Excel Project 5

Office 2003
Advanced Concepts and
Excel Project 5
Creating, Sorting, and
Querying a List
Create and manipulate a list
Delete sheets in a workbook
Validate data
Add computational fields to a list
Use the VLOOKUP function to look up a
value in a table
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
• Use the Toggle Total Row in a list
• Print a list
• Use a data form to display, add, and
delete records and change field values in
a list
• Sort a list on one field or multiple fields
• Display automatic subtotals
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
• Use Group and Outline features to hide
and unhide data
• Query a list
• Apply database functions, the SUMIF
function, and the COUNTIF function to
generate information from a list
• Save a workbook in different file formats
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Defining a Range as a list
• Start Excel and enter data for the list using the
instructions on pages EX 310 through EX 312
• Select the range A8:H8
• Click Data on the menu bar and then point to
List on the Data menu
• Click Create List on the List submenu
• When Excel displays the Create List dialog box,
click the My list has headers check box
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Defining a Range as a list
• Click the OK button
• If Excel does not display the List toolbar
automatically, right-click any toolbar at the
top of the Excel window and then click List
on the shortcut menu
• Dock the List toolbar immediately below
the Formatting toolbar
• Scroll down until row 7 is at the top of the
worksheet window and then select cell A9
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Defining a Range as a list
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Formatting the Insert Row
in an Empty List
• Select the range A9:H9 and then click the Bold button on
the Formatting toolbar
• Select the range B9:H9 and then click the Center button
on the Formatting toolbar
• Right-click cell D9. Click Format Cells on the shortcut
menu. When Excel displays the Format Cells dialog
box, click the Number tab, click Date in the Category list,
click 03/14/01 in the Type list, and then click the OK
• Select the range G9:H9 and then click the Comma Style
button on the Formatting toolbar. Click the Decrease
Decimal button on the Formatting toolbar twice so
columns G and H will display whole numbers
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Validating Data
• Select cell B9, the cell in the insert row
below the Gender column heading in cell
• Click Data on the menu bar
• Click Validation on the Data menu
• When Excel displays the Data Validation
dialog box, click the Settings tab, click the
Allow box arrow, and then click List in the
Allow list
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Validating Data
• Type F, M in the Source box
• Click In-cell dropdown to clear it
• Click the Error Alert tab
• If necessary, click Show error alert after
invalid data is entered
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Validating Data
• Click the Style box arrow
and then click Stop in the
Style list
• Type Gender Invalid
in the Title box
• Type Gender code
must be an F or M.
in the Error message box
• Click the OK button
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Entering Records into a List
Using a Data Form
• If necessary, select cell A9 to activate the
• Click Data on the menu bar
• Click Form on the Data menu
• Enter the first sales rep’s record into the
data form as shown in Figure 5-14 on
page EX 319 and click the New button
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Entering Records into a List
Using a Data Form
• Using the technique in the previous step,
enter the remaining records as shown in
Figure 5-1a on page EX 307
• Click the Close button to complete the last
record entry
• Click the Save button on the Standard
toolbar to save the workbook using the file
name, Soccer Gear Sales Rep List
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Entering Records into a List
Using a Data Form
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Adding New Fields to a List
• Select cell I8, type % of Quota, click cell J8,
type Grade, click cell H8, click the Format
Painter button on the Standard toolbar, and then
drag through the range I8:J8
• Select cell I9, enter =h9 / g9 as the formula,
click the Percent Style button on the Formatting
toolbar, and then click the Increase Decimal
button on the Formatting toolbar twice
• Select the range I9:J9, click the Bold button on
the Formatting toolbar, and then click the Center
button on the Formatting toolbar
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Adding New Fields to a List
• Select the range A7:J7, right-click the
selected range, click Format Cells on the
shortcut menu, click the Alignment tab,
click the Horizontal box arrow, click Center
Across Selection, and then click the OK
• Click cell I9 and then drag the fill handle
down through cell I20
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Adding New Fields to a List
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Using the VLOOKUP Function to
Determine Letter Grades
• Create the lookup table using the instructions on
page EX 324
• With cell J9 selected, type =vlookup (i9,
$l$3:$m$7, 2 as the cell entry and click the
Enter box
• With cell J9 selected, drag the fill handle through
cell J20 to copy the function to the range
• Select cell A22 to deselect the range J9:J20
• Scroll down until row 7 is at the top of the
worksheet window
