Summer Information Packet




Dear Falcon Band Members and Parents,

Enclosed you will find your packet of important summer information for the Foothills Falcon Band. Please read through the entire packet carefully. Some of these forms are due immediately and others are due later in the summer. The contents include:

Falcon Band Communication options

CFSD – Use of Technology Resources in Instruction form

Form A - Receipt of Summer Band Packet

Form B - Band Boosters Volunteer Form

Form C - CFHS Band District Fee Worksheet

Form D - CFHS Band Booster Fee Payment Form

Form E - Uniform Contract

Why Band Boosters?

Noteworthy Donor Form

Advertise with Band Boosters

Band Calendar 2015-2016

Band Camp Itinerary


For incoming freshmen

Form A and CFSD Use of Technology forms must both be signed by parents and students. Three forms:

Form A, CFSD Use of Technology, and Form B (Volunteer Form) must be returned to your middle school band room by May 18.

For returning high school students

Form A and CFSD Use of Technology forms must both be signed parents and students. Three forms:

Form A, CFSD Use of Technology, and Form B (Volunteer Form) must be brought to school in order to be

admitted to your band final.

District Band Fee Worksheet – Form C – district fees for Fine Arts classes must be paid along with all other school fees online during CFHS Online Check-In. Please complete the Form C worksheet to determine which fees you will pay online.

DO NOT write a check – just turn in the worksheet for our records along with your Booster Fee form at Band Camp Sunday

Send-off on July 19. (Note: We do not want financial hardship to keep anyone from participating in band. Should you need to apply for a district fee waiver, please contact Renee Shane-Boyd at


Booster Fees – Form D – must be submitted as you board the bus for Band Camp. Students attending Extreme Band

Camp will bring their fees to the first day of camp. Please fill out the Booster Fee form and turn it in at camp check-in even if you don’t need to purchase anything new this year. Questions? Email


Uniform Contract – Form E – must be signed by parents and students and turned in during uniform fitting in August.

Student section leaders will be phoning to invite your student to attend music workshops and fun section events in June.

Please attend if at all possible! Final Band Camp information and any updated calendar information will be emailed to all band families in late June. We do most of our communication via email, so be sure to check your email for updates and reminders about band through the summer and the school year. If you have any questions, please email me at

. I hope you have an enjoyable summer. See you in July!


Renee Shane-Boyd, Director of Bands



Incoming Freshman

Where to turn in form

Due Date

Returning High

School Students

Where to turn in form

Due Date




Middle school band room

May 18, 2015 Band room

Day of band final

This form must be signed by parents and students


Middle school band room

May 18, 2015 Band room

Day of band final


Turn in the completed worksheet before boarding the bus for

Band Camp on

July 19

Pay these fees


Turn in the completed worksheet before boarding the bus for

Band Camp on

July 19

Pay these fees


These fees will be paid to

CFSD online along with other school fees. Do NOT write a check for these fees.


CFHS patio

Band Camp




July 19, 2015

CFHS patio

Band Camp




July 19, 2015

Make check payable to




Uniform room in band room


Uniform fitting

Uniform room in band room


Uniform fitting


Last year in the Falcon Band we successfully implemented two new methods of immediate communication to get information and reminders to students quickly. Your student may now choose to receive text messages and/or join a closed and monitored Band Facebook group to get band information quickly. We will continue to send information and updates via Band Booster email messages as well.

Starting the day after school ends, we will begin to send text messages and Facebook updates as needed for the summer and the upcoming school year. Parents and students must complete and return the attached CFSD Use of Technology

Resources form to their band director during the finals period for your student to participate.

Here are the options for communication:

Band Facebook Page: your student may request to be a member of the Catalina Foothills Marching Band 2015/16

Facebook page. They will not be Facebook friends with any of the teachers by doing this, and it is a closed group, available only to admin-approved students. Students can join the page by emailing their section leader to request membership. Student section leaders will be contacting each member of their section by May 29, so you will have their contact information. (This does not apply to jazz groups and small ensembles.)

Group Text Messages – Remind 101: Your student can receive group texts from Ms. Shane-Boyd through Remind 101.

