Hack me!! Non-standard game-based learning and teaching in

Project description
• Students commence all university modules with a
range of ability levels…however cyber law presents
an additional problem as much of the law rests on
how technology is applied.
• So the module has complete beginners to those
who are well versed in how to interact with
computers in a physical construction sense: (are
able to build a computer from scratch) and in a
“hacking” sense (can access other computers
Project aims
• Bring students to a start point where they are
familiar with the basics of computers and
networks before commencement of the module.
• Formal module spec bumpf: Enabling the
students to operate in a consequence free
environment so that they incrementally develop
abilities that will not only enhance their student
experience but also provide a skill set that they
can demonstrate at interview and subsequently
exhibit in the workplace.
• Put simply: Make them easy to teach…
How is this achieved?
• Use a combination of real technology: i.e. a
computer mock up that can be explored and
digital representations of computers within app
based learning on phones and tablets.
• Tasks are set with increasingly challenging
“levels” which are tied into social media by timed
tweets and scheduled Facebook posts.
Game based learning
• Students can only progress once a level is
• Learning proceeds with the parts slowly building
from “the basics” to the advanced cutting edge of
the area. The stages will be incremental in
difficulty with the later stages requiring group
work for the task to be completed. This staged
delivery can be facilitated by the use of a safe
computer environment whereby the computer is
set up to reflect a number different types of
situations over time.
• Reuse of old computers and monitors from the
university alongside delivery through e-learning
• This re-use of computers and peripherals
evidences “doing more with less” which is in line
with the recent changes to the university sector
as a whole.
• JORUM is the HEA repository for open
educational resources. This site contains rights
cleared content that can be repurposed.
• Content once delivered and updated will be
deposited here.
What are the challenges the students are set?
• The challenges are problem based.
• The installations will start from a fairly easy level
i.e. the levels can be quickly progressed through if
a student is motivated and/or capable in this
• Each level has a very brief instruction e.g. for
level 1: “Find and remove the file entitled:
Examples of tasks: LEVEL 1.1
• Students try admin or a blank as a password. The
student gains access and finds first “secret file”
on desktop.
• This initial hack leads the students to the case of
Hacker Gary McKinnon and the Computer Misuse
Act 1990. Students also learn about the
importance of time logs and security cameras.
Examples of tasks: LEVEL 1.2
• The students attempt to save or print or open the
file, at this point an .exe code is enabled and a
webcam takes a photo of the student/students in
front of the computer and keeps it in a secure
file. Ways round this could include the student
placing a piece of black sticky tape in front of the
camera, unplugging it or finding the file and
deleting it (and emptying the recycle bin!)
Examples of tasks: LEVEL 2.3
• In this level the login password is random, but the
maintenance log is left at the computer site that
reveals a weekly login. Students can address this
problem in a variety of ways: The students can
use a software keystroke logger or a physical one.
The students will be sent an advert for a
“company” (the teaching team) that will offer the
use of a key stroke logger:
A key stroke
logger that
password as they
are typed.
Examples of tasks: LEVEL 2.3
• Key stroke loggers are explained (both physical
and software based). How they are used in
firms and the legality of reading employees
emails at work is explained once the task is
Examples of tasks: LEVEL 12
• LEVEL 12 deals with phone hacking and the
extraction of data from the raft of operating
systems, this launches students into a
dynamic, topical and contentious area. Once
the information has been retrieved a question
is set regarding release: “if you wanted to
release this information how would you do
it?” from here the public interest defence for
whistle blowers, the recent legal struggle
relating to Twitter and Parliamentary privilege
can be discussed.
Conclusions: Bad bits…
• The reuse of “old” computers has been
problematic. Slow boot up times can put
students off especially when they are used to
instant boot up from phones, laptops and tablets.
• The changing technology can hamper students
for example computer connectors have all
changed. Students need to be familiar with the
newest computers and networks to be able to
fully engage with the law.
Conclusions: Good bits…
• Materials are difficult to create but area easier
to set up once the first few have been created.
Once the materials are “student proof” and
are suitable for all levels of student ability
then they can be supplemented by staged
Twitter and Facebook posts to remind
students to engage with the materials.
• JORUM deposit has begun.