LESSON 1 THE WORLD THE TEENAGER IS BORN INTO Putting the Influences of Human History, Ethnicity, Social Status, Segregated Communities, the Cultural Structures of Temporized Life and Media Dominance, and the Complexity of the Modern Work World in Perspective Presented by THE NATURAL SYSTEMS INSTITUTE 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 1 The Point of View Participants Should Take When Viewing this Slide Show If you are a parent, teacher, counselor, or maturity coach, try looking at the concepts presented here as though you are a teenager facing these environmental, historical, and cultural forces as structural demands and influences. 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 2 Expanding the Teenager’s Manner of Gaining Perspectives on, Comprehending, and Adjusting to the Modern World Before They are Taught the Hard Facts Learning the Nature of the Earth, Human History, and World Population Evolution of Humans and All Species History of Humanity Population Distribution Ethnic and Racial Diversity Segregation of Communities Socio-Economic Stratification and Opportunity Life History and Life Span Life Styles and Quality of Life Your Role at this Point in Time the Challenge of Your Future What are the Implications of these Factors for the Future of Living Your Life and Living Together with Your Fellow Humans on Earth? How do these factors effect the futures of today’s youth? 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 3 For Millions of Years Evolutionary Bio-psychology Shaped Genders, Gender Relations, and the Manner in Which Humans Organize Themselves into Groups. VIEWING 14 MILLION YEARS OF HUMAN PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE: HOW DOES THIS AFFECT OUR PERSPECTIVE ON THE CULTURE, VALUES, AND CUSTOMS OF OUR PRESENT DAY? All of the configuration of modern history is a fleeting, arbitrary blip in time that will shortly be gone, forgotten, and replaced with something entirely different. Each of us must give our allegiance to the present because our fellow human beings would not be able to understand and relate to us otherwise. All must give allegiance to the present because we are all interdependent upon one another for the quality of each other’s lives. This configuration of the world changes in many small ways with each new generation. Each of must adapt to and participate in the forging of those changes for our mutual benefit. 7 MILLION YEARS PAST PRESENT: 20th CENTURY 7 MILLION YEARS FUTURE How does this perspective affect your idea of how you are going to live your life? 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 4 From Anthropoid, Pre-Historical, to Modern Times: Culture, Socio-Political, Sexual, and Commercial Organization Has Evolved • Partly still apes and almost human the precursors to humans probably lived in caves, mountain tops, or other protected settings. They probably lived in very close proximity in their home territory. At night, they probably slept bunched together. They probably had no sexual culture, no knowledge of reproduction or kinship, no rituals, no taboos. They probably had no sense of clock and calendar time. Language was probably grunts and screams. They probably had no concept of modesty or privacy with respect to their body and bodily functions. Consequently sexuality was probably indiscriminant. Sex was probably with whomever and whenever sexual advances were reciprocated. • Without taboos, pleasure and pain guided behavior. Life spans were very short. There were no elders or models, no one to censure, no inappropriate behavior. If something was painful or inconvenient, instant retaliation was the rule. Territoriality was probably limited to anthropoids and other species that were outside of their habitat. Outsiders were not only attacked, but were eaten. • Sex, originally, was not private, and much less exclusive. It was indiscriminant with respect to gender and age. Accessibility and absence of physical rebuff was the rule. Anyone could have sex with anyone who was receptive, at any place, and at any time. Sex probably differed very little from eating. It was probably the rule rather than the exception that several people had sex together. When anyone began sex play, anyone near who became aroused and who was not rebuffed could get involved. Since sex is so intensely pleasant, bonds were created and strengthened between the people associated with one’s sexual pleasure. And, since sex was indiscriminant, probably everyone in a tribe or habitat had sex with everyone else, creating a strongly intra-community bond. Everyone in a habitat was ‘family’. • Children were probably communal property rather than offspring. Probably, initially, mothers would suckle and protect their babies, but as soon as the babies were able to walk, they became communal. Since sexuality was probably indiscriminant, use of force was probably very rare. Men and women probably had sex with sexually mature offspring because men did not know the concept of offspring and women had no concept of negative consequences, like pregnancy. • Eventually, after millions of years, as anthropoids evolved into humans, causes and their effects began to be put together and the concept of offspring from parents arose. The significance of this concept would remain the exclusive concern of mothers who probably eventually became concerned with who was going to father their child. 