Chapter 8: Principles in Interviewing

Interviews in
Business Settings
Chapter Objectives
1. Understand role/responsibilities of interviewer and
interviewee during an employment interview.
2. Prepare for and participate in employment interviews.
3. Understand importance of appraisal interviews.
4. Conduct an effective appraisal interview.
5. Describe the elements of a disciplinary interview.
6. Describe the purposes/types of media interviews.
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Employment Interviews:
The Interviewer’s Role,
Responsibilities, and Strategies
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Goal Setting
Select best person
from applicant pool.
Sell candidates on
their value to the
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Situational Knowledge
Developing Job Specifications
 Bona
Fide Occupational Qualifications
(BFOQs): Concrete requirements of a job
(e.g., experience, education, skills).
Advertising the Position
 Most
effective: Networking, providing
internships, and using employee referrals.
Reviewing Résumés
 Helps
to screen out 90% of all job candidates.
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Communication Competence
Warm up the interviewee.
Hint at the “correct” answer.
Elicit information about
candidate’s qualifications,
interest in company, and
personal characteristics
(relevant to job)
Ask yes/no or leading
Be direct yet conversational.
Ask for information that is
available on the candidate’s
application, cover letter, or
Conform to all legal
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Anxiety Management
Creating a Comfortable Atmosphere
 Select
a welcoming/comfortable location.
 Introduce yourself, smile, sustain eye contact,
shake hands, and actively listen.
Sequencing Questions
 Plan
questions in a sequence that
accomplishes a specific goal.
Closing the Interview
 Ask
for questions, summarize main issues,
reestablish rapport.
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Copyright © 2008 Allyn & Bacon
Copyright © 2008 Allyn & Bacon
Employment Interviews:
The Interviewee’s Role,
Responsibilities, and Strategies
Copyright © 2008 Allyn & Bacon
Goal Setting of Interviewees
Typical goals: Getting
the job offer and a
good salary.
Both are dependent
on situational
knowledge: what to
do before, during, and
after interviews.
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Situational Knowledge
Developing a Personal Biography
 Education,
job experience, activities, hobbies,
interests, special skills.
Researching the Company
 Placement
offices, on-campus recruiter
presentations, brokerage offices, company’s
website/PR department, present/past
Preparing a Résumé and Cover Letter
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résumé Preparation
Be honest.
Use personal pronouns.
Prepare a flawless résumé.
Use unusual fonts, italics,
underling, shadows, or borders.
Be concise.
Limit: 1-2 pages.
Use excessive
Use headings.
Include personal information.
Use action verbs.
Disclose religion/political
orientation (unless job related).
Tailor for each job.
Forget the cover letter
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Communication Competence
Dress appropriately.
Prepare to ask and answer questions.
Listen and utilize nonverbal communication
Handle discriminatory questions with politeness.
Judge the success of the interview process.
Follow up after the interview.
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Preparing for Your Interview
Be prepared to answer 4 general
 Why
are you here?
 What
can you do for us?
 What
kind of person are you?
 How
much will you cost us?
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Anxiety Management
Be Prepared
 Rehearse
answers to probable questions.
Prepare Questions.
 What
do you want to know about the
Practice Self-Confidence
 Concentrate
 What
on your positive qualities.
assets can you bring to the company?
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Other Types of Interviews
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Appraisal Interview
Used to evaluate employees’
performances over a certain period of
time, generally specified by company
Types of feedback given:
 Corrective
Feedback: Attempts to alter
negative or inappropriate behavior.
 Supportive
Feedback: Encourages desirable
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Disciplinary Interviews
Notify the employee
Review the employee’s side of the story
Institute disciplinary action
 Explain
the purpose of the discipline
 Document
the incident and the interview
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Types of Media Interviews
In-Person Press Interview
 When
representatives from a press organization
make personal contact, request an interview, and
pose questions about a topic of interest.
Mediated Press Interviews
 Conducted
through mass communication devices
such as cameras and microphones and linked by
satellite or teleconferencing.
Talk Shows
 Planned
well in advance and sometimes broadcast
several days after it is taped.
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