[Insert the picture from the Excel template “Picture of the building”] EeBGuide Background Report for Buildings LCA of the building [Insert the table “General information” from the Excel template] Page 1 Page 2 Table of contents Table of contents Table of contents .................................................................................................... 3 List of figures ......................................................................................................... 5 List of tables ........................................................................................................... 6 Nomenclature ......................................................................................................... 7 1 Scope ............................................................................................................... 9 2 Content, structure and accessibility of the background report ........................ 9 3 General aspects in the background report ....................................................... 9 4 Goal/Purpose of the study ............................................................................... 9 5 Scope of the study ......................................................................................... 10 5.1 Declared / functional equivalent ....................................................................... 10 5.2 Technical description of the building ................................................................. 10 5.3 Information about the surrounding environment ................................................ 10 5.4 System boundaries .......................................................................................... 11 5.4.1 Overview over the included Life cycle stages ............................................................15 5.4.2 Overview of the included products and equipments ..................................................15 5.4.3 Overview of the included operational energy and water uses ....................................15 5.4.4 A1-A3, Product stage, information modules ..............................................................16 5.4.5 A4-A5, Construction process stage, information modules ..........................................16 5.4.6 B1-B5, Use stage, information modules related to the building fabric .........................17 5.4.7 B6-B7, Use stage, information modules related to the operation of the building .........18 5.4.8 C1-C4 End-of-life stage, information modules ...........................................................18 5.4.9 D Benefits and loads beyond the system boundary, information module ....................19 5.4.10 Energy imported/ Exported .....................................................................................19 5.4.11 Description of the system boundary in the background report ...................................19 5.5 6 7 Criteria for the exclusion of inputs and outputs .................................................. 20 Life cycle inventory analysis .......................................................................... 21 6.1 Data collection and calculation procedures ........................................................ 21 6.2 Developing building level scenarios ................................................................... 21 6.3 Selection of data/ background data................................................................... 21 6.4 Data/ background data quality requirements ..................................................... 21 6.5 Allocations ...................................................................................................... 22 Life cycle inventory analysis and life cycle impact assessment ..................... 23 7.1 Indicators for the life cycle inventory analysis according to EN 15978 “Baseline Scenario”.................................................................................................................. 23 Page 3 Table of contents 7.2 Indicators for the life cycle impact assessment according to EN 15978 “Baseline Scenario”.................................................................................................................. 24 7.3 Other indicators for the life cycle impact assessment .......................................... 24 7.4 Used environmental indicators “Baseline Scenario” ............................................. 24 7.5 Parameters Baseline scenario ........................................................................... 25 7.6 Results “Baseline Scenario” .............................................................................. 25 7.7 Interpretation of the results “Baseline Scenario” ................................................ 25 8 Scenario ......................................................................................................... 26 8.1 Used environmental indicators “Scenario” .......................................................... 26 8.2 Description of the parameters “Scenario” .......................................................... 26 8.3 Results “Scenario” ........................................................................................... 26 8.4 Interpretation of the results “Scenario” ............................................................. 26 9 Summary of the different alternatives ........................................................... 27 10 Conclusion .................................................................................................. 28 11 References .................................................................................................. 29 Annex A Documentation of components, materials and surfaces ....................... 30 Annex B Documentation of not assessed components, materials and surfaces .... 31 Annex C Description of Selected Impact Categories .......................................... 