24+ Advanced Learning Loan Bursary Fund Policy 2013-14

24+ Advanced Learning Loan Bursary Fund Policy
This document outlines how the
College will use the 24+ Advanced
Learning Loan Bursary fund to
support vulnerable and
disadvantaged learners.
Policy Owner:
Date of last issue:
Head of Learner Services
March 2013
Approval/ Review Body:
Senior Leadership Team
Review Date:
March 2014
Date of this issue: April 2008
24+ Advanced Learning Loan Bursary Fund Policy 2013-14
1. Introduction
The Skills Funding Agency (SFA) have set aside a £50 million bursary fund (over 2 years),
dispersed by Colleges and training organisations to help vulnerable learners.
The Bursary provides a single flexible budget to fund support for disadvantaged and
vulnerable learners. All learners who have had a loan approved by the Student Loans
Company (SLC) and have registered for their course are potentially eligible, dependant on
The Bursary helps remove the barriers that Loans-funded learners might face by providing
 Discretionary Learner Support (DLS) for hardship and other difficulties such as
childcare and travel. The fund can be used at the discretion of the provider to react to
a learner’s emergency needs and local circumstances
Additional Learning Support (ALS) including exceptional ALS activity, for “inlearning” support such as for teaching assistant support, specialist equipment,
technology and necessary adjustments under the Equality Act 2010).
The Bursary Fund is distributed at the discretion of the provider and is not a learner
entitlement. However the College notes its ALS responsibility under the Equalities Act
Total allocation
Less 5% Admin costs
Total allocation for 2013-14 less admin
£ 5,742.85
2. Policy and Procedures
The SFA has allocated the 24+ Advanced Learning Loan Bursary Fund to support learners
aged 24+ who have had a loan approved by the SLC. In determining the policy that will
govern the allocation of grants from the 24+ Advanced Learning Loan Bursary Fund, the
college has followed the guidelines provided by the SFA.
Priority applicants for the 24+ Advanced Learning Loan Bursary Fund are learners who may
be disadvantaged or vulnerable as a result of:
having a learning difficulty and/or disability
having a medical condition
being ex-military personnel
being a parent with childcare responsibilities who needs additional help with childcare costs
an emergency short-term financial need (a learner may be at risk of withdrawing
from learning without emergency support)
Date of this issue: April 2008
To meet its responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010, the College will prioritise support for
learners with disabilities who make timely applications to the 24+ Advance Learning Loan
Bursary Fund.
(a) General Eligibility
Prior to application to the SLC
In order to qualify for substantial financial assistance towards disability support or
childcare/additional childcare costs a learner must fulfill the following:
 have been interviewed and assessed by a member of the College’s Disability
Support team
 be identified as in need of support
 have had support needs identified and costed prior to approval
 have been interviewed by a member of the Student Advice Team
 and identified as needing substantial financial assistance
 and have childcare needs confirmed and costed prior to approval
To have confirmation of required support from the 24+ Advanced Learning Loan Bursary
Fund, a learner must:
Have a loan approved by the SLC- verification will be required
(b) Income Criteria for financial support for childcare, course associated costs or
exceptional circumstance.
One of the following criteria must be applicable to the applicant:
On a low income / be a dependant of someone who is on a low income, in receipt of
a means tested benefit e.g. Income Support / Jobseekers Allowance, Employment
Support Allowance and or be in receipt of the highest level of Child Tax Credits.
(b i) Financial assessment
A financial assessment will be carried out in all cases. The learner will be required to
provide recent proof of income & rent/mortgage payments:
A current income support/pension/working tax credit certificate, recent correspondence
from the DWP/HMRC which specifies the benefit being received, a signed and stamped
letter from the benefit agency. (Pro forma letters are available from faculty administration
A P60
Income from Disability Living Allowance will not be counted as income in the financial
Original documents must be presented for assessment. Learners may be asked to represent these if required for audit purposes.
Date of this issue: April 2008
(c) College Criteria
The learner must: 
be fully enrolled on a L3 course at this college.
have a minimum attendance at College of 85%- however the Student Advisors may
authorise a payment if attendance is below 85% in exceptional circumstances (e.g.
