ISOM MIS710 Module 2 Query Languages – RA/RC and SQL Arijit Sengupta Structure of this semester ISOM MIS710 1. Design 0. Intro Database Fundamentals Conceptual Modeling Relational Model 2. Querying Query Languages Advanced SQL 3. Applications 4. Advanced Topics Java DB Applications – JDBC Transaction Management Data Mining Normalization Newbie Users Designers Developers Professionals Today’s Buzzwords ISOM • • • • • • • • Query Languages Formal Query Languages Procedural and Declarative Languages Relational Algebra Relational Calculus SQL Aggregate Functions Nested Queries Objectives ISOM At the end of the lecture, you should • Get a formal as well as practical perspective on query languages • Have a background on query language basics (how they came about) • Be able to write simple SQL queries from the specification • Be able to look at SQL queries and understand what it is supposed to do • Be able to write complex SQL queries involving nesting • Execute queries on a database system Set Theory Basics ISOM • A set: a collection of distinct items with no particular order • Set description: { b | b is a Database Book} {c | c is a city with a population of over a million} {x | 1 < x < 10 and x is a natural number} • Most basic set operation: Membership: x S (read as x belongs to S if x is in the set S) Other Set Operations ISOM • Addition, deletion (note that adding an existing item in the set does not change it) • Set mathematics: Union R S = { x | x R or x S} Intersection R S = { x | x R and x S} Set Difference R – S = { x | x R and x S} Cross-product R x S = { <x,y> | x R and y S} • You can combine set operations much like arithmetic operations: R – (S T) • Usually no well-defined precedence Relational Query Languages ISOM • Query languages: Allow manipulation and retrieval of data from a database. • Relational model supports simple, powerful QLs: Strong formal foundation based on logic. Allows for much optimization. • Query Languages != programming languages! QLs not expected to be “Turing complete”. QLs not intended to be used for complex calculations. QLs support easy, efficient access to large data sets. Formal Relational Query Languages ISOM Two mathematical Query Languages form the basis for “real” languages (e.g. SQL), and for implementation: Relational Algebra: More operational, very useful for representing execution plans. Relational Calculus: Lets users describe what they want, rather than how to compute it. (Non-operational, declarative.) Understanding Algebra & Calculus is key to understanding SQL, query processing! Preliminaries ISOM • A query is applied to relation instances, and the result of a query is also a relation instance. Schemas of input relations for a query are fixed (but query will run regardless of instance!) The schema for the result of a given query is also fixed! Determined by definition of query language constructs. • Positional vs. named-field notation: Positional notation easier for formal definitions, named-field notation more readable. Both used in SQL Example Instances ISOM • Students, Registers, Courses relations for our examples. R1 S1 sid cid 22 101 58 103 sid 22 31 58 semester Fall 99 Spring 99 sname GPA dustin 3.5 lubber 3.8 rusty 4.0 age 25.0 25.5 23.0 C1 cid cname dept 101 Database CIS 103 Internet ECI S2 sid 28 31 44 58 sname GPA yuppy 3.9 lubber 3.8 guppy 3.5 rusty 4.0 age 24.0 25.5 25.5 23.0 Relational Algebra ISOM • Basic operations: Selection ( ) Selects a subset of rows from relation. Projection ( ) Deletes unwanted columns from relation. Cross-product ( ) Allows us to combine two relations. Set-difference ( ) Tuples in reln. 1, but not in reln. 2. Union ( ) Tuples in reln. 1 and in reln. 2. • Additional operations: Intersection, join, division, renaming: Not essential, but (very!) useful. • Since each operation returns a relation, operations can be composed! (Algebra is “closed”.) Projection ISOM • Deletes attributes that are not in projection list. • Schema of result contains exactly the fields in the projection list, with the same names that they had in the (only) input relation. • Projection operator has to eliminate duplicates! (Why??) Note: real systems typically don’t do duplicate elimination unless the user explicitly asks for it. (Why not?) sname GPA yuppy lubber guppy rusty 3.9 3.8 3.5 4.0 sname, gpa(S 2) age 24.0 25.5 23.0 age(S 2) Selection ISOM • Selects rows that satisfy selection condition. • No duplicates in result! (Why?) • Schema of result identical to