CWINS IIT Colloquium: NRC Ottawa, Canada A Vision for Evolving Local Wideband Wireless Networks Kaveh Pahlavan, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director, CWINS/WLRL WPI, Worcester, MA Outline • • • • • Applications and the market Existing technologies and limitations Evolving standards Overview of Global activities Some research projects Classification of Existing Wireless Networks Voice Driven Networks • Low power, high quality, local services (PCS, wireless PBX, telepoint)-Result of success in cordless telephone industry • High power, low quality, wide area (Digital Cellular) -Result of demand for higher capacity for mobile radio Data Driven Networks • High speed local (Wireless LAN) - A new approach for local area networking • Low speed wide area (mobile data) - Result of success in paging industry Current Wireless Network Industry Data Services Voice Services No. Users Mobility Tariff Interoperability Mobile Data WLANS Mobility Cellular CWINS@wpi Size/Power PCS Quality Data Rate Service Area Intelligent Network Service Area CWINS@wpi Size/Power Wireless LANs • • • • Minimum data rate: 1Mbps (IEEE 802) Designed for local indoor - less than 100m Should interoperate with wired LANs Does not need large investment on infrastructure and does not collect service charges. • Transmission technology: spread spectrum, standard radio, IR • Examples: Roamabout, WAVELan, Photolink, FreePort • Standards: IEEE 802.11, HIPERLAN History of Wireless LANs • • • • • • • • • • • Diffused Infrared - 1979 (IBM Rueschlikon Labs - Switzerland) Spread Spectrum using SAW Devices - 1980 (HP Labs - California) Wireless modems - early 1980's (Data Radio) ISM bands for commercial spread spectrum applications - 1985 IEEE 802.11 for Wireless LAN standards - 1990 Announcement of wireless LAN products - 1990 Formation of WINForum - 1992 ETSI and HIPERLAN in Europe - 1992 Release of 2.4, 5.2 and 17.1-17.3GHz bands in EC - 1993 PCS licensed and unlicensed bands for PCS - 1993 1996: ......... Three Views of WWLA • Existing WLAN Applications • Vision for Military Applications • Vision of the Service Providers Service Scenarios • Workplace - the main market of today, TCP/IP applications, legacy LAN backbone • Home - universal access point: Internet connection, cordless telephone, flexible speakers, etc. backbone unknown (ATM preferred). • Nomadic public access - backbone unknown, easier traffic policing and charging with WATM. Wireless LAN Technologies Technique DF/IR DB/IR RF DS/SS FH/SS Data Rate 1 - 4 Mbps 10 - 155 Mbps 5 - 10 Mbps 2 - 20 Mbps 1 - 3 Mbps Mobility Stationary/Mobile Stationary w/LOS Stationary/Mobile Stationary/Mobile Mobile Range 50 - 200 ft 100 ft 40 - 130 ft 100 - 800 ft 100 - 300 ft Freq./wavelength 800 - 900 nm 800 - 900 nm 18 GHz, ISM ISM bands ISM bands Modulation OOK OOK FSK/QPSK QPSK GFSK Access Method CSMA CSMA Res. ALOHA, CSMA CSMA CSMA Manufacturer Spectrix InfraLAN (token ring) JOLT (pt-to-pt) Motorola - Altair DEC AiroNet WaveLAN (mesh) Persoft Solectek Proxim Windata WiLAN Proxim RDC Xircom Wireless LAN Market 1200 1000 800 K-Unit 600 400 200 0 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Local Wideband Wireless Activities • Evolving Standard Technologies – IEEE 802.11 – RES-10 HIPERLAN – Wireless ATM Forum • International Activities – In the US • WINForum, U-NII – In the EC • MEDIAN, WAND, SAMBA and AWACS – In Japan • MMAC (High-Speed WirelessAccess and Ultra High-Speed Radio LAN) Interconnection between WLAN/WATM to backbone Fixed Terminal Server Mobile Terminal Backbone Network Access Point Applications Applications TCP TCP IP IP 802.11 MAC 802.11 MAC 802.3 MAC 802.3 MAC 802.11 PHY 802.11 PHY 802.3 PHY 802.3 PHY (a) Applications Applications TCP