Have a Great Summer Break!!!!

Class Schedule - Arts 106 – History of Art II – Spring 2011
Week 1 - Course Introduction
1/31 - Introductions, go over syllabus, discuss class projects. Discuss general ideas/terms introduced in
the starter kit and Introduction of text.
Homework: Read in your text - Starter kit (pg. XXI – XXV), and introduction (pg. XXVII-XLI) for review.
Read Chapters 17-19 in text (pg 529-629). Use your study guides to help you focus on key aspects of the
Week 2 –Renaissance Art (14th and 15th Century Renaissance art in Europe)
2/7- Discuss Chapters 17-19, 14th and 15th Century Europe, Proto/Early Renaissance in Northern Europe
and Italy
Homework: Read Chapters 20 and 21 in text (pg. 631-709). Use your study guides to help you focus on
key aspects of the reading.
Week 3 – High Renaissance and Mannerism – Italy and Northern Europe
2/14 Discuss Chapters 20 and 21, 15th Century High Renaissance Art & Mannerism in Italy and Northern
Homework: Read Chapter 22 in text (pg. 711 – 769). Use your study guide to help you focus on key
aspects of the reading.
Week 4 – Baroque Art
2/21 - Discuss Chapter 22, Baroque art. Class Discussion w/ student leaders (Groups #1 and #2)
Homework: Catch up with any reading/study guides for the Renaissance and Baroque chapters in your
text. Study for Quiz #1 on Chapters 17-22.
Week 5 – Quiz #1 and discuss Research Paper
2/28 – Quiz #1 on chapters 17-22, Renaissance and Baroque Art. Discuss the research paper in more
detail. Introduce first part of the research paper assignment –Thesis Statement, outline, bibliography.
Homework: Begin thinking about your thesis paper research topic. Start working on Thesis Statement,
Outline and Bibliography. Read Chapters 23 and 24 in text (pg. 771-811). Use your study guide to help
you focus on key aspects of the reading.
Week 6 –Art of South and Southeast Asia after 1200 and Chinese and Korean Art after 1279
3/7–Discuss Chapters 23 and 24, Art of South & Southeast Asia and Chinese and Korean Art after 1279.
Homework: Read Chapters 25 and 26 in text (pg. 813-857). Use your study guides to help you focus on
key aspects of the reading. Work on Thesis Statement, Outline and Bibliography to be workshopped and
turned in next class.
Week 7 –Japanese Art and Art of the Americas after 1300
3/14 – Thesis Statement, Outline, and Bibliography due for Research Paper. In class workshops on
these. Discuss Chapters 25 and 26, Japanese art and Art of the Americas, Class Discussion w/ Student
Leaders (Group #3)
Homework: Read Chapters 27 and 28 in text (pg. 859-901). Use your study guide to help you focus on
key aspects of the reading.
Midterm grades due to registrar – 3/21
Week 8 – Art of Pacific Cultures and Africa
3/21 – Discuss Chapters 27-28, Art of Pacific Cultures and Africa, Class Discussion w/ Student Leaders
(Groups #4 and #5)
Homework: Study for Quiz.
Week 9 - Quiz #2 on Chapters 23-28 in text, Discuss 18th Century Art of Europe and Americas
3/28 – Quiz #2 on Chapters 23-28 in text. Discuss 18th Century Art of Europe and America in class.
Homework: Read Chapter 29 in text (pg. 903-959). Use your study guide to help you focus on key
aspects of the reading. Finish first draft of research paper.
Week 10 - 18th and Early 19th Century European and American Art
4/4 – First draft of Research Paper due. In class workshops on these. Discuss Chapter 29, Art of 18th
and Early 19th Century Europe and Americas
Homework: Read Chapter 30 of text (pg. 961-1015). Use your study guide to help you focus on key
aspects of the reading.
Week 11 – Mid to Late 19th C. art in Europe and United States
4/11 –Discuss Chapter 30, mid to late 19th Century art in Europe and the US. Class Discussion w/
Student Leaders (Group #6)
Weeks 12 and 13 – No Class, Spring Break
4/18 – No Class – Spring Break
4/25 – No Class – Spring Break
Homework: Read Chapter 31 (pg. 1017-1081) in your text. Use your study guide to help you focus on
key aspects of the reading.
Week 14 – Modern Art in Europe and the Americas (1900-1950)
5/2 – Discussion on 20th Century Modern Art in Europe and the Americas (1900-1950) Class Discussion
w/ Student Leaders (Group #7)
Homework: Read Chapter 32 in your text (pg. 1083-1135). Use your study guide to help you focus on
key aspects of the reading. Finish final draft of Research Paper
Week 15 – Art Since 1945 and Contemporary Art
5/9 – Final Draft of Research Paper due. Discuss Art since 1945, Abstract Expressionism, Action
Painting, Color Field Painting, Assemblage, Happenings, Pop Art, Op-Art, Minimalism, Conceptual,
Performance Art, Feminist Art, Postmodernism, Postmodern Art and Contemporary artists. Class
Discussion w/ Student Leaders (Group #8)
Homework: Study for final quiz on Chapters 29-32.
Week 16 – Finals Week
5/16 - Final Quiz on Chapters 29-32, 6-8 p.m.
Have a Great Summer Break!!!!
Please note: This schedule is subject to change so please pay attention to any changes in the schedule
stated by your instructor in class.