Narrative As Process

Narrative As Process
Narrative As Process:
Subject, verb, predicate
Media Arts and Technology
Graduate Program
UC Santa Barbara
Winter 2008
Narrative As Process
What is a Narrative in the context of research?
Media Arts and Technology
Graduate Program
UC Santa Barbara
 Facts/events organized to create meaning
 Basic form: Some event is transformed into
something else
 Usually something meaningful must occur,
otherwise no reason to report the event
 In research, the areas of interest may be in:
a) The topic (its structure), b) the
procedure (how the topic is handled/
transformed), or c) the outcome process
 So narrative is about giving something form
and/or a context
Winter 2008
Narrative As Process
Inventory as narrative
 What are the elements/components of a
system? (Cosmic Thing, Damien Ortega, 2002)
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
 Presentation of Disassembly: Represent
the system through its parts
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Media Arts and Technology
Graduate Program
UC Santa Barbara
 Let the parts express
 Can the parts be re-organized
in new ways?
 Can something new be reinvented through exploration
from unintended, unexpected
Winter 2008
Narrative As Process
What about processes?
 Create an extended list of multiple
 Consider previously identified errors,
discarded solutions, as potential resources
 Do research while developing (who else has
addressed the topic and how)
 Design prototypes/model
Media Arts and Technology
Graduate Program
UC Santa Barbara
Winter 2008
Narrative As Process
Iterative Approach
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
 Repeat the process
 The more often you repeat, the more you
will push your self-imposed boundaries
beyond their limits
 Redesign: Leads to cohesion & resolution
 Genotype: Generic condition of a
 Phenotype: Any observed quality of an
organism (variation)
Media Arts and Technology
Graduate Program
UC Santa Barbara
Winter 2008
Narrative As Process
Transformational procedural experimental rules
 Modify the elements or the process
 Magnify, condense, re-arrange
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
 Transpose, reverse opposites, inside/out
 Substitute, combine, blend, distort
Media Arts and Technology
Graduate Program
UC Santa Barbara
Winter 2008
Narrative As Process
Project Presentation
Quic kTime™ and a
TIFF (Unc ompres sed) dec ompres sor
are needed to see this pic ture.
 Consider the results
 Project is a “work-in-progress”:
 (Let the data speak for itself)
 Create Closure:
 Re-format to fit presentation
 (sometimes not!)
Media Arts and Technology
Graduate Program
UC Santa Barbara
Winter 2008
Narrative As Process
Now Back to Time Based Narrative Definitions
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Media Arts and Technology
Graduate Program
UC Santa Barbara
Winter 2008
Narrative As Process
Narrative Structure (Todorov)
Most basic narrative consists of a stable
situation that is disrupted (transition)
eventually ariving at a final stable situation
which in some way is different from the start
1. Start: Situation definition
2. Event: Event, transition, action, verb, etc.
3. Closure: Creating meaning through closure
Media Arts and Technology
Graduate Program
UC Santa Barbara
Narrative normally evolves in time: Time often
represented in space (graph)
But there are other forms: (proposition,
inventory, etc.)
Winter 2008
Narrative As Process
Literary/Cinematic Narrative (Gérard Genette)
 Order: Temporal-order of the narrative
 Duration: Timing structure of the narrative
 Frequency: relationship between event and
its retelling
 Mood: Distance and perspective
1. Distance: Is it told in direct, indirect mode?
2. Perspective: point of view
Media Arts and Technology
Graduate Program
UC Santa Barbara
From a fixed position
Outside the action
Narrator knows less then the characters
 Voice: What kind of narrator implied?
Winter 2008
Narrative As Process
Organizing the Image: Visual Narrative Tools
 Sequence: implies plot development
 Divided screen: subsections imply
 Shape: Horizontal implies time length
 Spatial proximity: object placed next to
another signifies relationship
 Direction: left-to-right, or reverse
 Scale: signifies hierarchy
 Repetition: Rhythmic emphasis
Media Arts and Technology
Graduate Program
UC Santa Barbara
Winter 2008
Narrative As Process
 Conceptual Blockbusting, Adams
 Poetics of the Prose, Todorov
 Narrative Discourse, Genette
Media Arts and Technology
Graduate Program
UC Santa Barbara
Winter 2008