MFS Seminars 2015, Rev 9/19/15 Friday, 4:00 – 5:00 Why Not an Adventure? Dr. Ray Rempt Friday 4:00-5:00pm Room 131 Summary: This seminar focuses on reaching young people. It addresses resources, personality, demonstrations, props, and audience participation. It shows that we can make the whole thing an adventure! Harvest: Prepare the Soil and Open Doors Through Prayer-Walking Renee Rivera Friday 4:00-5:00pm Room 136 Summary: Learn and practice a simple, enjoyable, reproducible process for taking others with you into the harvest. This is one of five simple steps toward producing multiple generations of reproducing disciples. More Than Projects and Trips: Transformative Service Experiences With Youth Mark Jackson Friday 4:00-5:00pm Room 324 Summary: Introduces service learning as a process to guide youth ministry leaders in creating transformational, faith-building service and mission experiences for youth. Concrete examples and resources will be shared. Reach Someone Today! Heather Ewald Friday 4:00-5:00pm Room 326 Summary: Every day we pass people with eternal souls - lost people. What can we do to point them to the Savior? This is a practical workshop; come to learn and participate. Mission to the Broken and Hurting Passawan Friday 4:00-5:00pm Room 336 Summary: Practical resources and tools to reach and disciple the broken and hurting: a 21st century mission field populated by the addicted, the abused and those trapped in life-controlling issues. Developing a Missions Strategy in Your Church Rev. Hilario Pardo Friday 4:00-5:00pm Room 338 Summary: Partnership in the church to develop a global missions strategy. The roles of the mission board and missions pastor in the strategic planning of a Global Mission Program. Friday 5:30-6:30pm Plant the Harvest Seed at Home Rev. Dan Lloyd Friday 5:30-6:30pm Room 110 Summary: Discover how to plant deep spiritual roots through family devotions that prepare the next generation for a spiritual harvest. Why the Bible is Unique Dr. Heinz Lycklama Friday 5:30-6:30pm Room 120 Summary: The Bible is like none of the 300+ "holy" books in the world, providing many sound evidences of the truth of God's Word in history, prophecy, archaeology and science. Discipleship Through the Next Generation Rev. Paul Goodner Friday 5:30-6:30pm Room 131 Summary: Discipleship is the most important aspect of the New Testament. The idea of reproducing followers of Christ in word and deed is the goal. Training the next generation is key. Reproducing 7 GC Roles in the Next Generation Nelson Reed Friday 5:30-6:30pm Room 135 Summary: Global Christians are not born; they are reproduced, discipled and equipped! This seminar will fast track your GC-track; identify skills, knowledge and character competencies for 7 Global Christian Roles. Engaging Culture: Train Youth to Reach Youth Joseph Keith Friday 5:30-6:30pm Room 136 Summary: It's no secret the best missionaries to youth are other youth! Come learn how to mobilize your whole youth ministry to reach youth and children with the Gospel. Creative Ways 2 Pray Leslie Urie Friday 5:30-6:30pm Room 138 Summary: We will look at, and use, several creative ways to pray that you can begin to use RIGHT NOW with your family, Sunday school class, small group or church. Corrie Ten Boom, Tramp for the Lord, Shares her Testimony Susan Boer Friday 5:30-6:30pm Room 171 Summary: Corrie Ten Boom was a "tramp for the Lord" after release from German concentration camp. Through dramatic interpretation, Susie Boer shares Corrie's story. Audiences of all ages are inspired. A Taste of Perspectives: The World is Flat Greg Kensson Friday 5:30-6:30pm Room 320 Summary: Get a taste of the Perspectives course. The Flat World brings immigrants as our neighbors and co-workers. Learn local opportunities for YOU to bring them the Gospel. Understanding the Mindset of Ideological Extremism in Youth Dr. Naji Abi-Hashem Friday 5:30-6:30pm Room 324 Summary: What leads to fanatical and fundamentalist attitudes among young people? What are the causes and symptoms of extremism? How to predict and prevent radicalism, violent behaviors, and militancy worldwide today? Member Care 101: Preventing