1 ANALISIS PROSES PENDOKUMENTASIAN ASUHAN KEPERAWATAN DI RUANG RAWAT INAP RUMAH SAKIT JIWA PROVINSI ACEH ANALYSIS OF NURSING CARE DOCUMENTATION PROCESS AT INPATIENT WARD OF ACEH MENTAL HOSPITAL Abdul Aziz1, Andreasta Meliala2 ABSTRACT Background: Nursing documentation as a component of hospital information system is essential to do in the hospital. At Aceh Mental Hospital, the process of nursing care documentation has not been practised appropriately; thus accuracy and completeness of data cannot be well utilized. Objective: The study aimed to analyze the process of nursing care documentation, completeness of nursing documentation and factors influencing the process of nursing documentation at inpatient ward of Aceh Mental Hospital. Method: This descriptive study used qualitative method. Data were obtained through indepth interview and observation of nursing documentation records. Result: Completion of nursing documentation form at inpatient ward of Aceh Mental Hospital was 49.07%. Characteristics of nurses had no significant association with completeness of nursing care documentation. There was no accuracy of data in nursing care documentation records and completion of nursing care documentation was not made soon after there was nursing intervention. Some factors that influenced nurses in the process of nursing care documentation at inpatient ward of Aceh Mental Hospital were unsystematic form of documentation, lack of training, less optimum monitoring, lack of motivation, lack of knowledge and competence of nurses, overload work, limited time, and absence of solid reward and punishment system as well as undecisive attitude of the leader in the implementation of nursing care recording. Conclusion: Nursing records made by nurses at inpatient ward of Aceh Mental Hospital had not fully described accurately about the condition and nursing intervention given to the patient so that the function of nursing records had not been well utilized. Keywords: nursing care documentation, mental hospital, hospital information system 1. Mental Hospital, Province of Aceh Program in Hospital Management, Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University 2. Graduate 2 PRELIMINARY The existance of integrated health information system and able to give the data or information completely, accurately and timely is one of very important element in making decision in health term. In the hospital, implementation of health information system must be done entirely in all treatment unit, also include in nursing care unit. In nursing practice, the implementation of health information system mentioned in nursing recorded application form. The nursing documentation which is part of health record in hospital must be made completely and accurately in order to be able to used in making decision and evaluate health treatment quality are given 1. Although in implementation, there be much unfilled nursing record sheet are found. Some factors that influence of completeness in filling of nursing record sheet are documentation form, supervision, timing needed to record, training, and burden of work 2. Aceh Mental Hospital as one of institution are held the nursing treatment obligate to provide the nursing care documentation. The implementation of recording must be done as soon as possible after nursing intervention done and contain of data or accurate information that recorded completely, clearly and readable. Related to the case above some of problems are related to the implementation of nursing record process in Aceh Mental Hospital are still low of completeness level of filling nursing record sheet, recorded was done in unright time and the accuracy data recorded in nursing record sheet are pretended. Based on statement above, the researcher interest to reseach in Aceh Mental Hospital further to identify the completeness of filling the nursing record sheet, the process implementation of nursing record and to identify any factors that influence the completeness of filling the nursing record sheet in the inpatient ward of Aceh Mental Hospital. 3 RESEARCH METHODE This research is a descriptive study with explorative characteristic by using qualitative research methode. Data collecting process was done by indepth interview and observation to arcipt of nursing care record. The unalysis unit in this research are 3 inpatient wards with different characteristic. The difference are on the amount of nurse-patient proportion and the carateristic of patient. The inpatient ward that be selected are 1 inpatient ward with nurse-patient proportion is 1:2 with acut patient condition (Seurune), 1 inpatient ward with nurse–patient proportion is 1:1 and cooperative patient condition (Dahlia) and 1 inpatient ward with nurse–patient proportion is 1:4 and cooperative patient condition (Mawar). The difference of proportion of nurse –patient and characteristic of patient causes the different things of burden of work was faced by each inpatient ward. Observation of completeness filling of nursing care documentation was done for nursing record that have been returned to medical record sub section. Nursing record was taken by randomly as much as 3 nursing record in every nurse who works in the inpatient ward that becomed as analysis unit in the research. Indepth interview was done for subject research taken by using purposive sampling technic. The subject of research are 6 persons of nurse, 3 persons of head inpatient ward, a person of administration section head are experted in nursing care and a person head of nursing. RESULT