January 2013 SHRM Update - SHRM Minnesota State Council

North Central
January 2013
Upcoming Deadlines
2012 SHAPE Year-End Report – due January 31, 2013
Don’t wait until the last minute! The 2012 SHRM Affiliate Program
for Excellence (SHAPE) Year-End Report is available now in the
SHAPE Center of the VLRC. Correction from the November SHRM
Update…This year, you can create your own user ID and
password to get started. You can enter information, save your
work, and return in different sessions to complete the report
before the deadline. Please reach out to your Field Services
Director if you have any questions.
The 2013 SHAPE Chapter and State Council Planning
Workbooks are now available in the SHAPE Center of the
VLRC. Use it for planning your initiatives for the coming year.
2013 SHRM Employment Law and Legislative Conference
Registration & Housing Deadline: February 1, 2013
The conference will be held in Washington, DC on March 10-13.
In order to ensure that each state legislative leader is afforded
adequate resources to perform his/her duties as a legislative
representative, SHRM will provide 2013 State Legislative
Directors, or their successor, one complimentary registration and
three nights hotel accommodations (one complimentary
registration will be given per state), beginning on Sunday, March
10. This conference will provide access to timely information and
resources to assist state legislative leaders in performing their
duties. Visit the conference webpage to get a flavor of what’s
planned for this year’s event Employment Law and Legislative
Conference. Registration and housing forms have been emailed
to state legislative directors. To guarantee complimentary
participation in this year’s conference, completed forms must be
faxed to SHRM by February 1 at (703) 535-5477 (to the
attention of Julian Greer).
Assurance of Learning Assessment for Graduates of HR
Degree Programs Spring 2013 registration now open!
Encourage students to register!
Students who pass the exam receive a Certificate of Learning
indicating they have acquired the minimum knowledge required
to enter the profession. Encourage students to register for the
spring 2013 testing window at www.shrm.org/assessment now.
Questions? Contact the Assurance of Learning hotline at
assessment@shrm.org or 1-800-283-7476 x3926 (EXAM).
Get your free copy of the Employer’s Guide to the SHRM
Assurance of Learning® Assessment via e-mail. Interested
in knowing what this new exam is all about and why you should
care if entry-level candidates have taken and passed it? Contact
us via e-mail at Academics@shrm.org to receive your
complimentary copy of the Employer’s Guide. For more details
about the assessment, visit us online at
www.shrm.org/assessment or contact Nancy Woolever,
SHRM Update – January 2013
Mark Your Calendars
Core Leadership Area (CLA)
Conference Call/Webinar Schedule
E-mail notifications are sent to the CLA volunteers in advance.
The 2013 Core Leadership Area schedule is available at
2013 CLA Schedule
1/16 – District Directors Webinar @ 4:00 ET
To join the meeting: http://shrm.adobeconnect.com/dd201301/
Call-in: (800) 745-6370; Participant Pass Code: 738157
1/23 – SHRM Foundation Webinar @ 4:00 pm ET
To join the meeting: http://shrm.adobeconnect.com/foundation20130123/
Call-in: (800) 745-6370; Participant Pass Code: 738157
Chapters-by-Size Conference Call Schedule
Topic specific discussions & successful practice sharing
E-mail notifications are sent to the Chapter Presidents in advance.
The 2013 Chapters-by-Size schedule is available at
Chapters by Size schedule
Call-in info for ALL Chapters-by-Size conference calls is the same
Call-in number: (800) 745-6370
Participant code: 747279
2/19 –
1/22 –
Small [up to 100] Webinar @ 4:00 ET
Medium [101-300] @ 4:00 ET
1/22 –
Large [301-500] @ 4:00 ET
2/27 –
2/27 –
Mega [501-1,000] Webinar @ 4:00 ET
Super-Mega [1,000 +] Webinar @ 4:00 ET
To join the meeting: http://shrm.adobeconnect.com/medlgchp2013jan/
Call-in: (800) 745-6370; Participant Pass Code: 738157
To join the meeting: http://shrm.adobeconnect.com/medlgchp2013jan/
Call-in: (800) 745-6370; Participant Pass Code: 738157
Volunteer Leader Webcast Series &
Special Focus Conference Call/Webinar Schedule
E-mail notifications are sent to the Volunteer Leaders in advance.