(d) Other
 Students, who are in receipt of other state funding to support their study e.g. enrolled
on JCP courses will not be eligible for 24+ Advanced Learning Loan Bursary Fund
Where Early Years Funding is available, the 24+ Advanced Learning Loan Bursary
Fund will only meet additional costs required for the learner to attend time-tabled
classes. Exceptional circumstances will be considered if funds are available.
(e) Amounts Allocated
Childcare: maximum allocation per child is £175 x maximum of 43 weeks = £7,525
(ei) Eligibility for funding for childcare
 Arrangements will be made with students on an individual basis.
Registered child minders and targeted nurseries will be used where there is
Childcare will only be paid for days when a student is attending College unless there
are exceptional circumstances to support extra childcare support.
Nursery places will be subject to a contract between College/student/nursery.
Childcare payments are made subject to students reaching 85+% attendance on a
monthly basis.
Students will only be eligible for a maximum of 3 years childcare funding per family.
Childcare previously funded by LSF will be counted.
Students will only be eligible for a maximum of £175.00 per child, per week towards
the cost of childcare. Students requesting funding for more than 2 children will have
their request consider by a Learner Support Fund panel.
(eii) On course costs:
 Learners can apply for course associated costs (e.g. travel or books) however
applications will only be considered if funds are available after the priority payments
are allocated.
(eiii) Exceptional Circumstances:
 The Student Advisors may make one-of-payments to students in case of exceptional
Date of this issue: April 2008
(f) Application Process
Applications will be considered by a Panel whose members include the Vice Principal
(Quality), Head of Learner Services, a faculty Administration Services Manager and a faculty
representative. The panel will meet on a regular basis between April 2013 and December in
order to ensure that applications are dealt with as swiftly as possible. It will set dates for
subsequent terms at its first meeting. In emergencies, decisions on an application will be
made by the Head of Learner Services (acting as Chair of the Discretionary Learner Support
Panel) or Anne Sheeran (Head of School, Disability Support) and reported to the next
meeting of the panel. The Senior Student Advisor and Student Advisors and members of
the School of Disability support will attend panel meetings to advise its members about
exceptional cases.
(g) Monitoring of Expenditure
The dLS Fund coordinator will prepare a financial summary on a monthly basis for the
consideration of the panel. This will include a statement of the total allocations agreed to
date, the total funds paid out to date, and the uncommitted balance. A mid-year report will
be prepared for consideration by College governors and a full year report for presentation to
Governors in December/January. In addition to a financial summary, this will include an
analysis, by age and mode of attendance, of the applications received and the decisions
made as well as a report showing the percentage retention rate for students in receipt of
DLS Funds.
ALS expenditure from the 24+ Advanced Learner Support Bursary Fund will be recorded
separately from the College’s main ALS return.
Learners allocated 24+ Advanced Learning Loans Bursary Fund payments will be indicated
on the allocated ILR field.
(h) Other relevant information
The 24+Advanced Learning Loans Bursary Fund cannot be:
 Used to pay tuition/ exam fees
 Vired between either the co-existing DLS or ALS fund, nor the 16 – 19 Bursary
 All applications will be considered on a first come, first served basis.
Being eligible does not guarantee funding.
Grants are awarded for the duration of the student’s course subject to the
continuing availability of funds and there being no change in income available to
the student. A financial assessment will be carried out each year. Monies
unallocated at the end of the first two terms will be used to increase support for
the current recipients/support additional applications.
Date of this issue: April 2008
(i) Appeals
Should a student be unsuccessful in an initial application for support from the 24+ Advanced
Learning Loans Bursary Fund, s/he will be encouraged to seek advice from one of the
Student Advisers who will be able to identify if grounds exist for a re-submission to the
Panel, offer advice on alternative possible sources of help and assist the student in
preparing an appeal if necessary.
Appeals must be made in writing and will be considered by an appeal committee comprising
of the Head of Learner Services, a governor and a member of the College Executive.
Ita Leavy – Head of Learner Services
Sophie Knight – Senior Student Advisor
March 2013
Date of this issue: April 2008