Working from Home Agreement APPLICATION Employee details To be completed by the employee requesting to work from home Name of employee: Date of request: Position: School/Section: Home Address: Designated home based work environment: (specify work area in the home e.g. Study) Supporting documents The following may be required for this Working from Home Agreement to be reviewed: WHAT HOW The employee completes and attaches the Home-Based Work Complete the Home-based Assessment Checklist Assessment Checklist. The employee and supervisor complete the Work Arrangements Determine tasks, and section (included in this agreement document) supervision, training and equipment required to If applicable, the employee attaches any extra risk assessment safely work from home. documentation, refer Project and Task Risk Management Procedure Outline schedules, contact The employee and manager/supervisor complete the Communication and reporting Arrangements section (included in this agreement document) arrangements. The manager/supervisor completes the Notification Requirements Determine who/what needs to be notified section (included in this agreement document) APPROVAL Manager / Supervisor Approval Is the employee approved to work from home? To be completed by the employee’s Manager/Supervisor Yes No - Discuss the reason(s) why with the employee Working From Home End date: Arrangement - Start Date Maximum term 3 years Routine WHS inspection of To be conducted by the employee every: home office (Specify frequency; e.g. 6 months). Manager / Supervisor Name Signature Date Employee declaration I, _______________________________ (name of employee), agree that all information provided in this agreement is true and accurate in providing a workplace that is safe and without risk to my health. I agree to comply with all requirements in this agreement and in the Working From Home Minimum Standard, as well as all relevant University policies and procedures. Employee’s signature Date: ASSESSMENT Working from Home Agreement (November 2015) Page 1 Working from Home Agreement PART A – WORK ARRANGEMENTS: Proposed Tasks, Supervision and Training To be completed by the employee’s Manager/Supervisor with the employee Clearly outline the work / tasks to be performed by the employee in a home based work environment If it is proposed the employee complete work from home other than general office / computer work, then a risk assessment is required in accordance with the University’s WHS Project and Task Risk Management Minimum Standard. Is a Risk Assessment for any of the above tasks required? Yes No Outline the supervision provisions for the above work? Identify any specific training, instruction, information, experience, etc. the employee is required to possess to safely carry out these tasks from home including how the employee will report any incident: Outline any work expectations, and the way in which performance will be monitored and assessed (e.g. measurement of output) Working from Home Agreement (November 2015) Page 2 Working from Home Agreement PART B – EMPLOYEE ASSESSMENT: Workers Compensation and Rehabilitation To be completed by the employee (and Workers’ Compensation staff if applicable) Medical Does the employee have a pre-existing injury that may be aggravated by performing University work tasks from home? Has the employee seen a health / medical professional about this issue? Does the employee have any recommendations from a health / medical professional? University Workers Compensation approval (if applicable) Result Yes No Yes N/A No Yes N/A No Result Action to be taken / Comments If “yes”, discuss and answer questions below with University Workers’ Compensation staff prior to proceeding. If “no”, skip to Part C. below. Action to be taken / Comments Is the employee approved to work from home? (The suitability of the home based work environment and tasks proposed to be Yes undertaken from home, are to be reviewed as part of the Workers Compensation staff approval). Workers Compensation staff member name No Signature Date PART C – EQUIPMENT REQUIRED To be completed by the employee’s supervisor with the employee List of required equipment to perform work from home (tick if applicable) To be provided by: Employee University** * * * First aid kit Smoke detector/ Fire alarm (functioning / in-date) Fire controls (e.g. fire extinguisher, fire blanket) – Specify: Head set Computer Computer screen Mouse Keyboard Printer Document Holder Computer desk Fully adjustable chair Footrest Filing / Storage equipment Telephone Stationery Other? Specify below: Emergency contact list *Mandatory equipment requirements ** The University is responsible for maintaining University equipment. Working from Home Agreement (November 2015) Page 3 Working from Home Agreement PART D – COMMUNICATION ARRANGEMENTS To be completed by the employee’s supervisor with the employee Employee name: mobile phone number: home phone number: (Co-workers MUST NOT provide an employee’s home number to any other person without the employee’s consent). Employee work schedule by location Specify the days and/or hours the employee will be working in either their University office or from home Employee contact / reporting requirements Diverted to their mobile phone Diverted to their home phone Diverted to / Answered by a co-worker: Other (specify): ____________________ When Working From Home, is the employee required to call or report in regularly to verify they are ok? Yes No If “YES”, complete details below: Specify any relevant communication procedures required between the employee (when Working From Home) and co-workers When the employee is Working From Home, their University office phone number must be: If the employee or an employee’s co-worker has any issues or concerns with the employee’s Working From Home arrangement – please refer to: (Name of Manager / Supervisor) Contact Number NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS PART E – DETERMINE WHO / WHAT NEEDS TO BE NOTIFIED To be completed by the employee’s Manager/Supervisor following approval for the employee to work from home. In addition to the actions/control measures identified in any attached assessments, the following notification actions must be undertaken BEFORE the employee can commence work from home: Actions Actioner Date complete Notify IT regarding access to the campus network Manager / Supervisor / / Notify the employee’s University work team of the Working From Home Manager / Supervisor “Communication arrangements” (Refer Part D above) / / Employee to have an “Emergency Contact List” available in their home Manager / Supervisor office of numbers to call / persons to notify in an emergency situation. / / Notify University Human Resources: Manager / Supervisor / / A copy of this Working From Home assessment is to be put on the employee’s personal file once all actions are implemented. Other? (specify below – attach extra pages if required) Working from Home Agreement (November 2015) Page 4