32 Annex D Bill of materials ................................................................................ 33 Annex E Significant, detailed section (M1:5; M1:10) of building components ...... 34 Annex F Floor plans and sectional views.......................................................... 35 Annex G Documentation of the energy supply system of the building ................ 36 Annex H EPBD calculation or results from dynamic simulations ......................... 37 Annex I Other documentation ........................................................................ 38 Page 4 List of figures List of figures Figure 1: Schematic representation of contributors and related life cycle stages................ 15 Figure 5-2: schematic representation of the LCA system boundaries for the production module (A1-A3) ................................................................................. 16 Figure 5-3: schematic representation of the LCA system boundaries for the construction process stage (A4-A5) ..................................................... 17 Figure 5-4: schematic representation of the LCA system boundaries for the use stage (modules related to the building fabric B1-B5) ...................................... 17 Figure 5-5: schematic representation of the LCA system boundaries for the use stage (modules related to the operation of the building) ................................ 18 Figure 5-6: schematic representation of the LCA system boundaries for the End-of-life stage (C1-C4) .................................................................................... 19 Figure 5-7: schematic representation of the LCA system boundaries for the benefits and loads beyond the product system boundary in module D ................. 19 Figure 8: Used environmental indicators ........................................................................ 24 Figure 9: Results Indicators - product stage ................................................................... 25 Figure 10: Results Indicators - life cycle stages .............................................................. 25 Figure 11: Used environmental indicators ...................................................................... 26 Figure 12:Results Indicators - product stage .................................................................. 26 Figure 13:Results Indicators - life cycle stages ............................................................... 26 Figure 14: Comparison of different alternatives .............................................................. 27 Page 5 List of tables List of tables Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table 1: Goal/ Purpose of the study .............................................................................. 9 2: Functional unit ............................................................................................... 10 3: Technical description of building ...................................................................... 10 4: Technical description of all operational areas .................................................... 10 5: Description of the local context ........................................................................ 10 6: Definitions for the different study types ............................................................ 11 7: Included lifecycle stages ................................................................................. 15 8: Descriptions of products and equipments considered into the study .................... 15 9: Descriptions of operational energy uses considered into the study ...................... 15 10: Descriptions of operational water uses considered into the study ...................... 16 11: Module A1-A3 ............................................................................................... 16 12: Module A4-A5 ............................................................................................... 17 13: Module B1-B5 ............................................................................................... 17 14: Module B6-B7 ............................................................................................... 18 15: Module C1-C4 ............................................................................................... 19 16: Module D ..................................................................................................... 19 17: Energy imported/ exported ............................................................................ 19 18: Description of the parameter Baseline scenario ............................................... 25 19: Overview over the building LCA results ........................................................... 25 20: Description of the parameter “Scenario” ......................................................... 26 21: Overview over the building LCA results ........................................................... 26 22: Comparison of different alternatives ............................................................... 