Workshop Title - 21CPD

Using Microsoft
Word to Organize
Our Research
Subject: Social Studies (E.4)
Session 4 of 8
Focusing Questions
•How do I organize the information I gathered?
•How can I utilize Microsoft Word to organize the online
resources and to begin putting my project together?
Framing The Session
“In our last session we “bookmarked” some websites using
“Trackstar” that we found to be useful for our project. In this
session we will take the information from our created tracks,
copy/paste the most relevant information onto a Microsoft
Word graphic organizer, paraphrase the text and finally add
images that will best illustrate the paraphrased information.
The images will help enhance our project and will better
engage our audience during the presentation of our final
PowerPoint project”
Step 1 – from the resource section of the participant’s
agenda, download the Microsoft Word graphic organizer,
save it and keep it open
Step 2 - go to
Step 3 – find your track by entering your
track number, or author’s name.
Step 4 – click on one of the bookmarked websites hold down
the left click and drag the mouse over one or two sentences
that specifically address the aspect of culture you are
responsible for researching, such as food, or transportation
Sample View of Tracks
Step 5– on the standard menu toolbar, located at the top of
your screen, select edit and click on copy
Step 6 – access the graphic organizer and on box #1 paste
the copied information by selecting the edit menu toolbar and
clicking on paste.
Select paste from
the edit menu
inside box 1
Step 7 – go back to the website and place your cursor on the website’s
address line, copy the address and paste it inside box #1 below the pasted
text by using the same method described in steps 5 and 6.
Copy the website
address and paste it
inside box 1 of
graphic organizer
Step 8 – read the information inside box #1 and explain that stealing other
people’s words is a punishable crime called plagiarism. Therefore, we will put into
our words the information we found on the website or paraphrase it inside box #2.
Step 9 – access the track where pictures for your assigned cultural aspect have
been saved. Try track:
Step 10 –view the different pre- selected websites and choose an image
that best illustrates your paraphrased information
Step 11 – right click on the image and select copy
Step 12 - access the graphic organizer and paste the image
on box #3. Be sure to save this document often!
Step 13 – open the PowerPoint(PPT) presentation downloaded in session 1
Step 14 – click on the hyperlink for your assigned aspect of culture (i.e.
transportation, food) and toggle between the graphic organizer and the PPT to
copy and paste the information from boxes #2 and #3. Repeat this process for
the next three slides
Link to
ContinuationStep 14 – click on the hyperlink for your assigned aspect of culture (i.e.
transportation, food) and toggle between the graphic organizer and the PPT to
copy and paste the information from boxes #2 and #3. Repeat this process for
the next three slides
Copy the
contents of
box #2 and
paste the
Copy the
image from
box #3 and
paste here
Guided Practice
Now, let’s go to our participant’s agenda and begin to download
the graphic organizer template under the Resources section of
the agenda. You may also visit
yboard.doc to download the file.
Work Time
Getting Started
Use any of these
choices to find your
previously created
•Now visit
And find your previously created tracks by either using any
of the searching options or by simply signing into your
Work Time
•During your work time you will be working independently.
Step 1: Read the information from your track and copy the main idea or the
most relevant information for your topic and paste it onto Box #1 of the
Microsoft Word graphic organizer.
•Step 2: Now copy the webpage’s address and paste it inside box #1 of the
graphic organizer
•Step 3: Paraphrase the information you copied into Box #1 using Box #2.
•Step 4: Now go back to your created track and select an image that
illustrates the text in box #2 and copy the image by right clicking on the
image, then go to the graphic organizer and paste it inside box #3.
•Duplicate this graphic organizer three more times and repeat steps 1-4
•Now copy the information from boxes #2 and #3 and paste it the
appropriate cultural aspect of your assignment, until all four slides have
been completed
This is a follow up to what participants learned. In this area
you will provide a short explanation of what participants
learned and indicate that it is now time to share the work of
participants who did the work explained in the teaching i.e.
Today we learned how to…now we will look at how a few of
•Now we are going to do the share out electronically.
•I noticed some really good work being done during our work
time today. I would like to nominate one of your to share
your work with the rest of the class.
•Is there anyone else who would like to share their work with
the class?
How does this work address the questions that began the session?
For more information
Office of Instructional Technology