Uvod - Zavod RS za šolstvo

Datum: 26. 6. 2012
Primer PRIPRAVE NA POUK tujega jezika za mesec JUNIJ 2012
Priloga 1
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Kratek opis (vrsta in vsebina):
Ciljni tuji jezik(i):
Srednja šola za gostinstvo in turizem
Matična šola
Poklici v gostinstvu
Operacijo delno financira Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada ter Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport. Operacija se izvaja v okviru Operativnega programa razvoja človeških virov v obdobju 2007-2013,
razvojne prioritete: Razvoj človeških virov in vseživljenjsko učenje; prednostne usmeritve: Izboljšanje kakovosti in učinkovitosti sistemov izobraževanja in usposabljanja.
Simona Šumrada
Uvod ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Predtest ....................................................................................................................................... 4
1. poglavje - Poimenovanje gostinskih poklicev ........................................................................ 4
2. poglavje – Opisovanje nalog ................................................................................................ 10
3. poglavje – Organigrami gostinskega obrata ......................................................................... 11
4. poglavje - Osebnostne lastnosti zaposlenih .......................................................................... 13
5. poglavje - Predstavitev poklica in delovnih izkušenj ........................................................... 15
6. poglavje – Prošnja za službo ................................................................................................ 18
Utrjevanje in preverjanje .......................................................................................................... 20
Zaključek .................................................................................................................................. 21
Viri ........................................................................................................................................... 21
V tematskem sklopu Poklici v gostinstvu se boste naučili:
- poimenovati poklice v gostinstvu,
- opisati osnovne naloge posameznih poklicev,
- sestaviti organigram določenega gostinskega podjetja,
- poimenovati osebnostne lastnosti, potrebne za opravljanje gostinskega poklica,
- iz oglasov angleških spletnih strani izbrati delovno mesto,
- opisati svoje izbrano delovno mesto in se pripraviti na razgovor za službo.
Poleg tega boste razvijali:
- bralno razumevanje
- pisno izražanje
Interesting facts about catering jobs. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)?
1. Even today French names of catering jobs are often used in English.
2. A group of people working together in a kitchen or a restaurant is called a brigade.
The classical system of kitchen brigade was created by Jamie Oliver.
3. In smaller kitchens, they don't need all members of the kitchen brigade.
4. All types of establishments use the same terminology for catering jobs.
5. The learner who has just joined the food service staff is called an assistant waiter.
6. The hospitality industry covers people working in hospitals.
1. poglavje - Poimenovanje gostinskih poklicev
(Hospitality jobs terminology)
Ian Boden, 49, works for a four-star Birmingham restaurant, which is owned by the City
Inn Hotel. He's in charge of the 120-seat Simpson's Tavern and he is responsible for
overseeing banquets and functions for up to 150 people. He says this allowed him to
learn a lot about the politics of running a restaurant there. »The experience of managing
people, working with other departments and getting involved in the financial side of
things was invaluable.«
He's giving a presentation about the restaurant organization.
Ian Boden with his kitchen brigade in 1992
A) Listen carefully to Ian and answer the questions.
1) Who reports to the Food and Beverage Manager?
a) head waiter, station waiter and assistant waiter
b) head waiter, bar manager and head chef
c) head waiter, pastry chef and bar manager
2) The person in charge of the kitchen is called
a) station waiter
b) food and beverage manager
c) Head chef
3) The pastry chef is in charge of preparing
a) desserts
b) sauces
c) starters
4) Who supervises waiters and waitresses?
a) Food and beverage manager
b) head waiter
c) head chef
B) Read the text and do the exercises.
Many larger restaurants especially hotels, like ours, use the full, traditional kitchen brigade.
This system was created by Georges Auguste Escoffier. Even today French names of jobs are
often used in English. But in smaller kitchens, they don't need all members of the kitchen
brigade. In a large kitchen with many departments or sections there are more people. For
The head chef or Executive chef manages the kitchen and under him comes sous chef. He is
in charge of preparing food and planning the menus and supervising other cooks.The highest
cook, trained in culinary arts. Executive chef usually has a diploma or certificate and often
spends more time doing organization and paperwork than actually cooking, while the head
chef is in charge of actual cooking in the kitchen.
