A to Z Operations Systems

Platinum Operation Systems
Core Operational Team Make Up
Team Leader
Data Base Manager (Leads Coordinator)
Listing Coordinator
Office Manager
Inside Sales Agents
Outside Sales Agents
Add on’s – larger teams
Marketing Coordinator, Courier/Photographer,
Customer Service Manager, Sales Manager,
Recruiter, REO Manager, Relocation Manager, VIP
Builder Manager, Investor Specialist
Team Leader Activities
• Call Back The Best Leads set appointments for
self and/or best OSA’s.
• Go on the Best Seller Appointments, Work with
the best Buyers.
• Negotiate tough sales and offers
• Track Lead flow
• Train Team
• Network
• Think and Grow
• Create Systems and delegate
Administration Job Descriptions
• Data Base Manager. Lead distribution to inside and outside
sales by managing Buyer and Seller Leads from the internet,
information lines, direct call-ins and input to the contact
management system for inside/outside sales follow up. Outgoing
specialized presale packages. General Reception duties. Print
out labels for mail. Other.
• Office Manager. Manage human resources for administration
and agents, manage and process closings, set up sales, closing
check list activities, accounting, accounts payable and
receivable. Answer Incoming calls. Other
• Listing Coordinator. Enter Listings into SWIFT and AGENT
Office. Price changes, extensions, status changes. Daily
outgoing marketing mail. Set up and implementation of all
marketing and advertising. Manage the listing availability line,
24hr Information Lines, Radio Talking Houses. Answer incoming
calls. Other.
Appointments Set By ISA
• ISA launches a Buyer Appt Plan or a
Seller Appt Plan.
• Confirms with Team Leader, who should
get the appointment.
• Will undo a previous set appointment or
move it to another agent on the team to
insure the best agent is on the
• New Sellers are referred to as VIP Seller
• Their property is referred to as one of our
“Featured Properties” instead of a Listing.
TRT Featured Property Listing Information
Paperwork Checklist & Fax Cover
(To Be Used When Submitting a New Listing)
Agent: _________________________ Agent E-Mail #:__________________________
Agent Cell #:____________Agent Phone #2:____________Agent Fax: _____________
Seller’s Name: ________________________________________________
Property Address: _____________________________________________
Mailing Address: ______________________________________________
Home #:________________________ Fax #:________________________
Cell #1:_____________________Cell #2:___________________________
Office # 1: ____________________ Office #2:_______________________
E-Mail #1: _____________________E-Mail #2:_____________________
Seller Contact Preference: Mail: ____E-Mail: _____ Phone: __________
Source of Lead: ______________Inside Sales Agent: ________________
Lockbox #___________ Shackle Code: ________ CBS Code: _________
Type of Signage: _________ Talking House: _____ Photos: ___________
Special Showing Instructions: ______________________________________________
VIP Listing Paperwork Checklist
***The Following Paperwork/Information Must Be Submitted to Process Your Listing***
_____ Exclusive Seller Listing Agreement (Signed by Seller)
_____ Exhibit to Exclusive Right to Sell Agreement (Signed by Seller - $695.00 R-Bid)
_____ Guaranteed Purchase & Sale Summary of Conditions (Signed by Seller)
_____ Seller’s Net Sheet (Initialed by Seller)
_____ Sellers Property Disclosure Statement (Signed by Seller)
_____ FMLS/MLS Dual Entry Input Sheet (Signed by Seller)
_____ Previous MLS Listing Printout (If Previously Listed)
_____ Payment Authorization Form (Complete with ID Code and Signature)
_____ Photos to Be Downloaded
The Realty Team will not accept or process ANY LISTING unless ALL of the above information is
COMPLETED and included at submission to the Listing Manager.
VIP Seller Client Processing
• Upon receipt of paperwork for a Featured
Property, listing coordinator will:
• Organize paperwork
• Add featured property to agent office,
filling out user def’s as to who the OSA is
and ISA.
• Launch New Featured Property Activity
plan or RBID Featured Property plan in
Agent Office.
New Featured Property Plan
Guidelines to New Listing Set Up Standard Listing Set Up includes: For Sale Sign with Trade Rider, Web site rider, 2
directionals, interior and exterior photos, lock box and Radio Talking House
Listing agents must:
1. Date the listing agreement for at least one day in the future – ONE DAY BEYOND THE DAY THE OFFICE WILL RECEIVE IT. Ex. If signing a seller to
an agreement today, the list date would begin tomorrow. If it is a Friday, then obviously Monday would be the start date.