Premature Attrition Dr. Jack Rozell Friday 5:30-6:30pm Room 326 Summary: A biblical and psychologically valid strategy for preventing premature attrition will be discussed. When properly applied, harvesters and senders will experience enhance life quality, ministry effectiveness, and longevity. Multiplying Students into Fully Committed Life-Long Followers of Jesus Chris Taylor Friday 5:30-6:30pm Room 336 Summary: Most students leave the church after graduation. How do we make students lifetime followers of Christ serving His church and mission? What might this look like in the church today? Good News Club, an Open Door Janice Linville Friday 5:30-6:30pm Room 338 Summary: Since a 2001 Supreme Court Decision, after-school Bible Clubs have been legal at public elementary schools. This session will focus on starting a Good News Club and available support. Saturday, 11:00 – 1:00, 2 HOUR PANEL What are You Waiting For? Multigenerational Missions Lindie Freed Saturday 11:00am-1:00pm Room 171 Summary: This panel will discuss the powerful impact and challenges of multigenerational missions teams. Panelists have led or participated in such missions teams, domestically and around the world. Saturday, 11:00am –12:00pm Gospel Spreads Via Mass Media to the Muslim World Pastor Shohrat Saturday 11:00am-12:00pm Room 110 Summary: Muslims reject Western ways but love our technology! Their world overflows with turmoil; going there to evangelize is unsafe, sometimes even impossible. God uses Mass Media and His people! Ministry to Children in Crisis Doug Nichols Saturday 11:00am-12:00pm Room 120 Summary: 1.8 billion children are at risk worldwide. Increasing numbers of traumatized children present ministry opportunities and challenges. Ministries to children help solidify churches and provide church growth and outreach. Counseling for Salvation Ramona Cantu Saturday 11:00am-12:00pm Room 128 Summary: What to do when a child is ready to receive Christ Opposition, Prayer & Breakthrough Dick & Donna Andrews, OMF International Saturday 11:00am-12:00pm Room 131 Summary: Can prayer at home affect spiritual forces a continent away? The Lisu people were freed from evil. Watch the movie "Breakthrough" and discuss principles that God can use today. Get Out of the Way - Amazing Grace Maggie Josiah Saturday 11:00am-12:00pm Room 134 Summary: Disguising vocational training as discipleship, attendee will challenge fears and excuses for not being more involved as well identify personal skills that are vocational opportunities to help and transform lives. Reaching Unchurched Kids Through CEF Street Fair Evangelism Mark Champneys, Child Evangelism Fellowship Saturday 11:00am-12:00pm Room 135 Summary: A handful of workers can bring dozens of children to Christ in a weekend, using the Wordless Book. Learn how from an experienced trainer. Innovation, Reformation, or Revolution Richard Clarke Saturday 11:00am-12:00pm Room 136 Summary: Tomorrow's disciples do not respond well to today's Christian paradigms. Why not? And what do we do to reach these important people to the future of our faith? Preparing a Child to Fulfill His/Her Purpose Angela Saturday 11:00am-12:00pm Room 138 Summary: A child is born with a purpose from God to fulfill. Adults will shape and prepare that child for his/her future. Some key guiding principles for this awesome role. Mobilizing Missionary Care Ginny Jensen Saturday 11:00am-12:00pm Room 160 Summary: Missionary care is so much more than caring for our workers on the field. This seminar will explore care opportunities and how they can mobilize your church for mission. The Invisible Family Scott Ellis Saturday 11:00am-12:00pm Room 165 Summary: Who are the detainees at the NW Detention Center and what does Scripture teach us about our role in responding to their and their families' needs? Take Your Church's Pulse Dr. John Wagenveld Saturday 11:00am-12:00pm Room 320 Summary: This seminar will focus on a diagnostic tool called "Take Your Church's Pulse" which provides feedback on how the church is doing both globally and locally. Partnering in the Community to Present Care Day Tim and Monette King Saturday 11:00am-12:00pm