TCP IP LANE IP 802.11 MAC 802.11 MAC AAL5 AAL ATM ATM 802.11 PHY 802.11 PHY PHY PHY (b) Applications Applications TCP TCP IP IP AAL AAL WATM WATM Custom PHY Custom PHY (c) ATM ATM PHY PHY 802.11 Configurations Infrastructure Network ESS BSS 1 AP Existing Wired LAN AP BSS 2 Ad Hoc Networks AP BSS 3 BSS 2 BSS 1 IEEE 802.11 and ISM bands • Media Access Protocol (MAC) for both peer-to-peer and centralized topologies • Uses 2.4 MHz ISM bands • Supports DSSS (BPSK and QPSK), FHSS (GFSK), and DFIR (OOK) • Data rates are 1 and 2 Mbps for DSSS and FHSS, 1Mbpsfor DFIR • For DSSS the band is divided in two groups: Group I centralized at: 2412, 2442, and 2472 MHz Group II centralized at: 2427, and 2457 MHz • For FHSS three patterns of 22 hops out of 79 available I MHz bands with GFSK. Minimum hop rate is 2,5 hops/second • Provide interoperatability among all stations IAPP (Supported byLucent, Aironet, Digital Ocean) • The IAPP specification defines how access points from different vendors communicate with each other to support mobile stations roaming across cells and how they communicate across the backbone network to hand over mobile stations. • The IAPP specification builds on the baseline capabilities of the IEEE 802.11 standard. • The IAPP specification tackles higher-level OSI layers such as logical link control that facilitates inter-access point communications. • The IAPP specification supports interoperability between products. • Should be applicable to large infra-structures Hiperlan ad-hoc network configuration RIB {RDest , RNext , RDist } NIB {NNbour , NStatus } HIPERLAN 1 RIB HIB {HDest , HStatus , HNext } RIB NIB HIB AIB AIB {AOri , AAlias } SMRIB {SSMR , SSeq } F TIB {TDest , TLast , TSeq } is S MR NIB HIB AIB SMRIB TIB 2 1 of is S MR of 3 5 F of Neighborhood RIB NIB HIB AIB SMRIB TIB is S MR RIB NIB HIB AIB 4 HIPERLAN 2 RIB NIB HIB AIB SMRIB TIB 6 F RIB NIB HIB AIB ETSI Res-10: HIPERLAN • MAC for both peer-to-peer and centralized networks • Uses 5.25-5.3 GHz and 17.1-17.3 GHz • Uses GMSK modulation with DFE • Data rates are 10-20 Mbps • The maximum range is 50m • Supports asynchronous data as well as isochronous voice Wireless ATM Architecture [WATM Working Group Presentation] Comparison of WLAN and WATM W I R E 802.11 L E S S Frequency Band Modulation Technique S pread S pectrum Direct S equence: 2.4-2.4835 GHz, Frequency Hopping: 2.42.4835 GHz; Diffused Infrared: 850-950 nanometer S pread S pectrum 1 and 2 Direct S equence: M bps DBPSK, DQPSK; S pread S pectrum Frequency Hopping: 2GFSK, 4GFSK BT=0.5; Diffused Infrared: 16 and 4 PPM 5.15-5.30 GHz Low bit rate: FSK; High bit rate:GM SK (BT=0.3) L A HIPERLAN N W I R E MII L Bahama E S S Access Method Topologies MAC Services QoS Basic CSM A/CA, Ad-hoc, RTS/CTS, PCF with Infrapolling list, 20 structure frames 1.47 and Non-Preemptive 23.53 M bps M ultiple Access (NPM A), 10 PDU 900 M HZ OFDM or GM SK with 2-20 M bps (Proposed 5 GHz U- LM S or RLS between NII Bands) Equalization laptop and PBS, and Gbps between PBSs Ad-hoc Availibility Authentication, Encryption, Power conservation, Time bounded services No explicit support for QoS, but includes infrastructure topology and priority scheme in PCF that are useful for quality assurance. Technial standard finalized. Final administrative approval under progress. Products (e.g DEC Roamabout) and chipsets (e.g. Harris PRISM and Raytheon RAYLINK) are available. Encryption, Power conservation, Routing and forwarding, Time bounded services Advanced user priority scheme and packet lifetime mechanism to support QoS Standard is finalized. No product in the market. Two prototypes: HIPERION, fully standards compliant, and LAURA, not fully compliant [Wil96]. Prototype at Bell labs in Lucent