class xii accountancy

Holiday Home Work
Class – XII
Read any English Newspaper of your choice daily and practice minimum five note making of any topic
after pasting the text on the register.
Collect five classified advertisements each of the following type and paste them in the register.
Property/To Let/For sale
Situation vacant/Wanted
Vehicles for sale
Hobby classes
Collect any ten posters giving a social message or information about an event.
Paste invitation cards of a wedding and a formal function.
Read the noval “The Invisible Man” and watch the same on youtube.
One investigatory project is to be performed from the following list of suggested projects
or from any topic related to senior school physics.
1. To study the quality of detergents by capillary rise method.
2. To study the effect of temperature on surface tension of liquids.
3. To study the factors affecting the rate of loss of heat of a liquid.
4. To study the breaking stress of different materials of varying diameter.
5. To study the Inter conversion of potential and kinetic energy.
6. To determine the specific heat capacity of liquids.
7. To study the factors affecting the range and height of a projectile.
8. To study the factors affecting the coefficient of friction between 2 surfaces.
9. To study the factors affecting the time period of a simple pendulum.
10. To determine Faraday’s constant.
11. To determine electrochemical equivalent of a material.
12. To study the validity of ohm’s law for different types of material.
13. To study various factors on which the internal resistance /emf of a cell depends.
14. To study variations, in current flowing in a circuit containing a LDR , because of
a. In the power of the incandescent lamp used to ‘illuminate’ the LDR.
(keeping all the lamps at a fixed distance)
b. In the distance of an incandescent lamp, (of fixed power), used to
‘illuminate’ the LDR.
15. To find the refractive indices of (a) water (b) oil (transparent) using a plane
mirror, an equiconvex lens, (made from a glass of known refractive index) and an
adjustable object needle.
16. To design an appropriate logic gate combination for a given truth table.
17. To investigate the relation between the ratio of
a. Output and input voltage.
b. Number of turns in the secondary coil of a self designed transformer.
18. To investigate the dependence, of the angle of deviation, the angle of incidence,
using a hollow prism filled, one by one, with different transparent fluids.
19. To estimate the charge induced on each one of the 2 identical styro foam (or pith)
balls suspended in a vertical plane by making use of columb’s law.
20. To set up a common base transistor circuit and to study its input and output
characteristics and to calculate its current gain.
21. To study the factor, on which the self inductance of a coil depends, by observing
the effect of this coil, when put in series with a resistor/ (bulb) in a circuit fed up
by an a.c. source of adjustable frequency.
22. To construct a switch using a transistor and to draw the graph b/w the input and
output voltage and mark the cut off, saturation and active regions.
23. To study the earth’s magnetic field using a tangent galvanometer.
Computer Science
Q.1 (a) Name the header files that shall be needed for the following code:void main( )
char string[20];
(b) Name the header file to which the following function belong:
strcpy( ),toupper( ),random( ),isalnum( ),abs( ), isupper( ), strcmp( ), fabs()
puts( ),clrscr(),getchar(),exp()
Q.2 Rewrite the following program after removing all the syntax error(s),if any.
Underline each correction.
(a) #include<iostream.h>
void main( )
Void jumpto(int N1,int N2=20)
(b) #include [iostream.h]
class MEMBER
int Mno;float Fees;
void Register(){cin>>Mno>>Fees;}
void Display{cout<<Mno<<" : "<<Fees<<endl;}
void main()
Q.3 In the following program, if the value of n entered by the user is 5, what maximum and minimum values
the program could possibly display?
#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void main()
int a[ ]={10,20,30,40,50},n,b,c;
Q.4 Find the output of the following program:
#include <iostream.h>
void Secret(char Str[ ])
for (int L=0;Str[L]!='\0';L++);
for (int C=0;C<L/2;C++)
if (Str[C]=='A' || Str[C]=='E')
char Temp=Str[C];
void main()
char Message[ ]="ArabSagar";
Q.5 Define a class in C++ with following description:
Private Members
• A data member Flight number of type integer
• A data member Destination of type string
• A data member Distance of type float
• A data member Fuel of type float
• A member function CALFUEL() to calculate the value of Fuel as per the
following criteria:
more than 1000 and <=2000
more than 2000
Public Members
" A function FEEDINFO() to allow user to enter values for Flight Number,
Destination, Distance & call function CALFUEL() to calculate the quantity of Fuel
" A function SHOWINFO() to allow user to view the content of all the data members
(b) Define a class garments with the following description:
private members:
a function assign( ) which calculates and assigns the value of gprice as follows:
for the value of gfebric “cotton”
trouser 1300
for gfebric other than “cotton” the above mentioned gprice gets reduced by 10%
public members:
*A function input( ) to input the values of the data members gcode, gtype, gsize and gfebric and invoke the
assign( ) function.
