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WHO Technical Report Series,
No. 937, 2006. Annex 2
May 2006
To continue from Part 1(a), now focus on:
Air filtration
The role of HVAC in dust control
HVAC system design and its components (part 2)
Commissioning, qualification and maintenance (part 3)
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Air Filtration
Degree of filtration is important to prevent contamination
Type of filters to be used dependent on the quality of ambient air, return air and air change rates
Manufacturer to determine, select and prove appropriate filters for use considering level of ambient air contamination, national requirements, product specific requirements
4.2.1, 4.2.3
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Levels of protection and recommended filtration
Recommended filtration Level of protection
Level 1 Primary filters, e.g. EN779 G4*
Level 2 and 3
Level 2 and 3
Production area with 100% outside air: Primary plus secondary filter (e.g. EN779 G4 plus F8 filters)
Production area with recirculated plus ambient air with a risk of cross-contamination: Primary plus secondary plus tertiary filter (e.g. EN779 G4 plus F8 plus EN1822 H13 filters)
*Filter class should be referenced to the standard test method
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Contamination should be prevented through appropriate:
Materials for components and construction
Design and appropriate access to dampers, filters and other components
Personnel operations
Airflow direction
Air distribution component design and installation and location
Type of diffusers (non-induction type recommended)
Air exhaust (normally from a low level)
– 4.2.10
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Filtered air entering a production room or covering a process can be
turbulent, or unidirectional (laminar)
GMP aspect
economical aspect
Other technologies: barrier technology/isolator technology .
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Turbulent dilution of dirty air
Unidirectional/laminar displacement of dirty air
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Airflow patterns
Main filter
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Workbench (vertical) Cabin/booth Ceiling
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Unidirectional airflow (UDAF) :
Provided where needed over product or material to prevent contamination, or to protect operator
UDAF in weighing areas
The aim is to provide dust containment
Airflow velocity should not affect balance
Position of material, balance, operator determined and validated – no obstruction of airflow or risk
4.3.1 – 4.3.10
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Annex 5, 7.
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Annex 5, 7.
Facilities normally under positive pressure to the outside
Prevent infiltration of unfiltered, contaminated air from outside
Some cases - negative pressure (e.g. penicillin manufacture). Special precautions to be taken
– 4.4.4
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General aspects and concepts
Displacement concept
– low pressure differential, high airflow
Pressure differential concept
– high pressure differential, low airflow
Physical barrier concept
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General aspects
Multiproduct OSD manufacturing, prevent movement of dust between areas where different products are processed
Directional air movement and pressure cascade can be helpful – dust containment
Normally, corridor at higher pressure than cubicles, cubicles at higher pressure than atmosphere
– 4.5.3
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Containment concepts
Pressure cascade regime influenced by:
– Product and product group, e.g. highly potent products (in some cases, pressure cascade regime negative to atmosphere)
– Processing methods
Building structure should be considered including airtight ceilings and walls, close fitting doors, sealed light fittings
– 4.5.9
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Displacement concept
Air supplied to the corridor, through the doors (grilles) to the cubicles
Air extracted at the back of the cubicle
Velocity high enough to prevent turbulence in doorway
Requires large air quantities
( Not preferred method)
4.5.10 – 4.5.12
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Pressure differential concept
Concept can include high pressure differential, low airflow, and airlocks in the design
Airlock types include: Cascade, sink and bubble type
Sufficient pressure differential required to ensure containment and prevent flow reversal – but not so high as to create turbulence
Consider effect of other items such as equipment and extraction systems in cubicles
Operating limits and tolerances 4.5.13 – 4.5.18,
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Pressure differential concept (2)
Calibrated monitoring devices, set to alarm system
Monitoring and recording of results
Doors open to higher pressure
Dust extraction system design
– Interlocked with air-handling system
– No airflow between rooms linked to same system
– Room pressure imbalance
4.5.19 – 4.5.26
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Pressure cascade solids
Protection from cross-contamination
Room 1
15 Pa
Room 2
15 Pa
Room 3
15 Pa
Air Lock Air Lock
30 Pa
Note : Direction of door opening relative to room pressure
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15 Pa
0 Pa
In some cases, impervious barriers are used to prevent cross-contamination
Spot ventilation
Capture hoods
4.5.27 – 4.5.28
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Temperature and relative humidity (RH)
Controlled, monitored and recorded where relevant
Materials and product requirements, operator comfort
Minimum and maximum limits
Premises design appropriate, e.g. low humidity areas, well sealed and airlocks where necessary
HVAC design – also prevent moisture migration
– 4.6.6
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Temperature and relative humidity (RH) (2)
Remove moisture, or add moisture as necessary
– Refrigerated dehumidifiers with cooling media
– Chemical dehumidifiers
Humidifiers should not be sources of contamination
– Use of pure steam or clean steam
– No chemicals added to boiler system if these can have a detrimental effect on product (e.g. some corrosion inhibitors/chelating agents)
4.6.7. – 4.6.11
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Temperature and relative humidity (RH) (3)
Humidification systems: Design should be such that the system does not become the source of contamination:
No accumulation of condensate
Avoid evaporative systems, atomizers, water-mist sprays
Suitable duct material, insulation of cold surfaces
Air filters not immediately downstream of humidifiers
Chemical driers – used if not sources of contamination
4.6.12. – 4.6.18
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Dust and vapour removed at source
Point of use extraction – fixed points or movable hood – plus general directional airflow in room
Ensure sufficient transfer velocity to prevent dust settling in ducting
Risk analysis – airflow direction, hazards, operator
– 5.7
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Normally air supplied through ceiling diffusers, and air extracted from low level – aids flushing effect
Extraction of vapours – consider density of vapour
Handling harmful products – additional steps needed
– e.g. barrier technology, glove boxes
– totally enclosed garments with air-breathing systems
Fresh air rate supply
– comfort, odour and fume removal, leakage, pressure control, etc.
– 5.14
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Protection of the environment (Exhaust air dust)
Exhaust air from equipment and some areas of production carry heavy loads of dust (e.g. FBD, coating, weighing)
Filtration needed to prevent ambient contamination
Not highly potent material
– EN779 F9 filter recommended
Harmful substances (e.g. hormones)
– EN1822 H12 (HEPA) filter recommended
– In some cases two banks of HEPA filters
– Safe change filter housings ("bag-in bag-out" filters)
6.1.1 – 6.1.5
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Protection of the environment (Exhaust air dust) (2)
Filter banks provided with pressure differential indication gauges
Limits indicated, results monitored at regular intervals
– Manual, Building Management Systems, Building
Automated Systems, System Control and Data Acquisition systems
Automated systems provided with alarm or similar system to indicate OOS
6.1.6 – 6.1.10
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Protection of the environment (Exhaust air dust) (3)
Reverse pulse dust collectors
– Should be equipped with cartridge filters with compressed air lance,
– Continuous operation – no interruption of airflow
Dust collectors with mechanical shakers
– Used in a manner not to become source of contamination
Switched off at times resulting in loss of airflow, and disruption of pressure cascade
Wet scrubbers
– Use suitable drainage system for dust slurry 6.1.11
– 6.1.15
Determine exhaust air quality to verify filtration efficiency
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Appropriate design, installation, and operation of fume, dust, effluent control
Wet scrubbers
– Added chemicals for increased adsorption efficiency
Deep bed scrubbers
– Activated carbon or chemical adsorption granular media
– Specific to type of effluent
– Type and volume prepared
6.2.1 – 6.2.5
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