Lesson 7 - Kirkintilloch High School

Higher PE
Preparation of the Body
Lesson 7 – Principles of Training
Lesson 7 – Principles of Training
Today we will
• Research Project Feedback
• Phases of the season
• Develop understanding of Principles of Training
• Consider how we use Principles of Training to create
training programme
Research Homework
V =
O2 =
Max =
Vo2 Max
Heart and Lungs
VO2 Max
Like a car your body requires fuel to work. In the case of your body this fuel
is oxygen. The harder your work the more oxygen your body requires.
VO2 max refers to the maximum amount of oxygen that your body can use
during intense or maximal exercise.
VO2 max is measured as "milliliters of oxygen used in one minute per
kilogram of body weight."
VO2 max is generally considered the best indicator of an athlete's aerobic
endurance or level of cardio respiratory endurance.
Theoretically, the larger your VO2 max the more oxygen you can use during
high level exercise, therefore the more fuel you can produce.
VO2 max, or maximal oxygen uptake, is one factor that can determine an
athlete's capacity to perform sustained aerobic exercise and is linked to
cardio respiratory endurance
Calculating VO2 max
The following website can be used to help you calculate VO2 max by
inputting your performance in the multi stage fitness test
Excellent Superior
25 - 30
31 - 34
35 - 38
39 - 41
35 - 37
38 - 44
45 - 50
51 - 55
Research Homework
Cardio Training Zone
Cardio Training Zone
Your heart is a muscle like any other muscle in the body.
Your heart rate is an indicator of how strong your heart is
Those who are fitter have a stronger heart which is able to pump
more blood with each beat
Think of it like your arm muscles, stronger arms lift heavier
weight. Stronger heart pumps more blood
Therefore a person who is fit tends to have a lower heart rate
Like any muscle you can increase the strength of your heart by
The intensity at which you work impacts on the changes that
occur in your hear
Cardio Training Zone
The intensity at which you work impacts on the changes that
occur in your hear
Like any exercise the work you carry out alters how the muscle develops
Working at between 60%-80% of maximum heart rate will strengthen
heart and improve aerobic capacity
To calculate HR for Training Zone =
220 – age = max HR
(Max HR ÷ 100) x HR%
= Target HR for training zone
Phases of Training
Copy and answer the below in your jotter
Training can take place at 3 times of the training year these are…
Preparation period
Competition period
Transition period
Pre season
During the season
Off season
Phases of Training
Training can take place at 3 times of the training year these are…
Preparation period
Competition period
Transition period
– Pre season
– During the season
– Off season
Phases of Training – Preparation Phase
Partner task - instructions
With your shoulder partner number yourself 1-2
You will each be required to read over a paragraph on the Preparation
After reading the paragraph return to your partner and explain what you
have read. You can both make notes at this point
You will work alternatively and have 60s to read the paragraph, you will
each go twice
On completion you will have to write your own explanation of the
Preparation period
Phases of Training – Competition Phase
Summarise in your jotter
During the competition period you maintain your physical fitness.
Your aim is to ensure that you benefit from your pre-season training during
the competitive phase of the season.
Within the competitive period there may be particular competitions /
fixtures of special importance. You will want to ‘peak’ for these
In peaking for a special performance you fine tune your training with a
special event or competition in mind.
Part of your training will involved a period of ‘tapering down’ your training
before hand to avoid fatigue. i.e. Lighter training on a Thursday/Friday if
event is a Saturday.
Recap Principles of Training
Page 6 of ‘Monitoring Programme of Work –
Training Diary’ booklet
Recap Principles of Training
Peer Marking
Swap booklet with your
Turn to page 7
Mark your partners answers
to the matching exercise
Principles of Training
Length of my rest interval
Number of weeks my training
programme lasts for
How long I have to work for
Appropriate to my ability
Fitness will return to normal when if I stop training
How many times I repeat the work
How many times a week I train
% of maximum heart rate I work at
Making training more difficult as my performance improves
Progressive Overload
Suitable for the activity and my position
Appropriate to my improving fitness level
How hard I work
Homework – Wednesday 17th Sept
Complete tasks in ‘Monitoring Programme of Work – Training Diary’ booklet