*A function display( ) which display the contents of all the data members for a garment.
(c) Define a class Tour with the following description:
private members:
public members:
*A function Assignfare( ) which calculates and assigns the values of the data member totalfare as follows:
for each adult
for KM
<1000 & >=500
for each kid the above fare will be 50% of the fare mentioned in the above table.
for eg.
if KM is 850,No. of adults=2 and No.of kids=3
then total fare should be calculated as
no. of adults*300+no. of kids*150
i.e 1500
* A function entertour( ) to input the values of the data members tcode, NoofAdults,
Noofkids ,kilometer and invoke the assignfare( ) function.
* A function showtour( ) which display the contents of all data members.
Q.6 In the following program, if the value of n entered by the user is 5, what maximum and minimum values
the program could possibly display?
#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void main()
int a[]={10,20,30,40,50},n,b,c;
7(a)What do you understand by Data Encapsulatiopn and Data Hiding ?Also, give an example in C++ to
illustrate both.
(b) Answer the questions (i) and (ii) after going through the following class:
class WORK
int workid;
char worktype;
//function 1
void status( )
//function 2
//function 3
//function 4
which member function out of function 1, function2, function 3 and function 4shown in the above definition of
class WORK is called automatically, when the scope of an object gets over? Is it known as constructor or
destructor or overloaded function or copy constructor?
(ii) WORK W;
Which member function out of function 1, function2, function 3 and function4 shown in the above definition
of class WORK will be called on execution of statement written as statement 2? What is this function specially
known as out of destructor or copy constructor or default constructor?
Note:-Revise all the chapters covered so far.
Partnership – Fundamentals
• X, Y and Z are partners with ` 72,000, ` 80,000 and ` 1,00,000 as their capitals respectively. The profit for the
year ending March 31,2012 was ` 7,20,000. Before distributing profits they donated 10% of profits to a ‗NonGovt. organization‘ as charity for welfare of educationally backward section of the society. Out of the
remaining profit, ` 4,00,000 is divisible as 5:3:2 ratio and the remaining is to be divided amongst them
equally.Identify the value involves by the partnership form of X,Y and Z. Prepare Profit and Loss appropriation
Account and partner‘sCapital Account.
• Aakash and Bhola entered into partnership on January 1, 2012 contributing ` 1,20,000 and ` 1,60,000 as
capitals respectively.Their partnership firm started the business of manufacturing shoes. They decided to allow
a discount of 30% on shoes for school going children. They share profits in the ratio of 7:3. The profits for the
year were ` 9,60,000.Prepare Profit and Loss Appropriation Account and the partner‘s Capital Accounts. Also
identify the value involved in this question. Renu and Reshma shared profits as 7:3. Renu want to give
admission to her friend Rehana as a new partner. Reshma agrees with this decision of Renu. Rehana is a
physically challenged lady and admitted with a ¼th share in profits. Renu and Reshma gave her a guarantee
that her share of profit will never be less than 1,20,000 p.a., the profits for the last two years ended March
31,2011 and March 31, 2012 were ` 1,60,000 and ` 2,40,000 respectively. Identify the human value involved in
this case and prepare Profit and Loss Appropriation Account for the two years. Ramesh and Gurmeet are two
friends belonging to Hindu and Sikh religion respectively. They started a business of wire manufacturing in the
form of a partnership firm. They know that the factory of wire manufacturing pollutes the environment.