3/19/2016 • The technology of housing was probably the forerunner of today’s concept of family. Housing moved from caves to constructed dwellings. In the beginning, housing to protect from the elements and predators probably consisted of small units because larger units would have been to difficult to construct initially. Once a tribe’s habitat was divided into small housing units, two levels of bonding were created, the tribal habitat and the family hut. People in the hut slept together, ate together, worked together to secure and cook food, repair the hut, protect their ‘territory’, and had sex together. • This is the evolutionary heritage of modern humans. All humans are created with polymorphous sexual potential which the transmitters of culture quickly try to subdue. Children, unsupervised, exhibit these polymorphous tendencies spontaneously. Parents, the representatives of the culture, are forced to punish these tendencies out of their children under threat of social censure. However, once pleasure has been experienced from something that is culturally taboo, a suppressed or repressed desire for that experience remains in the deeper recesses of the mind, surfacing in dreams or guilt ridden fantasy. Mothers, guarding the reproductive behavior of the female offspring, probably originated incest taboos. Then the mother’s mate, the husband and father, as they are known today, instituted taboos against promiscuity in order to ensure offspring from their wives were their own. • In order to protect such rights, physical power was exerted within the tribe, between families, and within families. As the exercise of physical power led to violence, this worked against the survival of the tribe and was transformed into the exercise of personal or interpersonal power, sometimes based upon age and experience, sometimes upon demonstrated and valued skills, and sometimes upon psychological and verbal sophistication. • In order to maintain order and prevent violence within the tribe under these emerging conditions, role systems began to emerge. Role systems differentiated into Chieftains, Shamans, Medicine men, and other experts to train and mentor children in the arts hunting, herding, farming, cloths making, weapon making, hut making, boat making, birthing and childcare, and many more as time and invention went on. To regulate the tribe and to pass on these cultural innovations, the tribal leaders developed rules. To enforce rules without physical force, the tribal leaders created gods and threatened punishment by the gods for transgressing rules. From gods, Shamans and leaders instituted religions and religious rituals. Rituals were enacted to gain favor with the gods but served to authenticate the tribal rules which now became incorporated into their religion as codes of commandments. • As tribes grew larger, they became communities and then cities and then city states. To control these larger cities, politics was developed and secular laws were developed. For protection and defense against rival cities, warlords with armies and sophisticated weapons emerged. Gradually over time, arts, crafts, sciences, and philosophies evolved. Exchange of crafts and arts led to commerce and then to laws and social institutions governing trade. All of these developments led to the modern world. • Identification with city-states, warlords, religions, practitioners of crafts and arts, and social institutions demanded loyalty to their interests and secrets. Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 5 You came into the world at this point in the evolution of human society. What are you going to do with this knowledge? • Are you going to be a part? • Are you going to be a participant in maintaining and improving the quality of life? • Knowing that your own life history, as small part of the whole, – is perhaps less fortunate than some and more fortunate than others, – does this make you bitterly antagonistic – or does it make you determined to respect all people regardless of circumstances they were born into – and determined to make the best of your lot in life – while working to improve the lot of all humans? • Knowing that human society has had a long history of struggling to improve an imperfectly developed world, are you willing to be a part of the ongoing effort to make things better? 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 6 What Can We Learn From the History of Earth, Life, and Humans That Can Help Us Identify and Understand Problems With Our Current Existence and Potential Problems for the Future? History of Earth and Its People Future of Earth and Human Life Are Life and Human Cultures, As We Know Them Today, Merely Arbitrary and Ephemeral? If So, What Could We Change to Make Life More Sensible and Fulfilling, Yet More Constructive with Respect to Our Future and the Future of Earth? 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 7 Imagine you were born 1000 years ago or 1000 years in the future. How different do you think life would be and you would be? • If you consider the history of the world, do you think that the fact that you were born • at this particular time rather than some distant time in the past or far into the future • has made a difference in the kind of person you are? – – – – Your Personality? Your knowledge and skills? The careers that are possible for you? Your customs, values, possessions, affiliations, and your life style in general? 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 8 What are some structural factors in our culture that have powerful effects on what teenagers face as they are about to enter the adult world as independent, self-reliant persons, taking advantage of the opportunities available in the Modern World? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Dealing with the Rapid Changes and Complexity of our Socio-Economic World. Dealing with Ethnic Diversity. Dealing with Differences in Family Affluence. Dealing with the Status of the Neighborhood You Come From. Dealing with the Pressures of Time and Schedules in the Modern World. Dealing with the Impact of our Media Bombarded World. Dealing the Diversity and Complexity of Occupational Choices. Dealing with the difficulty of learning how to use and relate to the vast number in institutions, types of businesses, and the vast variety of services potentially available to help you. 