schema of (only) input relation. • Result relation can be the input for another relational algebra operation! (Operator composition.) sid sname GPA 28 yuppy 3.9 58 rusty 4.0 age 35.0 35.0 gpa3.8(S 2) sname yuppy rusty GPA 3.9 4.0 sname,gpa( (S 2)) gpa3.8 Union, Intersection, Set-Difference ISOM • All of these operations take two input relations, which must be union-compatible: Same number of fields. `Corresponding’ fields have the same type. • What is the schema of result? sid sname gpa age 22 31 58 44 28 dustin lubber rusty guppy yuppy 3.5 3.8 4.0 3.5 3.9 25.0 25.5 23.0 25.5 24.0 S1 S2 sid sname gpa 31 lubber 3.8 58 rusty 4.0 S1 S2 sid 22 sname dustin gpa 3.5 S1 S2 age 25.5 23.0 age 25.0 Cross-Product ISOM • Each row of S1 is paired with each row of R1. • Result schema has one field per field of S1 and R1, with field names `inherited’ if possible. Conflict: Both S1 and R1 have a field called sid. (sid) sname GPA Age (sid) cid semester 22 dustin 3.5 25.0 22 101 Fall 99 22 dustin 3.5 25.0 58 103 Spring 99 31 lubber 3.8 25.5 22 101 Fall 99 31 lubber 3.8 25.5 58 103 Spring 99 58 rusty 4.0 23.0 22 101 Fall 99 58 rusty 4.0 23.0 58 103 Spring 99 Renaming operator: (C(1 sid1, 5 sid 2), S1 R1) Joins ISOM • Condition Join: (sid) 22 31 sname dustin lubber R c S c ( R S) GPA age (sid) cid Semester 3.5 25.0 58 103 Spring 99 3.8 25.5 58 103 Spring 99 S1 R1 S1. sid R1. sid • Result schema same as that of crossproduct. • Fewer tuples than cross-product, might be able to compute more efficiently • Sometimes called a theta-join. Joins ISOM • Equi-Join: A special case of condition join where the condition c contains only equalities. sid 22 58 sname dustin rusty GPA 3.5 4.0 S1 age 25.0 23.0 sid cid 101 103 semester Fall 99 Spring 99 R1 • Result schema similar to cross-product, but only one copy of fields for which equality is specified. • Natural Join: Equijoin on all common fields. Find names of students who have taken course #103 ISOM Solution 1: sname(( Solution 2: Re gisters) Students) cid 103 (Temp1, Re gisters) cid 103 (Temp2,Temp1 Students) sname (Temp2) Solution 3: sname( (Re gisters Students)) cid 103 Find names of students who have taken a CIS course ISOM • Information about departments only available in Courses; so need an extra join: sname(( Courses ) Re gisters Students) dept 'CIS ' A more efficient solution: sname( sid (( Courses) Re gis) Students) cid dept 'CIS ' A query optimizer can find this given the first solution! Find students who have taken an MIS or a CS course ISOM • Can identify all MIS or CS courses, then find students who have taken one of these courses: (Temp1,( dept 'MIS'dept 'CS ' Courses)) sname(Temp1 Re gis Students) Can also define Temp1 using union! (How?) What happens if is replaced by in this query? Find students who have taken a CIS and an ECI Course ISOM • Previous approach won’t work! Must identify students who have taken CIS courses, students who have taken ECI courses, then find the intersection (note that sid is a key for Students): (Temp1, sid (Temp2, (( sid Courses ) Re gis)) dept 'CIS ' (( Courses ) Re gis)) dept 'ECI ' sname((Temp1Temp2) Students) Relational Calculus ISOM • Comes in two flavours: Tuple relational calculus (TRC) and Domain relational calculus (DRC). • Calculus has variables, constants, comparison ops, logical connectives and quantifiers. TRC: Variables range over (i.e., get bound to) tuples. DRC: Variables range over domain elements (= field values). Both TRC and DRC are simple subsets of first-order logic. • Expressions in the calculus are called formulas. An answer tuple is essentially an assignment of constants to variables that make the formula evaluate to true. Find students with GPA > 3.7 who have taken a CIS Course ISOM t |tStudents t.GPA 3.7 r rRe gisr.sid t.sid TRC: c cCoursesc.cid r.cid c.dept 'CIS' DRC: I , N ,G, A | I , N ,G, A Students G 3.7 Ir,Cr,S Ir,Cr,S Re gis Ir I C,CN , D C,CN , D Courses C Cr D 'CIS ' Find students who have taken all CIS courses ISOM TRC: t|tStudents c cCourses^c.dept 'CIS ' DRC: r rRe gisr.sid t.sid r.cid c.cid I , N ,G, A | I , N ,G, A Students C,CN ,D C,CN , D Courses^ D 'CIS ' Ir,Cr,S Ir,Cr,S Re gis I Ir Cr C How will you do this with Relational Algebra? Monotonic and Non-Monotonic Queries ISOM • Monotonic queries: queries for which the size of the results either increase or stay the same as the size of the inputs increase. The result size never decreases • Non-monotonic queries: queries for which it is possible that the size of the result