Therefore there are two options available before them. First option is that the factory can be opened in rural
area where local residents are poor and illiterate. Second option is that an advanced pollution control plant can
be installed in their factory to control the pollution. They decided to choose the second option which involves
an additional cost of ` 2, 00,000. To arrange this amount, they admitted their fast friend John as a new partner
for equal share in the future profits. John brought` 2,50,000 as his share of capital. Ramesh and Gurmeet gave
him a guarantee that his share of profit will not be less than ` 60,000 p. a. At the end of first year the firm earns
a profit of ` 1,50,000. Mention the value involved in this question. Write the effects of choosing option
available before Ramesh and Gurmeet. Prepare the Profit and Loss Appropriation Account for the first year.
• A, B and C are in a partnership. A is appointed for carrying on the business of the firm by the other partners.
A has decided to purchase the goods from a firm in which his wife and his son are partners at a double rate
then the prevailing market rate without disclosing this fact to others partners of the firm. State which values
have been violated by A by not disclosing this information to B and C.
• A, B and C are partners in a firm. C used firm‘s money to buy shares without disclosing it other partners.
Which value C is violating and what will be the treatment of profit earned by C?
• After completing MBA, Arun and Radha want to start a new business but they don‘t have sufficient capital.
They contacted their common friend Sita, a rich lady with low vision. They decided to form a partnership firm
with a capital of Rs.25,00,000 with a ratio of 80% by Sita, 10% each by Arun and Radha respectively. The
partnership deed provided as follows:• Interest on capital @12% p.a.
• Salary to active partners Arun and Radha @ 9,000 p.m. The firm earned a net profit of 9,66,000 during the
year. Sita decided to donate half of her profits to a school for differently abled children. State which values are
being reflected in the above case and also prepare Profit and loss appropriation a/c for the year.
• A and B are partners in a firm having a workmen compensation reserve of 10,00,000. A worker, Rohan died
in an accident while working for the firm. The firm paid 500,000 as compensation to his family and offered a
job to his wife and also arranged for the education of his son. State which values are being reflected in the
above case and also show the treatment of workmen compensation reserve if A and B now decide to change
their profit sharing ratio from 3:1 to equal ratio. Workmen compensation reserve will not be shown in the
books of new firms.
• A and B are partners in a firm. A manages all business as a representative of firm. For execution of a sales
order to a valuable customer A incurred ` 5,000 for delivery in quick time. B is not agreeing to reimburse the
above expenses from the firm‘s accounts. Explain the treatment of above expense and describe which value is
violatedby the partners.
• What are the values involved in the formation of a partnership firm?
• What are the values disclosed by a Partnership Deed?
• In the absence of partnership deed, interest on Advances/Loan by a partner is to be paid @ 6% p.a. What
value is depicted in this provision of Indian Partnership Act, 1932?
• XYZ Cycles Ltd., a manufacturer of cycles and tri-cycles has decided to donate 100 tri-cycles worth ˆ 3,00,000
to differently abled children in the CWSN (Children with special needs) assessment camp organized by
Directorate of Education, Delhi on 3rd December on occasion of “World Disabled Day” State the values that
are being reflected in the above case. A,B and C were partners in a firm. A died in a road accident. A‘s family
has no other source of income. B and C has decided to admit A‘s son D , a minor, in the partnership firm .. Firm
guaranteed that his share in profits will not be less than ˆ 1,00,000 in a year. State the values that are being
reflected in the above case. ABC Ltd., a manufacturer of very popular liquid soap, has decided to supply its
popular product ‗Safe Hand Wash‘ worth ˆ 50,000 to 25 schools in the different areas of the city on the
occasion of „Global Handwash Day‟ on the 15th October at free of cost. State the values that are being
reflected in the above case. Sita and Geeta are working as marketing executive in a MNC dealing in cosmetic
products. After working for 5 years in MNC, both of them realized that they should start their own business,
but both of them individually don‘t have sufficient funds for starting the business. Therefore, they have
decided to form a partnership firm with equal amount of capital. Both are agreed that they will actively
participate in the operation of the business and to share the profits or losses of the business equally. They have
decided to appoint Sangeeta, their common friend, as a manager. State the values that are being reflected in
the above case.