The 2013 Volunteer Leader Webcast Series schedule is
available at Volunteer Leader Webcast Series
1/24 – Volunteer Leader Webcast Series Webinar @ 4:00ET
Topic: “Activating and Engaging Young Professionals”
To join the meeting: http://shrm.adobeconnect.com/vl20130124/
Call-in: (800) 745-6370; Participant Pass Code: 738157
The Volunteer Leader Webcast Series is an extension of the learning
opportunities available at our annual Leadership Conference. As an SHRM
volunteer leader, you will have an opportunity to participate in these
events focused on leadership development and informational topics. The
webinars are free to SHRM volunteer leaders. Advance registration is NOT
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Membership Marketing Tip: That’s really pretty…and possibly ineffective – Many people believe marketing pieces need
to be highly designed to generate response. This is not always true. Consider designing a membership appeal or meeting
registration form with only concise copy on the benefit to the recipient and instructions on how they can respond. Test this to
see how well it works compared to what you are currently doing.
Volunteer Leader Resource Center (VLRC)
Volunteer Leader Resource Center link: VLRC
Post your 2013 State Conference info on the SHRM website!
Online State Conference Posting Request Form State Conference Posting Request Form Information regarding 2013 SHRM state
conferences will be posted on the SHRM website providing each of the following three requirements are met: (1) the state
conference must demonstrate use of the SHRM "affiliate of" logo on its website and/or promotional materials; (2) only one
contact person may be listed per conference; (3) all requests to post state conference information must be made utilizing the
interactive online request form; and, (4) please allow 3-5 business days to process your request. All requests are subject to
approval by SHRM. Once approved, state conference information will be posted to the SHRM website at no cost to the state
New! Chapter Officer Badges
Now is the time to order hard badges for your new chapter officers. RCB Awards has been the preferred vendor for badges for
the last couple of years. You can place your order online and review/approve proofs prior to printing. RCB Awards also has
recognition items that can be produced with your chapter logo. Please visit http://www.shrmrcbawards.com/ to place and pay
RCB directly for your order.
Chapter/State Council Delegation Pricing Is Back!
SHRM is pleased to announce the return of the Chapter/State Council Delegation Program for the 2013 SHRM Annual Conference
& Exposition. The program offers discounted rates to chapter members or those who serve on state councils. Chapters may
group together or be part of state council groups. This is a limited time offer and all registrations must be received by April 5,
2013. Interested in forming a group for your chapter or state council? Read more. As announced at the Leadership
Conference, the volunteer leader discount program is also being offered for the 2013 conference. Online registration at the
discounted rate of $1,160 for eligible SHRM volunteer leaders opens soon. Watch for more details in the coming weeks.
Focus on HR to use at Chapter Meetings
The latest episode of Focus on HR is now online. Check it out to see:
News stories on 2013 health care limits, the volatility of health care costs, and the new FCRA sheriff.
Kathleen Koch interviews Mark Schmit, Executive Director of the SHRM Foundation.
Part II of the Onboarding series features Brad Karsh and Todd Hudson discussing ways to better engage Gen Y hires.
Here’s the link to the December 20 episode: Focus On HR 12.20.12
Reality-Based Leadership – discounted book for volunteers
Fast Company blogger and Leadership 2012 keynoter Cy Wakeman reveals how to be the kind
of leader who changes the way people think about and perceive their circumstances without drama
or defensiveness. Member: $25.95, Nonmember: $27.95 Enter promo code CU-1212 at checkout
and get 10% off your purchase of Reality-Based Leadership through January 31, 2013.
Offer cannot be combined with other promotions. Reality-Based Leadership book
2013 SHRM Pinnacle Awards
As announced at the SHRM Leadership Conference, a number of enhancements are being made to the SHRM Pinnacle Awards in
2013. The changes are the result of recommendations made by our volunteer Recognition and Rewards Task Force, created as
part of last year's chapter study, and include:
The development of three Award Categories: Serving the Professional; Advancing the Profession; and Enhancing the
SHRM Community
The creation of four Award Levels:
Level 1: Small Chapters (10-100 members)
Level 2: Medium & Large Chapters (101 – 500 members)
Level 3: Mega & Super Mega Chapters (501+ members)
Level 4: State Councils
SHRM Update – January 2013
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An increase in the overall number of awards from nine to twelve
The submission process remains the same, with moderate revisions to the online application form to include the new award
categories and levels. Additionally, we will continue to use the same set of questions for chapters/state councils to respond to
and the same awards selection criteria for the judges. Attendees at the Leadership Conference enthusiastically responded to the
announced changes - look for more information in the New Year!
New! HR Certification for Reading Select HR Books!
For the first time, you can receive HR Certification Institute recertification credit for reading select HR books!