The assistant chef also called sous chef is in charge of a particular section of a kitchen. He is
a chef that is second in command, works under and learns from the head chef.
Station chefs or in French chefs de partie specialize in preparing particular dishes. These
are: The vegetable chef/cook is in charge of vegetables and pasta. The pastry chef/cook is in
charge of sweet dishes. There is also a fish chef/cook, sauce chef/cook, salad chef/cook,
meat chef/cook. Kitchen help(ers) or kitchen assistants help the cooks: peel the potatoes
and so on. The kitchen porter carries things around in a kitchen.
These are the employees who do not have a personal contact with guests that's why they are
called »back of the house jobs«. Other serving staff working in the restaurant in called »front
of the house«. The one in charge of restaurant service is the restaurant manager. His duties
include supervising and training the waiters and ensuring that the service is efficient.
Restaurant managers must be efficient, well-organised, polite and able to get on well with
staff and customers. The food and beverage manager is responsible for the restaurant and
the kitchen. Three people report directly to him: the head waiter, the bar manager and the
head chef. The head waiter meets the guests, greets them, takes them to their table and seats
them, takes orders. The waiter /waitress brings the menu, recommends dishes, serves meals,
makes out the bill, wishes them a pleasant meal. The wine waiter/butler brings the wine list,
takes orders for drinks and serves them. The assistant waiter sets and clears the table, helps
the waiter serve guests. The station waiter is responsible for serving his station (a certain
number of tables). He is employed only in big restaurants. The attendant hangs guests' coats
in the cloakroom. He is employed only in big hotel restaurants
responsible for - odgovoren za; in charge of - zadolžen za; duty – dolžnost; task - naloga
restaurant service - (po)strežba; staff – osebje; include – vključevati; supervise – nadzorovati; ensure –
zagotoviti; efficient – učinkovit; get on well with – dobro se razumeti z/s; report – poročati; formal – formalen,
uraden; informal – neformalen; guest – gost; greet – pozdraviti; seat guests - posesti goste; serve guests (wait on
guests) - streči goste; take orders - sprejemati naročila; make out the bill – izpisati račun; wine list – vinska karta;
set/lay the table - pogrniti mizo; clear the table - pospraviti mizo; attendant – strežnik; manage – upravljati;
culinary art – kulinarika; certificate – spričevalo; department / section – oddelek; medium sized – srednje velik;
adapt – prilagoditi.
1. Exercise
Select the names of the front of the house jobs and put them in the table number 1. Then put
the rest of the jobs - the back of the house jobs – in the table number 2.
Headwaiter, food and beverage manager, cashier, baker, butcher, kitchen help, waiters and
waitresses, dishwasher station, restaurant manager, wine waiter, apprentice, cook, assistant
chef, bar manager, catering manager, barman assistant.
Table 1
Restaurant staff - Front of the house jobs
Table 2
Kitchen staff - Back of the house jobs
*2. Exercise
Even today French names of jobs are often used in English. Find the English equivalents for
the the French names.
head chef, station chef/ line cook, salad chef, head waiter, wine waiter, pastry chef, fish chef, soup
chef, vegetable chef, sauce chef
French name
chef de partie
chef de cuisine
sous chef
chef de partie
garde manger
entremetier potager
maitre d'hotel
English name
3. Exercise
Insert the following words in the close test WHO IS WHO IN A RESTAURANT
restaurant manager, manager, staff, waitresses, wine butler, station waiter, assistant waiters,
attendant, head waiter, head waiter, depend on, responsible, service, seats, takes, set, clear, meal,
cloakroom, reservation book, pleasant meal, hands, food check.
