

Invitation to Tender

The Medical Schools Council Selection Alliance (MSCSA) is seeking to commission research on the use of contextual data in medical school selection processes.


The MSCSA is part of the Medical Schools Council (MSC). The MSC represents the interests and ambitions of UK medical schools as they relate to the generation of national health, wealth and knowledge through biomedical research and the profession of medicine. For more information on the work and aims of the MSC please visit the website .

The MSCSA has been set up as a result of the MSC’s Selecting for Excellence project. This project was initiated by the MSC with a view to looking at the issue of selection to medicine with particular focus on widening participation. More information on the project is available on the

MSC website .

The project had four work streams:

 Widening participation

 The role of the doctor

 Selection methods

 Evidence base

This project concluded in December 2014 when a final report containing a series of recommendations was launched. This research is linked to the below recommendation made in the report:

The MSC must commission research in 2015 on contextual data and medical admissions processes and this research should be used to develop guidance for medical schools on the use of contextual data.

The MSC has been provided with funding from Health Education England to commission this research. This research is the first part of a wider programme of work to look into the feasibility of developing guidance for medical schools on the use of contextual data. It may also be used to establish ways in which the MSC might be able to support medical schools in using contextual date, for example by establishing a central repository for contextual data.

Research Specification

All applications for funding must contain the following elements:

 The bid must clearly reference and map to the aims of the Selecting for Excellence project and state how the bid will help the MSCSA to achieve those aims.

 The proposed research must build on the findings of the GMC commissioned research into selection. And the research commissioned by the MSC as part of the Selecting for

Excellence project.

 The bid should focus on the use of contextual data to widen participation to medicine for applicants from a disadvantaged socio-economic background.

 The bid must focus on contextual measures available across the UK including those that are unique to any of the devolved administrations.

The following are expected as outputs from this research:

 A short literature review or horizon scanning exercise setting out current thinking on the use of contextual data in medical school admissions and, more broadly, across the higher education sector. This part of the project may also consider international approaches to the use of contextual data. The aim of this aspect of the project is to ensure that the MSCSA’s wider aims in respect of producing guidance on the use of contextual data and the possible introduction of a central database of contextual data would not be repeating work that is being undertaken by other organisations. It should also help MSCSA understand current thinking on the use of contextual data in admissions.

 The identification of different measures that could be used to identify applicants from a disadvantaged socio-economic background from across the UK and systems to employ them in the admissions process. These will include measures to identify the following characteristics of applicants: o Educational disadvantage o Parental/family background o Geographical measures of deprivation

o Factors that are individual to applicants such as whether they have been in local authority care.

This part of the of the research will identify from which organisation the different measures can be accessed by medical schools, how they can be verified as correct, and when in the application process would a medical school be able to access the information. Consideration should also be given to whether information is accessible to medical schools rather than their parent university.

 Two to three case studies showing how medical schools currently use contextual data and what impact this has on the number of students from a widening participation background studying at their medical school.

 An analysis of the feasibility of introducing a central database of contextual data that could be used by medical schools as a single point of reference in identifying WP candidates. This will include consideration of the pros and cons of introducing such as system, how it might work and the identification of key factors that would need to be considered by a body wishing to set up such a database.

Applications for Funding

Application documents should be no longer than four sides of A4 including annexes. It would also be helpful if bids included a one page CV of the individual in overall charge of the proposed project.

The deadline for submission is 17:00 on 7 December 2015. All research projects must be completed by 30 June 2016. Submissions should be made electronically and MSC will confirm receipt.

All applications must include details of who will be undertaking the research and a full costing for the project. MSC will not cover travel or subsistence expenses.

The maximum budget available for research projects is £40,000 including VAT.

Please submit applications by email to:

Lisa Hevey –

Your application will be considered by MSC staff and members of the MSCSA Board. Those shortlisted for funding will be asked to present their proposal in person at the MSC’s London office in January 2016.

Criteria for judging applications for funding

Applications will be judged on the following criteria:

 Extent to which the proposed project meets the specification set out in this invitation to tender.

 Extent to which the proposed project will support the aims of the MSCSA and the implementation of the Selection for Excellence project.

 Value for money
