Grievance Handling 2015 presentation

Shop Steward Training
St. Peter’s College – October 23rd, 2015
• 9:15
Back to Basics
– What is a grievance?
• 10:45 Group Activity
– Each group will research grievances and discuss their
conclusions for presentation to the assembly. Each group will
pick one grievance to submit in written format
• 11:15 Grievance Presentations
• 12:15 Lunch
• 1:15
Grievance Presentations (Continued)
• 3:00
Working Out of Title
• 3:45
Closing comments from the Local 655 and 755 Presidents
Please stay and get your gift from Jackie Porzio
Here are some tips for the Steward:
First of all, remember that as a Steward you have the support of the Union, both the national union
USWU/IUJAT and your Local 755 President and Executive Board and our full time Union Representative.
That means that if you don’t know the answer to questions or are not familiar with procedures, ask your
Union Representative. With your position comes a huge responsibility and you need to be able to provide
the right answers to members and follow the correct procedures in your dealings with management. Your
members will respect you for following this simple advice.
Take your time. Listen carefully. Write things down. Buy yourself a spiral notebook and begin to
document your activities. If you investigate a grievance, write down the 5Ws (who, what, when, where,
why . . . and how) in your notebook or on the grievance fact sheet that the local provides with the
grievance form.
Be on your toes. You will be tested by management the moment you become a steward. Think of it as
hazing. But don’t give in. Act professional and be aware of your rights. Your supervisor or manager will
probably try to tell you what you can or cannot do as a steward. Remember you are hearing this
information from a self-serving and biased source.
Know your rights. You are management’s equal in all matters relating to the contract and the unionemployer relationship. Your contract may outline some of your rights as a steward but much of it has a
legal basis. That means the “sit down and shut up” mentality of some supervisors is incorrect,
unprofessional, and in some cases downright illegal. If you are denied rights which make your defense of
a member impossible, make sure your Business Representative is aware of this situation—immediately.
Check out your Steward Guide on a regular basis for grievance guidance. As you read over it, highlight
those items of particular interest. Keep a file for them so that you can easily refer back to them when
You are a representative of USWU to your members. Introduce yourself and
greet new hires. Be the strongest advocate for the union on the property. Pass
along information from your local. Squelch any rumor before it spreads. Work
together with your local’s officers. That means the politics of the past union
election, if there was one, is over. You are part of the team.
If a member comes to you with a complaint that could be grievable,
investigate it quickly and professionally. Resolve the issue in the quickest and
fairest way. Don’t make the member wait unnecessarily for an answer. Tell
him/her that you will get back to them with an answer and then get back to
them. If the issue is not grievable, see if there is a way to resolve it.
If there is no grievance, be honest with the member but explain why the
issue is not a grievance under your agreement. Work with other stewards so
that they are aware of the issues you have been presented with. You don’t
want a member going behind your back to another steward because he/she
did not agree with your decision not to press a complaint.
Read everything you can about your work— the daily newspaper and labor
books. Make sure education is part of your union’s regular business.
Violation of Contract, Policy,
Practice or Law
Consistency creates the sentinel effect. If the
employer knows you are watching , they are
less likely to attempt violating the contract.
• Burden of proof is on THE
GRIEVANT (and the Union)
– Must have some legal basis
• Independent Arbitration is final
and binding.
• Union may opt not to arbitrate. It
is not the decision of the
Minor or Major Discipline
"If this discussion could in any way lead to my
being disciplined or terminated, or affect my
personal working conditions, I respectfully
request that my union representative, officer, or
steward be present at this meeting. Until my
representative arrives, I choose not to
participate in this discussion.”
(If called to a meeting with management, state the following to management when the meeting begins)
Under the Supreme Court’s Weingarten decision, the following rules apply to investigatory
The employee can request union representation before or at any time during the interview.
When an employee asks for representation, the employer must choose from among three
1. Grant the request and delay questioning until the union representative arrives;
2. Deny the request and end the interview immediately; or
3. Give the employee a choice of:
(a) Having the interview without representation or
(b) Ending the interview.
If the employer denies the request for union representation and continues the meeting,
the employee can refuse to answer questions.
Employers sometimes assert that the only function of a steward at an investigatory interview is to
observe the discussion; in other words, to be a silent witness. This is incorrect. The steward must
be allowed to advise and assist the employee in presenting the facts. When the steward arrives at
the meeting:
The supervisor or manager must inform the steward of the subject matter of the interview: in other
words, the type of misconduct being investigated.
The steward must be allowed to have a private meeting with the employee before questioning
The steward can speak during the interview, but cannot insist that the interview be ended.
The steward can object to a confusing question and can request that the question be clarified so
that the employee understands what is being asked.
The steward can advise the employee not to answer questions that are abusive, misleading,
badgering, or harassing.