Room 324 Summary: How God used a small group book study to change hearts and a community, by organizing a day to serve the underserved through one powerful event. Reaching Children for Jesus Through Technology Greg Stetski Saturday 11:00am-12:00pm Room 326 Summary: The latest technology can be used for good or evil. Christians should creatively use it to reach children around the world for Jesus. A small expenditure has a huge impact. Equip the Next Generation to Reach Out to the Muslims Mark Lori Amini Saturday 11:00am-12:00pm Room 336 Summary: The next generation must be filled with the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. Then the enemy cannot stop them and they should not be afraid. Kids' Guide to World Religions Sylvia Foth Saturday 11:00am-12:00pm Room 338 Summary: Do your students understand what schoolmates believe about Christianity? Gain perspective and skill to help kids share Jesus with people of other faiths with sensitivity and accuracy. Saturday 12:30-1:30pm Raising Children With a Heart to Reach the World Dr. Paul Johnson Saturday 12:30-1:30pm Room 110 Summary: This seminar provides biblical principles and suggestions for parents and teachers to help children grow into Christ's likeness and align their minds and hearts with His. It All Starts at the Kitchen Table Jenny Holmes Saturday 12:30-1:30pm Room 120 Summary: Before the next generation can become missionaries, they need to have love for people. Missions-minded love starts at home. Learn tangible ways to foster that love in your children. Become an Intern – Fast Track into Missions – Panel Discussion Mic McDaniel Saturday 12:30-1:30pm Room 128 Summary: Youth led panel will discuss: How to become an Intern. Does it help you into missions? Can it strengthen your resume or college application? Where do you find placement? Christian Persecution and Martyrdom in the 21st Century Dr. Matthew Tallman Saturday 12:30-1:30pm Room 131 Summary: This workshop will give a broad overview of Christian martyrdom and persecution in the 21st century while also looking at what kind of persecution Christians have faced in the past. Classroom Management in Light of the Gospel Kaitie Newcomb Saturday 12:30-1:30pm Room 134 Summary: Ten fun and practical ways to discipline your children's class. Strategic Prayer Jim Stevens Saturday 12:30-1:30pm Room 135 Summary: The Kingdom of God advances on the knees of the saints. We'll spend half our time praying for the Muslim world (+Muslims we know) in fun and creative ways. Harvest: Share Hope/Testimony/Gospel in Ten Minutes or Less Bryant Jones Saturday 12:30-1:30pm Room 136 Summary: Learn, practice a simple, enjoyable, reproducible process for inviting others to join you in following Christ. This is one of five simple steps toward producing multiple generations of reproducing disciples I'm Not Too Little! Taking the Preschool Challenge Sarah Alexander Saturday 12:30-1:30pm Room 138 Summary: We will look at the different characteristics of preschool children and look at some effective ways to share the gospel with them. We will have fun! How Best to Care for Your Missionary Pastor Glenn Saturday 12:30-1:30pm Room 160 Summary: Since being on the field in Panama we discovered how churches could best care for us. It's important for churches and missionaries have a clear plan of expectations. The Bait of Truth Mark Schaufler Saturday 12:30-1:30pm Room 165 Summary: Regardless of the country, there are truths that speak to the listener. Utilizing these you can share the Gospel into the "good soil;" those who "understand" what they are hearing. Art Engaging Story - Here, There and Everywhere Marcia Gladwish Saturday 12:30-1:30pm Room 320 Summary: Hands on experience! Participants see that their story matters and is a part of God's greater story. Projects used successfully on five continents; no art skills necessary. The Pumpkin Village: How God Works Through Indigenous Knowledge Leslie Aaron Saturday 12:30-1:30pm Room 324 Summary: Indigenous knowledge is one of the ways that God gifts communities. Learn from Leslie's research in nutrition in Uganda how to access and apply traditional knowledge in other