27 Page 6 Nomenclature Nomenclature Abbreviation Explanation ADP Abiotic Depletion Potential ADPE Abiotic Resource Depletion Potential for elements ADPF Abiotic Resource Depletion Potential of fossil fuels AP Acidification Potential BLBSB Benefits and Loads Beyond the System Boundary BREEAM BRE Environmental Assessment Method CML Centrum voor Milieukunde, Leiden (NL) CPD Construction Products Directive CRU Components for re-use DGNB Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen (German Sustainable Building Council) ECO European Construction product Organisation EE Exported energy per energy carrier EP Eutrophication Potential EPD Environmental Product Declaration ESL Estimated service life FW Use of net fresh water GWP Global Warming Potential HQE Haute qualite‘ environmentale (French Sustainable Building Council) HWD Hazardous waste disposed IBU Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. ILCD International Reference Life Cycle Data System LCA Life Cycle Assessment LCI Life Cycle Inventory LCIA Life Cycle Impact Assessment LCC Life Cycle Costing MER Materials for energy recovery MFR Materials for recycling NRSF Use of non-renewable secondary fuels NHWD Non-hazardous waste disposed Page 7 Nomenclature ODP Ozone Layer Depletion Potential PCM Phase changing material PENRE Use of non-renewable primary energy excluding non-renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials PENRM Use of non-renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials PENRT Total use of non-renewable primary energy resources PERE Use of renewable primary energy excluding renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials PERM Use of renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials PERT Total use of renewable primary energy resources PCR Product Category Rules POCP Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential ReqSL Required Service Life RSF Use of renewable secondary fuels RSL Reference Service Life RSP Reference Study Period RWD Radioactive waste disposed SM Use of secondary material Page 8 General information 1 Scope This document is the background report for the report on the life cycle assessment results of a building. The study conducted, follows the provisions and guidelines of EeBGuide. 2 Content, structure and accessibility of the background report The background report provides the systematic and comprehensive summary of the project documentation supporting the verification of a building LCA. The project report shall record that the LCA based information meets the requirements of EeBGuide of the Energy- efficient Building Initiative. It will [be/was] made available to the verifier with the requirements on confidentiality stated in ISO 14025. The background report contains any important data and information required by the European standard EN 15978. Special attention is paid to a transparent documentation. 3 General aspects in the background report The present LCA study of the company is performed by the practitioner stated and has been conducted according to the requirements of the European Standard Error! Reference source not found.. The background report was [sent/will] be sent to verification as mentioned. Further details can be found in the table “General Information”. 4 Goal/Purpose of the study The aim of this study is the calculation and interpretation of the LCA results of the building. The table “Goal/ Purpose of the study” illustrates important points regarding the purpose of the study. Table 1: Goal/ Purpose of the study [Insert the table “Goal/ Purpose of the study” from the Excel template] Page 9 Scope of the study 5 5.1 Scope of the study Declared / functional equivalent The following points have to be defined with regards to the functional unit: Table 2: Functional unit [Insert the table “Functional equivalent” from the Excel template] Object of the assessment is an entire building. Infrastructures located on the building site may also be included. Infrastructures not located on the building site like roads and surrounding structures (e.g. park) may not be included. The assessed building is described with [all/ main] components, materials and surfaces. 5.2 Technical description of the building The following table describes the building into more detail: Table 3: Technical description of building [Insert the table “technical description of the building” from the Excel template] Table 4: Technical description of all operational areas [Insert the table “Technical description of all operational areas” from the Excel template] 5.3 Information about the surrounding environment The following table brings information about the local context: Table 5: Description of the local context [Insert the table “Description of the local context” from the Excel template] Page 10 Scope of the study 5.4 System boundaries The system boundary of the building LCA follows the modular design defined by /Error! Reference source not found./. The following chapters describe the modules which are within the scope of this study. The modules included are in-line with the following table: Table 6: Definitions for the different study types Page 11 Scope of the study Screening - Simplified - Complete according to SBA Common Metrics Framework 2009 and EeBGuide adaptations mandatory Orelevance? optional because of minor relevance Odata? optional due to potentially missing data Study type Complete Manufactoring Transport (to construction site) ConstructionInstallation process A4 A5 Odata? Transport (to factory) A3 Orelevance? Raw Materials Supply A2 Calculation rules based on data on major sub-structure (e.g. statistical data such as kWh/m² for primary energy) or generic LCA of building elements/products/materials such as Roof; Load- bearing structure; Exterior and basement walls; Windows; Floor slabs; Foundation; Floor Finishes/ Coverings Calculation rules based on data on major sub-structure (e.g. statistical data such as kWh/m² for primary energy) or generic LCA/average EPD of building elements/products/materials such as Roof; Load- bearing structure; Exterior and basement walls; Windows; Floor slabs; Foundation; Floor Finishes/ Coverings; Odata? Calculation rules based on data on statistical data such as kWh/m² for primary energy for the following equipment: Refrigeration/ Coolants; Decorative wall finishes/ coatings (e.g. wallpaper, paints); Doors; Heating/ Cooling/ Lighning Equipment and any powergenerating equipment (e.g. wind turbines/ PV/ solar heating) Equipment for internal transport (e.g. lifts, escalators); water and sewerage systems; electrical distribution system M M Odata? Simplified M Building Odata? Screening A1 Orelevance? M