HAZLETON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT UNIT/LESSON PLAN Teacher Name : SIST,Nadine Subject : Law Enforcement/Emergency Services Start Date(s): 09.02.14 Grade Level (s): II Building : HACC, Room C05 Unit Plan Unit Title: Orientation to Law Enforcement/ Emergency Services Essential Questions: How do police officers prevent crime? How did the Miranda rights emerge into our legal system? What is jurisdiction and how does it affect our criminal justice system? What was the purpose of the tithing system or frankpledge system? Early protections systems were the tithing system and a hundred, what was their purpose? What was the purpose of the Statute of Winchester? Standards: CC.3.5.9-10.A. cite specific textual evidence, ect CC.3.5.9-10B. Determine central ideas or conclusions of a text; ect. CC.3.6.9-10.C. Produce clear and coherent writing; ect CC.3.6.9-10.D Develop and strengthen writing as needed. CC.3.6.9-10.E Use technology, including text; ect CC 3.6.11-12.B Write informative or explanatory texts, including narration of technical processes; ect Competency and Task List: Unit Task 501 Explain the historical development of American Law Enforcement Summative Unit Assessment : Learning guides, written evaluations, NOCTI evaluation Summative Assessment Objective Students willWriting assignments –as per keystone standards-for improvement Begin PDN assignments- proper documentation for history unit Participate in research and discussion of history of law enforcement Complete notes, learning guides and participate in lecture Assessment Method (check one) _X__ Rubric ___ Checklist ____ Unit Test __X_ Group _X__ Student Self-Assessment _X__ Student learning guide ____Performance Assessment _X_Written assessment ____ Other (explain) Day Objective (s) DOK LEVEL Activities / Teaching Strategies Grouping DAILY PLAN Materials / Resources Assessment of Objective (s) Students will review Miranda handouts and begin writing essay for Miranda rights. Students will analyze and interpret information presented in case. 1 2 3 Students will engage writing activity following guided worksheet. Introduce history unit and reading material from text book. Homework of writing assignment- writing assignment #1. W I S Teacher made materials- student handbook, guided worksheets, learning guides, smart board, lap top. Formative-Student engagement with questions and discussion Summative- completing student unit 0f orientation and completing learning guides. Unit test Student Self - Assessment-learning guides Students will- review safety orientation, classroom rules and regulations. Improve writing techniques Students will analyze and interpret information presented in Miranda case. 1 2 3 Students will engage writing activity following guided worksheet. Introduce history unit and reading material from text book. Begin notes for unit of history in law enforcement. Review of writing assignment #1. Pair share for corrections. Writing Packet for homework, brainstorming. W S I Teacher made materials- student handbook, guided worksheets, learning guides, smart board, lap top. Formative-student engagement with questions and discussion. Summative- completing student unit and learning guides, unit test Student Self - Assessment-learning guides Students will-review information on proper note taking and keeping notebooks and pdn books. Section for notes, vocabulary, homework, handouts and learning guides. 1 2 3 W S I Teacher made materials- student handbook, guided worksheets, leaning guides, smart board, lap top. Students will begin performance learning guide 501.00 demonstrate knowledge of the history of Law Enforcement. Engage in group work and discussion. Identify important figure in history of L.E. 1 2 3 Students will engage in writing activity using guided worksheet to improve writing. Students will discuss student hand book materials Students will work in small groups to compare and correct writing assignments. Pair share information and compare writing samples. Writing Packet for homework, brainstorming. Students will engage in lecture and understand the history of law enforcement Why do you think that it is important that law enforcement agencies have limited authority? How does this compare to past law enforcement? Writing Packet for homework, active listening. W S I Teacher made materials-student handbook, guided worksheets, learning guides, smart board, lap top. 1 2 3 Students will work in small groups and review packet information assigned for homework. Students will begin note taking for class on Criminal justice. Homework-writing assignment #3. W S I Teacher made materials-student handbook, guided worksheets, learning guides, smart board, lap top. 5 Students will begin performance learning guide 501.00 demonstrate knowledge of the history of Law Enforcement. Identify important differences Vollmer made in L.E 1 2 3 Students will engage in discussion and group research for learning the history of law enforcement and what is meant by English roots. 6 Students will work performance learning guide 501.00 demonstrate knowledge of the history of Law Enforcement. Self-assessment on writing essay on Miranda Formative- Student engagement with questions and discussion Summative- completing student unit 0f orientation and completing learning guides. Unit test Student Self - Assessment-learning guides Formative- Student engagement with questions and discussion Summative- Student engagement with questions and discussion Summative- completing student unit 0f orientation and completing learning guides. Unit test Student Self - Assessment-learning guides Formative- Student engagement with questions and discussion Summative- Student engagement with questions and discussion Summative- completing student unit 0f orientation and completing learning guides. Unit test Student Self - Assessment-learning guides Formative- Student engagement with questions and discussion Summative- Student engagement with questions and discussion Summative- completing student unit 0f orientation and completing learning guides. Unit test Student Self - Assessment-learning guides 1 2 3 4 Teacher made materials-student handbook, guided worksheets, learning guides, smart board, lap top.