Ridwan Khairandy 1 The Nature of Contract A contract is a set of of promises A contract is an agreement that can be enforced in court It is formed by two or more persons who agree to perform or to refrain from performing some act now or in the future Ridwan Khairandy 2 Perjanjian Derived from “janji” Consist of “janji” That ”janji” can be enforced before the court Ridwan Khairandy 3 Contract Formation Party Party Offer Acceptance Bargain Consent Contract Ridwan Khairandy 4 Consent Contract Formulation Written Private Deed Oral Authentic Deed Notarial Deed Ridwan Khairandy 5 Consent Meeting of will Declaration of will How to formulate declaration of will ? Ridwan Khairandy 6 The Meaning of Contract (Art 1313 ICC) • An agreement is an act of two or more persons binding themselves to one or more other persons • It is official definition • According to scholars that definition is uncompleted definition and too broad Ridwan Khairandy 7 The essential elements of contract • The parties who enter into contract (parties) • Offer and acceptance (consent) • The subject of contract (objek perjanjian) Ridwan Khairandy 8 Art 6.212.1 The Netherlands Civil Code) A contract in the sense of this title is a multilateral juridical act whereby one or more parties assume an obligation toward one or more parties (een overeenkomst in de zin van deze titel is meerzijdige rechthandelling, waarbij een of meer partijen jegens een of meer andere een verbintenis aangaan) Ridwan Khairandy 9 The Definition of Contract (Art 110 French Civil Code) A contract is an agreement by which one or persons undertake obligation to one or more other, to transfer property, to do or not to do something Ridwan Khairandy 10 Contract and Mutual Consent • Contract is the mutual consent of the parties • The mutual consent is not only characteristic however, for the formation of contract it is necessary that the intention is expressed to the other party • The corresponding expression of consent must interdependent, without this interdependency, there is no contract • The intention of the parties must be aimed at the creation of juridical effects Ridwan Khairandy 11 Contract and Juridical Act • A contract is a species of the genus juridical act; • juridical act is an act which juridical effect are produce, due the expressed intention of one or more acting person Ridwan Khairandy 12 The Conditions of Contract • The consent of the parties undertaking an obligation; • Capacity enter into an obligation; • A certain object which form the subject matter of the undertaking (subject certain); and • A legal cause of the obligation (a permissible cause) Ridwan Khairandy 13 The Condition of Contract in Common Law • • • • Agreement Consideration Contractual capacity Legality Ridwan Khairandy 14 Conditions of Contract • Agreement. An agreement includes an offer and acceptance. One party must offer to enter into a legal agreement, and another party must accept the terms of the offer • Consideration. Any promises made by parties be supported by legally sufficient and bargained for consideration (something of value received or promised, to convince a person to make a deal) Ridwan Khairandy 15 Conditions of Contract • Contractual Capacity. Both parties entering into the contract must have the contractual capacity to do so; the law must recognize them as possessing characteristics that quality them as competent • Legality. The contract’s purposes must be accomplish some goal that is legal and not against public policy Ridwan Khairandy 16 16 Defect of consent • Duress (dwang) • Mistake or misrepresentation (dwalling) • Fraud (bedrog) • Undue influence (misbruik van omstandigheden) Ridwan Khairandy 17 Classification of Contract • Contract may be classified according to the nature of the branch of the law which they refer; • Based on the basis of this criterion, we can distinguish: Ridwan Khairandy 18 Contract in the field of family law (marriage) • Marriage is a contract in above mentioned sense; • It is a contract sui generis. Ridwan Khairandy 19 Contract in the field of property • These are contract aimed in the establishment or transfer of a rights to a thing; • This kind of contract is in general closely related to an obligatory contract. Ridwan Khairandy 20 Contract in the filed of the law of procedure, especially of the law of evidence • By this kind of contract, the parties deviate from the legal rules on the evidence. • Such a contract settlement is valid, provided that it does not infringe on rules mandatory; • It is not an obligatory contract. Ridwan Khairandy 21 Contract in the field of public law • Sometimes administrative bodies enter into contracts with a genuine public law character, which can therefore be classified as a public contract; • The general rules of Book 3 of the Civil Code may be applied per analogiam to these contracts. Ridwan Khairandy 22 The most distinctions within the class of obligatory contract There is no single classification of contract, but several classification depending upon the criterion adopted the purposes. Some of the most important drawn by the doctrine are: Ridwan Khairandy 23 Classification of Contract Contract Kontrak Bernama (Typical Contract, Nominate Contract, Nominati Contractus) Kontrak