capacities. Motivation of Mission: Serving God in Your 20s Emily Branch Saturday 12:30-1:30pm Room 326 Summary: What is leading you? Come examine heart motivations behind mission and the effect living from a Biblical view can have on how you mission in your 20s and onward. The Occult - What Christians Need to Know Richard Beghammer Saturday 12:30-1:30pm Room 336 Summary: Christian ex-occultist explains the occult's cultural impact and evangelistic strategies ‘Refugee’ Is A Family Word Dan Samuelson Saturday 12:30-1:30pm Room 338 Summary: Most refugees come to America as part of a family. Starting life again in a strange land can have a negative impact on the children. How can you help? Saturday 4:00-5:00pm A NEW Focus--Keeping Children in Church for Life! Revs. Gary and Paula Hays Saturday 4:00-5:00pm Room 110 Summary: 59% of children leave church by age 15 (Barna). Learn to increase your church’s commitment, parents' participation and children’s life-long commitment to Jesus! God's Work, Our Hands Kathleen Fisher Saturday 4:00-5:00pm Room 120 Summary: Children and youth of today are engaged in faith by "doing." We will explore ways that all can see and react to the world around them in many ways. On The Way Dr. Monty Mathis Saturday 4:00-5:00pm Room 128 Summary: God has called us to journey with Him. We live with expectancy of what tomorrow holds. But possibly, far greater than our end point are the opportunities on the way. Four Things to do to Become a Contagious Disciple-maker Paul D. Watson Saturday 4:00-5:00pm Room 131 Summary: Paul will give you four practical things you can do now to develop habits of one who will make their community a little more like heaven every day. Case Studies in Business as Mission Robert Bush Saturday 4:00-5:00pm Room 134 Summary: This seminar will define what real BAM is and how God is using it to make disciples in the most unreached areas of the world - using case studies. Are "Western" Missionaries Still Needed Overseas? Mike Klontz Saturday 4:00-5:00pm Room 135 Summary: With the ever-increasing role of nationals’ involvement in ministry in their respective countries, are western missionaries still needed? Does the Bible have anything to say about it? Harvest: Lead Meetings that Disciple Others to Win and Disciple Darby Kruger Saturday 4:00-5:00pm Room 136 Summary: Learn and practice a simple, enjoyable, reproducible pattern for leading groups that empower participants to multiply. This is one of five simple steps toward producing multiple generations of reproducing disciples. Training the Next Generation of Mission Pilots Gary Elliott Saturday 4:00-5:00pm Room 138 Summary: Mission aviation is essential in many remote areas of the world, where transportation modes may not be available or practical. Opportunities exist for NexGen pilots, aircraft mechanics, and avionics specialists. Evangelism in the Business Community Jon Sween Saturday 4:00-5:00pm Room 160 Summary: We will focus on sharing the good news of Jesus for people in the business community Marketplace Connections Mobilizing Youth into World Missions Saturday 4:00-5:00pm Room 165 Summary: Do you want to see more young people "catch" a calling for overseas ministry? Come and get equipped with a 4-week study that explores frontier missions among the unreached! You Can Do It! Sharing Jesus & Making Disciples Without Fear Kirk Frambes Saturday 4:00-5:00pm Room 171 Summary: International students, scholars, professionals are living among us – but fear can creep in! Let us help you build common ground, transition to spiritual things, respond to objections, help them grow. Reproducing Next Gen Children in Crisis Missionaries Jeff Anderson Saturday 4:00-5:00pm Room 320 Summary: While continuing ministry to street people, drug addicts and traumatized people due to various disasters, Jeff presents a strategy and discipleship path for reproducing Next Generation CiC missionaries. The New Pilgrims Dr. Joseph Castleberry Saturday 4:00-5:00pm Room 324 Summary: Presents evidence on how the new wave of immigrants to America are exerting a powerful renewing influence on the Church and on American society as a whole. Competing