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 9 RAPIDLY CHANGING AND COMPLEX MODERN WORLD 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 10 First, Biological Evolution Slowly, Then Cultural Evolution, Rapidly, Has Shaped Modern Humans Time Line For Human History And Perspective On Human Physical And Social Evolution The rate of acceleration of human culture . 7 MILLION YEARS AGO, THE DAWN ON HOMINIDS ONE TINY LIFE SPAN LAST 200 YEARS 7 MILLION YEARS IN THE FUTURE HUMAN HISTORY BEGINS MODERN HUMAN HISTORY Leading up to the present, there have been changes in: the nature and conduct of science and technology; harnessing energy; transportation; bases for socio-political power and influence; complexity and type of organization of social institutions; laws regulating business, interpersonal relations, reproduction, property, and labor; values and customs regulating free behavior patterns; methods and manner of disseminating information. In the future progress will rapidly accelerate in: Integration of disciplines and macro and micro levels of science; bio-engineering; remote and customized control engineering; individualized, transformational energy systems; social institution organizations adapted to human nature; communication based egalitarian power systems; world-wide, borderless, communication systems; international law; transnational business and commerce; disappearance of generalized laws regulating marriage, reproduction, property, and labor; totally individualized education and dissemination of knowledge and information. 7 MILLION YEARS IN THE FUTURE 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 11 Who’s Time in the History of the World is the Right One? Well, things sure aren’t the way they used to be. Kids are getting worse all the time. We need to go back to the good ole days! So, Grampa, you would like to go back to the good ole days when life expectancy was about ten years less than your age? 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 12 How Are You Going to Relate to These Changes in Society? 1. New things are constantly being invented as are new ways of doing things. 2. Typically, it is a little scary to try to learn how to use new things or do things a new way. 3. Yet this is all a part of opening new opportunities, new careers, and new job opportunities. 4. Typically, it feels a little funny to do something different from the way you ‘always do it’. Well, if it feels funny, instead of saying ‘no’, why not just try it and go ahead and laugh as you experiment with the new challenge? 5. Even though you might not be good at it, at least you will be familiar with it, and maybe a little less scared of it in the future. 6. They say that when opportunity knocks, you should open the door. 7. Well, what about trying knocking on the new doors first? 3/19/2016 Knocking on Opportunity’s Door Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 13 Perspectives on ‘a ‘ Life Go to the next slide and take a moment to make up a brief story of what this man has done in his life and what the future may hold for him. Tell the group the story you made up. Then do the same for the woman. Life What’s it like inside each person as they History consider their future based on their past successes and failures? Life History Future Life Future Life Perspective from inside 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 14 Imagine you are the man or woman in the previous slide. As your story character, ‘you’ are now an adult and have completed schooling and are in your life’s career. Imagine writing about you, your past, and prospects for your future. What are ‘you’ going to write, to say, about ‘you’? Write about three brief sentences for 1., 2., and 3. below: • How did you do in the first eight grades in school? Was your home environment conducive to studying and doing well in school? Were your parents supportive and encouraging of your education? Were your parents critical and punitive toward your performance in school? How did you feel about school? How well prepared were you for high school or vocational school? Were you involved in any academic or athletic extracurricular activities? Now that you are out of school and working, what do you wish you could have done differently in those early school years? • How did you do in the years before graduation? Was your home environment conducive to studying and doing well in school? Were your parents supportive and encouraging of your education? Were your parents critical and punitive toward your performance in school? How did you feel about your last years in school? Were you involved in any academic or athletic extracurricular activities? Did your friends influence your performance in school in a positive or a negative way? How did you handle the peer pressure? Do you feel you prepared yourself well or not so well for life’s next step of entering the world of work? What do you think were the major factors that hindered your getting sufficiently well educated so that you could succeed in work? What do you wish you could have or would have done differently in your last school years? • Did you know what you wanted to do, where work is concerned, after you graduated? Did you receive help and guidance with respect to career choices and working out helpful plans to prepare for your career choice. Were you able to get any on-hands experience with work or careers that you were considering? What do you wish had been different with respect to making career choices and tailoring your education toward those career choices? 