
Learning Intention:
 To develop an understanding of the big ideas (themes) in Hotel Rwanda
Success Criteria:
Identify the ‘big ideas’ in Hotel Rwanda
Find evidence from the text to support these ideas
Make connections between these themes and ‘wider-world’ examples
Write a detailed TEEL paragraph that explores a theme using evidence
PART A : Big Ideas Identification
1. Discussion– what are the big ideas in the text –shortlist 3.
2. Copy the following diagram into your book and complete for 3 big ideas.
What is a big idea in Hotel Rwanda?
How and through which characters does the
director show this idea?
What message does this send to the viewer?
PART B: Using the text to find evidence
For each of the themes
1. For each of your 3 themes/big ideas.
a. Go through the film and find 3 screen shots that demonstrate
or explain this big idea or theme.
b. Save these in a word document in Studentwork with a
sentence to explain each one.
c. EXT – find another film technique that may also help express
this idea.
PART C: Linking a theme to the wider world
It is important to be able to link themes with other sources/current issues
and wider-world perspective.
Therefore you will be:
Undertaking some research to find connections between the big ideas in
Hotel Rwanda. Some resources are available on the Weebly site and in
paper form.
1. Choose a theme from the selected list and research this. You need to:
a) Make notes on this theme using at least 2 sources
b) Write a DETAILED TEEL paragraph about this theme, using evidence
from BOTH the film and your research.
c) Submit this for feedback - using Student Work.
Extension – Compare how this theme is shown differently in Hotel
Rwanda to another text.