She will not be able to see your student’s phone number, and students will not be able to see hers, but they can receive immediate information regarding the program. They can join after May 21 by texting the appropriate code for their group to this number: 81010. Students from last year will need to re-register after May 21, because this year’s groups will be deleted on that day.

Pomline members text: @cfpl

Colorguard members text: @cfcg2015

Marching band text: @cfmb2015

Student Leaders text: @cfsl

Jazz Band text: @cfjb

Jazz Combo text: @cfjc2015

Flute Choir text: @cffc2015

Clarinet Choir text: @cfcc2015

All new and returning students must return the signed CFSD Use of Technology form to Ms. Shane-Boyd during their band final exam period, or to their middle school band director on or before their last class day in order to receive or participate in this type of communication over the summer.

• Email via Band Boosters: We will continue to do most of our Falcon Band communication via email, so be sure to check your email for updates and reminders about band through the summer and the school year.

If you have any questions, please email Renee Shane-Boyd at


Band Boosters at



 Incoming freshmen must turn in this form to their middle school band room by May 19.

 Returning high school students must have this form to be admitted to their band final.

Student Name

Family E-Mail Address where you can receive band information over the summer.

We have received the summer band packet and have reviewed all materials. We understand that Forms A and B must be turned in as indicated above and Forms C, D, and E must be turned in prior to the first day of school. We have read the enclosed band camp itinerary and list of what to bring. We have reviewed the schedule of performances for next year, and we understand that concert excuse forms must be submitted one month in advance in order to be excused from a performance.

Date Student Name Student Signature

Parent Signature Date Parent Name


turn in by May 18


Parent Name: _____________________________ Student Name: ___________________________

Circle your skills: PowerPoint Excel QuickBooks Word Website Office Help Grant Writing

Accounting Artistic Crafty Construction Handyman Medical Sales Sewing

Please mark several and try them out to see what you enjoy helping with the most. Friendly committee chairs will guide you!

Band Camp Send-Off ………………………………………………………..……….………………………….….……………. Aug

Booster Attire & Accessories (help with orders & distribution) …………………………………..…………ongoing

Butter Braid (help with pastry orders & distribution) ………………………………………………...…………..Oct-Nov

Car Washes (organize on a few Saturday mornings) ………………………………………………….………….. ongoing

Chaperone Competitions, Away Games & other Events …………………………………………...…………… occasional

Concert Ticket Sales (help sell tickets at school concerts) …………………………………………….……….occasional

Eighth Grade Marching Night (help organize & serve refreshments) ………………………………….… Oct

End Of Year Banquet (help plan and run band banquet ) ……………………………………….…………….. May

Football Game Set -up (rope off band section, set up water coolers at home games) ………….. 5 home games

Gaslight Theatre Fundraiser (help with ticket orders & distribution) ……………………………...…….TBD

Gift Card Basket Raffle (help with donations and make baskets) ………………………………………… Dec

Grocery Cards & eScrip (sign up supporters and sell grocery cards) …………………………………….. ongoing

Holiday Bazaar (coordinate vendors for fundraiser) ………………………..…………………………….……… Nov-Dec

Hospitality (serve lunch to hungry students on Saturday competition days) ………………………. Aug-Nov

Marching Shoes Distribution ………………………………………………………………………………………...……….. Aug

Misc. help as needed (variety of tasks) …………………………………………………………………………………. occasional

Photography (take digital photos at events & upload to Shutterfly) ………………………………….… ongoing

Pictures in Uniform (help plan and run band Picture Day) ………………………………………...…...…… Fall

Pit Crew (set up props/podiums during show at games & competitions) ……………………...…… Aug-Nov

Plumes (distribute plumes to students at football games) …………………………………………………… Aug-Nov

Publicity (submit articles and or pictures to local newspapers) …………………………………………… occasional

Restaurant Fundraisers (coordinate with local restaurants) …………………………………………………..ongoing

Sewing Committee (alter/mend colorguard, pom & marching uniforms) ………………...…...…… Aug

Uniform Accessories (sell gloves, socks, t-shirts, shoes before games & competitions)……..…. Aug-Nov

Uniform Distribution (before & after games, competitions & trips) ……………………………...…..…. ongoing




Yard Sale (help plan and run spring yard sale) ………………………………………………………………………..Mar-Apr




*** Turn in this COMPLETED FORM ONLY – no fees - at Band Camp check-in, Sunday July 19 ***



2015-2016 GRADE LEVEL


PLEASE CIRCLE ALL YOUR CLASSES: concert band symphonic band wind ensemble drumline

colorguard pomline flute choir woodwind quintet jazz band jazz combo

beginning steel 1st sem beginning steel 2nd sem intermediate steel advanced steel


This fee is for all school activities with an extra-curricular component. Pay this fee if you are in concert band, symphonic band, wind ensemble, beginning, intermediate, or advanced steel, drumline, jazz band, jazz combo, colorguard, pomline, flute choir, or woodwind quintet.