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Using the VLOOKUP Function to
Determine Letter Grades
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Using the Toggle Total Row Button
• Select cell A9 to make the list active. Click
the Toggle Total button on the List toolbar
• Select cell H22
• When Excel displays an arrow on the right
side of the cell, click the arrow
• Click Sum in the list
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Using the Toggle Total Row Button
• Select cell G22, click the arrow on the right
side of the cell, and then click Sum in the
• Select cell C22, click the arrow on the right
side of the cell, and then click Average in
the list
• Select cell A9
• Click the Toggle Total Row button on the
List toolbar
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Using the Toggle Total Row Button
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Using the Print List Button
• With the list active,
click the Toggle Total
Row button to show
the total row
• Click the Print List
button on the List
• Click the Toggle Total
Row button to hide
the total row
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Viewing a Record
Using a Data Form
• With the list active, click
the List button on the List
toolbar and then click
Form on the List button
• When Excel displays the
data form, click the Find
Next button until the sixth
record in the list appears
on the data form
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Sorting a List in Ascending Sequence by
Name Using the Sort Ascending Button
• Select cell A9 and
then point to the Sort
Ascending button on
the Standard toolbar
• Click the Sort
Ascending button
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Sorting a List in Descending Sequence by
Name Using the Sort Descending Button
• If necessary, select
cell A9
• Click the Sort
Descending button on
the Standard toolbar
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Sorting a List Using the Sort
Command on a Column Heading List
• Click the Hire Date
arrow as shown
• Click Sort Ascending
in the Hire Date list
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Sorting a List on Multiple Fields Using the
Sort Command on the List Button Menu
• With a cell in the list active, click the List
button on the List toolbar
• Click the Sort command on the List button
• When Excel displays the Sort dialog box,
click the Sort by box arrow
• Scroll down the list and then click Sales
Area. Click the first Then by box arrow
and then click Gender
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Sorting a List on Multiple Fields Using the
Sort Command on the List Button Menu
• Click the second Then by box arrow and
then click Quota
• Click Descending in the second Then by
• Click the OK button
• After viewing the sorted list, click the Hire
Date arrow and then click Sort Ascending
in the Hire Date list to sort the list into its
original sequence
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Sorting a List on Multiple Fields Using the
Sort Command on the List Button Menu
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Displaying Automatic Subtotals
in a List
• Click the State arrow in cell E8 and then
click Sort Ascending in the State list
• Select cell A7 to make the list inactive
• Click Data on the menu bar
• Click Subtotals on the Data menu
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Displaying Automatic Subtotals
in a List
• When Excel displays the Subtotal dialog
box, click the At each change in box arrow
and then click St.
• If necessary, select Sum in the Use
function list
• In the Add subtotal to list, click Grade to
clear it and then click Quota and YTD
Sales to select them
• Click the OK button
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Displaying Automatic Subtotals
in a List
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Zooming Out on a Subtotaled List
and Using the Outline Feature
• Click the Zoom box on the Standard toolbar,
type 90 as the new value, and then press the
• Click the row level symbol 2 on the left side of
the window
• Click each of the lower three show detail
symbols (+) on the left side of the window
• Click the row level symbol 3 on the left side of
the window to show all detail rows
• Click the Zoom box arrow on the Standard
toolbar and then click 100% in the Zoom list
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Zooming Out on a Subtotaled List
and Using the Outline Feature
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Querying a List Using AutoFilter
• With the list active,
click the arrow to the
right of Gender in cell
• Click F in the Gender
• Click the Sales Area
arrow in row 8
• Click Inside in the
Sales Area list
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Showing All Records in a List
• With the list active,
click Data on the
menu bar and point to
• Click Show All on the
Filter submenu
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Querying a List Using the
Advanced Filter Command
• Select cell A9 to activate
the list
• Click Data on the menu
bar and then point to
Filter on the Data menu
• Click Advanced Filter on
the Filter submenu
• Click the OK button in the
Advanced Filter dialog
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Using the DAVERAGE and
DCOUNT Database Functions
• Select cell O1, and then enter Criteria as the criteria
area title. Select cell L1, click the Format Painter button
on the Standard toolbar, and then select cell O1
• Select cell O2 and then enter Gender as the field name.