will DECREASE when the size of the input increases • Examples of each? • Which of the algebra operations is non-monotonic? • What does this signify? Structured Query Language ISOM • Need for SQL Operations on Data Types Definition Manipulation Operations on Sets Declarative (calculus) vs. Procedural (algebra) • Evolution of SQL SEQUEL ..SQL_92 .. SQL_93 SQL Dialects Does SQL treat Relations as ‘Sets’? Horizontal Slices ISOM Algebra: selection or restriction (R) • Restriction Specifying Conditions Unconditional List all students select from * STUDENT; (Student) Conditional List all students with GPA > 3.0 select * from STUDENT where GPA > 3.0; GPA > 3.0 (Student) Pattern Matching ISOM ‘%’ ‘_’ x any string with n characters, n>=0 any single character. exact sequence of string x. List all CIS courses. select * from COURSE where course# like ‘CIS%’; List all CIS 3200 level courses. select * from COURSE where course# like ? ; Specifying Conditions ISOM List all students in ... select * from STUDENT where city in (‘Boston’,’Atlanta’); List all students in ... select * from STUDENT where zip not between 60115 and 60123; Missing or Incomplete Information ISOM •List all students whose address or telephone number is missing: select from where * STUDENT Address is null or GPA is null; Vertical Slices ISOM • Projection Specifying Elements No Specification List all information about Students select from * STUDENT; (Student) Algebra: projection <A1,A2,...Am> (R) Conditional List IDs, names, and addresses of all students select StudentID, name, address from STUDENT; StudentID, name, address (Student) Does SQL treat Relations as ‘Sets’? ISOM What are the different salaries we pay to our employees? select from salary EMPLOYEE; OR is the following better? select from DISTINCT salary EMPLOYEE; Horizontal and Vertical ISOM Query: List all student ID, names and addresses who have GPA > 3.0 and date of birth before Jan 1, 1980. select from where order by StudentID, Name, Address STUDENT GPA > 3.0 and DOB < ‘1-Jan-80’ Name DESC; Algebra: StudentID,name, address ( GPA > 3.0 and DOB < ‘1-Jan-80’ (STUDENT)) Calculus: {t.StudentID,, t.address | t Student t.GPA > 3.0 t.DOB < ‘1-Jan-80’} Order by sorts result in descending (DESC) order. Note: The default order is ascending (ASC) as in: order by Name; Summaries and Aggregates ISOM Calculate the average GPA select avg. (GPA) from STUDENT, Find the lowest GPA select min (GPA) as minGPA from STUDENT, How many CIS majors? select from where Discarding duplicates select avg (distinct GPA) STUDENT where major=‘CIS’ count (StudentId) STUDENT major=‘CIS’; (is this above query correct?) Aggregate Functions ISOM COUNT (attr) attr SUM (attr) AVG (attr) MAX (attr) MIN (attr) - a simple count of values in - sum of values in attr average of values in attr maximum value in attr minimum value in attr Take effect after all the data is retrieved from the database Applied to either the entire resulting relation or groups Can’t be involved in any query qualifications (where clause) Would the following query be permitted? select StudentId from STUDENT where GPA = max (GPA); Grouping Results Obtained ISOM Show all students enrolled in each course. select cno, StudentID from REGISTRATION group by cno; Is this grouping OK? Calculate the average GPA of students by county. select county, avg (GPA) as CountyGPA from STUDENT group by county; Calculate the enrollment of each class. select cno, year , term, count (StudentID) as enroll from REGISTRATION group by cno, year, term; Selections on Groups ISOM Show all CIS courses that are full. select cno, count (StudentID) from REGISTRATION group by cno having count (StudentID) > 29; Union ISOM List students who live in Atlanta or GPA > 3.0 select StudentID, Name, DOB, Address from STUDENT where Address = ‘Atlanta’ union select StudentID, Name, DOB, Address from STUDENT where GPA > 3.0; Can we perform a Union on any two Relations ? Union Compatibility ISOM Two relations, A and B, are union-compatible if A and B contain a same number of attributes, and The corresponding attributes of the two have the same domains Examples CIS=Student (ID: Did; Name: Dname; Address: Daddr; Grade: Dgrade); Senior-Student (SName: Dname; S#: Did; Home: Daddr; Grade: Dgrade); Course (C#: Dnumber; Title: Dstr; Credits: Dnumber) Are CIS-Student and Senior-Student union compatible? Are CIS-Student and Course union compatible? What happens if we have duplicate tuples? What will be the column names in the resulting