March 4, 2009 - University at Albany

University Life Council
Minutes of Meeting
March 4, 2009
ED 121
Zakhar Berkovich, Christine Bouchard, Randall Craig, Michele Forte, Donald Keenan, Igor
Kuznetsov, Elaine Lasda-Bergman , Yenisel Rodriguez, Gladys Santiago-Tosado, Morton
Schoolman, Brenda Seckerson , Dan Smith (Chair), J. Eric Smith
Dr. William Hedberg
Meeting Commenced at 2:00 pm.
Introduction of members
Class Cancellation Policy
Dr. William Hedberg spoke about establishing a new class cancellation policy, since there are concerns about
the current policy. He handed out a discussion draft of the new policy that would give two hours advance
notice of class cancellations and there would be two updates during the day, one at 6:00am and another at
noon for later classes.
Zakhar Berkovich mentioned the possibility of a third announcement at 5:00pm for evening classes.
Randy Craig also mentioned that as someone who taught a great many late afternoon and evening that he
welcomed announcements at set times, and agreed with a third announcement for late afternoon and evening
Chair Smith mentioned that all feedback and comments should be sent directly to Dr. Hedberg.
Formation of LGBTQ Committee
Christine Bouchard, Vice President of Student Success, spoke about the current lack of support for LGBT
students. She stated that she has created a team of professionals to support these students. She then added
that she would like to raise awareness beyond Student Success to include all faculty, staff and students on
Vice President Bouchard mentioned she was looking for one member of ULC to join the committee for the
2009-2010 year.
Randall Craig volunteered to join the committee.
Ms. Bouchard added that the group is designed to be an advisory committee. The composition of the group
includes among others, Student Success, Faculty, Human Resources, Facilities Management, EAP and
Health educators. She said one of the first issues they need to address is bathroom concerns for
Transgendered students.
Swimming Pool
Chair Smith asked if there is any truth to the rumor that the pool is closing.
Zakhar Berkovich mentioned that he heard hours were being limited, but the pool was not closing.
Smoking Policy
Chair Smith revisited the smoking policy on campus and asked what would be the timeline for implementing
a no smoking policy on campus.
Randall Craig mentioned that this would be an implementation that would happen over time starting in the
fall of 2010.
Chair Smith added that they will need to organize a task force from ULC to establish timelines and dates for
implementation and Yenisel Rodriguez will convene the task force.
Ms. Bouchard asked if the Council knew the percent of smokers on campus and have there been student
focus groups to get their thoughts.
Zakhar Berkovich added that according to a publication 74% of students were non-smokers and that
implementation of non-smoking in the residence halls took two years.
Chair Smith mentioned that he was going to ask Peter Vellis, and Estela Rivero to be part of the task force.
Vice President Bouchard mentioned that he should ask Carol Stenger as well.
Ms. Bouchard also encouraged Chair Smith to speak with the Student Senate who will be holding a Town
Hall meeting on April 2nd.
Charter Amendment to re-establish ULC/UAS Relationship
Per the Charter of the University Senate, ULC is tasked to “take under consideration and make
recommendations concerning the operations of the University Auxiliary Services, and other service
providers.” ULC Chair Daniel R. Smith had proposed an amendment to this Charter provision to specifically
require that the ULC Chair serve as a member of UAS’s Board of Directors. In response to this proposal,
UAS Executive Director J. Eric Smith spoke to the council about the relationship between ULC, Faculty
Senate and UAS. UAS’s bylaws currently require that four Faculty members be appointed by the Faculty
Senate Committee on Nominations and Elections. Prior to 2004, the ULC chair was also a de facto member
of the UAS Board of Directors, although when the bylaws were revised in 2004 to standardize them across
all of the Auxiliary Services Corporations serving the SUNY system, this provision had been eliminated.
Adding a fifth faculty seat to the UAS Board for the ULC Chair would require an amendment of UAS
bylaws, which can only be accomplished with approval of the UAS Board of Directors and the SUNY
Chancellor’s office. Within the existing four faculty seats mandated by the current UAS bylaws, however,
provision could be made within the Faculty Senate to require one of the four faculty positions to be reserved
for the ULC Chair, should such a provision be deemed necessary to ensure proper communications between
the University and UAS. Mr. J.E. Smith noted that he believed such communication could be ensured
without changes to our respective governance structures, however, stating that both he and UAS Board
President John Murphy have committed to being available and accessible to ULC in a liaison capacity. Mr.
D.R. Smith said he would present the matter for further discussion within the Senate.
Next Meeting: March 18, 2009
Meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Noah Simon, Recording Secretary