1994 DBQ Outline: US Expansionism

Simon Rogers
AP U.S. History
1994 DBQ Outline
Q: To what extent was late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century United States
expansionism a continuation of past United States expansionism and to what extent was it a
Use the documents and your knowledge of United States history to 1914 to construct your
A- 1885, Cartoon
Main Idea: British, German, and Russian imperialists are all taking part in expansion into
lands around the world, in continents such as Africa and Asia.
B- 1885, Writing
Main Idea: White influence will soon make an inevitable growth into all parts of the
Earth, leading to a “survival of the fittest” between competing races.
C- 1897, Writing
Main Idea: America must respond to expansionism in the Pacific by other countries by
strengthening its great sea power.
D- 1899, Argument
Main Idea: Imperialism and expansion go against traditional American values, betraying
the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution
E- 1900, Speech
Main Idea: America has the God-given duty to expand and spread its influence around
the world, and the nation should not give up territory obtained in the Pacific and Asia.
F- 1904, Speech
Main Idea: American expansionism isn’t a result of the hunger for land and resources,
but a desire to bring aid to less fortunate peoples and bring stability and prosperity to
their societies.
G- 1900, Cartoon
Main Idea: American diplomacy helped create the “open door” in China, allowing other
nations to partake in the wealth of the country.
H- 1901, Jurisdiction
Simon Rogers
AP U.S. History
Main Idea: American annexation of new non-continental territory brings about more
problems for Congress, such as the decision of whether or not to grant American
citizenship to the territory’s native inhabitants
Thesis: American expansionism in the late 19th century and early 20th century was, to a large
extent, a continuation of past United States expansionism in terms of spreading influence and
culture as well as acquiring territorial gains. It also departed with previous expansionism in
aspects such as how it acquired the land and where the land was.
Manifest Destiny- Much like West, America had the “God-given” duty to expand and
spread its influence (Document B, Document E)
Imperialism was more of a competition than Western expansion, America was
competing with other nations in its race to secure more territory (Document A,
Document B, Document C)
Conflicting views on Imperialism: Went against traditional and constitutional views and
was more problematic than western expansion? Or actually benefited America and
other nations? (Document D, Document F, Document G, Document H)
American Expansion: Continental and International
During the period of time between the late 19th century and early 20th century, America
was going through significant changes. Following a revolution in Cuba against the Spanish,
and the Americans intervening to start the Spanish-American War, the Americans received
several territorial concessions from their defeated opponent. Thus, America started on the
path to imperialism, going to gain several more territories in a short amount of time. Such
an expansion in the late 19th century and early 20th century was, to a large extent, a
continuation of past United States expansionism, such as that in the West following the
Louisiana Purchase and Mexican-American War. However, the new imperialism differed
from expansionism in other aspects, such as the means by which America acquired the new
territory and where it was located. Overall, United States expansion in the late 19 th and
early 20th centuries was very similar to previous expansion, only departing from by a very
small margin.
In the early 19th century, the Louisiana Purchase was made between the United States
and France, in which a large amount of French territory west of the Mississippi River was
bought by the U.S. A few decades later, the Mexican-American War was being fought
between the U.S. and Mexico. By the end of the war, and with Mexico’s defeat, the U.S.
acquired even more land to the west, including much land along the Pacific coast. The
continental borders of the U.S. then were essentially the same as they are now, in modern
day. In both cases, the concept of “Manifest Destiny” played a very important role.
Individuals attributed the expansion with the idea that America was spreading its influence
Simon Rogers
AP U.S. History
and culture to less fortunate peoples. Josiah Strong wrote about such a concept in his piece,
Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis, stating that further Anglo-Saxon
expansion was inevitable and would extend into all parts of the world. As the U.S. entered
the era of imperialism, some opposed the concession of Pacific territories to the U.S.,
notably the Philippines. In response, some politicians decided to address such feelings, one
of them being Senator Albert J. Beveridge. In a speech to Congress, he expressed a view
supporting the idea of Manifest Destiny and based upon that, argued that territory obtained
by the U.S. in the Philippines should not be repudiated.
From its differences with previous western expansion, some didn’t really see a reason
for the U.S. to become and imperialist country. Though it could be viewed as another way
for America to expand social and cultural influence, certain individuals viewed it with much
contempt. Cartoonist Thomas Nast expressed certain conflicting ideas with his cartoon,
“The World’s Plunderers” in Harper’s Weekly. By depicting German, British, and Russian
imperialists taking part in the possession of territory around the world, he seemed to view
imperialism as a competition between countries to gain not just land, but power. Thus, it is
implied that if America were to take place in such acts, it would be more to compete with
other countries than to benefit themselves or others. Another view is presented with Josiah
Strong’s work, which both associated expansion with Manifest Destiny but declared it to be
a competition between rivaling countries, a “survival of the fittest” between different races.
An avid supporter of American imperialism, naval strategist Alfred T. Mahan summarized his
views in The Interest of America in Sea Power. He saw expansion as a sort of competition,
and in order for the U.S. to stay at equal footing with world powers such as Germany and
Japan, they needed to expand their influence into the Pacific. Only then, as is mentioned,
would the U.S. be able to respond to other nations with its great sea power.
In comparison with previous western expansion, was imperialism more justifiably
correct? There are reasons for it to be considered both a moral and immoral thing to do. As
America entered the age of imperialist expansion, certain groups were highly opposed to
the policy, expecially members of the American Anti-Imperialist League. In their platform,
imperialism is shown to go against traditional American values, that it betrays certain major
documents such as the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution for its violation of
individuals’ freedoms (people living in the territories acquired by the U.S.). Problems were
also being presented by this form of expansion, as determined in the Supreme Court Case of
Downes v. Bidwell, identifying that granting citizenship to inhabitants of territories outside
the continental U.S. was much more difficult than doing so for those within the borders.
However bad it may have seemed, there was still some support for an imperialist policy.
Theodore Roosevelt supported it, stating that it wasn’t a result of a hunger for land and
resources, but a desire to help less fortunate peoples and bring stability and prosperity to
their societies. Others also viewed America’s “Open Door” policies in China to be beneficial
for not just the U.S. and China, but for other nations as well.
Simon Rogers
AP U.S. History
From the early 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century, America expanded
from a small group of colonies into much of North America and even into the Pacific. In
acquiring territory west of the Mississippi River and gaining territorial concessions from the
Mexican-American and Spanish-American Wars, America has been able to identify itself not
just as an expansionist country, but an imperialist one as well. Both concepts differ from
each other to some extent (how the territory was gained, where the new territory was
located), but for the most part the two periods are very similar to each other.