2. Order the courier set up directly and separately. Before 11pm daily, go to Agent Office, pull up the sellers contact card and launch a New Listing Set Up
plan. This must be done by 11pm the day the agreement is signed – the day before the listing agreement start date. Add any special instructions to the sellers
contact card notes. Then email the courier department at toddwalters@toddwalters.net ordering a courier set up using the New Listing Set Up form (you should
have saved in your word docs on your computer.
3. Always have a lock box on hand for every listing. While at the home, get an extra key from the seller, and hang the lock box on the door. If the Seller does
not have an extra key – hang the lock box on the door and give them the key box holder, instruct them to put the key in it and slide it into the lock box (be sure
and add the lockbox serial # and shackle code to the sellers contact card notes in Agent Office).
4. We are promising our sellers we will have the sign up and home listed in the mls systems WITHIN 72 hours. If the above steps are not followed and
completed properly by the listing agent, the listing agent will be responsible for the penalty due seller at closing.
5. The Radio Talking House Script Must be completed and into the office with the listing paperwork. The Listings Manager will contact you when the TH is
ready, then you will pick it up and install the radio talking house.
6. Apply a sticky note to each sellers contact card with the lockbox serial code and the radio talking house serial number as well as the location of the
transmitter in the home.
Courier Must:
1. Be at office by 8:30 am.
2. Log onto Agent Office and print off all scheduled activities for old business and todays business. Go to Web mail and print off New Listing Set Up Forms.
New Listings are priorities and must be done the day received – regardless of location or inconvenience.
Make notes on each set up as to special instructions.
3. Organize day by priority; New listing set ups are priority unless otherwise stated by Listings Manager, then any photo redo’s, followed by any take downs.
4. Always give each seller a courtesy call on all of their contact numbers as well as an email. Let them know the time frame for coming by. Give them your cell
phone number in case they have a need to respond.
5. Make sure all signs are clean. Discard any signs that are not cleaning up well.
6. Always keep cell phone on and on hand, answer every call promptly.
7. Return to the office when all work is completed.
8. Down load all photos to the O drive
9. Report any mishaps, uncompleted set ups, inventory problems/shortages immediately to the Listings Manager.
Listings Manager Must
1. Upon coming into the office each day: log onto Agent office and take a look at the couriers schedule for New Listing Set Ups as well as the emails for the
same info toddwalters@toddwalters.net.
2. Make sure you have all set up’s and the deadline for set up. Follow up with the courier that am to insure they have the orders and know when they will be
done. Any hang-ups or issues – contact the Listing Agent asap to let them know.
Next 30 Days Activity Plans
Price Changes
Items Needed To Submit a New VIP Buyer
____ Buyer Profile Form
____ VIP Buyer Agency Agreement
____ MLS Data Entry Form
Fax these forms within 24 hours of signed agreement
to the listing coordinator.
**Mail retainer to the same or drop off. Agent is
responsible for setting up and maintaining the VIP
Buyer Profile System.
New VIP Buyer Client Process
• New VIP Client Manager receives
• Finds prospect in Agent office, insures
user def fields are changed to indicate
who the osa, isa is and changed from
customer to buyer client, and in house
• Then launches a New Buyer Plan
Procedures for submitting VIP Sellers Under Contract
_____ Executed Legible copy of the Purchase and Sale Agreement (one original)
_____ Selling Agents contact info, including email
_____ Buyers Pre-Qual letter
_____ Earnest Money (if applicable)
_____ Signed by Buyer Sellers Property Disclosure Statement
_____ Sales Processing Sheet
_____ Commission Confirmation/Instructions to closing attorney - Include
Transaction fee.
*Fax all paperwork to the Closings Manager, Mail EM or deliver. Must have EM
within 2 days, in the bank within 5.