Jobs in a restaurant _1_depend on___ the size, location, standard and type of restaurant. The
_2__________________is the person who is _3_________________ for all the restaurant
_4____________ and in charge of all members of the _5____________. When guests enter a big,
formal restaurant, the person who meets them and _6________ them is called _7______________. He
_8_____________ guests' orders. Waiters or _9______________ serve the meal. _10______________
takes orders for drinks. In some big restaurants there is also a _11______________ who is responsible
for taking orders from a certain number of tables. _12______________ take food checks into the
kitchen, _13__________ and 14____________ the tables and help the waiters serve the
_15_______________. In high-class hotel restaurants there is also the _16______________ who
hangs guests' coats in the _17________________. Then the guests are met by the _18____________
who looks them up in the _19_________________ and wishes them a _20________________. The
_21_________________ takes them to their table, seats them and 22_________ them the menu, takes
their orders and writes them on a _23_________. After a while the waiter serves them the meal they
have ordered.
4. Exercise (homework)
Match the catering jobs with their translations.
restaurant owner, cashier, restaurant manager, station waiter (chef de partie), food and
beverage manager, catering manager, bar manager, assistant waiter (busser/busboy),
headwaiter ( maitre d'hotel) waiter (waitresses), wine waiter (sommelier), barman,
Restaurant staff - Front of the house jobs
lastnik restavracije
vodja restavracije
direktor za hrano in pijačo
vodja postrežbe izven restavracije
vodja bara
glavni natakar
natakar; natakarica
rejonski natakar (za določeno št. miz)
barman; točaj
pomožni natakar; pospravljalec miz
pek, glavni kuhar, glavni kuhar za juhe, kuhar, namestnik glavnega kuharja, glavni kuhar za
zelenjavo, glavni kuhar za solate, glavni kuhar za slaščice, mesar, glavni kuhar za ribje jedi,
pomivalec posode, vajenec, kuharski pomočnik, glavni
kuhar za omake.
Kitchen staff - Back of the house jobs
chef, head chef, executive chef, chef de cuisine
assistant chef, sous chef
salad chef , larder chef
Station chef, Line garde manger
pastry chef , patissier
Chef de partie
fish chef, poisonnier
soup chef, potager
vegetable chef, entremetier potager
sauce chef , saucier
kitchen help, kitchen hand, junior cook, commis
apprentice, trainee
dishwasher, plongeur
*5. Exercise More jobs in the hospitality industry
Match each task (a-n) with the correct job (1-14). The first one has been done as an example.
1. advance reservations clerk ______________
2. banqueting manager
3. cashier
4. cellarman
5. chef
6. dispense bartender
7. enquiry clerk
8. head waiter
9. housekeeper
10. house porter
11. pastry cook
12. personnel manager
13. receptionist
14. waiter/waitress
a) Someone has to make sure that everything in the guests' rooms is in order.
b) Mika and Eri Suetake would like to discuss arrangements for their daughter's wedding
c) The guests' bills need to be prepared.
d) Someone has to make sure there is enough wine, beer and spirits.
e) The sheets and towels have to be taken upstairs.
f) Four guests have just entered the restaurant.
g) The waiter wants wine and beer for his tables.
h) A special cake should be made for the function.
i) The busy summer season is approaching and more staff are required.
j) Someone should plan the cooking times for dinner.
k) Someone needs to reply to this letter booking two rooms for next month.
l) Someone has to welcome guests and complete the registration form.
m) The guests at table eight are ready to order.
n) There is a lady on the phone wanting to know if there is a room available at the weekend.
*6. Exercise
See the web page presenting catering and hospitality jobs in New Zeland:
www.careers.govt.nz (Written 01/04/2006) Which of them are »front of house« jobs (mark
them with F) and which are »back of house« jobs (mark them with B)?