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 15 THE INCREASING RACIAL AND ETHNIC, DIVERSITY OF MODERN AMERICA 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 16 PERSPECTIVES on the EARTH and its POPULATION and AMERICA and its POPULATION Upper Earth's and America’s Stratified Social and Economic Population Middle Lower 3/19/2016 Part of the World a Person is From and Nation of Origin Ethnic Diversity in America Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 17 How do You Deal with Ethnic and Socio-Economic Diversity in America? You are different. I don’t know you. I don’t understand you. I don’t like you. I am afraid of you. I am going to stay away from you and treat you like you are not welcome. • Ethnic diversity in any organization, such as a school, initially elicits negative reactions that, unless dealt with by the authorities in the organization, is very likely to only grow worse over time. • This makes everyone prone to carry around unhealthy emotions and this effects the performance of everyone. • Negative mutual perceptions and relations can turn into occasional outbreaks of violence. • Violence then becomes a major problem for the youth, the authorities, and the whole organization. • If the organization, such as a school, provides a structured program through which the ethnically diverse youths can safely get to know one another by sharing their life histories and their feelings and doing things together. Hey! I understand you now and I like you. We make a good team. I am happy! • If they are given exercises wherein ethnically diverse teams can work cooperatively together, they eventually will come to understand and trust each other and to be mutually supportive. • With this new kind of structure, the formerly negative reactions and emotions are transformed into positive ones. • Performance improves among everyone. The morale of the whole organization improves, and problems of conflict and violence virtually disappear. 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 18 THE EFFECTS OF THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS OF FAMILY AND NEIGHBORHOOD 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 19 The Effects of: Stratification and Segregation of a City’s Population by Socio-Economic Status into Homogeneous Neighborhoods Most Affluent Neighborhood Blue Collar 3/19/2016 Will the neighborhood you live in influence other aspects of you as a person? Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 White Collar Manual Labor and Unemployed 20 How are You Going to Let the Type of Community and Neighborhood You Live in Effect Your Life? • My socio-economic status is derived from my parents. THE EGO POGO STICK Your socio-economic status is derived from your I’m better than them. I’m superior to you. parents. • My parents’ socio-economic status pretty much determines the neighborhood I live in, as does yours. • But I am not my parents and you are not your parents. I should not be stereotyped, labeled, or judged according to the neighborhood I live in. I should not judge you on that basis either. • Some parents can buy their kids more expensive cloths and some parents can only afford less expensive cloths. • Just because of this, should any of us feel we are better than others? Should any of us feel we are not as good as others? Should any deserve more respect? • We do not all have to dress the same, but if we did, could we all feel we were just as good as and only as good as everyone else? • How about, instead, all of us trying to learn to treat everyone as though they are all due equal respect, equal opportunity, and appreciate each others’ unique qualities and talents? • If we did this, the our egos would not be like they were on pogo sticks. We would not be so jealous or envious of others or look down on others. We would not see others as rivals to be attacked and put down. • How about if we try to see things this way and to act this way? He is better than me. I’m inferior. They look down on me. 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 21 Pressures of Time and Schedules in the Modern World 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 22 Dealing with the Modern Time-dominated World • The modern world is filled with schedules, deadlines, calendar dates, appointments, due dates, expiration dates, startup dates, sequences and pre-requisites, timelines, shifts, turns, time limits, gauging amount of time, and on and on. • A young person growing up today has an enormous number time-based things to remember. The beginner has to learn to make their life conform to all of these schedules and temporal demands or else they are simply left behind. • Having life so tightly and interdependently organized and so temporized has the advantage of efficiency and effectiveness that makes possible the incredible productivity that brings extremely sophisticated survival and luxury goods and services to the largest number of people in history. • The question is: how does one learn to adapt one’s life to these stringent temporal demands and still be able to be stress free and enjoy these bountiful benefits? • At what age should parents and other child care authorities begin to induct children into this highly temporized world and train them to meet these demands and adapt without losing the ability to enjoy life and express their innate capacity for creativity? • If you have a reluctance to adapt to this tightly temporized world and you do not learn it well, there will be a constant tug of war between you and the people around you. You will miss the opportunity to master pre-requisites for all the things in life you have come to long for. • Learning to adapt to the temporized world is very difficult. For the most part, youth are not explicitly taught how to do this. They are not coached and trained to do this. It is a catch as catch can and if you do not catch, the people in your world will let you know their displeasure with you very quickly and harshly. • The kind thing for parents, teachers, counselors, and maturity coaches to do is have an explicit plan and program to patiently and assiduously orient youth to their temporized world. 3/19/2016 MONTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 Remember when you have to return that! Don’t forget Gran’s birthday. You have less than one week to complete that. Do you have a job lined up for this summer? It is only three weeks away. Don’t forget to pick up your little brother at school today. You know how forgetful you are when playing. What is the matter with you? It should not take more than fifteen minutes to do that! Time is running out! If you don’t hurry, you won’t finish that test! You better learn to pace yourself! 