SHAKEN: Knowledge Base (KB) Authoring Environment for Subject

Enabling Domain Experts to Convey
Questions to a Machine:
A Modified, Template-Based
Peter Clark (Boeing Phantom Works)
Ken Barker, Bruce Porter (Univ Texas at Austin)
Vinay Chaudhri, Sunil Mishra, Jerome Thomere
(SRI International)
How can End-Users Pose
Start-to-Finish Knowledge Capture:
• User needs to express:
– domain knowledge
– questions posed to that domain knowledge
• Posing questions:
– can be straightforward, e.g., single-task systems:
• “What disease does this patient have?”
– or, can itself be a major “knowledge capture” challenge
• This talk:
– How to pose questions (not how to answer them!)
Some Example Questions…
1. When during RNA translation is the movement of
a tRNA molecule from the A- to the P-site of a
ribosome thought to occur?
2. What are the functions of RNA?
3. What happens to the DNA during RNA
4. In a cell, what factors affect the rate of protein
5. A mutation in DNA generates a UGA stop codon
in the middle of the RNA coding for a particular
protein. What nucleotide change has probably
occurred ?
Some Previous Approaches
• Just allow one question to be asked
– “What disease does this patient have?”
– But: inappropriate for multifunctional systems
• Ask in Natural Language
– e.g., for databases
• “How many employees work for Joe?”
– But: lacks sufficient constraint
• Use Question Templates
– e.g., HPKB
• “What risks/rewards would <country> face/expect in
taking hostage citizens of <country>?”
– But: domain-specific
A Modified, Template-Based Approach
1. Complex questions can be factored into
– the question scenario (“Imagine that…”)
– query to that scenario (“Thus, what is…”)
2. The scenario contains most of the complexity
– The “raw query” itself is usually simple
3. The query can be mapped into one of a small
number of domain-general templates
– grouped around different modeling paradigms
A Modified, Template-Based Approach
 basis for a modified, template-based approach:
Full Question = Scenario + Query
Capture using graphical
tools (Shaken)
Capture with a finite set of
domain-general templates
Full Question = Scenario + Query
• Create using a graphical “representation builder”
– Select objects from an ontology
– Connect them together using small library of relations
– Graph converted to ground logic assertions
“A DNA virus invades the cell of a multicellular organism”
Full Question = Scenario + Query
• Huge variety of possible queries
– But can be grouped according to reasoning paradigms
the KB supports
 Catalog of 29 Domain-General Question Types
– based on analysis of 339 cell biology questions
– have a fill-in-the-blank template
– “blanks” are (often complex) objects from the scenario
Paradigms and Some Templates…
1. Lookup & Simple Deductive Reasoning
q2 “What is/are the function of RNA?”
q4 “Is a ribosome a cytoplasmic organelle?”
q6 “How many membranes are in the parts relationship to the
2. Discrete Event Simulation
q12 “What happens to the DNA during RNA transcription?”
3. Qualitative Reasoning
q25 “In cell protein synthesis, what factors affect the rate of
protein production?”
q26 “In RNA transcription, what factors might cause the
transcription rate to increase?”
4. Analogical/Comparitive Reasoning
q29 “What is the difference between procaryotic mRNA and
eucaryotic mRNA?”
Question Reformulation
• Small set of question types  users often must
re-cast original question in terms of those types
• For example…
7.1.5-270: “Where in a eucaryotic cell does RNA
transcription take place?”
 “What is/are the site of RNA transcription?” “When is the sigma factor of bacterial RNA
polymerase released with respect to RNA
 “During RNA transcription, when does the RNA
polymerase | release | the sigma factor?”
Posing questions
Posing questions (cont)
Receiving Answers
Receiving Answers (cont)
Evaluation and Lessons Learned
• Large-scale trials in 2001
• 4 biology students used system for 4 weeks
• Their goals:
– Encode 11-page subsection on cell biology
– Test their representations using a set of 70 questions
• Qns expressed in English
• High-school level of difficulty
• Qns set independently, no knowledge of our templates
• 18 of the 29 templates implemented at time of trials
• It works…
– All 4 users able to pose most (~80%) of the qns
– Answer score (average) = 2.23 (2 = “mostly correct”)
– Exposes what the system is able to do
• …but three major challenges…
1. Users had difficulty reformulating their
questions to match a template, e.g.
(Original) “Where in a eucaryotic cell does RNA
transcription take place?”
 (Desired) “What is/are the site of RNA
 (User) “What is RNA transcription?”
 Heavy use of a few generic templates:
Reformulation is not just a rewording task
Rather, requires user to view problem in terms of one
of the KB’s modeling paradigms
Easier for us than for the users
2. Users need to be fluent with the graph tool
and KB ontology for specifying scenarios
Not an problem in this case
3. Sometimes, the template approach breaks down
Some questions require identifying the scenarios:
Similarly, identifying the right viewpoint/level of detail:
e.g., DNA as a line vs. sequence vs. two strands
Some topics not covered by templates
Uncertainty, causal event structure
Diagnosis, abduction
Some questions go beyond concepts in the KB
“What kinds of final products result from mRNA?”
“What are the building blocks of proteins?”
Can’t specify “impossible objects”
“Is <object> possible?”
• Conveying questions can itself be a major
“knowledge capture” challenge
• A modified, template-based approach:
– Factor full questions into scenarios + templates
– Templates are domain-general, and based on
modeling paradigms available
– Balances flexibility vs. interpretability
• Results:
– A catalog of templates
– Approach works! but with significant caveats.