation: Liquid
 Which
glass has more water?
 Which
order will the balls come out in?
Sensory-Motor Stage
0-2 Years old
0-1 Month
Reflex - Sucking
Reflex - Grasping
0-1 Month
 No
First Differentiations
1-4 Months
 Differentiation
of Objects
Baby will reject object if it’s not what they want
First Differentiations
1-4 Months
No Special Behavior Regarding Vanishing Objects
Change in Perspective Seen as Change in Objects
No Connection Between Movement of Self and Objects
4-8 Months
 Reproduction
 Anticipates
of Interesting Events (Assimilation)
Positions of Moving Objects
Coordination of Schemata
8-12 Months
 Application
of Known Means to New Problems (Means
to Ends)
 Object
Coordination of Schemata
8-12 Months
 Consistency
of Objects
Invention of New Means
12-18 Months
Children Experiment: Create New Schema (Accommodate)
for Unique Problems
Invention of New Means
12-18 Months
 Sequential
 But
Still Can’t Imagine
 Invisible
18-24 Months
 Representation
of Spatial Relationships…
But Recent Studies Show Errors of Scale
18-24 Months
Invention of New Means Via Internal Combinations (Mental
Children Begin to Think About Solutions to Problems
18-24 Months
 Invention
Of New Means Via Internal Combinations
(Mental Images)
 Children
Begin to Think About Solutions to
Pretend Play
Sensory-Motor Stage
0-2 Years old
Reflex activities to purposeful motor activity
Understanding of objects and spacial relationships
From a new being to beginnings of language
Pretend play emerges in the next stage
Pre-Operational Stage (Pre-Logical)
2-7 Years Old
 Language
Explosion: Children begin to use words
to represent objects
 Thinking
is still relatively limited; It is dominated
Centration: Judgment Based upon Perception
Lack of Transformation Reasoning
Lack of Reversibility
All Lead to lack of Conservation
Pre-Operational 2-7 Years Old
“Is your mom home?”
Nods head ‘yes’
Unable to understand that other people have different points of view
Pre-Operational 2-7 Years Old
Children focus on the perceptual;
center on what is seen, not evaluating process
Pre-Operational 2-7 Years Old
Children focus on the perceptual;
center on what is seen, not evaluating process
Pre-Operational 2-7 Years Old
“Transformational Reasoning”
Focus on the original state and the final state,
but not the process of transformation
Pre-Operational 2-7 Years Old
Inability to follow a line of reasoning back to the beginning;
cannot mentally reverse actions
Pre-Operational 2-7 Years Old
Inability to follow a line of reasoning back to the beginning;
cannot mentally reverse actions
Pre-Operational 2-7 Years Old
WHY??? - Most of life (experience) in the sensorimotor stage and beyond involve
few examples or patterns that can be perceived as reversible
Pre-Operational 2-7 Years Old
 Centration, Lack
of Transformational Reasoning,
and Lack of Reversibility = Lack of Conservation
Pre-Operational 2-7 Years Old
 Centration, Lack
of Transformational Reasoning,
and Lack of Reversibility = Lack of Conservation
Mass - 4
Mass - 6
Pre-Operational 2-7 Years Old
 Centration, Lack
of Transformational Reasoning,
and Lack of Reversibility = Lack of Conservation
Liquid - 5
Liquid - 9
Liquid - 10
Piaget and Conservation
 Piaget
suggested that each of the conservation
skills built on each other
Concrete Operational Stage
7-11 Years Old
 REMEMBER: Progress
between stages is
continuous; there are no abrupt changes!