($25) $

($55) $

Pay this fee if you are in concert band, symphonic band, wind ensemble, jazz band, jazz combo, colorguard, or pomline.


Pay this fee if you are in Intermediate or Advanced steel drum.

($55) $


All members of marching band, drumline (cymbals, battery, pit),and colorguard pay this fee.

Pomline members DO NOT pay this fee. They will purchase sideline uniforms separately.


All percussionists must pay this fee including cymbals, pit & battery.

Steel drum does not pay this fee.

($75) $


$15 Beginning Steel, one semester

$25 Beginning Steel whole year, Intermediate Steel, Advanced Steel



$95, if using school-owned sousaphone, bari sax, baritone, bass clarinet, piccolo, trombone

$50, if using school-owned mellophone)




You will pay these fees online as part of your CFHS Online Check-In .

Turn in this Worksheet only on July 19, when boarding the bus for Band Camp .

These fees are eligible for State Tax Credit. Please keep a copy of the receipt of your online payment transaction to serve as a receipt for your tax records. If you have financial difficulties, please contact Renee Shane-Boyd at

prior to the first day of school to avoid the late fee.


These fees are due at Band Camp check-in, Sunday July 19


2015-16 GRADE (circle) 9 10 11 12


(circle) Concert Symphonic Wind Colorguard Pomline Jazz Steel Small Ensemble



Girls in Concert Band & Symphonic Band and ALL boys. Size will be determined at uniform fitting.

($25) $


– Wind Ensemble Boys only


Tuba players only

($6) $

($10) $


-BLACK All brass, woodwind & percussion players must wear these.

Size will be determined when you are fitted for your uniform.

($40) $


– Drumline, colorguard, pomline do not need gloves. Others: 1 or more pairs, ea

($5) $


– Drumline, colorguard, pomline do not need gloves. Others: 1 or more pairs, ea

($5) $


– New this year! Before football games. Must preorder, cannot purchase on game day.

($18) $____________


Seniors only, to cover cost of annual group tribute photo in yearbook ($4) $



Yes, I’d like to support the band, colorguard and pomline by becoming a member of the

($30) $

Band Boosters for the 2015-2016 school year. Membership includes two free tickets to each concert including jazz & steel drum. Note: concert adult ticket price is $8.


I am enclosing an extra (tax deductible) donation to the band program, and I have completed the Noteworthy Donor form included in this summer packet.


Check No. TOTAL $

If you have financial difficulties, please contact Ms. Shane-Boyd at

prior to the first day of school to avoid a $10 LATE FEE. Questions about the fees and forms? Email Band Boosters at


Do you shop at Safeway? Please support the CFHS Band by telling us your Safeway Club Card number. We will link your card via eScrip, and every time you shop, the band will earn money. This is our biggest fundraiser and it costs you absolutely nothing!

Parents’ Names Phone #

(used at Safeway)

E-Mail Address

Can’t find your card?

Safeway Club Card Number (11 digits) # __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

(Call 1-800-SAFEWAY to get the number)

If you are already an eScrip supporter and you want to split your contributions, please specify the additional group names here:

(1) CFHS Band Boosters (2) _______________________________ (3) _______________________________


*** Keep this form over the summer, and complete it and turn it in at your uniform fitting in August. ***

Marching Band consists of the instrumentalists, Pit, Colorguard and Pomline!

You will soon receive the band handbook. In the handbook are the rules and guidelines for the instrumentalists, pit, colorguard & pomline uniforms. Please read and become familiar with what is expected of you.