A La Carte Short Order Chef
Accommodation Park Manager
Apartment Manager
Baggage Checker
Bar Attendant
Bar Manager
Bar Person
Boarding House Manager
Bread Baker
Cafe Manager
Cafe Owner
Cafe Worker
Cafeteria Cook
Cake Baker
Camping Ground Manager
Catering Assistant
Catering Chef
Catering Services Manager
Catering Worker/Manager
Chef de Partie
Commis Chef
Conference Manager
Convention Facility Manager
Cook (Short Order)
Craft Baker
Delicatessen Assistant
Demi Chef
Dining Room Manager
Director of Food and Beverage
Dish Washer
Duty Manager (Pub/Tavern)
Event Co-ordinator
Event Manager
Event Manager (Catering)
Event Organiser
Event Producer
Executive Chef
Executive Housekeeper
Fast Food Assistant
Fast Food Cook
Fast Food Manager
Food and Beverage Director
Food and Beverage Manager
Food Counter Assistant
Food Services Manager
Fresh Food Worker
Functions Co-ordinator (Catering)
Functions Manager (Catering)
General Manager (Hotel)
Guest Service Agent
Hall of Residence Manager
Head Waiter
60. Holiday Park Accommodation Manager
61. Holiday Park Manager/Worker
62. Hospital Housekeeper
63. Hostel Manager
64. Hotel Clerk
65. Hotel Housekeeper
66. Hotel Manager
67. Hotel Porter
68. Hotel Receptionist
69. Hotel Restaurant Manager
70. Hotel/Motel Receptionist
71. Hotelier
72. Housekeeper (Executive)
73. Kitchen Assistant
74. Kitchen Steward
75. Lodge Manager
76. Lunch Bar Manager
77. Maitre d'
78. Maitre d'Hotel
79. Manager (Cafe)
80. Manager (Fast Food)
81. Manager (Food and Beverage)
82. Manager (Hotel)
83. Manager (Lodge)
84. Manager (Motel)
85. Manager (Pub/Tavern)
86. Manager (Restaurant)
87. Motel Manager
88. Motel Owner
89. Motel Proprietor
90. Motel Receptionist
91. Motelier
92. Motor Camp Manager
93. Motor Lodge Clerk
94. Nursing Home Housekeeper
95. Operations Co-ordinator
96. Operations Manager (Hotel)
97. Pantry Hand
98. Pastry Chef
99. Plant Baker
100. Porter (Hotel)
101. Professional Conference Manager
102. Pub/Tavern Manager
103. Publican
104. Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) Manager
105. Receptionist (Hotel/Motel)
106. Restaurant Manager
107. Restaurant Manager (Hotel)
108. Restaurant Supervisor
109. Room Service Clerk
110. Salad Hand
111. Short Order Cook
112. Sous Chef
113. Take-away Food Assistant
114. Take-away Food Cook
115. Take-away Manager
116. Tourist Hotel Manager
117. Wedding Planner
Youth Hostel Manager
2. poglavje – Opisovanje nalog
Job Descriptions
V 2. poglavju se boste naučili koristne izraze za opisovanje nalog posameznih poklicev.
Useful phrases for describing a job are:
/animirani tutor/
He is responsible for ..../ He is in charge of…/His duty (task) is to…/He deals with…
He manages.... / He supervises... / He looks after.../ He reports to...
1. Exercise
Complete the sentences with a phrase from the box. Look back at the text to help you.
is responsible..../ is in charge …/ deals … manages.... /supervises... / looks... / reports
The restaurant manager __________ of the whole restaurant.
He ______________ the rest of restaurant managers like food and beverage manager.
The bar manager ____________ to the restaurant manager.
Head waiters always _________ with day to day problems and complaints made by
5. The head chef is ______________ for planning menus.
2. Exercise: Restaurant staff at work
a) Pictures show what the restaurant staff does every day. Form sentences as shown in
1- A waiter serves meals
3. poglavje – Organigrami gostinskega obrata
(Restaurant organisation charts)
V 3. poglavju se boste naučili predstaviti gostinske poklice v obliki organigrama (organizacijske
sheme zaposlenih v obratu)
1. Exercise
Complete the diagram with the following words:
assistant waiter, head chef, meat cook, pastry cook, waiter/waitress, station waiter, bar manager
Head Waiter
2. Exercise
Complete the organistion chart of Simpson's Tavern with the names and job titles of the
following restaurant staff.