 “Concrete”: (real, observable)
 Logical
 Seriation
 Classification
 Theory
of Mind and Social Interactions (“one
among many”)
Concrete Operational 7-11 Years Old
“Logical Operations”
 Can
use logic to develop understanding of
all of the conservation tests
 Concrete
 Still
- Real - Tangible - Physical
struggle with verbal or hypothetical
Concrete Operational 7-11 Years Old
“Logical Operations”
 Can
use logic to develop understanding of
all of the conservation tests
 Concrete
 Still
- Real - Tangible - Physical
struggle with verbal or hypothetical
Concrete Operational 7-11 Years Old
The ability to mentally arrange a set of elements accurately
along a dimension such as size, weight, and volume
Concrete Operational 7-11 Years Old
Braden's classification error
The ability to form collections of things beyond a single variable;
Understanding of relationships between classes and sub-classes
Concrete Operational 7-11 Years Old
Wooden Beads
Brown Beads
White Beads
The ability to form collections of things beyond a single variable;
Understanding of relationships between classes and sub-classes
Concrete Operational 7-11 Years Old
White-throated Robin
• Robin
• Bird
• Mammal
• Animal
• American Species
• Insectivorous
The ability to form collections of things beyond a single variable;
Understanding of relationships between classes and sub-classes
Concrete Operational 7-11 Years Old
“Theory of Mind”
The ability to take on the views of others:
This allows truly social interactions;
cooperation, sympathy and empathy
Concrete Operational 7-11 Years Old
“Theory of Mind”
The ability to take on the views of others:
This allows truly social interactions;
cooperation, sympathy and empathy
Concrete Operational 7-11 Years Old
“Theory of Mind”
Broken Lamp
NOT Oops
Application to rules: intentionality and justice
Formal Operational Stage
11+ Years Old
Adolescents begin using abstract logical thought
Quality of thinking changes; becomes like adult thinking
New form of egocentrism: Ideals vs. Reality
*Some adults do not fully enter or exercise formal operations
Formal Operational Stage - 11+
“Deductive Reasoning”
 Ability
to apply general concepts to
specific situations
 (Still
allows room for disequilibrium!)
Formal Operational Stage - 11+
“Deductive Reasoning”
Still allows room for disequilibrium!
Formal Operational Stage - 11+
“Hypothetical-Deductive Reasoning”
Ability to apply HYPOTHETICAL general concepts to specific
Ability to reason about a ‘false premise’ and still come to a
logical conclusion
Formal Operational Stage - 11+
“Inductive Reasoning”
 Ability
to reason about specific facts and come to a
general conclusion (Scientific laws)
Formal Operational Stage - 11+
“Inductive Reasoning”
 Ability
to reason about specific facts and come to a
general conclusion (Scientific laws)
Formal Operational Stage - 11+
“Inductive Reasoning”
Ability to reason about specific facts and come to a
general conclusion (Scientific laws)
Darwin’s Finches:
All Finches +
Different Traits +
Different Islands +
= Common Ancestor
= Natural Selection
Formal Operational Stage - 11+
“Combinatorial Reasoning”
 Ability
to reason about a number of variables at
one time
Not something a concrete operational child can do reliably
EX: The myriad factors that lead to poor educational results for
some groups of children and not others, and how the process
perpetuates itself!
Formal Operational Stage - 11+
“Reflective Abstraction”
Internal thought or reflection based upon available
Ability to construct new knowledge from internal reflection
and abstract thinking alone!!!
Mr. Zika’s Example
Darwin’s Finches
Formal Operational Stage - 11+
 New-found
logical abilities
 In
the mind of adolescents: if it is logical to them,
then it is always right
 If
it is illogical to them, then it is always wrong
 The
world is not always logically or rationally
Critiques of Piaget’s Theories
 Small
Sample Size (his children & eventually about
1500 total)
 He
may have underestimated ages of advancement
 Some
of the tasks he tested can be performed
successfully with some instruction
 BUT…
 Still
 Left
us with an understanding that children do
think differently
 Still
used by teachers, parents, and childcare
6 Important Concepts
 Active
 Qualitative
 Universal
 Invariant
 Age
Does Not Equal Stage
 Stage
Piaget’s 4 Stages
Lev Vygotsky
 About
same time as Piaget - Died at 38
 Addressed
the the social aspect of learning
 Piaget
and Active Construction through
Exploration VS.
 Vygotsky
says ok, but we would not go far
with that alone
 We
need guidance; knowledge from
generations before
 Can
these be reconciled, or incompatible?
does play a role
Values of types of thinking
Vygotsky and Language
 Piaget
as source of thought
- language as byproduct of thought
Speech and Inner Speech
Zone of Proximal Development
I cannot do it, even with help
I can do it, with help
I can do it on my
Are Piaget and Vygotsky
 Effects
of parents, peers, and teachers…