Relation? Union, Intersect, Minus ISOM select CUSTNAME, ZIP from CUSTOMER where STATE = ‘MA’ UNION select SUPNAME, ZIP from SUPPLIER where STATE = ‘MA’ ORDER BY 2; B A select CUSTNAME, ZIP from CUSTOMER where STATE = ‘MA’ MINUS select SUPNAME, ZIP from SUPPLIER where STATE = ‘MA’ ORDER BY 2; select CUSTNAME, ZIP from CUSTOMER where STATE = ‘MA’ INTERSECT select SUPNAME, ZIP from SUPPLIER where STATE = ‘MA’ ORDER BY 2; B A B A Connecting/Linking Relations ISOM List information about all students and the classes they are taking Student ID s1 s2 s3 *** Name Jose Alice Tome *** *** *** *** *** *** Class Emp# e1 e3 e2 *** ID s1 s2 s3 *** C# BA 201 CIS 300 CIS 304 *** *** *** *** *** What can we use to connect/link Relations? Join: Connecting relations so that relevant tuples can be retrieved. Join ISOM Cartesian Product R1 Student: 30 tuples R2 Class: 4 tuples Total Number of Tuples in the Cartesian Product. ? (match each tuple of student to every tuple of class) Select tuples having identical Student Ids. Expected number of such Tuples: Join Selectivity Join Forms R1 R2 ISOM • General Join Forms Equijoin Operator Dependent • Natural Join • Outer Join select from where s.*, c.* STUDENT s, CLASS c s.StudentID = c. SID; R1 R2 = x > y <> ... Left Right Full select from where s.*, c.* STUDENT s, CLASS c s.StudentID = c.SID (+); Grouping Results after Join ISOM Calculate the average GPA of each class select from where group by course#, avg (GPA) STUDENT S, CLASS C S.StudentID = C.SID course#, Nesting Queries ISOM SELECT FROM WHERE } attribute(s) relation(S) attr [not] {in | comparison operator | exists ( query statement(s) ); List names of students who are taking “BA201” select Name from Student where StudentID in ( select StudentID from REGISTRATION where course#=‘BA201’); Sub Queries ISOM List all students enrolled in CIS courses select name from STUDENT where StudentId in (select StudentId from REGISTRATION where cno like ‘CIS%’); List all courses taken by Student (Id 1011) select cname from COURSE where cnum = any (select cno from REGISTRATION where StudentId = 1011); Sub Queries ISOM Who received the highest grade in CIS 8140 select StudentId from REGISTRATION where cnum = ‘CIS 8140’ and grade >=all (select grade from REGISTRATION where cno = ‘CIS 8140’); List all students enrolled in CIS courses. select name from STUDENT S where exists (select * from REGISTRATION where StudentId = S.StudentId and cno like ‘CIS%’); Relational Views ISOM • Relations derived from other relations. • Views have no stored tuples. • Are useful to provide multiple user views. View 1 View 2 Base Relation 1 View N Base Relation 2 •What level in the three layer model do views belong? •Which kind of independence do they support? View Creation ISOM Create View view-name [ ( attr [ , attr ] ...) ] AS subquery [ with check option ] ; DROP VIEW view-name; Create a view containing the student ID, Name, Age and GPA for those who are qualified to take 300 level courses, i.e., GPA >=2.0. View Options ISOM • With Check Option enforces the query condition for insertion or update To enforce the GPA >=2.0 condition on all new student tuples inserted into the view • A view may be derived from multiple base relations Create a view that includes student IDs, student names and their instructors’ names for all CIS 300 students. View Retrieval ISOM Queries on views are the same as that on base relations. Queries on views are expanded into queries on their base relations. select from where Name, Instructor-Name CIS300-Student Name = Instructor-Name; View: Update ISOM Update on a view actually changes its base relation(s)! update Qualified-Student set GPA = GPA-0.1 where StudentID = ‘s3’; insert into Qualified-Student values ( ‘s9’, ‘Lisa’, 4.0 ) insert into Qualified-Student values ( ‘s10’, ‘Peter’, 1.7 ) Why are some views not updateable? What type of views are updateable? Non-monotonic queries – again! ISOM • Need to use either MINUS or NOT EXISTS! • Find courses where no student has gpa over 3.5 • Find students who have taken all courses that Joe has taken • How would you solve these? Summary ISOM • SQL is a low-complexity, declarative query language • The good thing about being declarative is that internally the query can be changed automatically for optimization • Good thing about being low-complexity? No SQL query ever goes into an infinite loop No SQL query will ever take indefinite amount of space to get the solution • Can be used for highly complex problems!