Indexing and Retrieval James Hill, Ozcan Ilikhan, Mark Lenz {jshill4, ilikhan, mlenz} CS 766: Computer Vision Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison 1 Presentation Outline 1- Introduction 2- Common methods used in the papers * SIFT descriptor * k-means clustering * TF-IDF weight 3- Video Google 4- Scalable Recognition with a Vocabulary Tree 5- City-Scale Location Recognition 2 Introduction Find identical objects in multiple images Difficulties with changes in – Scale – Orientation – Viewpoint – Lighting Search time and storage space 3 Indexing and Retrieval Common Solutions Invariant features (e.g. SIFT) kd-trees Best Bin First 4 SIFT - Scale-Invariant Feature Transform Key Steps 1)Difference of Gaussians in scale space 2)Maxima and minima are feature points 3)Remove low-contrast and non-robust edge points 4)Assign each point an orientation 5)Create a descriptor from windowed region 5 SIFT - Scale-Invariant Feature Transform Key Benefits Feature points invariant to scale and translation Orientations provide invariance to rotation Distinctive descriptors are partially invariant to changes in illumination and viewpoint Robust to background clutter and occlusion 6 k-means clustering Motivation (what are we trying to do) We want to develop a method for finding the centers of different clusters in a set of data. 7 k-means clustering 8 k-means clustering 9 k-means clustering 10 k-means clustering 11 k-means clustering How do we find these means? We need to perform a minimization on: k x i 1 x j S i j i 2 12 k-means clustering How do we extend this? With Hierarchical k-means Clustering! 13 k-means clustering 14 k-means clustering 15 k-means clustering 16 k-means clustering Now that we can cluster our data, how can we use this information to quickly find the closest vector in our data given some test vector? 17 k-means clustering We will build a vocabulary tree using this clustering method. Each vector in our data (including the means) will be considered a “word” in our vocabulary. We will build a tree using the means of our data. 18 k-means clustering 19 k-means clustering 20 k-means clustering 21 TF-IDF Term frequency–inverse document frequency (tf–idf): is a statistical measure used to evaluate how important a word is to a document in a collection or corpus. A standard weight often used in information retrieval and text mining. 22 TF-IDF nid : the number of occurrences of word i in document d. nd : the total number of words in document d. Ni : the number of documents containing term i. N : the total number of documents in the whole database. 23 TF-IDF word frequencyX inverse document frequency Each document is represented by a vector Then vectors are organized as an inverted file. 24 TF-IDF Image credit: litt/hand/hand-19912.html 25 Video Google A Text Retrieval Approach to Object Matching in Videos Josef Sivic and Andrew Zisserman Visual Geometry Group, Department of Engineering Science University of Oxford, United Kingdom Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision (2003) 26 Video Google Efficient Visual Search of Videos Cast as Text Retrieval IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Volume 31, Number 4, page 591--606, 2009 Fundamental idea of paper: Retrieve key frames and shots of a video containing a particular object with ease, speed, and accuracy with which Google retrieves text documents (web pages) containing particular words. 27 Video Google Recall Text Retrieval (preprocessing) 1. Parse documents into words 2. Stemming: “walk" = { “walk,” “walking,” “walks”,…} 3. Stop list to reject very common words , such as “the” and “an”. 4. Each document is represented by a vector with components given by the frequency of occurrence of the words the document contains 5. Store vector in an inverted file. 28 Video Google Can we treat video the same way? What and where are the words of a video? 29 Video Google The Video Google algorithm: a) Pre-processing (off-line): 1. Detect affine covariant regions in each key frame of video 2. Reject unstable regions. 3. Build visual vocabulary 4. Remove stop listed words 5. Compute weighted document frequency 6. Build the index (inverted file). 30 Video Google Building a Visual Vocabulary Step 1. Calculate viewpoint invariant regions: Shape Adapted (SA) region: centered on corner-like features Maximally Stable (MS) region: correspond to blobs of high contrast with respect to their surroundings such as a dark window on a gray wall. 720 x 576 pixel video frame ≈ 1200 regions Each region is represented by a 128-dimentional vector using SIFT descriptor 31 Video Google 32 Video Google Step 2. Reject unstable regions: Any region that does not survive for more than 3 frames is rejected. This “stability check” significantly reduces the number of regions to about 600 per frame. 33 Video Google Step 3. Build Visual Vocabulary: Use K-Means clustering to vector quantize descriptors into clusters Mahalanobis distance: 34 Video Google Step 4. Remove stop-listed visual words: The most frequent visual words that occur in almost all images, such as highlights which occur in many frames, are rejected. 35 Video Google Step 5. Compute tf-idf weighted document frequency vector: Variations of tf-idf may be used. Step 6. Build inverted-file indexing structure: 36 Video Google The Video Google algorithm: b) Run-time (on-line): 1. Determine the set of visual words within the query region 2. Retrieve keyframes based on visual word frequencies 3. Re-rank the top keyframes using spatial consistency 37 Video Google Spatial consistency: Matched covariant regions in the retrieved frames should have a similar spatial arrangement to those of the outlined region in the query image. 38 Video Google How it works: Query region and its close-up. 39 Video Google How it works: Original matches based on visual words 40 Video Google How it works: Original matches based on visual words 41 Video Google How it works: Matches after using the stop-list 42 Video Google How it works: Final set of matches after filtering on spatial consistency 43 Video Google 44 Video Google 45 Video Google Real-time demo 46 Scalable Recognition With a Vocabulary Tree James Hill, Ozcan Ilikhan, Mark Lenz {jshill4, ilikhan, mlenz} CS 766: Computer Vision Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison 47 The Paper Scalable Recognition with a vocabulary tree David Nister and Henrik Stewenius Center for Visualization and Virtual Environments Department of Computer Science, University of Kentucky Published in 2006 Appeared in: 2006 IEEE Computer Science Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 48 What are we trying to do. Provide an indexing scheme that: Scales to large image databases (1 million). Retrieves images in an acceptable amount of time. 49 Inspiration Sivic and Zisserman (what you just saw) Used k-means to partition the descriptors in several pictures. Used TF-IDF to score an image and find a close match. 