Tidak Bernama (Atypical Contract, Innominate Contract, Innominati Contractus) Ridwan Khairandy 24 Classification of Contract Contract Typical Contract or Nominate Contract (NominatiContractus) These types are contracts which are specially contemplated and regulated by the code Atypical Contract or Innominate Contract (Innominati Contract) Those types of contract which are not specifically by the code Ridwan Khairandy 25 Typical Contract • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Jual Beli (Sale and Purchase) Tukar Menukar (Exchange) Sewa Menyewa (Lease) Melakukan Pekerjaan (Employment) Persekutuan (Partnership) Perkumpulan (Association) Hibah (Donation) Penitipan Barang (Deposit of Goods) Pinjam Pakai (Loan for Use) Pinjam Meminjam (Loan for Consumption) Bunga Tetap atau Bunga Abadi (Permanent or Perpetual Interest) Untung-untungan (Contingent Agreement) Kontrak Pemberian Kuasa (Power of Attorney) Penanggungan (Personal Guaranty) Perdamaian (Amicable Settlement) Ridwan Khairandy 26 Atypical Contract • These contract are not created by ICC; • These contracts are not regulated in ICC; • These contract are created by people (business practices); • These contract maybe regulated in non ICC legislation Ridwan Khairandy 27 Atypical Contract • • • • • • Joint Venture Agreement; Production Sharing Contract; Agency Agreement; Distributorship Agreement; Franchising Agreement; Hire Purchase Agreement Ridwan Khairandy 28 Classification of Contract Contract Consensual Contract Real Contract This is a classification which ia based upon the formation of contracts Consensual contract are formed upon a mere consensus of the parties Real contract are formed not only a mere consensus of the parties, but also require the delivery of the object for their formation Ridwan Khairandy 29 Classification of Contract Contract Bilateral Contract (Reciprocal Contract or Synallagmatic) Unilateral Contracts These contracts are characterized by their reciprocal performances which are independent in that if one party fails to perform the other party is not bound to perform either Unilateral contracts are those which imposes an obligation to perform upon one only of the parties to the contract, e.g. the contract of donation Ridwan Khairandy 30 Bilateral Contract and Unilateral Contract • A contract is bilateral if each of the parties assumes on obligation in order to obtain the performance to which the other party, in exchange, obligates himself towards himself. E.g. sale, rent, employment contract • A contract is unilateral if only one of the parties assumes one or more obligations towards the other party. E.g. gift Ridwan Khairandy 31 Classification of Contract Contract Underlying Contract Underlying contract have an independent reason for existence Ancillary Contract The characteristic of an ancillary is that it depends on external legal relationship. e.g. a contract of suretyship that strengthens a contract of loan that changes the term on another contract Ridwan Khairandy 32 Sale and Purchase Agreement (Sale of Goods) A contract whereby one person binds himself to give a thing and the other to pay a price therefore in money (Art 1557 ICC) Ridwan Khairandy 33 The Main or Substantive Elements (Essentialia) of Sale and Purchase) • There are 2 substantive elements of sale and purchase • Things and payment 34 Things • Tangible and Intangible Things (corporeal and incorporeal objects) • Tangible thing is goods • Intangible things is claim (piutang) 35 Price • Payment with money • The price of thing must equivalent with its real value • If the price is too cheap, that relationship in concreto is not sale and purchase, but tends to be gift • The equivalent price and things is actually not the requirements of sale and purchase, but they are the substances of sale and purchase to achieve proper or reasonable payment 36 When sale and Purchase Happen ? • Sale and purchase is assumed exist when the parties get consent • Consent: when seller and buyer agreed about conditions of things and price that is sold Ridwan Khairandy 37 Obligations of Parties that is Imposed by Art 1457 ICC • Seller delivers and transfers of title of thing that is sold to buyer • Buyer pays the payment that is bought to seller 38 Seller Buyer Money Thing Corporeal Object Patrimonial Rights A contract of sale must have an object that exist in the present or will exist in the future Ridwan Khairandy 39 Emptio Venditio Roman Law Koop en Verkoop The Dutch Civil Code Jual Beli The Indonesian Civil Code Consensual and obligatory character A consensual contract which created for the parties to transfer possession (and in practice the ownership) promise to perform Ridwan Khairandy 40 Obligation of Parties Seller 1. to deliver the thing with its accessories 2. to deliver a thing that conform to the contract 3. to transfer ownership of thing sold Buyer to pay agreed price Ridwan Khairandy 41 Obligatory Characters Seller Buyer Consent Contract Creates obligations and rights of parties After that should be followed by transfer of title 42 Transfer of Title (Levering) Moveable Things Immoveable Things Intangible Things Possession Registered Cessie Traditio Brevi Manu Constitutum Posseserium Exception: Commercial Code and Statute of