23 Understanding the Effects of Media Bombardment on Your Self-Esteem, Time, Health, Desires, Interests, and Goals - - and your money! Modern media ‘dazzle’ is so prevalent and constant that it is like the oxygen we breath. Most of us are not conscious of the powerful way ‘dazzle’ shapes our lives. 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 24 Our senses are bombarded. What we see and hear stirs up our emotions, makes us feel excited, sexy, and, like the media heroes, feel that we are super-special too. The media ads make us want to buy. What we see and hear and makes us want to do, be, and look like our screen heroes. If this is not possible, we feel like we are missing out on something and perhaps even feel inferior. If our team wins, let’s go speed up and down main blasting the horn and playing the woofer real loud. If our team loses, let’s go bust somebody else’s car up! Wow! This album is crazy cool! I got to go buy it right now. This group is top of the charts. Ladies and gentlemen, if you don’t like the way you feel, take one of the ‘buzz’ pills and you will be jumpin and jiving in no time at all. Guaranteed! Buy it now! I don’t like the way I feel right now. Ain’t this exciting. It makes me feel so sexy. What do you say we go see if we can score some weed and hang out when this is over. Wow! She thinks Ralph Clayborn jeans are sexy. I got to get me some of them. I can buy them online right now and wear them next week! DAZZLED 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 25 Dealing with the Dazzle in the Modern World • The constant repetition, in fascinating and appealing ways, of ads and stars modeling attractive life styles that create the feeling in their audience, US, of “have to” plays in subliminal ways on our minds. They cause us to have unconscious compulsions that say, “I have to have that.”; “I have to do that.”; “I have to be that or be that way.” We get this driven sense of “have to” for something and yet we really do not know why. If asked, we are likely to answer, “Just because I really like that.”, even though we were fine before exposure to the media, we have no direct experience with the desired thing, and can give no utilitarian explanation. It is just that without that thing we feel an anxious longing and a feeling our lives are missing something vital that almost painfully gnaws at us until we obtain that thing. • The other way these media appeals influence is to simply plant in our memory, stored away without our awareness, and then one day, when we are in the presence of that particular thing, our attention is drawn to it and we suddenly reach for it as a faint voice (media influence) inside reassures us that we need it and it is the smart, in, thing to do. • So, subliminally suggested needs and unconsciously implanted choices are constantly directing our lives and making us suffer the “have to” until we have acquired or done the suggested thing. Sometimes these media ploys affect our emotions so strongly that we have to burst out in a blind, impulsive, extravagant rush of emotional expression. And all the while it is really this new phenomena of pervasive, overwhelmingly appealing media that is shaping the majority of our time on earth. • Of course, if you point this out to a person, adult or teen, while they are in the grips of the obsession, the only reaction you will get is denial and intense resentment. Therefore, our lives will continue to be driven by these irrational, media-implanted, suggestions until on some lucky day someone calmly and objectively points out how this is happening, just as it is happening, and, without being in the least judgmental, encourages you to do your own thinking and examine what is going on and assists you in questioning why you have so many of these otherwise irrational needs. • Just coming to an inner awareness of how this works, however, is still not enough. Once the irrational criterion for fulfillment gets lodged in the frontal lobe of your brain and starts driving you, it is extremely difficult to wrest yourself free of it. Doing so requires very strict self discipline plus a method for queuing up an early warning system [“Stop and think!”] immediately when the compulsion is activated. • One of the most unfortunate examples of this influence is the way the appeal of ads about medication works on a person. First an association is made with some form of feeling discomfort like anxiety, or acid reflux, or the like. Then comes the effect of the subliminal compulsion. Once the medication is used, there comes the famous placebo effect which makes the person feel that the medication is working like a miracle. This could last for several weeks, but, by that time, the phenomenon of the ‘irrational criterion for fulfillment’ has gotten lodged in your frontal lobe and starts driving you, as was mentioned earlier. It has now become a pattern, a habit, a compulsion, that pops up before you can think rationally and makes you feel like you will be in deep trouble if you don’t take that medication. You do all of this in spite of the fact that it is really a placebo effect. Even long after the placebo effect wears off, you are still driven. • For most people today this media influenced life pattern leaves them profoundly unfulfilled with respect to the deeply personal, universal needs for authenticity and genuine, mutually supportive, bonds with one another, regardless of what one has, what one is, or what one does. The absence of that authentic, peaceful state makes people feel perpetually empty and alone even when with their best friend. This emptiness creates a different kind of anxiety that the ‘have to’ can not quell. It is the anxiety over just ‘being’ and drives even the seemingly secure people to have to gain confirmation that they are admired and that they cannot be displaced from whatever supposedly secure ‘position’ they have in organizations and relationships. Yet, even official, legal confirmation of a relationship, like marriage, does not remove this profound anxiety over, simply, the state or status of ‘being’. • When this latter dilemma is addressed and resolved, an inner state of serenity takes over and makes rational living possible. 