Property Information
Address: ___________________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________________, Georgia Zip: _________________ GAMLS #: _______________ FMLS #:
__________________ ID #:___________________
Listing Agent/Client Information
Listing Agent: __________________________ Company: ___________________________
Broker Code: ______________License #:_______________ Cell: _____________________
Office: _______________ Fax: ______________ E-Mail: ____________________________
Seller(s) Name: ___________________________ E-Mail:____________________________
Home: ____________ Office: ______________ Fax: _____________ Cell: ______________
Selling Agent/Client Information
Selling Agent: ___________________________ Company: _________________________
Broker Code: _______________ License #:_______________ Cell: ___________________
Office: ______________ Fax: ______________ E-Mail: ____________________________
Buyer(s) Name: _________________________ E-Mail: ____________________________
Home: ____________ Office: ______________ Fax: _____________ Cell: _____________
Contract Information
Acceptance/Binding Date: _______________Walk Thru Date: _______________________
Closing Date: _______________Time:____________ By: ___________________________
Service Companies
Home Inspection Company: ____________________ Contact: _________________________
Phone Number: _________________________ Inspection Date: _______________________
Inspection Deadline: ___________________ Inspection Acceptance: ____________________
Termite Company: ___________________________ Contact: __________________________
Phone Number: ___________________________ Clearance Letter Deadline:______________
Bonded: ____________ Repair □ Retreat □
Type: __________Chemical ___________ Bait
Date Ordered: ______________ Date Received: ______________ Cost: __________________
Ordered By: ________________________ Paid By: __________________________________
Home Warranty Company: ________________________ Contact: ______________________
Phone Number: _________________ Confirmation #: _______________ Cost: ____________
Ordered By: _______________________________ Paid By: ___________________________
Loan Information
Lender: ______________________________ Loan Officer: __________________________
Cell: ______________________Office: __________________ Fax: ____________________
Email: __________________________ Type of Loan: ____FHA ____VA ____Conventional
Pre. Qual. Letter Deadline: ____________ Received: _____________ Extension: _________
Commitment Letter Deadline: __________ Received: _____________ Extension: _________
Closing/Attorney Information
Closing Attorney: _________________________________ Closing Date: ________________
Contact/Closer: _______________________Office: _______________ Fax: ______________
Cell: ____________________ Email: _____________________________________________
Earnest Money: ____________________ Held By: __________________________________
Seller Concessions: ____________________________________ Deficiencies: ____________
Closing Costs: ________________ Paid By: Buyer □ Seller □ Transaction Fees: _________
HOA Amount: _______________Wiring Info:______________________________________
Sales Data
Sales Price: _________________ Commission %: ______ List %: ________ Sale %: ________
FMLS %: _____ GMLS %: _____Days on Market: ______ List/Sale Price Ratio: ___________
Agent #1: ___________________________________ Amount: _________________________
Agent #2: ___________________________________ Amount: _________________________
Referral: ______________________________ Amount: _______________ Rate %: _________
Type: ____Short Sale ____Foreclosure ____R-Bid ____Guaranteed Sale ____ Lease Purchase
Special Instructions: _____________________________________________________________
Source of Lead
1. Sign □
5. Past Client □
9. TRT Builder □
2. Direct Mail □
6. Expired Listing □
10. Bank/REO □
3. Personal Referral □
7. Ad-R/E Magazines □ Paper □
11. TRT Relo/Referral □
4. Business Referral □
8. Marketing Company □
12. Other________________ □
Courier Information
Security Code: _____________________________ Property ID #: ___________________
Info Line Number: _________________________ Ext. Code: _______________________
Lock Box Number: _______________ TRT___Agent ___ Shackle Code: ______________
Talking House S/N: _____________ Sign Type: ___Small ___Post Set Up: ___________
Forwarding Address: ________________________________________________Phone:__________________
City: ___________________________ State: ___________________ Zip: ___________
E-Mail:______________________________________ Effective Date: ______________
VIP Seller Pending Sale Process
• Upon receipt of pending contract paper
work, Closings Manager will:
• Organize paperwork
• Set up Sale in Agent Office
• Launch Seller Closing Activity Plan
• Place paper work in file
New Sale Set Up Instructions for Agent Office
_____Look up contact in agent 2000 – if not there add new contact
_____Click on NEW
_____Click on Sale
_____Is this for one of your listings (YES if it is NO if it is not – if yes look up listing)
_____Enter Address Info
_____Listing Office Info – type – MLS#
_____Status is Pending
_____Sale Price
_____Earnest Money
_____Contract Date (is the binding agreement date)
_____Projected Closing
_____Click Save
_____Select Seller
_____Select Buyer
_____Select Agent
_____Select Co Agent (if not one, select none)
_____Add Parties – Inside Sales Agent – side of transaction – role in transaction is Inside
Sales Agent, see User Def 20 on contact/listing card
_____Add commissions: select commission set up/edit if necessary
_____Launch Closing Plan
*If adding a new listing sale, the address info will default in.