Capital Market 43 Agreement Buyer Seller a parcel of land Land deed official Land Deed Land Office Ridwan Khairandy 44 The Obligations of Seller • To delivers of things • To transfer the title of things • To guarantee or secure things that it does not contain disputes with others • To guarantee the sold things that it does not contains hidden defect Ridwan Khairandy 45 The Obligations of Buyer • The main obligation is to perform the payment • Basically the time and place payment where the payment is done is the same place where it is delivered. • Place and time of payment can be arranged by parties in agreement or contract Ridwan Khairandy 46 Exchange • Art 1541 ICC: an exchange is an agreement whereby both parties bind themselves to reciprocally give each other one goods, in exchange for another • Art 1542 ICC: everything that can be sold, can also be the object of exchange • Art 1546 ICC : for the other provision concerning the agreement of sale and purchase shall apply for the exchange agreement 47 Obligations to Guarantee Party Things Owner Party Things Owner To guarantee that there is no dispute, no security, and does not contains hidden defect 48 The Character of Exchange Agreement • Obligatory character • The parties become owners when the title of things is transferred • The method of transfer of title in exchange same with transfer of title in sale and purchase 49 Lease (Huur en Verhuur) • Lease is an agreement, by which one party binds himself to give the other enjoyment of goods, for definite period and with payment of a price, which payment has been agreed by the latter party (Art 1548 ICC) • Any kind of goods, either moveable or immoveable Ridwan Khairandy 50 Lessor Obligations • To deliver property to lessee (to transfer the enjoyment rights); • To keep the leased property during the period of lease • To guarantee that lessee is able to enjoy the leased goods peacefully during the period of lease Ridwan Khairandy 51 Lessee Obligations • To pay the rent fee • Use the leased goods in a reasonable way according to the provisions of contract • To bear all the losses that may rise during the lease period, unless lessee can prove that the damage is not caused by lessee’s mistake. Ridwan Khairandy 52 Ridwan Khairandy 53 Hire Purchase (Beli sewa) Penjual Sewa Pembeli Sewa To deliver the goods To pay installment The transfer of title will be implemented after the last installment is paid Ridwan Khairandy 54 Definition Hire Purchase • Hire purchase is treated installment sale and purchase; • Hire purchase is treated as lease; • Hire Purchase is treated as sale and purchase; The Netherlands law and The Indonesian Law treat hire purchase as installment sale and purchase Ridwan Khairandy 55 Huurkoop • In The Netherlands Hire Purchase is categorized as nominate contract. • Huurkoop is de koop op afbetaling, waarbij partijen ovreenkomen, dat de verkochte zaak niet door enkele aflevering in eigendom overgaat , maar pas door vervulling van de opschortende voorwaarde van algehele betaling van wat door de koper uit hoofde van de overeenkomst verschuldigd (Pasal 1576h ayat (1) Buku 7A BW) Ridwan Khairandy 56 56 Keputusan Menteri Perdagangan dan Koperasi No. 34/KP/II/80 Beli sewa adalah jual beli barang dimana penjual melaksanakan penjualan barang dengan cara memperhitungkan setiap pembayaran yang dilakukan oleh pembeli dengan pelunasan atas harga yang telah disepakati bersama dan diikat dalam satu perjanjian, serta hak milik atas barang tersebut beralih dari penjual kepada pembeli setelah harganya dibayar lunas oleh pembeli kepada penjual. Ridwan Khairandy 57 Ridwan Khairandy 58 Leasing • Leasing derived from word “to lease” • Leasing is related to finance • Leasing is different with lease Ridwan Khairandy 59 59 The meaning of Leasing Kegiatan pembiayaan dalam bentuk penyediaan barang modal untuk baik secara sewa guna usaha dengan hak opsi (finance lease) maupun secara sewa guna tanpa hak opsi (operating lease) untuk digunakan oleh lessee selama jangka waktu tertentu berdasarkan pembayaran secara berkala(Surat Keputusan Menteri Keuangan No 1169/KMK.01/1991) Ridwan Khairandy 60 Finance Lease Ridwan Khairandy 61 Finance Lease Ridwan Khairandy 62 Ridwan Khairandy 63 Operating Lease • The lessor is the owner of goods • That goods is leased to lessee • Basically operating lease same with lease Ridwan Khairandy 64 Aircraft Operating Lease Ridwan Khairandy 65 Ridwan Khairandy 66 66 The Goal of Leasing • Lessee has no intention to own that goods • Lessee intends to lease that goods • lessee intends to use or enjoy lessor goods in definite term Ridwan Khairandy 67 Mandate/Power of Attorney (Pemberian Kuasa) Mandate is a contract whereby one party, the mandatory, binds himself toward another party, the mandator, to perform one or more juridical acts on account of the mandator without there being a relationship of employment Ridwan Khairandy 68 Mandate The Mandatory Gives authority to represent or to perform on behalf of mandatory The Mandator To represent the mandatory Third Party Ridwan Khairandy 69 Mandate/Power of Attorney (Pemberian Kuasa) Mandate is agreement whereby one person gives power (authority) to another person who accepts it, to perform on his behalf (Art 1792) Ridwan