Technologies Distributed Queue Reservation Updated M ultiple Access (DQRUM A): Reservation and Piggybacking Infrastructur Scheduling, e, ad hoc piggybacking base station etc. placement (optional) Base station responsible for checking and guaranteeing QoS, connections with or without QoS guarantees possible. Infrastructur Scheduling, e based multiplexing and demultiplexing of VCs ABR, UBR, VBR and Prototype at NEC USA's CBR slots are available C&C Research Laboratories, but QoS support is Princeton, NJ. not finalized 2.4 GHz ISM Bands /4 - QPSK with decision feedback equalization 8 M bps TDM A/TDD with Slotted ALOHA 5.2 GHz 16 Channel OFDM > 24 M bps Reservation, Slotted Infrastructur Scheduling, radio ALOHA: M obile e Based resource Access Scheme based management and on Contention and under further Reservation study (M ASCARA) NEC A Magic T WAND M Data Rate Worst case QoS Prototyping under the estimate (cell delay or European ACTS AC085 cell loss) to be used for project determining the connection Wireless ATM Activities WATM System Frequency Bands SWAN1 2.4 GHz ISM Bands Data Rate Modulation Scheme 625 kbps Frequency Hopping Medium Access Each mobile has a fixed channel; token passing Packet Format/Addressing Handoffs/roaming Various types of link cells Mobile initiated MII/BAHAMA1 900 MHz (Proposed 5 GHz : U-NII) 2-20 Mbps (suggested OFDM or GMSK with LMS/RLS) Distributed queue reservation updated multiple access (DQRUMA) Custom wireless and LANE Mobile initiated Olivetti 2.4 GHz ISM Bands NEC 2.4 GHz ISM Bands WAND 5.2 GHz 10 Mbps QPSK 8 Mbps /4 - QPSK with DFE 24 Mbps 16 channel OFDM Reservation with Slotted Aloha and piggy-backing on data cells see [POR94] TDMA/TDD with Slotted Aloha Reservation with Slotted Aloha see [RAY97] LANE Mobile initiated Mobile initiated Mobile initiated 16 bit CRC and ARQ Data Link Control for error recovery FEC Priority for certain traffic [POR96],[POR94] Fixed slots available for QoS support [RAY97] Worst case QoS estimate to be used [WAND96] (with Mobile Manager) Infrastructure initiated (with Mobile Representative) Techniques for reliability FEC with (8,4) linear codes QoS MAC supports QoS FEC (proposed Reed-Solomon Codes for real-time traffic and FEC/retransmissios for data Supported References [AGR96] [ENG95],[AYA96] Table 3.3.1: Wireless ATM Activities 1 Lucent Bell Labs European Wideband Wireless Activities Table 4.3.1: European Wireless Wideband Activities Project MEDIAN WAND SAMBA AWACS Full Name and Number AC006 Wireless Broadband CPN/LAN for Professional and Residential Multimedia Services AC085 Wireless ATM Network Demonstrator AC204 System for Advanced Mobile Broadband Applications Advanced Wireless ATM Communications Systems Objective Details Evaluate and implement a high speed WLAN for multimedia applications and demonstrate it in real user trials Develop and evaluate a realistic WATM transmission facility at 5 GHz Demonstrate mobile user applications at up to 34 Mbps and prove the MBS concept Development of system concept and testbed demonstration of tetherless public access to B-ISDN services Multicarrier modulation (512 channels + OFDM) 60 GHz band One base station at 155 Mbps, two portables, one at 34 Mbps and one at 155 Mbps Data rates from 20 Mbps to 155 Mbps See previous section Trial platform of 2 base and 2 mobile stations operating at 40 GHz Design state of the art ASICs Implement mobility management and handover functions Low mobility terminals operating at 19 GHz Data rates of up to 34 Mbps Transmission range of 100m Contribution to standards development Japanese Wideband Wireless Activities Table 4.4.1: Proposed MMAC systems and their parameters MMAC System Service Area Connected Networks Transmission Speed Terminal