Seller Closing Activity Plan
Seller Pre Closing Checklist
• schedule closing, forward directions, fax
attorney commission conf and seller loan
info, home warranty?, signed disclosure
in file, co-op have termite?, email seller
inspection deadlines
Seller Post Closing Plan
Seller Closing Check List and Post
Close To Do’s
• Deposit Ready, Quick Books
Disbursement, Transfer EM to MM,
• Change to SOLD status, Update clients
address, Past client status, In House,
Launch Past Client Plan, HUD in file,
copies of checks
Agent Seller Closing Plans
Items Needed To Submit a Buyer Pending Contract
_____ Copy of Executed Purchase and Sale Agreement, together with all exhibits and
_____ Signed Sellers Property Disclosure Statement
_____ All Lender Contact info and Pre-Qualification Letter
_____ Copy of EM Check
_____ Copy of Sellers Survey
_____ Copy of Termite Letter
_____ Home Warranty Info/Order Form
_____ Commission Confirmation/Instructions to Closing Attorney with request for fee
deficiency (if any) and transaction fee.
* FAX all of the above to the Closings Manager within 24 hours of acceptance. Mail or
deliver EM check to the Closings Manager must be in office within 72 hours of
acceptance (We must have it deposited within 5 days of contract acceptance).
Buyer Under Contract
• Upon receipt of Paper work for a new
buyer sale, closings manager will:
• Organize paperwork
• Set up a new sale for a buyer in agent
• Launch Buyer Closing Activity Plan
• Prepare Earnest Money for Deposit
Buyer Closing plan
Buyer Closing Plan Pre Closing To
• delete Buyer Profile, termite letter and
disclosure with contract, commission
Agent Buyer Closing Plan
Buyer Post Closing Plan
• Deposit Ready, Quick Books
Disbursement, Transfer EM to MM
• Update Address, Past Client Status,
Change to In House, Launch Past Client
Plan, HUD in File, Copies of Checks in
File, commission verification
• Disburse Funds
Closing and Disbursement of Funds Procedures
1. Agent attends closing
2. Agent FAX’s HUD to Closing dept and to Accounting Dept.
3. Closing Attorney Wires money to TRT, emails conf of wire.
4. Upon receipt of the HUD, Closing Dept Launches Buyer Post Close or Seller Post Close plan.
5. The post closing plan tells Closing Manager to:
a. Change status to sold
b. Change status of contact to Past Client
c. Update Clients Address
d. Change to In house Newsletter
e. Launch Past Client Plan
f. Copy of HUD in File
g. Copies of Checks in File (if file was hand delivered by Agent).
6. CM does Closing Check List as per A2K:
a. Record conf# of wire (or prepare deposit if Agent hand delivered closing file)
b. Set up quick books disbursement
c. Transfer EM to MM
7. One Day later CM does Disbursement as per A2K:
a. Confirm wire/deposit
b. Direct deposit funds from commission account to OSA
c. Direct deposit funds from commission account to ISA
d. Transfer funds from commission account to The Realty Team – any FMLS fees/cash rewards.
8. Agents funds will be direct deposited within 48 hours of company receiving wire. Agent will receive an
email confirmation of disbursement when direct deposit has been made.
*Closings Manager will need to provide attorney with wiring instructions and accurate commission
confirmation agreement.
Setting Up
A Sale In
_____Click on Sale
_____customer job = address of property
_____date of sale = closing date
_____agent = outside sales agent
_____buyer = name of buyer's
_____seller = name of seller's
_____sale price = sale price
_____inside agent = name of inside sales agent or referral
under the items list
_____select listing sale, buyer sale or both sides - then type in the net amount of the
commission check received from the closing attorney
_____select transaction fee and type in the transaction fee received
_____select earnest money held by TW&A and type in the amount
_____select GCI and tab over to get the total gross commission income of the sale
now subtract the cost of sales
_____select FMLS and calculate the amount owed to FMLS and enter it into the rate, with a
minus sign (can know if it was an FMLS listing by viewing the full listing tab in the sales module
in A2K)
_____select referral and note the referral source and the % given and enter it into the rate with a
minus sign
_____select other and note what the other is (i.e cash rewards premium 15% of the cash
reward, rebate to seller, etc.) and enter the amount under rate with a minus sign.
_____select agents commission and calculate based on their pay structure and enter it under
the rate with a minus sign.
_____select TW&A from the list and enter the amount shown at the bottom under rate with a
minus sign
_____The transaction should be balanced to 0.00 at the bottom.
_____Print out the agents checks, the inside agents checks, fmls checks, cash rewards checks,
etc. following the sale disbursement.
_____Give a copy of the sale disbursement to Todd with the date the deposit was made.
Seller Closing Crashes
• Closings Manager will launch a Back on
Market Activity Plan
Back on Market Activity plan
Seller Cancellation or Expired
• VIP Client Manager launches an
Activity Plan
Agent/Employee Exit Interview
• Sales Manager will launch the Exit
Interview Plan
• Agents License will not be released until
all activities are completed.
Exit Interview Activity plan