The SHRMStore now offers a select number of HR books that have been approved for either General or
Strategic recertification credit. Visit the SHRMStore for a list of the books currently approved for credit. Plus,
look for more titles in 2013! And, for a list of frequently asked questions, click here! Or contact us at
SHRM Foundation
New! SHRM Foundation Update
Thank you to all the chapters and state councils who made their generous contributions to the SHRM Foundation to assist us in
our efforts to meet our annual campaign goal. Your contributions continue to support research grants for leading-edge academic
studies, education and certification scholarships to HR professionals and students, and educational resources including Effective
Practice Guidelines, DVDs and Executive Briefings. Final 2012 results will be available soon, and materials for the 2013 Annual
Campaign will be available in February.
New! Scholarship Winners
The SHRM Foundation awarded more than $100,000 in Education and Certification scholarships to HR professionals in 2012.
Congratulations to all the SHRM members who received 2012 SHRM Foundation awards! View the list of winners.
New Products from the SHRM Foundation
This fall, the Foundation released two new reports in its Executive Briefing series:
Social Media in the Workplace: Issues and Strategic Questions
Employee Engagement: Your Competitive Advantage
Leadership Conference Silent Auction
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Annual SHRM Foundation Silent Auction – with contributions directed to our
annual campaign to support research grants, scholarships and educational products designed to advance the HR profession.
With more than 120 participants bidding on over 60 fantastic items, the auction successfully raised more than $15,000. Many
thanks once again and congratulations to each of our winning bidders!
College Relations
New! Activating and Engaging Young Professionals Webinar January 24
Learn more about the next generation of HR Professionals, coming soon to a chapter near you! By the year 2020, the Millennial
generation (born in 1981 or later) will become the largest generation in the workforce. This generation is like no other – they are
change agents, a driving force in workplace flexibility, volunteerism and corporate social responsibility. This is Generation Next.
Is your chapter ready to engage and activate these eager HR leaders? In the Volunteer Leaders on January 24 webinar (see
page 1), we will discuss ways that chapters can engage, recruit and retain Young Professionals into their chapters, including tips
for succession planning, programming, networking and engagement.
Ready to Support the Next Generation of HR Professionals? Volunteer at Regional Student Conference!
It’s a new year – make a resolution to reach out and help advance the HR profession! Your services are requested at the 2013
Regional Student Conference, which will be held on March 22-23, 2013 in Ames, IA. Several volunteer positions are available,
including career development mentoring, case competition judging and resume reviewing. Recertification credits are available for
some volunteer roles. Please visit North Central Regional Student Conference for details, job descriptions and to register as a
volunteer. See you in the spring!
Speakers Needed! Do you know a dynamic speaker who would be a great keynote, motivational or educational speaker for
graduate and undergraduate-level HR students? If so, we would like to know! Please refer any potential speakers to Tara
Fournier, Manager, Member Engagement, at tara.fournier@shrm.org.
SHRM Update – January 2013
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Giving Back to the Future: Don’t Miss this Opportunity to “Pay it Forward” & Support Your Future Members
The Regional Student Conferences offer a unique opportunity to reach the future of the HR profession directly, (your future
professional members!) by engaging hundreds of the best and brightest HR graduate and undergraduate students through a
variety of methods. Support the advancement of the HR profession and the SHRM Student Programs by sponsoring an
educational session, refreshment break, case competition or career development fair. Multiple levels of sponsorship are
available. Contact Tara Fournier, Manager, Member Engagement, at tara.fournier@shrm.org or 703-535-6074 for information.
StudentFocus Magazine
Winter is here, and with it, a new edition of StudentFocus magazine! Distributed to more than 16,000 students electronically as
a supplement to HR Magazine, StudentFocus magazine covers a variety of topics relevant to students and student chapters. The
latest edition of StudentFocus can be viewed online: StudentFocus Magazine
Share your chapter/student’s successes and it may be featured in a future edition of StudentFocus magazine! Article
submissions do earn a point towards a Merit Award, and also offers a chance to highlight your accomplishments. Submit articles
or story ideas to SHRMstudent@shrm.org. Deadline for Spring submissions is January 20, 2013.
Government Affairs
New! Workflex: Employee Toolkit
Are your employees increasingly asking for workplace flexibility? This toolkit offers employees a blueprint for making workflex a
reality, including self-assessment tools and specific direction on how to ask for workflex. It also provides advice for HR
professionals looking to build support for flex in their organizations.