50 What’s new? The idea of a vocabulary tree. Using a larger vocabulary tree speeds things up and improve match quality Can use many more training images (35000 vs 400) Can insert new images into the Database quickly (0.2s vs 10s) 51 How do we do it? Follow these three steps: 1. Build the vocabulary tree using the image descriptors. 2. Generate a score for a given query image. 3. Find the images in the database that best match that score. 52 Recap the Vocabulary Tree 1. For each image in our database, we calculate a set of feature point descriptors. 2. Each of these descriptors is a vector of numbers which exists in some space (128). 3. Consider each of these vectors to be a “word” in the vocabulary of our database. 53 Recap the Vocabulary Tree Build the vocabulary tree using hierarchical kmeans clustering. 54 Recap the Vocabulary Tree 55 Recap the Vocabulary Tree 56 Recap the Vocabulary Tree 57 What’s it good for? Now that we have a vocabulary tree, we can generate a path down the vocabulary tree which is stored in an integer for scoring. At each level of the tree, the descriptor is compared to each of the k children using a dot product. The closest is the path that is followed. 58 Scoring We have a bunch of paths through the tree, how do we compare the query image to a database image? At each node, we define a weight wi. The paper suggests two methods • Use a constant weighting scheme. • Use an entropy weighting scheme such as N ln Ni 59 Scoring (continued) N ln Ni Where N is the number of images in the database Ni is the number of images in the database with at least one descriptor vector path through node i. 60 Scoring (continued) This scoring mechanism results in a TF-IDF scheme. So we should see a higher score if more nodes are shared by more descriptors. 61 Scoring (continued) To compare two scores, we use the normalized difference between the query score and the database score. q d s ( q, d ) q d 62 Scoring (continued) Researchers found that the most important factors to quality where. • A large vocabulary tree. • Stronger weights towards the leaves of the tree. • Using the L1 norm in the previous equation. 63 Scoring Implementation Scoring is implemented using inverted files • At each node create an inverted file • Each file contains a list of images in which the current node appears. • The inverted file of inner nodes is simply the concatenation of it’s children’s inverted files. • Database image scores are pre-computed and pre normalized. 64 Testing This method was tested using a a database of 40000 CD album covers. Pictures of cd album covers where then used as query images and run against the database. Also tested using 6376 images in groups of 4. Each image was queried in the hopes that the other 3 images would produce the top scores. Have tested on databases with image counts as high as 1 million (highest at time of writing) 65 Testing 66 Results 67 Conclusions The main conclusions of the paper are: • Using a larger vocabulary tree makes things better. • Using an L1 norm in the normalized difference of the scores produces better results than the L2 norm • This method can scale up to 1 million images and still run in near real time. 68 City-Scale Location Recognition James Hill, Ozcan Ilikhan, Mark Lenz {jshill4, ilikhan, mlenz} CS 766: Computer Vision Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison 69 City-Scale Location Recognition Estimate location by matching features from a large set of images 70 City-Scale Location Recognition City-wide database of photos labeled with location 71 Image Features SIFT features invariant to – Translation – Scale – Orientation – Illumination (partially) 72 Difficulties Matching Features Storage space – 30,000 images ≈ 100,000,000 SIFT features ≈ 12 GB Search time kd-trees and Best Bin First require descriptors 73 Method Cluster features into visual words Build vocabulary tree from clusters Search tree to score matches Location of image with top score 74 Method Build trees with informative features Create trees of varying branching factor Vary number of comparisons during search 75 Vocabulary Tree Visual word = region of an object Just need the distance between a query feature and each node Only leaf nodes are words 76 Informative Features Cluster small subsets into visual words Compute information gain of features Select most informative features to build tree 77 Information Gain Informative Feature – Found in all images of a location – Not in any image of another location Information gain: measure of how much new information reduces uncertainty 78 Information Gain N DB= number of images in database N L= number of images at location l i a= number of images visual word w j occurs at location l i b= number of images visual word w j occurs at other locations 79 Building the Tree Hierarchical k-means to cluster features Nodes are the centroids Leaves are the visual words 80 Branching Factor Vary number of nodes compared to increase search accuracy Fixed vocabulary size M Branching factor k, depth L kL≈M 81 Greedy N-Best Paths Approximate nearest neighbor Similar to Best Bin First Generalization of vocab tree search Search multiple branches at each level 82 Greedy N-Best Paths k + kN(L-1) comparisons 83 Matching Votes for image d = Cd Computed in linear time in # of features 84 Results 30,000 images covering 20 km 278 GPS-labelled query images Performance = % query images within 10m of ground truth 85 Results Informative Features vs. Uniform 86 Results Greedy N-Best Paths vs. Best Bin First 87 Results Top n matches 88 Conclusion Vocabulary tree structure affects performance in recognition tasks Structure becomes more critical as database size increases Number of comparisons drives performance, not branching factor 89 Q & A, Discussion Monday, November 29, 2010 CS 766: Computer Vision Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison Acknowledgements Many thanks to Prof. Andrew Zisserman and Dr. Josef Sivic for providing us with extra materials for presentation. CS 766: Computer Vision Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison 91