AND DISCUSSION 1. Completeness of Nursing Documentation Completeness of nursing care documentaion are evaluated based on filling the items that must be filled or available in nursing care documentation sheet. Nursing record that analyzed is nursing assessment and diagnose sheet and sheet of progress notes (implementation and evaluation). In nursing assessment sheet, amount of the item that 4 analyzed as much as 42 items, in nursing diagnose sheet as much as 2 items and in progress notes sheet as much as 13 items. The analysis of completeness of filling nursing record sheet have done by using check list observation which is developed by researcher that available to nursing care documentation form that used in Aceh Mental Hospital. The amount of nursing record that analyzed is as much as 102 was made by the nurse in the inpatient ward of Mawar, Seurune and Dahlia in Aceh Mental Hospital. The recapitulation result of evaluated the completeness of filling nursing record sheet of 3 inpatient ward was shown on table 1. Table 1 The Recapitulation Result of Completeness of Filling Nursing Record Sheet in Mawar, Seurune, and Dahlia Inpatient Ward in Aceh Mental Hospital No 1. 2. 3. 4. Inpatient Unit Mawar Seurune Dahlia Amount % Amount % Amount % Nursing Assessment 732 48,41 686 49,49 745 53,75 Nursing Diagnose 56 77,77 50 75,75 52 78,78 Planning 0 0,00 0 0,00 0 0,00 Progress Notes 388 82,90 368 85,78 377 87,87 (Impl + Evaluation) Total 1176 47,34 1104 48,48 1174 51,55 Evaluated Aspect Based on the table 1 can be seen that level achievement of completeness of filling nursing record sheet in every inpatient ward starts from the higher as follows: Dahlia (51,55%), Seurune (48,48%), and Mawar (47,34%). The result shown that the level of completeness in filling nursing record sheet in each inpatient ward of Aceh Mental Hospital is still low. The total completeness of filling nursing care documentation in the inpatient ward (Mawar, Seurune and Dahlia) of Aceh Mental Hospital is shown on table 2 5 Table 2 The Total Completeness of Filling Nursing Record Sheet in The Inpatient Ward (Mawar, Seurune and Dahlia) of Aceh Mental Hospital No 1. 2. 3. 4. Evaluated Aspect Nursing Assessment Nursing Diagnose Planning Progress Notes (Implementation + Evaluation) Total Amount 2163 158 0 1133 Percentage (%) 50,49 77,45 0,00 85,44 3454 49,07 Based on the table 2 can be seen that generally the completeness of filling nursing care documentation form in the inpatient ward of Aceh Mental Hospital is still low as much as 49,07% . Planning aspect is the most low on value of completeness as much as 0,00%. This caused on observation unfound the form of planning record, so that the planning unmade by the nurse, whereas the planning of nursing intervention is one of must focus element on nursing care documenting 3. The result of analysis through filling of nursing assessment sheet, the value of completeness was earned is still low. This one caused of nursing assessment sheet is too much items that must be filled by nurse and sometimes they are not understood the meaning of the item so that most of items are unfilled. In this research, to know the relation of respondent characteristic by the completeness of filling nursing care record sheet include statistic test by using T test. The result of the statistic test as shown on table 3 as below. 6 Tabel 3 Respondent Characteristic Crosstab With The Completeness Of Nursing Care Documentation No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Completeness of Nursing Care Document Mean Std deviasi T P Respondent Characteristic Gender - Male - Female Age - 20-29 year - > 29 year Education - Academic - Sarjana Degree Time of working - 1-5 year - > 5 year Employee Status - PNS - Non PNS 101,68 101,33 6,14 5,33 0,14 0,88 101,22 102,00 5,74 6,15 0,38 0,70 100,78 102,60 4,19 7,50 0,89 0,37 100,77 102,50 4,83 6,88 0,85 0,40 101,59 101,58 6,73 4,05 0,00 0,99 Based on the table 3 can be seen that the whole element of respondent characteristic earned thitung< ttabel (t<2,04) and p>0,05. It shown that characteristic of nurse in the inpatient ward of Aceh Mental Hospital has not significance related to the completeness of filling nursing care documentation form. The completeness of filling nursing care documentation absolute needed. The failure to provide the complete dan accurate nursing record means that the failure of doing task to the patient, family, and people 4. Besides that, the completeness of filling nursing care documentation are useful to protect the nurse from accusation the law, where the malpraktik pursuit, nursing record can be able to be an evidence of nursing intervention are given and the nurse could defend the right information by using the nursing record 5. 