New! Sloan Award Opens January 14
The Sloan Award for Excellence in Workplace Effectiveness and Flexibility is offered through When Work Works, a national
workplace flexibility initiative led by SHRM and the Families and Work Institute. The Sloan Award recognizes employers making
work “work” with effective and flexible workplace strategies. Does your organization offer creative flex strategies? Share them
and get recognition! Apply for a Sloan Award HERE. Applications are open January 14 - April 5, 2013.
2012 Holiday/Year-End Activities
This research looks at holiday/year-end activities that organizations are planning for 2012. Activities such as holiday parties,
year-end giving and alcohol at work-related events are examined.
New! Workplace Wellness Initiatives
This research, commissioned by and conducted in collaboration with Alliance for a Healthier Minnesota, reveals new insights
about worksite wellness initiatives in the United States.
New! SHRM-Globoforce Survey
This survey commissioned by and conducted in collaboration with Globoforce uncovers new insights on emerging employee
recognition trends and best practices. SHRM/Globoforce Survey: Employee Recognition Programs, Fall 2012
Upcoming State Conferences: A complete listing of all state conferences by month is available at State Conferences
Online State Conference Posting Request Form: REMINDER!!! Post your state conference info on the SHRM website!
State Conference Posting Request Form
New! Regional Council Summit – February 22 – 23, Phoenix, AZ
2013 State Council Directors/Directors-Elect: Plan to attend this years’ Summit to gain insight on SHRM’s strategic initiatives and
how they integrate with the work you do at the state level to support SHRM members in your state. Registration information has
been sent directly to those eligible to attend. Questions? Contact a member of your regional team.
2013 North Central Conferences
North Central Regional Student Conference; March 22-23, 2013; Iowa State University; Ames, IA
MN; State Leadership; January 20-21, 2013; St Cloud, MN
IL; State Leadership; January 28-29, 2013; Utica, IL
MI; State Leadership; April 19, 2013; Lansing, MI
SD; State Conference; May 1-3, 2013; Watertown, SD
SHRM Update – January 2013
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WI; State Leadership; August 1-2, 2013; Wisconsin Dells, WI
IL; State Conference; August 18-19, 2013; Oakbrook, IL
IN; State Conference; August 28-30, 2013; Indianapolis, IN
OH; State Conference; September 18-20, 2013; Sandusky, OH
ND; State Conference; September 18-20, 2013; Fargo, ND
NE; State Conference; September 19-20, 2013; Omaha, NE
IA; State Conference; October 2-4, 2013; Coralville, IA
MI; State Conference; October 5-9, 2013; Grand Rapids, MI
WI; State Conference; October 9-11, 2013; LaCrosse, WI
MN; State Conference; October 13-15, 2013; Duluth, MN
ND & SD; State Leadership; Tentative October, 2013; Fargo, ND
IA; State Leadership; December 6, 2013; TBD
IN; State Leadership; December 6, 2013; Indianapolis, IN
NE; State Leadership; December 13, 2013; TBD
OH; State Leadership; December 13, 2013; Columbus, OH
2013 SHRM Conferences
Regional Summit: February 22-23, 2013; Phoenix, AZ (State Council Directors/Directors-Elect)
Employment Law & Legislative Conference; March 10-13, 2013; Washington, DC
Talent Management Conference; April 15-17, 2013; Las Vegas, NV
2013 Annual Conference & Exposition; June 16-19, 2013; Chicago, IL
Strategic HR Conference; October 1-3, 2013; Scottsdale, AZ
Diversity & Inclusion Conference; October 28-30, 2013; San Francisco, CA
Leadership Conference; November 21-23, 2013; National Harbor, MD
2013 Regional Student Conferences
Southeast Region, March 8 – 9, Alexandria, VA (DC area)
Northeast Region, March 15 – 16, Newark, DE
North Central Region, March 22 -23, Ames, IA
Pacific West Region, April 12 – 13, Las Vegas, NV
Southwest Central Region, April 19 – 20, Austin, TX
New on the Web
New information is continuously being added to the website. A summary of each new article is available on the Volunteer
Leaders Resource Center (VLRC) at:
New on the Web
Or, you can access it from the front landing page of the VLRC at VLRC.
Your Regional Team
North Central Region Field Services Director, IA, MN, NE, ND, SD, WI
Nancy Conway - Phone: 703-535-6455 - nancy.conway@shrm.org
North Central Region Field Services Director, IL, IN, MI, OH
Martha Ramirez – 703-535-6290 – martha.ramirez@shrm.org
North Central Regional Administrator:
Kristine Hofmann – 703-535-6082 – kristine.hofmann@shrm.org
Volunteer Leaders’ Resource Center (VLRC) http://www.shrm.org/vlrc
SHRM Update – January 2013
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