• A, B and C are partners in a firm which deals in woolen garments. D who runs a NGO and also a friend of C
contacted him for supplying 1,000 woolen jackets for distributing among the students of EWS (Economical
Weaker Section) of the society studying in a school for „out of school children‟ run under SSA program. D
requested C to provide the jackets at the lowest possible rate. C discussed the matter with the other partners
of the firm and the firm decided to provide required no. of jackets at ‗No Profit No Loss‘ to the NGO of D.
State the values that are being reflected in the above case. Ram is a graduate in Business Administration. After
completing B.B.A., he tried very hard for a job but he didn‘t get any opportunity to work due to recession in the
economy. Then he realized that he should start his own business at the ground floor of his house lying vacant.
Since he didn‘t have sufficient funds to invest in the business, he cannot start the business alone. Ram
contacted one of his friends, Anuj and convinced him to start a business with him in partnership. Anuj decided
to invest in the business and to form a partnership with Ram but Anuj wants to get the firm registered. State
the values that are being reflected in the above case. 19.A and B are partners in a firm. A manages all business
as a representative of firm. For execution of a sales order a valuable customer A incurred Rs. 5,000 for delivery
in quick time. B does not agree to reimburse the above expenses from the firm‘s accounts. Explain the
treatment of above expense and describe which value is violated by the partners. 20.A, B and C are partners in
a firm. C used firm‘s money to buy shares without disclosing it to other partners. Which value C is violating and
what will be treatment of profit earned by doing so? 21A and B are partners in a firm having workmen
compensation reserve of Rs.10, 00,000. A worker, Rohan, died with an accident. The firm paid his successors
Rs.5, 00,000 and gave employment to his wife and arranged for his child education. Which values are being
indicated in the question and what will be the treatment of workmen compensation reserve if A and B decide
to change their profit sharing ratio from 3:2 to 2:3 22.A, B and C are partners in a firm having fixed capital of
Rs.5lacs, 3lacs and 2lacs respectively. Firm earned profits of Rs.1, 50,000 during the year ending 31st march,
2011. These profits were divided in capital ratio instead of 2:2:1. Pass adjustment entry for the above and also
state which value is being reflected through this question?
Q1 Read chapter-7 Web Applications
A) Write HTML code for web pages given on pg.238.
B) Give the output of HTML code given in Q3 pg.240.
Q2 Read CH-8 MYSQL Revision Tour.
A) Solve the crossword puzzle on pg.263
B) Do the lab exercise and write the command neatly in your practical register (pg.266 to 269).
Q.3 Design GUI desktop applications for following:a) A Quick Fox Transport Co. wants to develop an application for calculating
amount based on distance and weight of goods.
The charges (Amount) to be calculated as per rates given below.
Weight Charges per Km.
>=100 kg.
>=500 Km
<500 Km
<100 kg.
Rs. 7/Rs. 6/-
>=100 Kg.
<100 Kg.
b) Develop a simple Calculator application as per given screen snapshot, to
implement +, -, x and / operations. The text boxes get cleared when ‘C’ button
is clicked.
c) Develop a Compound Interest Calculator application as per given screen
snapshot, to calculate total amount for given Amount, Rate of Interest and
Time using (A=P(1+R/100)T ) and Interest I=A-P.
d) Develop an application to compute the sum of digits for given number
e) Develop an e-Learning application with images and text information as per
given screen shot.
Develop a Billing application for Happy Shoping- A retail chain involved in sales
of Readymade garments. The happy Shoping offers discount to its members
holding Platinum, Gold and Silver card.
The 10% discount is given to Platinum card, 8% to Gold Card and 5% to Silver
Card holders on sales amount.
Q 4 Develop a project using Programming and Database skills learnt during the course. The project should be
an application in any one of the following domains, - e-Governance, e-Business and e-Learning with GUI frontend corresponding database at the back-end.
Q5 Revise the syllabus covered for test.
(*NOTE:The soft copy as well as the hard copy(in practical register) of the work done is to be submitted)
Answer the following questions:
Ch-1 – The Cold War Era
1. Define cold war. Also write any 2 military function of cold war.
2. How did New International Economic Order come into being? What reforms were proposed by
UNCTAD in its report in 1972?