Khairandy 70 The Formation of Mandate • The power can be given and accepted by a notarial deed general instrument, private deed, even by letter or verbally (Art 1793 (1) ICC) • The acceptance of mandate can also occurred tacitly and concluded from the execution of such mandate the mandatory (Art 1793 (2) ICC) Ridwan Khairandy 71 The Sources of Representation Representation Stipulated by Statutory Law Ridwan Khairandy Stipulated by Agreement 72 Sources of Representation Represented by his/her parent or guardian Minor Corporation Represented by director These representations are stipulated by laws Ridwan Khairandy 73 Sources of Representation Mandatory Mandator Power of attorney creates representation This representation is stipulated by power of attorney (mandate) Ridwan Khairandy 74 The Kinds of Power attorney • The power attorney may be performed specially , namely concerning only one specific interest or more, or generally, namely covering all interests of the authorizer (principal) (1) Specific power of attorney (2) General power of attorney Ridwan Khairandy 75 The Extinguishment of Mandate • By revocation of mandate by mandatory; • By notification to terminate the mandate by mandatory; • By the death of the mandatory; • By the marriage of the women who grants or receive the mandate. Ridwan Khairandy 76 Mandate/Power of attorney Commission Principal (Producer) Agent To sell on behalf of producer Buyer (consumers) Ridwan Khairandy 77 Agency Agreement • Art 7.428 The Netherlands Civil Code; • The agency contract is a contract in which one party, the principal, instructs the other party, the commercial agents, and the latter undertakes for a specified or unspecified time and for a remuneration to intermediate with regard to the conclusion of contracts and possibly to conclude contracts in the name and for the account of the principal without being subordinate to him Ridwan Khairandy 78 Business Agent Characters • An agent must be an independent intermediary; • There are no employee – employer relationship between him and his principal; • The agent does not act in his own name, but in the name, to expense and at risk of his principal Ridwan Khairandy 79 The Substantive Clauses of Agency Agreement • The appointment of agent • The agency area • The obligations and rights of principal; • The obligations and rights of agent; • The agency period Ridwan Khairandy 80 Obligations – Rights of Principal • • • • • To supply the product; To keep the quality of products; To assist product promotion; To conduct technical assistance Prohibition to appoint another agent in the same area • Right to receive payment from agents Ridwan Khairandy 81 Agents Obligations and Rights • To sell the principal products • To promote the principal products • To keep principal interests related to patent, trade mark, (or service mark), trade secret, ect; • To return all of the data and information when the contract ended or terminated; • To make annual report • Prohibition of selling product di bawah harga • Prohibition to be an agent or to sell similar product • Agent has right to receive commission Ridwan Khairandy 82 Ridwan Khairandy 83 Distribution Agreement Seller Buyer Producer Distributor Products Consumer now, the products is own by buyer, then the products is sold by distributor to consumer The products is sold Ridwan Khairandy 84 Distribution Agreement Seller Buyer Producer To appoints buyers as distributor Ridwan Khairandy 85 Relationship Between Producer and Distributor Producer Distributor Sale and Purchase Agreement Re-seller Ridwan Khairandy 86 Relationship Between Distributor and Consumer Distributor Consumer Sale and Purchase Agreement Ridwan Khairandy 87 Essential Clauses in Distribution Agreement • The appointment of distributor; • The term of agreement; • The distribution territory; • The Producer/seller guaranty; and • The distributor obligations Ridwan Khairandy 88 88 Ridwan Khairandy 89 Beirdorp AG. Hamburg, Germany Produce: Plaster (ban aid), heating patch, etc PT Beirdorp Indonesia, Malang, Indonesia Intents to produce the same products under the same trademark Trademark: Hansaplast 1. 2. 3. 4. License Agreement Patent License Agreement; Trademark License Agreement; Trade Secret License Agreement; etc Ridwan Khairandy 90 License Agreement Licensor Licensee 1. To license the formula how to produce the product; 2. To license the using of the trademarks Licensor does not joint to operate the licensee company Ridwan Khairandy 91 Ridwan Khairandy 92 Management Contract • There are two parties in the contract; • They are owner and operator; • The hotel owned by the owner; • The operator owns the wellknown servicemarks, managements system, human resources who operate the management; • The hotel is operated by operator Ridwan Khairandy 93 Ridwan Khairandy 94 Franchise Agreement Franchisor Product Marketing and Selling 1. Under one trademarks or Servicemarks; 2. Under one systems; 3. Under one standards Ridwan Khairandy 95 Franchise Agreement Franchisor Technology 1 Franchisee Trademarks or Servicemarks, etc 2 Business System Business Management 3 intent to use technology, trademarks or servicemarks, and business system that is developed by franchisor Marketing System Ridwan Khairandy 96