Before use stage M M Calculation rules based on data on statistical data such as kWh/m² for primary energy for the following equipment: Refrigeration/ Coolants; Decorative wall finishes/ coatings (e.g. wallpaper, paints); Doors; Heating/ Cooling/ Lighning Equipment and any powergenerating equipment (e.g. wind turbines/ PV/ solar heating) Equipment for internal transport (e.g. lifts, escalators); water and sewerage systems; electrical distribution system Calculation rules based on data on major building elements/products/materials based on specific EPD (both group of manufacturer's or single manufacturer declaration) else average LCA data: Roof; Load- bearing structure; Exterior and basement walls; Windows; Floor slabs; Foundation; Floor Finishes/ Coverings; Refrigeration/ Coolants; Decorative wall finishes/ coatings (e.g. wallpaper, paints); Doors; Heating/ Cooling/ Lighning Equipment and any powergenerating equipment (e.g. wind turbines/ PV/ solar heating) Equipment for internal transport (e.g. lifts, escalators); water and sewerage systems; electrical distribution system Page 12 Scope of the study Screening - Simplified - Complete according to SBA Common Metrics Framework 2009 and EeBGuide adaptations M Orelevance? Odata? Study type Maintenance Repair Replacement Refurbishment Operational Energy Use Operational Water Use B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 Orelevance? Odata? Odata? Orelevance? Calculation rules based on EPA-NR for comparative assessments (heating, cooling and airconditioning) (Internal transport, computer and IT equipment, refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, dryers, other small power devices) Calculation rules based on Dynamic Thermal Simulation, National calculation methodology or EPA-NR for comparative assessment for building related uses and non building related (heating, cooling and air conditioning, ventilation, heating for provision of domestic hot water, lightning, Internal transport, computer and IT equipment, refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, dryers, other small power devices) (heating, cooling and air conditioning, ventilation, heating for provision of domestic hot water, lightning) M M M M M Complete Calculation rules based on top-down approach by taking into the economic (by water saving devices e.g. dual flash toilet system) or extra consumption measures for both building and non building related water equipment M Calculation rules based on Dynamic Thermal Simulation or national calculation methodology for building related uses (heating, cooling and air conditioning, ventilation, heating for provision of domestic hot water, lightning) Calculation rules based on statistical data for both building and non building related water equipment Calculation rules based on bottom-up approach for both building and non building related water equipment such as urinals, WCs, taps, baths,showers, greywater/ rainwater systems dishwashers, washing machines, water softeners, wase disposal units M M M Orelevance? M Odata? Orelevance? Orelevance? Simplified M Building Screening Calculation rules based on the expected performance target for the building (e.g. energy label target or reference levels set by national regulation) calculated at least for building related uses covered by the EPBD (heating, cooling and air conditioning, ventilation, domestic hot water, lightning and auxiliary energy used for pumps, control and automation). M Use B1 Orelevance? Use stage Page 13 Scope of the study Screening - Simplified - Complete according to SBA Common Metrics Framework 2009 and EeBGuide adaptations M Orelevance? Odata? Study type Benefits beyond boundary Disposal Reuse-/ Recovery/Recyclingpote ntial C4 D Generic LCA data for EOL processes Odata? Waste process for reuse, recovery or/ and recycling C3 Odata? Transport (to disposal) C2 Orelevance? C1 Orelevance? Deconstruction End of Life Generic LCA data for reuse-/ recovery- / recycling potential Complete Odata? M Specific or generic LCA data for reuse-/ recovery- / recycling potential Odata? Specific or generic LCA data for EOL processes Generic LCA data for reuse-/ recovery- / recycling potential Specific or generic LCA data for reuse-/ recovery- / recycling potential M Odata? M Specific or generic LCA data for EOL processes Odata? Orelevance? Generic LCA data for EOL processes M Calculation rules based on the energy, materials and related emissions M Orelevance? Simplified Calculation rules based on a materials impact ratio (i.e. 3% for GWP in case of concrete) M Building Screening Specific or Specific or generic LCA generic LCA data for reuse- / recovery- / data for EOL processes recycling potential Following chapters for the different modules should only be described and explained in detail for those included within the study. For those modules that are not included, a short notice should be given (e.g. The construction process stage is not taken into consideration within this study.) The environmental impacts of a building may be breakdown according to different contributors such as the energy and water uses as well as the building products and equipment. These contributors need adequate calculation rules. The following figure presents the main contributors of a building and where they happen in the life cycle stages of a building according or EN 15978. For example, building products and technical equipment Page 14 Scope of the study are responsible of the impacts all along the life cycle stages while the operational water uses only refers to the use phase (module B). Building products and equipment PRODUCT stage (A1 to A3) CONSTRUCTION PROCESS stage (A4 to A5) USE stage (B1 to B7) END OF LIFE stage (C1 to C4) Raw material supply, Transport, Manufacturing Transport, Construction installation processes Use, Maintenance, Repair, Replacement, Refurbishment