There will be no food and drinks other than water allowed beyond the front doors of the band building one half hour before uniforms are distributed. While in any of the uniforms for the Marching Band, including colorguard and pomline, you will not eat or drink anything other than water. We strongly suggest you eat before uniforms are distributed for each performance.

You will not be assigned a uniform until this contract has been signed, returned and all fees paid.

We will be measuring but not fitting freshman & new students for uniforms on New Student days (July 16-17). All students will try on their uniforms during their August Uniform fitting. Pomline & colorguard must bring this signed form to the band room during their CFHS check-in.

Parents are welcome to come in & inspect their child’s uniform the week of the first performance after all uniforms have been assigned. To set up a time to check your student’s uniform, email Band Boosters at




I understand and agree to meet all requirements of uniform and maintenance listed in the band handbook. I understand I am responsible for all damage that I do to my uniform or someone else’s uniform, and I agree to pay for any such damages.

Student Name Student Signature

Parent Name

Circle One: BAND PIT

Parent Signature


Marching Band Uniform No.:_____________________________________________________________

Please list below any flaws, stains or buttons missing (student will fill this out after being assigned a uniform):


The Catalina Foothills High School (CFHS) Band Booster organization is very proud of our award-winning music program.

Our students marched in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, at the Fiesta Bowl National Band Championship, and in

Beijing, China; Sydney, Australia; Honolulu and Disneyland, all in the last few years. We have the largest high school marching band in the state of Arizona with well over 200 instrumental, colorguard and pomline students. We have more than 100 additional students who participate in jazz, concert, steel drum and small ensembles. Our groups have a reputation for excellence, receiving multiple awards each year at local and state-wide competitions.

Did you know that it costs close to $1000 in bus and truck rentals to transport the CFHS marching band to an in-town competition? It costs about $500 to place one student in a marching uniform!

Add the costs of salaries for teachers and coaches, pom poms, flags, rifles and accessories, instrument maintenance, music license fees, competition fees, marching show choreography, student leadership and master musician classes... and soon one understands what it takes to sustain a music program of this caliber. Funding from the Catalina Foothills School

District is only able to meet a portion of the CFHS music program's estimated budget.

How does Band Boosters support the band?


Fundraisers: Band Booster fundraising activities help cover the difference between what the district is able to contribute and what the band program requires to maintain excellence.


Volunteer Support: Band Booster parent volunteers fill many roles, from fundraising, chairing committees, baking, sewing, copying, computer work, chaperoning, heavy lifting, feeding the kids, taking pictures, and much more. When you consider volunteering in any capacity, rest assured that there are many seasoned volunteers to help you learn the job.


Scholarship/Student Accounts: Band Boosters sponsor band camp scholarships and volunteer events for students who wish to raise funds for their personal student accounts to help pay for travel fees.

What can I do to support the band?

Join Band Boosters: Your $30 membership dues entitle you to 2 free tickets to all band concerts! Monthly Band

Booster meetings are a great way to stay informed and get involved. We welcome every volunteer and have a variety of jobs. Come be part of the fun and memories!

Noteworthy Donor: Make a donation to the band program and your name will appear in all concert programs throughout the year as a Noteworthy Donor!

Buy Grocery Gift Cards: Bashas’ grocery cards are used like cash at no additional cost to you: 6% of receipt totals is donated to the band, and we place 1.5% into your student account for payment of your child’s band travel fees.

Register with eScrip for Safeway shopping, Fry’s Food Stores, and AmazonSmile, and a percentage of your purchases will be donated to Band Boosters, at no cost to you.

Support Band Booster Fundraisers: Browse our website for details about Booster Accessories including monogrammed sweatshirts and duffle bags which make great student gifts. Support other fundraisers during the year including Butter Braid frozen pastries, car washes, restaurant fundraisers, Gaslight Theatre, CFHS blanket sales, the annual Yard Sale and many more.

Advertise: Purchase an ad for your business to be printed in our concert programs.