4. poglavje - Osebnostne lastnosti zaposlenih
Personal Qualities
V 4. poglavju se boste naučili opisovati značajske lastnosti, potrebne za opravljanje gostinskih
Read some of the qualities required for catering staff as presented in the webpage
www.careers.govt.nz What qualifications and experience will employers look for?
Waiters and waitresses need to be:
 friendly, helpful and polite
 able to work well and remain calm under pressure
 able to follow instructions
 quick and efficient
 reliable and punctual
 tactful and diplomatic if dealing with complaints
 able to work effectively in a team.
 They also need to have a good memory.
Caterers need to be:
 able to work to deadlines
 able to work well under pressure and have a sense of humour
 creative
 patient and adaptable
 able to show initiative and be self-critical
 flexible. "People ring up and want to do things at the last minute, so you need to
change your plan and say 'Yes we can do that' then try to figure it out with the kitchen
staff." Paul Retimanu, Caterer
Chefs need to be:
 creative and open-minded
 able to follow instructions
 willing to learn new cooking methods, recipes and menus
 reliable and able to work well under pressure
 quick and efficient, but still patient and careful.
common sense is also important.
1. Exercise
What should a waiter be like? What shouldn't he be like? Mark the positive (+) and negative (-)
characteristics in the following list as shown in the example:
- inflexible, + reliable, (un)pleasant, (in)decisive, (dis)honest, (im)mature, (un)ambitious,
(in)sensitive, (in)tolerant, hard-working, lazy, mean, greedy, generous, tense, relaxed, cheerful,
miserable, outgoing, sociable, reserved, shy, hospitable, enthusiastic, formally dressed, casualy
dressed, respectful, rude, emotional, humorous, fun-loving, thoughtful, forgetful, absent-minded,
punctual, self-confident, bossy, nosey, a gossip …
2. Exercise
Complete the sentences with the adjectives describing a person from the list of adjectives
1. He's careful with money and never invites me to a drink. He's ___________________
2. He finds it difficult to talk to strangers and meet people. He's __________________
3. He always arrives on time. He's ___________________
4. He's always looking himself in the mirror. He's ___________________
5. He keeps forgetting where he's put things. He's ___________________
6. He just sits around at home all day watching TV. He's a___________________
7. He talks a lot about other people, usually lies. He's a___________________
8. He doesn't want to eat a lot of food. He's ___________________
9. He has no desire to be successful and get a better job. He's ___________________
10. You can depend on him. He's _____________________
11. He is unable to change and find new ways of working. He's _____________________
12. He's easily hurt by what other people say about him. He's _____________________
14. He wants to be boss for the whole department. He's _____________________
15. He has lots of common sense. He's _____________________
16. You shouldn't believe what he says. He's _____________________
17. He thinks he's more intelligent and better than others. He's _____________________
18. He's never forgets my birthday. He's _____________________
19. He keeps getting into fights. He's _____________________
20. He worries what other people think of him. He isn't very ___________________
5. poglavje - Predstavitev poklica in delovnih izkušenj
Meet people in catering jobs
1. Exercise
The reporter had an interview with a few people working in Simpson’s Tavern.
Read it and do the exercises
a) Profile: Zara, waitress
Match his questions with suitable paragraphs reporting candidates’ answers.
1. What are your likes and dislikes in this job?
Letter of paragraph ________
2. When did you first start waitressing?
Letter of paragraph ________
3. What are customers like?
Letter of paragraph ________
4. What are your plans for the future?
Letter of paragraph ________
5. Did you get any formal education for this job? Letter of paragraph ________
6. Have you been working only as a waitress?
Letter of paragraph ________
A) "I first started waitressing when I was 17. I was running around with coffee, and found I
really liked it! It was the atmosphere, and the customers were really lovely.”
B) Back then Zara was still at high school, and says she had not yet made a career choice. “I
was not sure what to do: should I go back to school and study or stay in the hospitality
business. I needed money so I enrolled at polytechnic where I did a café/bar course for a year.
It was really enjoyable, and made me think seriously about being a waitress – and here I am!”