Upside Down Brian Peterson Saturday 4:00-5:00pm Room 326 Summary: The gospel is engaging believers and unbelievers of the next generation through sport. We will look at how the gospel can be SHARED and APPLIED in the context of sport. IN CANTONESE: Church Mission and Gospel Media Ministry Thomas Fong Saturday 4:00-5:00pm Room 336 Summary: SOBEM provides hundreds of real life testimonies to share the gospel through various media platforms, and by partnering with churches, can effectively reach a broad range of target groups Family is Critical in Raising a New Generation for Christ Shiferaw Michael Saturday 4:00-5:00pm Room 338 Summary: Learn why families are critical in raising a new generation for Christ. They have unique opportunities to reach the next generation and the church has unique opportunities to reach families. Saturday 5:30-6:30pm Finding Your Role in Mission Craig Campbell Saturday 5:30-6:30pm Room 131 Summary: You suspect God has a role for you in do you figure it out? This workshop suggests one way and looks at some people who have done it. Oh, The Places You Will Go! Dr. Richard and Leona Bergstrom Saturday 5:30-6:30pm Room 135 Summary: Never before has there been a generation like the Boomers! Explore how God wants to reignite their faith, gifts, skills, and passions to impact the world. Such Were Some of You: Connecting with Your Youth Group Garrett Ledesma Saturday 5:30-6:30pm Room 136 Summary: You don't have to wear skinny jeans to connect with your youth. Learn the value of multigenerational missions at home and around the world to mentor your youth. A 360 Mission – Global & Local Combo Excites Church Matt Shiner Saturday 5:30-6:30pm Room 138 Summary: Professionals in your church strengthen your connection to overseas missionaries by teaching short-term in a university; students come to USA & experience servant leadership through mentoring and immersion Love the Aliens among You and Their Children Too Don & Myrna Hines Saturday 5:30-6:30pm Room 160 Summary: God is bringing thousands of internationals to America, many with children. How can we share the Good News with these families? Explore ways to minister to internationals and their children. Ending the Generational Legacy of Domestic Abuse in Christian families Lani Kallstrom Saturday 5:30-6:30pm Room 165 Summary: Christian Coalition for Safe Families is committed to ending Domestic Abuse in Christian families. With knowledge, tools, and resources, church leaders can effectively decrease Domestic Abuse in Christian families. PANEL - Become Involved With International Students Kirk Frambes Saturday 5:30-6:30pm Room 171 Summary: This panel discussion will focus on sharing the Gospel with international students, the vital importance of this work and how local churches and individuals can become involved. Reaching Your Neighbor - WHY? Rev. Ernie Klassen Saturday 5:30-6:30pm Room 320 Summary: The command from above; the call from beyond; the cry from below; and the constraint from within. Every action of your life touches some chord that will vibrate through eternity. Crema de Cacahuate - What? Charla Pereau Saturday 5:30-6:30pm Room 324 Summary: At our Baja Mission we have reached thousands of children using milk and peanut butter. I love sharing how lives and communities are transformed by sharing the Gospel with children. Understanding Islam and Sharing Jesus With Muslims Rev. Milad Nakhla Saturday 5:30-6:30pm Room 326 Summary: We will learn to understand Islam as a religion and a political entity; what the Quran said about Jesus and Christianity; and how you can share Jesus with Muslims. Business As Missions a Strategy to Reach the World Elisabeth Cochrane Saturday 5:30-6:30pm Room 336 Summary: Come and learn what Business As Mission is; hear some BAM models from India and China; plus ways you can get involved as a business person or mission person. The Biggest Opportunity for the North American Church Chad Causey Saturday 5:30-6:30pm Room 338 Summary: Church attendance is in decline and the family make-up has radically shifted. Understand these new realities to effectively reach kids who cannot or will not set foot in church.