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 26 Rapidly Changing Diversity and Complexity of Occupational Choices 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 27 THE RAPIDLY CHANGING SCENE of OCCUPATIONS in BUSINESS, INSTITUTIONS, and SERVICES in the U.S. Below are a few broad categories representing the vast number of occupational choices available in the modern world. Each of these occupational categories has an extraordinary number of levels of jobs from executives and supervisors through professional positions to skilled and unskilled workers. Occupations in the U.S. are constantly expanding and changing. Today, people have to renew their skill training or education throughout their lives to stay qualified even in their own fields of experience and expertise. 1. Child care and domestic services 2. Food services and food distribution 3. Education, information, and knowledge resources 4. Clothing and adornment 5. Personal and beauty care and services 6. Construction, house and building services, and real estate 7. Utilities and energy 8. Transportation services and road construction 9. Environmental services 10. Farming and ranching 11. Businesses and factories 12. Mass and personal communications 13. Retail stores, malls, service industry 14. Marketing and sales 15. Money, banks, savings and loans, insurance, accounting 16. Hospitals, doctors, medicines, rehabilitation 17. Religious institutions 18. Entertainment, recreation, and sports 19. Government, police, law, human services and institutions 20. Science and engineering 21. Military services 22. Care for the aging, funeral and burial services 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 28 HOW DO YOU MAKE CAREER CHOICES AND CREATE PLANS TO REACH THEM? WHAT DO YOU SEE STANDING IN THE WAY OF YOUR REACHING YOUR GOALS? NAME SOME THINGS YOU COULD DO ABOUT THESE POTENTIAL HURDLES AND BARRIERS? IF YOU SEE HARDSHIPS THAT LOOK OVERWHELMING, HOW MIGHT YOU DEAL WITH THEM? WHAT ARE SOME LEGITIMATE SOURCES OF HELP YOU MIGHT TURN TO? I keep changing my mind. I get confused. I don’t know how to go about it. I’m not sure I can do it. How do I know if I am suited? I am not sure I am prepared. Who can help with all this? Where do I go for help? Detours barriers Hurdles Hardships Life Goals Intermediate Required Goals Exploratory Goals Unrelated Pastime Goals Daily Goals Chores and Duties 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 A l t e r n a t i v e G o a l s 29 Learning how to use and relate to the vast number of service institutions, schools, types of businesses, and a vast variety of other services potentially available to you to help you toward reaching your career goals 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 30 LIVES UNFOLD in the CONTEXT of MANY KINDS of INSTITUTIONS and SERVICES How can they help or hinder you to reach your goals? How do they figure in your needs and plans? How do you use them? How do you discipline yourself to use them rationally and realistically? You might want to print copies of this page for participants INSTITUTIONS and SERVICES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Family, marriage, parenthood Housing, utilities, transportation Clothing and adornment Food and food distribution Retail stores, Malls, service industry 6. Businesses, products 7. Money, banks, savings and loans 8. Hospitals, doctors, medicines 9. Mass and individual communications 10.Government, police, human services 11.Education, knowledge resources 12.Religious institutions 13.Entertainment and recreation 14.Life insurance, funeral, burial 15. Jobs and other 3/19/2016 TAKE a MOMENT to DESCRIBE HOW DID, DOES, and CAN THESE INSTITUTIONS and SERVICES AFFECT YOUR LIFE? 1.___________________________ 2.___________________________ 3.___________________________ 4.___________________________ 5.___________________________ 6.___________________________ 7.___________________________ 8.___________________________ 9.___________________________ 10.__________________________ 11.__________________________ 12.__________________________ 13.__________________________ 14.__________________________ 15.__________________________ Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 31 Preparedness for the Vast Variety of Life’s Survival Needs and Crises in Today’s Complex World 1. If you plan to have a family and children, what effect will this have on your plans for your career? 2. If you plan to rent or buy an apartment or house, how do you factor this into your plans? How do you work out transportation to work and to get the kids to school? 3. What kind of cloths will you need and will you be able to afford? 4. What will you have as a strategy for food? What do you have to consider with respect to good nutrition, health, and affordability? 5. Where do plan to shop? How do you find the right stores for what you need and that are in your price range? How do you plan to pay? By credit, cash, or other? 6. When you need appliances, furniture, and other products, how do find products that are reliable, serviceable, as well as affordable? 7. How do you plan to manage your income? Will you need checking and savings accounts? 8. What do you plan to do for your health needs? Will you need health insurance? If so what kind? How to you find the right doctor for types of health problems and needs? Where is the hospital? 9. How do you plan to meet your communication needs? Will you need a telephones, cell phones, computer, cable TV, radio, music players? If so, which can serve your basic needs and stay within your budget? 