De-construction, Transport, Waste processing, disposal Operational Energy uses Operational Energy Use (B6) Operational Water uses Operational Water Use (B7) Construction site Construction installation process (A5) Transport of users De-construction, Demolition (C1) Transport of users Figure 1: Schematic representation of contributors and related life cycle stages 5.4.1 Overview over the included Life cycle stages The table summarizes the included Lifecycle stages. Table 7: Included lifecycle stages [Insert the table “Included lifecycle stages” from the Excel template] 5.4.2 Overview of the included products and equipments The table summarizes the considered products and equipments. Table 8: Descriptions of products and equipments considered into the study [Insert the table “Considered products and equipments” from the Excel template] 5.4.3 Overview of the included operational energy and water uses The following tables describe the considered energy uses and the considered water uses. Table 9: Descriptions of operational energy uses considered into the study Page 15 Scope of the study [Insert the table “Considered energy uses” from the Excel template] Table 10: Descriptions of operational water uses considered into the study [Insert the table “Considered water uses” from the Excel template] 5.4.4 A1-A3, Product stage, information modules The product stage includes: - A1, raw material extraction and processing, processing of secondary material input (e.g. recycling processes), A2, transport to the manufacturer, A3, manufacturing, Including provision of all materials, products and energy, packaging processing and its transport, as well as waste processing up to the end-of-waste state or disposal of final residues during the product stage. The following flowchart represents the system boundaries for the product stage: Figure 5-2: schematic representation of the LCA system boundaries for the production module (A1A3) Table 11: Module A1-A3 [Insert the table “Module A1-A3” from the Excel template] 5.4.5 A4-A5, Construction process stage, information modules The construction process stage includes: - A4, transport to the construction site; A5, installation into the building; Including provision of all materials, products and energy, as well as waste processing up to the end-of-waste state or disposal of final residues during the construction process stage. These information modules also include all impacts and aspects related to any losses during Page 16 Scope of the study this construction process stage (i.e. production, transport, and waste processing and disposal of the lost products and materials). The following flowchart represents the system boundaries for the construction process stage: Figure 5-3: schematic representation of the LCA system boundaries for the construction process stage (A4-A5) Table 12: Module A4-A5 [Insert the table “Module A4-A5” from the Excel template] 5.4.6 B1-B5, Use stage, information modules related to the building fabric The use stage, related to the building fabric includes: - B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, use or application of the installed product; maintenance; repair; replacement; refurbishment. Including provision and transport of all materials, products and related energy and water use, as well as waste processing up to the end-of-waste state or disposal of final residues during this part of the use stage. These information modules also include all impacts and aspects related to the losses during this part of the use stage (i.e. production, transport, and waste processing and disposal of the lost products and materials). The following flowchart represents the system boundaries for the use stage related to the building fabric: Figure 5-4: schematic representation of the LCA system boundaries for the use stage (modules related to the building fabric B1-B5) Table 13: Module B1-B5 Page 17 Scope of the study [Insert the table “Module B1-B5” from the Excel template] 5.4.7 B6-B7, Use stage, information modules related to the operation of the building The use stage related to the operation of the building includes: - B6, operational energy use (e.g. operation of heating system and other building related installed services); B7, operational water use; These information modules include provision and transport of all materials, products, as well as energy and water provisions, waste processing up to the end-of-waste state or disposal of final residues during this part of the use stage. The following flowchart represents the system boundaries for the use stage related to the operation of the building: Figure 5-5: schematic representation of the LCA system boundaries for the use stage (modules related to the operation of the building) Table 14: Module B6-B7 [Insert the table “Module B6-B7” from the Excel template] 5.4.8 C1-C4 End-of-life stage, information modules The end-of-life stage includes: - C1, C2, C3, C4, de-construction, demolition: transport to waste processing; waste processing for reuse, recovery and/or recycling; disposal including provision and all transports, provision of all materials, products and related energy and water use. The following flowchart represents the system boundaries for the End-of-life stage: Page 18 Scope of the study Figure 5-6: schematic representation of the LCA system boundaries for the End-of-life stage (C1C4) Table 15: Module C1-C4 [Insert the table “Module C1-C4” from the Excel template] 5.4.9 D Benefits and loads beyond the system boundary, information module Module D includes reuse, recovery and/or recycling potentials. The following flowchart represents the system boundaries for benefits/loads beyond the system boundary: Figure 5-7: schematic representation of the LCA system boundaries for the benefits and loads beyond the product system boundary in module D Table 16: Module D [Insert the table “Module D” from the Excel template] 5.4.10 Energy imported/ Exported The following table describe the imported/ exported energy. Table 17: Energy imported/ exported [Insert the table “Energy imported/ exported” from the Excel template] 5.4.11 Description of the system boundary in the background report Page 19 Scope of the study The definition of the system boundaries meets the requirements of EeBGuide. 