Agenda Monday, January 10, 2011

TRAC Development Workshop
Monday, January 10, 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Tuesday, January 11, 9:00 AM-Noon
Monday, January 10, 2011
8:15-8:45AM Continental Breakfast
Intro/The New Normal in Development
Things have changed, permanently, and comparing development now to metrics from prerecession days isn’t only fruitless, it can be dangerous. We’ll introduce you to the issues, the
environment, and then dive into the meeting.
David & Judith LeRoy/TRAC Media Services
Messaging to the Boomers
They’re our demographic now. They’re our key to success. They’ve aged, they’ve changed, and
the way we communicate with them needs to change, too. Pick some new ideas from TRAC’s Next
Generation Pledge Project and use them in pledge pitching, email and mail.
David LeRoy
Craig Reed/TRAC Media Services
Pledge Now! Part One The Data
Viewership drives membership, and we need information to maximize both. We’ll present and
discuss new data on pledge viewership, regular viewership, and pledge results from PBS, TRAC,
and Target.
Kristen Kuebler/TRAC Media Services
Craig Reed
Pledge Now: Part Two The Station Story
A panel of experts will discuss the symptoms, the causes, and look for solutions. Stations will help
to frame the issues, share their pledge philosophies and coping strategies.
Mona Dixon/AETN Moderator
David Preston/TPT
Becky Chinn OPB
Deanna Haas/RMPBS
On Air Innovations: Part One
Learn from a successful on air creator and see his membership and branding spots.
Brian O'Neill/Nashville Public Television
Pat Callahan/Arizona Public Media
1:30-2:15PM On Air Innovations
Out-of-the box development pros offer new ideas. Some worked; some didn’t. Know the
difference. Hear about new membership spot tests, creative pledge scheduling strategies, ideas
for pitching to the core and more. Steal an idea and improve your own on air practices.
Cyndy Robbins/Vegas PBS
Rick Lore/WMVS
Michael Zeller/KCPT
Membership Trends: The Big Picture
Mix and stir PBS & Target data and discover whether your station’s cake is baking or burning.
Compare your station to others in the system. Look to the non-profit world for successes we can
copy. For a well-balanced membership program see where you should focus your efforts.
Carol Rhine/Target
Brainstorming on Fundraising Innovations
We’ve seen the data, learned the context, and listened to the experimenters. Bring your brains,
your data and your ideas. Now we’ll brainstorm to redefine the way the system approaches
Judith LeRoy, Moderator
All Attendees
NFP Update & Fundraising Programming Intel
Joe Campbell and Rudy Casillas will summarize the latest happenings at the mothership. They’ll
give updates on Next Generation Pledge Projects. Submit questions in advance and get some
Kelly Luoma/VPT, Moderator
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
7:45-8:30AM Breakfast: Everything You Should Know About Your Members
(Or, the most important things you should know.) Who are they, why they give, why they lapse,
why they love PTV and what do they eat for breakfast. It’s all here.
Coping by Going Local: Does Salvation Lie in Community Partnerships?
Stations who have invested in community partnerships, underwriting and local productions have
generated revenue. Let them tell you how.
David & Judith
LeRoy, Moderators
Amy Shaw/KETC
Beth Curley/Nashville Public Television
Jon Miskowski/Wisconsin Public Television
In Development: What’s next for PBS Development Services
Learn about the priority training and tool areas and share your feedback on what you need most
to succeed.
Valerie Pletcher/PBS
Ways Stations Leave Money on the Table
What are the most common pledge and development mistakes? What are the less common ones?
Make sure you avoid them!
Kristen Kuebler
Jay Janszen/Target Analytics
Integrating Your Fundraising Channels
What does the future look like? How does email change the picture? Join some mail experts and
hear the latest on this critical revenue area.
Debbie Hamlett/SCETV, Moderator
Luke Vander Linden/Carl Bloom
Debbie Merlino/DMW
Pledge on Digital Channels
How do you know when it’s worth the trouble? A look at viewership data and a lesson from
stations who are trying to figure out the nuts and bolts of how to do it successfully.
Barry Nelson/WGBH, Moderator
From Data to Action
Carol Rhine & David Preston will show you how to use your data to improve your membership
program. Join them as they analyze a Target reports and finds action items—listen, learn and try it
at home!
David Preston
Carol Rhine