Want more information? Visit our website at

, email us at

, and “like” our Facebook page: CFHS Band Boosters

Donation Form 2015-2016

Band Boosters welcomes sponsorships from individuals and businesses seeking to support music education. When you choose to sponsor the CFHS Band Program, the history of excellence continues. Noteworthy donations help provide:

 supplemental music, instruments and equipment

 master classes and seasonal rehearsal staff

 colorguard and pomline coaches, uniforms and supplies

 student awards and student leadership training

 band camp scholarships, so no student is denied the chance to participate in this great program

Families and businesses making a monetary donation at one of our NOTE levels will be recognized and thanked in every concert program throughout the school year. The suggested donation levels are:

Donation Amount

Silver Baton level: $1000 and above $ ______________

Director's circle: $500 to $999 $ ______________

Whole Note:

Half Note:

$250 - $499

$100 - $249

Quarter Note: $50 - $99

$ ______________

$ ______________

$ ______________

Eighth Note: $25 - $49 $ ______________

Student Name _______________________________ Parent Name ________________________

Family Phone _______________________________ Family Email __________________________

Sponsor’s name (as you would like it to appear in the concert program):


Please make checks payable to CFHS Band Boosters. Your donation is tax deductible.

Turn in this completed form and payment to the folder on the table in the band room or mail to:

CFHS Band Boosters, PO Box 64193, Tucson, AZ 85728-4193

For questions, please contact Patti Wisnom at

Thank you for your generous gift!


Are you a physician, health services provider, accountant, or small business owner? Do you have other family members who are? Would you or they like to take advantage of a great opportunity to advertise to several hundred Catalina

Foothills families for a very reasonable cost?

Do we have a deal for you!

You can not only advertise your business and services to hundreds of Foothills families, but you can also support the CFHS band program all at the same time. Your ad can be placed in all the CFHS concert programs (more than 10 per year!) and band newsletters (November, February and May) throughout the 2015-2016 school year. The ads are very reasonably priced and proceeds will benefit all of our students in the band program.

Fill out the form below and submit with your ad and payment to:

CFHS Band Boosters, attn: Ads, PO Box 64193, Tucson, AZ 85728-4193

Business Name _______________________________________________________________________

Contact _____________________________________________________________________________

Address _____________________________________________________________________________

City__________________________________________________AZ / Zip _________________________

Phone______________________ Email ____________________________________________________

Type of ad:

_____________ $ 50: 1.75"x2" Half Business Card

_____________ $100: 3.5" x 2" Business Card

_____________ $250: 5" x 2" Advertisement

_____________ $375: 5" x 4" Half Page Advertisement

_____________ $500: 5" x 8" Full Page Advertisement

Your advertisement will be included in the next possible concert program or Falcon Band Notes newsletter following receipt of your check and will appear in all subsequent band publications during the 2015-2016 school year. Submit by

September 18, 2015 to guarantee an ad in the first concert program of the year!

For questions, please contact Jenny Lessie, 575-5584 or

Thank you for supporting the CFHS band program!


______ Pencil

______ Alarm clock

______ Itinerary

______ Wristwatch

______ Hat - you will be outside a lot! Students will be wearing hats.

______ Water bottles are required. An insulated 1/2 gallon Coleman jug works best. Write your name on it.

______ Sunscreen

______ Instrument and accessories, including reeds

______ Music Lyre to hold marching music flip folder

______ Flip Folder for music

______ Drummers need notebook with wind sheets

______ Percussionists need folding music stand

______ Flashlight

______ Sleeping Bag

______ Pillow

______ Casual clothes - shirts, shorts, jeans, jackets. (It might be cooler in Prescott, so plan accordingly.)

______ Comfortable tennis shoes - required for marching. No marching in sandals.

______ A second pair of tennis shoes in case of rain

______ Attire for Spirit Days: Wear Waldo Day, Evil Twin Day, Class Spirit Day, Section Spirit Day

______ Swim Suit

______ Towel for swimming

______ Toiletries/personal hygiene products

______ Wash cloths and towels

______ Bug spray

______ Money for fast food and games: Sunday lunch, Night on the Town, and a snack on the way home from camp

______ $2 tip for the bus drivers

______ Parental luggage consent form, signed - print a copy from the Falcon Band classroom website

______ Videos rated G, PG, or PG-13 - no R ratings allowed

______ Talent show equipment

______ Things to decorate your door for the door-decorating contest

______ A positive attitude and a desire to have a great time!

What NOT to bring:

 Anything that is not allowed at school

 Anything of value (other than your instrument) that you might lose

Questions? Email Band Boosters at