5.5 Criteria for the exclusion of inputs and outputs (A description of the criteria for the exclusion of inputs and outputs (cut-off rules) and the assumptions made must be documented. A list of non-represented processes must be reported.) Page 20 Life cycle inventory analysis 6 Life cycle inventory analysis 6.1 Data collection and calculation procedures Data collection follows the guidance provided in Error! Reference source not found., clause 4.3.2. The calculation procedures described in Error! Reference source not found. are applied consistently throughout the study. According to the definition of the scope of the study, all relevant inputs and outputs related to the building are identified and quantified. 6.2 Developing building level scenarios Except from the base scenarios mentioned in EeBGuide, following scenarios for the different life cycle stages were defined: [Please describe briefly the scenarios, if necessary for each life cycle stage separately] A detailed description of the scenario(s) can be found in chapter 8. (If an optional module of the life cycle is declared, the additional technical information related to the scenario underlying this module, e. g. recycling or reuse rates, is a required part of the information of the declared information module) 6.3 Selection of data/ background data As a general rule, specific data derived from specific production processes or average data derived from specific production processes shall be the first choice as a basis for calculating a building LCA. For life cycle modeling of the building, [software XY] is used. All relevant background datasets are taken from [name of database] database. The datasets from the [name of database] database are documented in [source of documentation]. The applied data sets are representative for the year [indicate year] and have a [global, regional, national coverage]. The description of the type of data and background data used, must be reported (specific / generic) 6.4 Data/ background data quality requirements The requirements for data quality and background data correspond to the specifications of EeBGuide. [Please specify the following point with regards to background data and also refer to A1.1.1.1Annex Band B.] For life cycle modeling of the considered building the software [name of the software] System for Life Cycle Engineering, developed by [company of the software], is used. All Page 21 Life cycle inventory analysis relevant background datasets are taken from [name of the database] database and provided by the company [name of the firm]. The last revision of the used data sets took place less than [xxx years ago]. The study report must contain: - the data sets used and their sources (e.g. name of the database, literature source), including details of the year for which the data is representative, the representativeness of the data sets used, the treatment of missing data, the data quality 6.5 Allocations In the present study no/a [name allocation] allocation has been made. Detailed explanations can be found in the chapters below. [Describe the allocation into detail] Page 22 Life cycle inventory analysis and life cycle impact assessment 7 Life cycle inventory analysis and life cycle impact assessment The results of the LCA for all modules A1 to D are represented in the following tables. The inventory analysis indicators to be declared and the impact assessment are in accordance with EN 15978. 7.1 Indicators for the life cycle inventory analysis according to EN 15978 “Baseline Scenario” The following environmental indicators apply data based on the LCI. They describe the use of renewable and non-renewable material resources, renewable and non-renewable primary energy and water. Use of renewable primary energy excluding renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials Use of renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials Total use of renewable primary energy resources (primary energy and primary energy resources used as raw materials) Use of non renewable primary energy excluding non renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials Use of non renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials Total use of non renewable primary energy resources (primary energy and primary energy resources used as raw materials) Use Use Use Use of of of of secondary material renewable secondary fuels non renewable secondary fuels net fresh water MJ, net calorific value MJ, net calorific value MJ, net calorific value MJ, net calorific value MJ, net calorific value MJ, net calorific value kg MJ, net calorific value MJ, net calorific value m³ The parameters describing waste categories and other material flows are output flows derived from LCI. Other environmental information describing waste categories is described next: Hazardous waste disposed Non hazardous waste disposed Radioactive waste disposed kg kg kg Other environmental information describing output flows is described next: Components for re-use kg Materials for recycling Materials for energy recovery Exported energy kg kg MJ per energy carrier Page 23 Life cycle inventory analysis and life cycle impact assessment 7.2 Indicators for the life cycle impact assessment according to EN 15978 “Baseline Scenario” The following information on environmental impacts is expressed with the impact category parameters of LCIA using characterisation factors Global warming potential (GWP); kg