7 2. Process of Nursing Care Record As known as the process of nursing record was done when patient in admission untill home. Process of nursing care record was done by continually as long as still get the treatment in hospital. Every nursing intervention to the patient it must be made documenting in nursing record sheet in the medical patient record file. Related to implementation of nursing record in the inpatient ward of Aceh Mental Hospital, the result of observation and interview with the nurse was known that not all nursing intervention are made recording on documenting sheet. In nursing treatment is supposed to every intervention is documented completely and accurate as an evidence to implementation of nursing treatment activities 6. Nursing record as an evidence to implementation of nursing practice must be made completely and accurate and directly record after nursing intervention are given to the patient. Related to implementation of process nursing record in the inpatient ward of Aceh Mental Hospital, based on the result of interview and observation, it was earned information that in the inpatient ward of Aceh Mental Hospital still found the nursing record that contain unaccurate data or information, where the nursing care record was made unavailable with condition or intervention that was done to the patient. Besides that, in the inpatient ward of Aceh Mental Hospital found the process of filling nursing record sheet which is indirectly filled after nursing intervention done, but filling of nursing record sheet just be filled or to be completed when the patient moved on other treatment room or when the patient would home. The other problem that found related to implementation of process nursing record in Aceh Mental Hospital, there be no a standar prosedure of nursing record implementation process, whereas the standard prosedure absolutely needed as the guidelines for nurse in documenting so that nursing record could be resulted much better and directed 7. 8 3. Factors Influence of process Nursing Care Documenting Incompletely filling form of nursing documentation and implementation of nursing record process which unavailable to expectation in the inpatient ward of Aceh Mental Hospital was caused by many factors. One of causes factor is unsystematic nursing documentation form design. Based on the result of interview with the nurse may earned the information that documentation form design for nursing assessment aspect and nursing diagnose in the inpatient ward of Aceh Mental Hospital systematically enough and easy to be filled because only checklist left in providable item. However, many items are provided in nursing assessment sheet that must be filled become a complaint often uttered. So many items that must be filled in nursing assessment sheet, it caused saturation and it run off so much time in process of filling. Besides, the result of interview was known that some items in nursing assessment sheet are less to be understood by the nurse, so that the item are blanked by the nurse when it was recorded. The hospital must be limited amount of nursing asessment sheet there be more brieftly, clear, and focus to ease evaluating treatment 8 Whereas for sheet of progress notes (implementation and evaluating), according to the information of the nurse, form which is used unsystematic. Form for progress notes are blank table and must be filled by the nurse writing much in the sheet provided. This case causes the nurse run off the time to record then finally feel saturated and lack of motivation to make nursing record. Besides the factor of nursing documentation form design are unsystematic, some factors that influence the nurse in implementation of process nursing record in the inpatient ward of Aceh Mental Hospital is that lack of training, unoptimum supervision, overload work, lack of motivation and competence of the nurse, absence of solid reward and punishment system, time limit, the unused nursing record, lack of support from the partner and undecisive attitude of leader in the implementation of nursing care recording. 9 4. Policy of Nursing Manager Nursing manager as a leader of the nurse must have skillness in leading and be able to influence the nurse to implementation the task and responsible of determined goal achievement. Therefore, a nursing manager asked to be able to do the function and the duty as a leader in nursing unit is leaded. If based on oriented function and task, so the leader activity gives direction, supervision, coordination and motivation 9. Related to the implementation of nursing care recording in Aceh Mental Hospital, based on the result of interview was known that the policy of nursing manager had done to increase the quality of nursing record is only implementate the function of direction, where the manager of nursing only give the direction and support to the nurse to do the best record. Meanwhile, supervision function, coordination and giving motivation are not implementate good. In this case unoptimum supervision have done by the nursing manager, there be no training for nurse to increase the skillness in implementate of recorded and there be no giving reward and punishment by nursing manager as one of stimuly of increasing motivation of nurse in making nursing record. Direction are given by nursing manager proved uneffectively enough to increase the quality of nursing record in the inpatient ward of Aceh Mental Hospital. This realized from the result of study completeness of filling nursing record sheet still low. Direction and support uneffectively might caused by the direction was given to nurse with no controlling and training and there be no effort to increase nurse motivation through giving reward and punishment are appropiate aimed. 10 CONCLUSION 1. The completeness of filling the nursing record sheet in the inpatient ward of Aceh Mental Hospital is still low. It’s about 49.07%. It shows that nurse is not make the best yet in recording process in nursing form record. 2. Nursing recording process in the inpatient ward of Aceh Mental Hospital is not running well yet where is still found the completion of nursing care documentation was not made soon after there was nursing intervention. Besides that, unaccurate of the recorded data in the nursing form record is often appear. 3. 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