Select cell P2 and enter Gender as the field name.
Select cell Q2 and then enter Grade as the field name.
Select cell L2. Click the Format Painter button on the
Standard toolbar. Drag through the range O2:Q2
• Enter F in cell O3 as the Gender code for female sales
reps. Enter M in cell P3 as the Gender code for male
sales reps. Enter A in cell Q3 as the Grade value.
Select M3, click the Format Painter button on the
Formatting toolbar, and then drag through the range
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Using the DAVERAGE and
DCOUNT Database Functions
• Enter Average Female Age = = = = = > in
cell O4. Enter Average Male Age = = = =
= = => in cell O5. Enter Grade A Count =
= = = = = = = = = > in cell O6
• Select cell R4 and then enter
=daverage(a8:j20, “Age”, o2:o3) as the
database function
• Select cell R5 and then enter
=daverage(a8:j20, “Age”, p2:p3) as the
database function
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Using the DAVERAGE and
DCOUNT Database Functions
• Select cell R6 and then enter
=dcount(a8:j20, “Age”, q2:q3) as
the database function
• Select the range O4:R6 and then click the
Bold button on the Formatting toolbar
• Select the range R4:R5 and then click the
Comma Style button on the Formatting
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Using the DAVERAGE and
DCOUNT Database Functions
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Using the SUMIF
and COUNTIF Functions
• Enter Grade A YTD Sales Sum = =
=> in cell O8
• Enter Female Sales Rep Count = =
> in cell O9
• Select cell R8 and then enter
=SUMIF(j9:j20,”A”,h9:h20) as the
• Select cell R9 and then enter
=COUNTIF(b9:b20,”F”) as the function
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Using the SUMIF
and COUNTIF Functions
• Select the range O8:R9 and then click the
Bold button on the Formatting toolbar
• Select cell R8, click the Comma Style
button on the Formatting toolbar, and then
click the Decrease Decimal button on the
Formatting toolbar twice
• Double-click the right border of column
heading R to change the width of column
R to best fit
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Using the SUMIF
and COUNTIF Functions
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Saving a Workbook
in CSV File Format
• Select the list in the range A8:I20
• Click the Copy button on the Standard
• Click the New button on the Standard
• With cell A1 selected in the new workbook,
click the Paste button on the Standard
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Saving a Workbook
in CSV File Format
• Click the Select All button, point to the right
border of the column A heading, and doubleclick to set all column widths to best fit
• Select cell A15
• With a floppy disk in drive A, click the Save
button on the Standard toolbar
• When Excel displays the Save As dialog box,
type Soccer Hear Sales Rep List CSV in
the File name text box
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Saving a Workbook
in CSV File Format
• Click the Save as type box arrow and then scroll
down and click CSV (Comma delimited) in the
Save as type list
• If necessary, click 3½ Floppy (A:) in the Save in
list, click the Save button in the Save As dialog
box, and then click the OK button and the Yes
button in the Microsoft Excel dialog boxes when
they appear
• Click the workbook Close button on the right
side of the Excel title bar
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Saving a Workbook
in CSV File Format
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Create and manipulate a list
Delete sheets in a workbook
Validate data
Add computational fields to a list
Use the VLOOKUP function to look up a
value in a table
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
• Use the Toggle Total Row in a list
• Print a list
• Use a data form to display, add, and
delete records and change field values in
a list
• Sort a list on one field or multiple fields
• Display automatic subtotals
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
• Use Group and Outline features to hide
and unhide data
• Query a list
• Apply database functions, the SUMIF
function, and the COUNTIF function to
generate information from a list
• Save a workbook in different file formats
Excel Project 5: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a List
Office 2003
Advanced Concepts and
Excel Project 5