Teacher: Mercs Course: Foods 2 Date: 1 of 3 Semester: 1 Global Essential Question: How do you make adaptations to Yeast bread recipes? Content Sentence: Students will know what happens when you change ingredients in yeast bread recipes? Daily Essential Question: What things should you avoid when using yeast? NCSCOS: 5.02 Adapt yeast bread recipes and products. Students will engage in: Whole group instruction Independent study Small group instruction Cooperative learning Projects Peer tutoring Technology Art/Drama activities Presentations Hands-on activities Role plays Class Starter /Activating Prior Knowledge: Discuss EQ. Research Debate Lecture Simulations Pairing Other: Time: 5 min. Teacher Input/Student Active Participation: Students will make yeast doughs. Time: 30 min. Teacher will demo make up. Guided Practice: Teacher will circulate and help students make up breads. They will Time: 30 min. put in the oven to rise overnight. Vocabulary: Time: Independent Practice with Corrective Feedback: Students will make up Yeast Time: Breads. Evaluate /Closure/Summarizing Activity: VoCATS Review. Clean up. Time: 10 min. 20 min. Additional Activity: Yeast Breads jeopardy. At Home Assignment: Study VoCATS. Anticipated time for completion: 10 min. Modifications Needed: none. Materials Needed / Text References / Technology Needs: Ingredients, recipes, VoCATS. Notes to self (Reflection): Teacher: Mercs Course: Foods 2 Date: 2of 3 Semester: 1 Global Essential Question: How do you make adaptations to Yeast bread recipes? Content Sentence: Students will know what happens when you change ingredients in yeast bread recipes? Daily Essential Question: What is one new thing you learned from the video yesterday? NCSCOS: 5.02 Adapt yeast bread recipes and products. Students will engage in: Whole group instruction Independent study Small group instruction Cooperative learning Projects Peer tutoring Technology Art/Drama activities Presentations Hands-on activities Role plays Class Starter /Activating Prior Knowledge: Discuss EQ. Research Debate Lecture Simulations Pairing Other: Time: 5 min. Teacher Input/Student Active Participation: Students will put yeast breads in the Time: 10 min. oven. Guided Practice: Students will find yeast bread recipes. They will choose an Time: 30 min. adaptation to each and explain the adaptations they would make in time to rise, temperature and bake time. Vocabulary: Time: Independent Practice with Corrective Feedback: Students will eat yeast breads and Time: 30 min. analyze product. Evaluate /Closure/Summarizing Activity: Clean up. Time: 10 min. Additional Activity: VoCATS 4 corners. At Home Assignment: study. Anticipated time for completion: 10 min. Modifications Needed: none. Materials Needed / Text References / Technology Needs: VoCATS, yeast bread recipes. Notes to self (Reflection): Teacher: Mercs Course: Foods 2 Date: 3 of 3 Semester: 1 Global Essential Question: How do you make adaptations to Yeast bread recipes? Content Sentence: Students will know what happens when you change ingredients in yeast bread recipes? Daily Essential Question: What would happen if sugar was eliminated from a yeast bread recipe? NCSCOS: 5.02 Adapt Students will engage in: Whole group instruction Research yeast bread recipes Independent study Small group instruction Debate and products. Cooperative learning Projects Lecture Peer tutoring Technology Simulations Art/Drama activities Presentations Pairing Hands-on activities Role plays Other: Class Starter /Activating Prior Knowledge: Discuss EQ. Time: 5 min. Teacher Input/Student Active Participation: Unit Tests Time: 45 min. Guided Practice: Students will complete Test Corrections. Time: 45 min. Vocabulary: Time: Independent Practice with Corrective Feedback: Time: Evaluate /Closure/Summarizing Activity: Time: 10 min. Additional Activity: VoCATS 4 corners. At Home Assignment: Finish Corrections. Anticipated time for completion: 20 min. Modifications Needed: Testing mods. Materials Needed / Text References / Technology Needs: Tests scan trons. Notes to self (Reflection):