Equipment Mobility Frequency Bands Bandwidth Quality High-Speed Wireless Access Indoors and outdoor Public networks or private networks Average 6-10 Mbps Maximum 25 Mbps Notebooks and PCs Stationary or pedestrian (handovers allowed) 25 or 40 or 60 GHz 500-1000 MHz bit error rate of 10-6 Ultra High-Speed Radio LAN Indoor Private networks only (ATM) 155 Mbps Desktop PCs and workstations Stationary only Relocation handover permitted 60 GHz 1-2 GHz bit error rate of 10-8 MMAC: Multemedia Mobile Access Communications Unlicensed PCS Activity (Spectrum Etiquette) Three basic Principles: • Listen before talk (or transmit) LBT Protocol • Low transmitter power • Restricted duration of transmissions Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure Devices Table 4.2.1. FCC Requirements for the U-NII Frequency Bands Band of operation Maximum Tx Power Maximum PSD 50 mW Max. Power with antenna gain of 6 dBi 200 mW 5.15 - 5.25 GHz 5.25 - 5.35 GHz 250 mW 1000 mW 12.5 mW/MHz 5.725-5.825 GHz 1000 mW 4000 mW 50 mW/MHz 2.5 mW/MHz Applications: suggested and/or mandated Restricted to indoor applications Campus LANs Community networks Other Remarks Antenna must be an integral part of the device Compatible with HIPERLAN Longer range in low-interference (rural) environs. Issues in a Mobile Network • Type of roaming – Intra-Net (802.11) – Inter-Net (GPRS) – Inter-Tech (between GPRS and 802.11) • Type of mobility – Continual during a move – Access at different locations • Type of connection – With a unique address (mobile IP) – With any address (cash IP) • Type of initiation for roaming – From the terminal – From th network Evolving Roaming Related Technologies • Intra-Net Roaming – LANE in WATM – 802.11 – Hiperlan • Inter-Tech Roaming – MASE – Artour • Inter-Net Roaming – Mobile-IP Layers for Implementation { Application Presentation Session Transportation Network MAC Physical TCP IP Mobile IP LC Mobile Host M Local cache Sender M S Mobile Host R20 Foreign Agent inform if possible Router R1 Home Agent R2 R3 R4 “IP in IP” Encapsulation IP Version number, and other header fields Tunnel Source IP address (home agent) CARE-OF Address (foreign agent) IP Version number, and other header fields Original source IP address Home IP address of mobile host TCP and rest of packet Why Client-Server is Important • Most of the current legacy applications are clientserver • Facilitates implementation of mobility • Facilitates interoperability • Facilitates scaleability • Can support multiple platforms • Local optimization of the server to enhance reliability and availability and results in reducing costs Important Client-Server Applications • • • • • Web search, FTP, Data base access, Telnet, Email References • K. Pahlavan , A. Zahedi, and P. Krishnamurty, “ Wideband Local Access: Wireless LAN and Wireless ATM”, invited paper, Speical Issue on WATM, IEEE Comm. Soc. Mag., Nov. 1997. • K. Pahlavan and A. Levesque, Wireless Information Networks, New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1995. • K. Pahlavan, A. Falsafi, G. Yang, “Transmission Techniques for Wireless LANs”, IEEE JSAC, Speical Issue on Wireless Local Communications, May 1996. • K. Pahlavan and A. Levesque, “Wireless Data Communication”, Invited Paper, IEEE Proceedings, Sep. 1994. • K. Pahlavan, “Wireless Intra-Office Networks”, Invited paper, ACM Trans. on Office Inf. Sys., July 1988. (also published as the opening paper in “Advances in Local and Metropolitan Area Networks”, edited by William Stalling, IEEE Press, 1994) • K. Pahlavan, “Wireless Office Information Networks”, IEEE Comm. Soc. Mag, Sep. 1985. • K. Pahlavan, T. H. Probert, and M. E. Chase, “Trends in Local Wireless Networks”, Invited Paper, IEEE Comm. Soc. Mag., March 1995.