3. Why did the super power tried to control smaller nation during cold war.
4. What was Cuban Missile Crisis?
5. Why were most of the Non-Aligned countries categorised as L.D.Cs.
6. Why did super power during cold war needed allies?
7. Why was policy of Non-Alignment “Unprincipled” and “Inconsistent”.
Ch-2 - Disintegration of S.U
Describe any four drawbacks of soviet system. Also mention its two features.
What is meant by Shock Therapy? Asses its consequences on the post-communist regions.
Examine the factors responsible for disintegration of S.U.
Analyse any six factors that forced Gorbache’s to initiate reforms in the soviet union.
Read ch-3 – U.S Hegemony in world politics
Q 1 “Physical environment is not deterministic but offers many opportunities to man”. Justify the statement
by giving any three points in the light of Possibilism.
Q 2 “There is neither a situation of absolute necessity nor is there a condition of absolute freedom”. Justify the
statement by giving any three points in the light of Neo-Determinism.
Q 3 In the present day world which is more relevant Naturalisation of Humans or Humanisation of Nature?
Justify your answer.
Q 4 The distribution of population in the world is highly uneven. Discuss the factors responsible for
such a pattern of population distribution.
Q 5 Study the map and answer the questions that follow:
a) Name the countries from different parts of the world having highest population density and also
mention the reasons behind their highest population density.
b) Name the countries from different parts of the world having lowest population density and also
mention the reasons behind their lowest population density.
c) Name the countries from different parts of the world having moderate population density and
also mention the reasons behind their moderate population density.
Q 6 Why some areas of the world have high density of population whereas others have very low
density of population? Explain two main reasons with suitable examples.
Q 7 Study the map and answer the questions that follow:
a) Which countries face decline in population? Give reasons.
b) Which countries take longest time to double their population? Give reasons.
c) Which countries in Africa take least time to double their population? Give reasons.
Q 8 Study the diagram given on next page and answer the following questions:
1. Name the continent which has the highest annual growth rate.
2. Mention two factors responsible for this situation.
3. Name the continent that has negative annual growth rate and why?
Q 9 What is the importance of studying population composition or demographic structure of
Q 10 Why sex ratio is favourable in European countries?
Q 11 Name the countries having highest and lowest sex ratio in the world along with their values.
Mention the reasons also.
Q 12 Which age group is economically most important?
Q 13 Study the diagrams given below and answer the questions that follow:
1. What is the shape of the pyramid shown in Fig. 1 and 2?
2. Name the countries to which pyramid 1 and 2 belong to.
3. What type of characteristics of population are revealed by pyramid 1 and 2?
Q 14 The rural urban variations in sex ratio in Canada and West European countries is just the opposite
of those in Asia and Africa. Discuss.
Q 15 Why is the study of Human development necessary?
Q 16 Read the paragraph given below and answer the following questions:
Equity refers to making equal access to opportunities available to everybody. The opportunities
available to people must be equal irrespective of their gender, race, income and in the Indian case,
caste. Yet this is very often not the case and happens in almost every society.
a.How do equal opportunities influence human development of any nation?
b.Explain human development in the context of India.
c. “Human beings are real wealth of a Nation” which aspect of human beings is focussed in the
Q 17 How attainments and shortfalls in human development are measured?
Q 18 Describe any five salient features of ‘Market Gardening and Horticulture’ practiced in the world
keeping the following given points in view.
Meaning of Market Gardening and Horticulture
Capital Investment
Major Emphasis
Main regions of Market Gardening and Horticulture
Q 19Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow:
a) Two types of mining are shown as A and B. Identify them and give correct names of each.
b) State two characteristics of each type of mining.
Q20 Study the map given below and answer the questions that follow:
1. Name the Primitive Subsistence agriculture regions marked as A and B.
2. State three characteristics of Primitive Subsistence agriculture
3. State the major problem of Primitive Subsistence agriculture
Q 21 Study the picture given below and answer the questions that follow:
1. Identify and name the agriculture shown in the picture.
2. Mention the areas where this agriculture is practised.
3. Write three important characteristics of this agriculture.
 Practical Work
Complete the Practical File
 Revise the syllabus covered so far for upcoming exam