CO2-equiv. Depletion potential of the stratospheric ozone layer (ODP); kg CFC 11- equiv Acidification potential of soil and water, (AP); kg SO2 - equiv Eutrophication potential (EP); kg (PO4)3- - equiv Formation potential of tropospheric ozone (POCP); kg Ethene - equiv Abiotic depletion potential (ADP-elements) for non-fossil resources kg Sb - equiv Abiotic depletion potential (ADP-fossil fuels) for fossil resources MJ, net calorific value In fact, the results from the impact assessment are only relative statements which give no information about the endpoint of the impact categories, overstepping of threshold values, safety margins or risk. 7.3 Other indicators for the life cycle impact assessment Please give here the reference of the LCIA method used and a statement telling why it was relevant to include additional indicators from EN 15978 “Baseline Scenario” 7.4 Used environmental indicators “Baseline Scenario” The table below illustrates the used environmental indicators. Figure 8: Used environmental indicators [Insert the table “Used Indicators” from the Excel template] Page 24 Error! Use the Home tab to apply Überschrift 1 to the text that you want to appear here. 7.5 Parameters Baseline scenario Following table illustrates the parameters used in the Baseline scenario. Table 18: Description of the parameter Baseline scenario [Insert the table “Baseline scenario” from the Excel template] 7.6 Results “Baseline Scenario” Table 19: Overview over the building LCA results [Insert the table “Overview over the building LCA results” from the Excel template] Figure 9: Results Indicators - product stage [Insert the figure “Product stage” from the Excel template] Figure 10: Results Indicators - life cycle stages [Insert the figure “Life cycle stages” from the Excel template] [Please insert some important tables and graphs and describe the result briefly] 7.7 Interpretation of the results “Baseline Scenario” [please insert some important tables and graphs and describe the result briefly] Page 25 Error! Use the Home tab to apply Überschrift 1 to the text that you want to appear here. 8 Scenario 8.1 Used environmental indicators “Scenario” The table below illustrates the used environmental indicators. Figure 11: Used environmental indicators [Insert the table “Used Indicators” from the Excel template] 8.2 Description of the parameters “Scenario” In the following table the varied parameters of the scenario are described. Table 20: Description of the parameter “Scenario” [Insert the table “Scenario” from the Excel template] 8.3 Results “Scenario” The following tables and figures show the results of the scenario. Table 21: Overview over the building LCA results [Insert the table “Overview over the building LCA results” from the Excel template] Figure 12:Results Indicators - product stage [Insert the figure “Product stage” from the Excel template] Figure 13:Results Indicators - life cycle stages [Insert the figure “Life cycle stages” from the Excel template] [Please insert some important tables and graphs and describe the result briefly] 8.4 Interpretation of the results “Scenario” [Please insert some important tables and graphs and describe the result briefly] Page 26 Error! Use the Home tab to apply Überschrift 1 to the text that you want to appear here. 9 Summary of the different alternatives [Please describe the findings from different alternatives briefly] Table 22: Comparison of different alternatives [Insert table “Comparison of different alternatives” from the Excel template] Figure 14: Comparison of different alternatives [Insert the figure “Comparison of different alternatives” from the Excel template] Page 27 Error! Use the Home tab to apply Überschrift 1 to the text that you want to appear here. 10 Conclusion [Please describe the conclusion briefly] Page 28 Error! Use the Home tab to apply Überschrift 1 to the text that you want to appear here. 11 References Page 29 Documentation of e.g. Exterior wall Annex A Documentation of components, materials and surfaces Components/ Surfaces/ materials LCA data production e.g. 200 mm concrete for Total Amoun t Service life A1-A3; C3, C4, D; xy kg 50 years e.g. ESUCO Polystyrene incineration in MWI incl. credit A1-A3; C3, C4, D; xy m³ 20 years e.g. ESUCO Landfill construction waste A1-A3; C3, C4, D; xy kg 20 years LCA data set for EoL Lifcycle stage e.g. ESUCO Ready-mix concrete C20-25 e.g. ESUCO Construction waste processing including primary material credit e.g. 100 mm EPS e.g. ESUCO Expanded polystyrene (EPS) PS 20 e.g.10 mm plaster e.g. ESUCO Normal mortar set Comments [Add components] Page 30 Documentation of Annex B Documentation of not assessed components, materials and surfaces Component, material, surface Description on reason for exclusion Page 31 Error! Use the Home tab to apply Überschrift 5 to the text that you want to appear here. Annex C Description of Selected Impact Categories Page 32 Error! Use the Home tab to apply Überschrift 5 to the text that you want to appear here. Annex D Bill of materials Page 33 Error! Use the Home tab to apply Überschrift 5 to the text that you want to appear here. Annex E Significant, detailed section (M1:5; M1:10) of building components [eg. Exterior wall, windows, ceiling, etc.] Page 34 Error! Use the Home tab to apply Überschrift 5 to the text that you want to appear here. Annex F Floor plans and sectional views Page 35 Error! Use the Home tab to apply Überschrift 5 to the text that you want to appear here. Annex G Documentation of the energy supply system of the building [e.g. heating, cooling, lighting] Page 36 Error! Use the Home tab to apply Überschrift 5 to the text that you want to appear here. Annex H EPBD calculation or results from dynamic simulations Page 37 Error! Use the Home tab to apply Überschrift 5 to the text that you want to appear here. Annex I Other documentation Page 38