Ce este o amprent* ecologic*? - European schools for a living planet

Ce este o amprentă ecologică?
Ce este o amprentă ecologică?
Explain the concept of Ecological Footprint
Let’s imagine a cow in a field as an analogy. The cow needs to eat
grass to stay alive and do his job. After the cow eats, he will
produce waste which will be absorbed into the field. But the cow
does not need an endless amount of grass or a very large field. So
the question becomes, how much field does the cow need?
n Ecological Footprinting, the cow is the economy and the field is the natural
resources. Like the cow in the example above, the economy needs to consume
natural resources and after it is done with them, it will spit them out as waste
which are absorbed into the Earth. So, the question becomes, how much natural
resources and land are needed to support the economy and sustain the same
standard of living.
Cum să micşorăm amprenta ecologică?
-Să utilizăm mai puţin combustibil.
-When the oil price is sky rocketing it is not
difficult to convince people to use less gas.
Fortunately using less gas is one of the most
effective ways to reduce Ecological Footprint.
Instead of driving, you can car pool, buy fuel
efficient cars such as hybrid and electric cars, drive
less, use other forms of fuels other than gasoline to
fuel your cars.
Cum să micşorăm amprenta ecologică?
-Să salvăm resursele de energie!
While you can afford the light and electricity bills,
turning them off can help reduce Ecological
Footprint. When possible, turn off the lights, turn
off air conditioning, turn off gas, power down the
computers. This will not only save you money, it is
key to helping to sustain the natural resources in
the world.
Cum să micşorăm amprenta ecologică?
-Să reciclăm mai mult!
-Many people are already aware of the needs to
recycle. Many cities in developed countries have
already raised awareness for people to recycle
paper, glass, plastic, cans and other recyclable
products. Recycling helps with reducing Ecological
Cum să micşorăm amprenta ecologică?
- Să cumpărăm produse prietenoase!
There are many products in department stores,
convenient stores, Walmart and other stores that
are ecological friendly. One way to
reduce Ecological Footprint is to buy eco-friendly
products as well as recycled products.
- Să reducem deşeurile!
Reducing waste helps reduce Ecological Footprint. There are
many ways you can reduce wastes in your everyday life. You can
buy in bulk or purchase items that can be re-used rather than
one time used and thrown away.
Not only you can reduce wasted products, you can reduce
wasted natural resources such as water. You can try to use less
water in gardening, lawncare or even when taking a bath or
enjoying your spa.
Cum să micşorăm amprenta ecologică?
- Să susţinem businessul local şi APL!
In a developed city or country, the city official often tries to raise awareness of
the problem of Ecological Footprinting. You can listen and support your local
governmental officials and participate in events to help raise awareness
of Ecological Footprint or to help implement ways to reduce Ecological
Footprint. You can support your local business and eat locally grown fruits
and vegetables to help reduce Ecological Footprint of your city or country.
Ce este o amprentă ecologică?