10.If you need Medicaid, Welfare, Employment Services, Unemployment Compensation, where will you go? 11.Will you need to continue or upgrade your education or training? Where do you go to find out what is most practical for your particular needs? Where can you find assistance for tuition and other educational expenses, if you need them? 12.If you plan to address your and your family’s spiritual needs, what religious institutions will meet the unique spiritual needs of you and your family? Which is most conveniently located? 13.What kind of entertainment and recreation will match the interests and preferences of you and your spouse best, and which will match those of your children best? Which can meet these needs and desires and stay within your budget? 14.How do you plan for the possibility of your death or that of one of your family members? 15.In case you or someone in your family is suddenly laid off or for other reasons need a new job, where you turn to find the services that have the best range of alternative jobs to select form, the best information to help you choose, and at the right cost? 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 32 Perspectives on ‘YOUR ‘ Life AFTER CONSIDERING YOUR PAST, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU NEED TO CHANGE ABOUT YOURSELF? DO YOU NEED TO CHANGE SOMETHING ABOUT THE WAY YOU LOOK AT LIFE, PEOPLE, CAREER POSSIBILITIES? DO YOU NEED TO BE MORE REALISTIC ABOUT Future Life ALTERNATIVES Life History YOU ARE CONSIDERING? What’s it INFORMED ABOUT YOUR DO YOU NEED TO BECOME BETTER like inside YOU and ALTERNATIVEinside CAREER THEM? GOALS? What can you learn CHANGING DO YOU NEED TO CONSIDER the experiences THE WAY YOU COPEfrom WITH CERTAIN PROBLEMS? of others? DO YOU NEED TO EXPLORE AND GET IN BETTER TOUCH WITH WHAT YOU REALLY LIKE AND ARE INTERESTED IN? DO YOU NEED TO GET MORE CLEAR ABOUT WHERE YOU ARE GOING IN LIFE IN GENERAL Life AND History Future Life HOW TO GET THERE? Perspective from inside 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 33 Reassessing Your Goals, Beliefs, and View of the World in the Light of What You Now Know About How Cultural Influences, Life History, and Life Circumstances Have Shaped Your Choices. Take some time and consider each of the questions below and when the group is ready, tell the group what two of the most important things are that you need to work on. 1. After considering your past and the challenges of today, what do you think you need to change about yourself and your plans? 2. Do you need to change something about the way you look at life, people, education, career possibilities? Do you need to be more realistic about the alternatives you are considering? 3. Do you need to become better informed about your alternative career goals? 4. Do you need to consider changing the way you cope with certain problems like, for example, peer pressure and romance, that may interfere with your career preparation? 5. Do you need to explore and get in better touch with what you really like and are interested in? 6. Do you need to get more clear about where you are going in life in general? 7. Do you need to question any of your beliefs about life that may lead you to make choices that put you at a disadvantage? 8. Do you need to question the way you feel about life that may lead you to make choices that put you at a disadvantage or cause you to miss opportunities? 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 34 Movies to Accompany This Lesson and Be Discussed in Group Focus Concept When Viewing the Movie: dealing with the different types complex structures or forces of the modern world that have an impact on the psychological development of teenagers. • After you have studied and discussed slides of this lesson, it would be helpful to view one of the movies listed below and discuss it with your group in terms of the focus concept in the lesson: – – – – East is East (1999) Synthetic Pleasures (1995) Hoop Dreams (1994) Someone Else's America (1995) • While viewing the movie of your choice, look for how the complex structures and forces of the modern world impact the youths’ personalities, values, and behavior. Note what you think the major problem areas are for today’s youth. 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 35 Homework Exercises for Staff: For each of the seven topics below, talk with a different youth. Remember to make your questions open-ended. After each interview below, jot down notes concerning the most valuable information and insights you gained from your talk with the youth. • TOPIC: Rapid Changes and Complexity of the Business World. Ask the youth how they feel about going to work when they have finished school. Ask what alternative types of work they have considered. Ask how much they know about the various alternatives. Ask if they feel sure about their choices and if they feel they are making the right choice. Ask how difficult they think it would be to find out what other alternatives might be better for them and how difficult it would be to find out everything they would like to or need to know about these other alternatives. Finally, ask whether they feel the world of work and jobs is confusing to them. Ask if they feel more information and help on this subject would be appreciated. • TOPIC: Ethnic Diversity. Ask the youth how comfortable they feel with youth of different races and ethnic backgrounds. Ask how race and ethnic background effects interpersonal relations in general in the institution or school. Ask how ethnic factors might influence their school work, their learning, and even grades. Ask if they feel more help on this subject would be appreciated. • TOPIC: Family Affluence and Status of the Neighborhood You Come From. Ask the youth if they feel some other youths receive more and some less attention, if some are more and some are less popular, and if some are more and some less favored in other ways. Ask the youth what they think accounts for these differences. Ask the