C) Zara started out at a coffee machine, where she got to develop her coffee-making skills,
“People think that coffee is just coffee, but there is more to it than that!” When that business
closed down Zara found work at a restaurant and bar. “I did that for nearly a year. I had to
clear the tables, take drink orders, work at chech out till. I got to work in the bar and became
really interested in cocktail making, but we did really late nights where we would often not
get out of there until 4am. But it was good to learn bar work and how to deal with really
different customers, and I picked up good communication skills.”
D) After deciding the hours were not for her, Zara started work at a busy city café, where
she has found that customers make the job fun. “Every day is different. You come to work
and it can be really busy; I enjoy the different things you come across every day.
E) “The customers also make your day awesome. I have made a couple of friends that were
customers, so that’s a really cool thing, and the people here I work with are really lovely.”
F) Zara sees herself continuing her career in hospitality and making the most of her skills.
“It’s cool that I can go higher here. I have been here for nearly two years and I am just about
to get my Duty Manager’s Licence. So that means a pay rise and more responsibilities, and
it’s a bit more challenging.”
to waitress – streči; enroll - vpisati se; polytechnic – višja strokovna enjoyable - prijeten;
chech out till - blagajna; we did really late nights – delali smo pozno v noč; pick up good
skills – naučiti se mimogrede; customers –stranke; come across – srečati; awesome; licence –
dovoljenje; responibility – odgovornost; challenging – poln izzivov.
b). Profile: Grant Jackson, Chef
Match his questions with suitable paragraphs reporting candidates’ answers.
1. What are your plans for the future?
Letter of paragraph ________
2. What else would you say looking back on your career? Letter of paragraph ________
3. What is the most useful thing you’ve learnt?
Letter of paragraph ________
4. How did you start?
Letter of paragraph ________
5. What is the most memorable experience in your job? Letter of paragraph ________
6. How long have you been a chef?
Letter of paragraph ________
7. Where have you been working so far?
Letter of paragraph ________
A) It was a normal dining night when Grant Jackson got a phone call saying that former US
President Bill Clinton was coming for dinner. "That was huge," says Grant. "We only got an
hour's notice and about five minutes after that about 30 security guards arrived. He ordered
off the menu, and it seemed he enjoyed himself because he left an hour-and-a-half later than it
was planned."
B) Grant has been a chef for over 30 years and has run his own restaurant for the last 11. He
says that being a chef is all he ever wanted to do.
C) "When I was 15 I got a holiday job at a restaurant. At the end of the holiday the chef asked
me whether I'd like a full-time job. So I never went back to school."
D) In his career Grant has travelled and worked in England and Europe. He has also done
dietitian work for children, worked in nursing homes and gentlemen's clubs, and on-call for a
an international camera company. "That experience taught me different food styles and how
to cater for 5,000 people a day. It also taught me how to get on with people because you had
to be able to walk into a kitchen and work with people straight away. "
E)"It taught me a lot about food costing," says Grant, which is very important. "Because if
you don't make money in a restaurant you don't have a restaurant."
F) These days Grant is looking to get out of the kitchen, but says, "It's hard letting go. We've
been here 11 years and you build up this idea that nobody can do it like you can. In a way
they probably can't - but that's not to say that other people can't do it better."
G) Thinking back on his career Grant says he was very lucky. "I've done nothing else in 32
years, but I still wake up in the morning and want to come to work because I'm passionate
about what I do."
get an hour's notice – izvedeti uro prej; ordered off the menu - naročiti izven menija ; run a
restaurant – voditi restavracijo; full-time job – delo s polnim delovnim časom; career –
kariera; dietitian – strokovnjak za prehrano; nursing homes – dom ostarelih; on-call – po
potrebi; international – mednaroden; to cater for – postreči, poskrbeti za; costing –
kalkulacija / izračun stroškov ; make money – zaslužiti denar; to be passionate about – imeti
strastno rad.
c) Profile: Franziska , Food and Beverage Manager
Read the following profile and answer the questions.
