The Formation of Planets Lecture by C.P. Dullemond Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics Heidelberg University Image Credit: NASA The Big Questions > 10 billion galaxies in the Universe how many harbour life? 100 billion stars in each galaxy several (?) planets around each star How did we come about? Are we alone in the Universe? After C. Mordasini What is a planet? Originally: „wandering star“ The „star“ made trajectories with „epicycles“ across the sky What is a planet? Rocky planet: - Is round - Has solid surface - Sometimes an atmosphere, too - In rare cases it has liquid water - Consists mostly of rock (silicates) in the outer parts and iron+nickel in the core - All known rocky planets orbit a star What is a planet? Gas giant planet: - Is round - Has no solid surface - Presumably has rocky core - Consist mostly of Hydrogen and Helium - Mass >> Mearth - Most known gas giant planets orbit a star - (Just this week the first confirmed free-floating planet was announced: PSO J318.5-22) What is a planet? Ice giant planet: - Is round - Has no solid surface - Atmosphere is Hydrogen and Helium - But interior is volatile elements - Presumably has rocky core too - Mearth < M < Mgasgp - All known ice giant planets orbit a star Our Solar System Why do all planets lie in the same plane? Why do they all have circular orbits? Why do they rotate all in the same direction? Immanuel Kant and Pierre-Simon Laplace realized that they must have formed from a disk around the young sun. Today we call this the „solar nebula“ or more general: a „protoplanetary disk“. Immanuel Kant Today we know that protoplanetary disks exist Today we know that protoplanetary disks exist Today we know that protoplanetary disks exist Constellation “Orion” Today we know that protoplanetary disks exist Constellation “Orion” Today we know that protoplanetary disks exist Today we know that protoplanetary disks exist Hidden behind the farend of the disk is the star = 500 AU = 16x Distance Sun-Neptune The ingredients of planet formation Protoplanetary Disk Comets (icy planetesimals) Dust (the raw material of rocky planets) Planets grow through accretion of planetesimals Collisions are the driving process Planets interact gravitationally: N-body dynamics Asteroids (rocky planetesimals) Dust coagulates to larger rocks, and eventually to planetesimals Massive planets open up gaps in the disk (planet-disk interaction & disk hydrodyamics) Image Credit: NASA This lecture: • ...focuses on the question „how did we come about?“, or more concretely: „how do planets form?“ • Active research area: Many of the main questions not yet solved. • We will discuss the standard picture (for as much as a „standard picture“ exists at all) • We will focus on physics • We will discuss mostly the formation of rocky (earth like) planets, but also to some extent of gas giant planets. Goals: • Brief introduction to / reminder of: – Properties of the Solar System (the planets, asteroid belt, Kuiper belt, comets, meteorites) – Properties of Extrasolar Planetary Systems (methods of detection, current statistics) – Glance over the standard model of planet formation • Sharpening our tools: – Hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics – Radiative transfer Goals: • Learn the physics of planet formation (part 1): – Protoplanetary disks (formation, structure, evolution, radiative transfer, hydrodynamics, magnetohydrodynamics, turbulence, vortices, chemistry, planet-disk interaction) – Growth of initial dust aggregates (“molecular” dynamics models, Smoluchowski equation: how to cover 40-orders of magnitude, processes: sticking, shattering, restructuring, porosity, evaporation/condensation, motion: drift, turbulence) – Planetesimal formation (particle trapping, Roche density, Goldreich & Ward model, Kelvin-Helmholz turbulence, gravoturbulent PF, streaming instabilities) – Restricted 3-body problem (Hill sphere, coorbital horseshoe region, Lagrange points, Jacobi integral, Tisserand relation, zero-velocity orbits, epicyclic motion, viscous stirring, chaos theory) – Oligarchic growth of rocky planets (gravitational focusing, runaway growth, viscous stirring & dynamical friction, thermodynamic description, self-regulation leading to oligarchy) – Mean motion resonances (resonant angles, libration, width of resonances, stability/instability) Goals: • Learn the physics of planet formation (part 2): – Internal structure of rocky bodies (gravitational compaction, internal radioactive heating, differentiation, tectonics) – Meteorite parent bodies (CAIs, chondrules, matrix, age determination) – Gas giant planet formation (initial planetary core with acquired atmosphere, growth through accretion of planetesimals, collapse of atmosphere and runaway gas accretion, cooling problem, angular momentum problem, circumplanetary disk, origin of Saturn’s rings and giant planet moons) – Planet-disk interaction & migration (spiral wave excitation and the resulting Lindblad torques, coorbital torques, saturation, role of disk viscosity, role of heating/cooling, gap opening, type I, II and III migration, migration as a “tool” to create hot Jupiters, to drive planets into resonances, migration traps) – Planetary collisions (fully destructive collisions, hit-and-run collisions, mantel stripping, formation of binary and contact-binary bodies, mergers) – Debris disks (collisional cascades, Poynting Robertsen drag, blow-out) – Long-term dynamic evolution (the “Nice” model, Kozai cycles, stability) Organization • When: Each Monday, 14:15-16:00 • Where: Philosophenweg 12, kleine Hörsaal • Web: • Moodle: via the web page (password=„Roche“) • Registration: Please register on the Moodle, so that you are always up to date. • Lecture material will be posted on the web page as much as possible. But some material may only be put on the Moodle (for copyright reasons). Voluntary additional literature: • Philip Armitage “Astrophysics of Planet Formation” (Cambridge University Press) – Lecture notes on which this book was based: • The review ‘bibles’ of star and planet formation: – Protostars and Planets IV – Protostars and Planets V – Protostars and Planets VI. Book is not yet out. Conference was in Heidelberg, July 2013. You can view the talks as movies: Other lecture material of interest: • „Physics of accretion disks and planet formation“ by Christoph Mordasini (MPIA Heidelberg) • „Planetenentstehung“ by Willy Kley (University of Tübingen) Thanks to ...... for material The field of planet formation is quite an expansive field. I have received lots of very valuable information and material from the following people, to whom I am indebted: • Christoph Mordasini • Carsten Dominik • Willy Kley Advertisement: • Lecture „Astrobiologie und Astrobiophysik II“ by Lisa Kaltenegger Start: second week of this semester (next week) Wednesdays, 17:15-18:45 INF 227, HS 2 Will cover lots of stuff about exoplanets! Will be in German Level = Bachelor