youth how he/she is treated relative to these status considerations. Ask the youth what kinds of effects these differences in treatment have on him/her. Ask if they feel more information and help on this subject would be appreciated. • TOPIC: Pressures of Time and Schedules in the Modern World. Ask the youth if they feel pressured by time. Ask how they do with respect to keeping to schedules, keeping appointments, meeting deadlines, doing things on time, and remembering things that are supposed to be done at a future date or time. Ask the youth, when considering how well they do in meeting these time related demands, how it makes them feel about themselves. Ask if they feel more help on this subject would be appreciated. • TOPIC: The Impact of Our Media Bombarded World. Ask the youth to name some of the people he/she really admires. Ask which celebrities they would like to be like. Ask the youth if there are things they are dying to have, places they are dying to go, and things they are dying to do. Ask the youth what they think would make them more cool or popular. Ask the youth where they got their ideas about who they want to be like, what would make them cool, and things they desperately want to have and do. Ask if they feel more information and help on this subject would be appreciated. • TOPIC: Diversity and Complexity of Occupational Choices. Ask the youth what their goals are for after they finish school. Ask the youth whether they feel their current education and educational goals will prepare them for what they want to eventually do for a living; their eventual career and work. Ask the youth if they have asked for help or had help offered with respect to making educational and career choices and what kind of help they have received. Ask the youth whether these sources of help have really helped them and, if so, why they think so. Ask the youth what they are doing with respect to plans they made with the helping sources. Ask the youth how realistic help has been and how realistic their plans are now. Ask if they feel more information and help on this subject would be appreciated. • TOPIC: The Difficulty of Learning How to Use And Relate to the Vast Number in Institutions, Types Of Businesses, and the Vast Variety of Services Potentially Available to You with Respect to Your Future Needs. Ask the youth if they know where to go to get the information or help they might need to address the first six TOPICS above. After conducting all of your interviews and collecting your notes on what the youths said, bring your findings to the next group session and share with the group what you feel are the most informative insights you gained from talking with the youths. 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 36 P0STSCRIPT: This LESSON illustrates that part of the Natural System’s theory of Structure that has to do with the most globally encompassing structure, which in this case is the culture of Modern America. The LESSON demonstrates how major factors in the global culture shape the minds and behavior of its inhabitants. 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 37 Movie Synopses • • • • Synthetic Pleasures (1995) Conceived as an electronic road movie, this documentary investigates cutting edge technologies and their influence on our culture as we approach the 21st century. It takes off from the idea that humankind’s effort to tap the power of Nature has been so successful that a new world is suddenly emerging, an artificial reality. Virtual Reality, digital and biotechnology, plastic surgery and mood-altering drugs promise seemingly unlimited powers to our bodies, and our selves. This film presents the implications of having access to such power as we all scramble to inhabit our latest science fictions. (Can be purchased from Amazon.com for $11) Someone Else's America (1995) This tale take place in a bar. The Spanish Alonso and his blind mother run this place. Bay, who is Alonso's friend live here too. This story tells something about Alonso, Bay, and the "American Dream". (Can be rented from Blockbuster.com Search stores or contact ) Hoop Dreams (1994). This documentary follows two inner-city Chicago residents, Arthur Agee and William Gates, as they follow their dreams of becoming basketball superstars. Beginning at the start of their high school years, and ending almost 5 years later, as they start college, we watch the boys mature into men, retaining their "Hoop Dreams". Both are recruited into the same elite high school as their idol, former Detroit Piston superstar Isaiah Thomas. Only one survives the first year. The other must return to a high school closer to his home. Along the way, there is much tragedy, some joy, a great wealth of information about inner city life, and the suspense of not knowing what will occur next. This is not a "by-the-numbers" film. (Can be rented from Blockbuster.com Must Search or contact stores) East is East. (1999) In early 1970's England, a traditional Pakistani father (Om Puri) finds his family spinning in decidedly non-traditional directions. His brood consisting of six sons and one daughter all move in independent-minded directions set off when the eldest son runs away from home rather than keeping to his fate of an arranged marriage. When the next two sons also find out that their father has secretly been arranging marriages for them, they rebel and set off a repercussion that forces the family to totally reconsider their family structure. In 1971, Salford fishand-chip shop owner George Khan expects his family to follow his strict Pakistani Muslim ways. However, his children, with an English mother and having been born and brought up in Britain, increasingly see themselves as British and start to reject their father's rules on dress, food, religion, and living in general. (Can be rented from Blockbuster.com Search stores or contact or purchased from Amazon.com for $2.50 to $10) 3/19/2016 Copyright by Edwin L.Young, PhD, 7/1997 38