1. What kind of jobs did she do before becoming a F&B Manager?
2. What should a F&B Manager be like?
3. What is good in her job?
4. What is difficult in this job?
Being a food and beverage manager has allowed Franziska Zahnd to travel all over the world.
“I’ve worked in England, Switzerland, Holland, at a hotel resort by the Dead Sea in Israel, at
Parliament House in Canberra, Australia, and now I’m working here in New Zealand.”
Franziska has always had a passion for working in hotel restaurants, and has worked her way
up step by step. “During my last few years at school I started working in restaurants. I did five
years in the kitchen and went to catering college.
“I then decided I definitely didn’t want to just stay in the kitchen. I wanted to be front of
house – out meeting and speaking with the guests, that kind of things. I started as a food and
beverage attendant and just went up, moving to higher positions in hotels.”
Now that she has years of experience as a food and beverage manager, Franziska can tell us
what is needed to do the job well. “You have to be very adaptable, open to change. You need
to be able to work in a team player and have good communication skills.
“You have to be flexible with your hours – there is a lot of shift work.”
Food and beverage management may be hard work, but there is a lot of satisfaction in it, says
Franziska. “The reward comes from seeing a happy customer – a guest coming again to your
restaurant. That kind of thing says you’ve done a good job.
“Also the satisfaction I get from achieving my goals keeps me in the job, and not only my
personal goals, but the goals of my team. When you see your team achieve there’s no bigger
Adaptable – prilagodljiv communication skills – komunikacijske spretnosti; flexible –
prilagodljiv; shift work – delo v izmenah; reward – nagrada achieve a goal – doseči cilj
6. poglavje – Prošnja za službo
1. Exercise
Consult the following English web pages publishing vacancies for catering jobs.
http://www.reed.co.uk/hospitality (4. 9. 2008)
Choose three adverts that seem interesting to you enough to apply. Copy the ads and paste
them here:
Ad 1
Ad 2
Ad 3
2. Exercise: Connect the paragraphs with the heading.
Reason for writing
e d
Reason for application
3. Exercise (homework) : apply for the job to one of the ads you have chosen in exercise 1.
Utrjevanje in preverjanje
Imagine you applied and got an employment. Complete the following sentences about
your job.
I work for ____________________________________ (name of company, restaurant …)
as a(n) __________________________________ (type of job).
In the ___________________________________ (department).
I mostly deal with _______________________________________________ (kind of work).
I am responsible for ______________________________________________ (ing form).
and for ______________________________________________________.
My other tasks are ________________________________________________________.
My job involves a lot of ______________________________________________________
A person in this job needs to be ________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________(personal qualities)
To get this job you have to ____________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________ (education…)
At work I am in contact with different people. These are ____________________________
______________________________________________________________ (collegues,
different customers …)
What I like about my job is ____________________________________________________
What I don't like about my job is ________________________________________________
I've been doing this job since ___________________________________________________
Dobro poznavanje zahtev delodajalca za določen poklic vam lahko pomaga na razgovorih za
službo, ki se jih boste v prihodnosti morda udeležili, zato je pomembno, da se seznanite z
nalogami, ki vas čakajo v vašem bodočem gostinskem poklicu. Želimo vam veliko uspeha pri
izbiri ustreznega profila poklica in iskanju zaposlitve.
Tiskani viri
Baude, A., Montserrat, I. 2002. Ready to Order. Essex: Longman.
Duckworth, M. 1988. Highly Recommended. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Lillicrap, D. 2006. Food and Beverage Service. London: Thames Valley University.
Pohl, A. 2002. Test your Professional English. Hotel and Catering. Penguin English.
Wood, N. 2004. Tourism and Catering Workshop. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Spletni viri:
http://www.careers.govt.nz (4. 11. 2006)
http://www.londoncareers.net/industry/catering-hospitality-jobs-london.jsp (4. 9. 2008)
http://www.reed.co.uk/hospitality (4. 9. 2008)
http://www.jobsinhotels.co.uk/Default.asp?Page=83 (4. 9. 2008)