When the questioning ends, the steward can provide information to justify the employee’s conduct.
What is “JUST CAUSE?”
Daugherty’s 7 Tests
Was the employee forewarned of the consequences of his or her actions?
Is there a policy in place? Ignorance of the rules is not always an excuse.
Common sense may apply
Are the employer's rules reasonably related to business efficiency and
performance the employer might reasonably expect from the employee?
Was the employee asked to do something illegal or dangerous? If an employee has a
REASONBLE belief that something is illegal or unsafe, they are protected from an
insubordination charge. Otherwise, the rule is: Do it now … grieve it later.
3. Was an effort made before discipline or discharge to determine whether the employee
was guilty as charged?
4. Was the investigation conducted fairly and objectively?
5. Did the employer obtain substantial evidence of the employee's guilt?
Notice that it does NOT mention ‘Beyond A Reasonable Doubt’.
6. Were the rules applied fairly and without discrimination?
Generally, What is good for one employee should be good for all. Be certain to compare
apples to apples. Do not invoke the “But everybody speeds defense”. You must show that
the employer was aware of similar behavior and intentionally did not enforce the rules. Avoid
throwing other members under the bus.
Not everyone has to be treated exactly the same, however.
7. Was the degree of discipline reasonably related to the seriousness of the employee's
offense and the employee's past record?
NOTE: The County generally follows a policy of Progressive Discipline.
Progressive Discipline
• Progressive discipline is an employee disciplinary system
that provides a graduated range of responses to employee
performance or conduct problems. Disciplinary measures
range from mild to severe, depending on the nature and
frequency of the problem.
– For example, an informal coaching session might be appropriate
for an employee who is tardy or violates a minor work rule,
while a more serious intervention -- or even termination -might be called for if an employee commits serious misconduct
or doesn't improve a performance problem after receiving
several opportunities to do so.
Discipline Summary
As a Shop Steward, you are responsible for step one
of the process.
If you are asked to be present during presentation the of discipline, you can/should:
Take notes
Advise the client of their rights.
“The member chooses not to answer questions at this time.”
Have the client limit their responses
Ask questions
Request documentation of incident or prior offenses
If it is a verbal or written warning, the member can submit a ‘rebuttal’.
Ask for a caucus (break) to discuss the discipline with the employee/member
Offer solutions (if possible)
Refer the client to the Union office (especially in cases of major discipline)
Violations of Contract, Past
Practice or Law
Consistency creates the sentinel effect.
If the employer knows you are watching ,
they are less likely to attempt violating
the contract.
• Burden of proof is on THE
GRIEVANT (and the Union)
– Must have some legal basis
• Independent Arbitration is
final and binding.
• Union may opt not to
arbitrate. It is not the
decision of the grievant.
The First question that should be asked:
• Read your contract thoroughly – Don’t Cherry Pick!
• Contracts often refer to the same issue under different clauses.
• How has this been interpreted in the past? What has been the past
(Don’t confuse Past Practice with past practice)
• Know your facts before filing the grievance
The employer will know when you are uninformed.
“At least but not limited to”
when writing a grievance.
The 5 W’s
( Essential Information for Filing a Grievance)
Who was involved in the grievance?
• List name, department, job classification, shift. Include the name of the management representatives involved.
What is the grievant’s story?
Management position?
• The reports of witnesses?
• Collect all the facts you can, always looking for “hard” facts
• but accepting and weighing “soft” facts and different versions.
When did the incident or condition occur?
• Give dates and times as accurately as possible.
Where did the grievance take place?
When in doubt, use “On or about”.
Give the exact location, department, area, etc.
Why is this a grievance? What has been violated?
The contract? Federal, state, municipal laws? Past practice? Workers’ rights? Previous ruling or awards?
• How does the employer remedy the grievance/complaint?
• What adjustments are necessary to correct the situation?
• How can you return the aggrieved worker to the same condition had the
violation not occurred?
Violation of Past Practice
Where the contract language is ambiguous or the contract is silent, past practice can
be used to give the contract meaning.
Several questions need to asked about past practices:
•Is there mutuality in the practice?
•What is the history of the practice?
•Is the practice clear and consistent?
•How many times has it been repeated?
•Has it been a widely accepted practice?
•What conditions gave rise to the practice and have those conditions changed?
The Supervisor of your group sometimes lets you go home early with pay.
Payroll forgets to take out your medical deductions.
Employees working in seven day operations with varying schedules have
always been afforded at least two consecutive days off in a row. Now, the
employer wants to change that.
You've always been allowed to use three sick days each year to stay home
with your children if they are sick. Now your boss says you can't stay home
unless you are sick.
Until recently, your boss has allowed you to stop work a few minutes early
so you can wash up. Now, she says you have to stay on the job until your
finish time.
The employer has for years allowed you to play radios while working.
Because there have been complaints about the type of music, the boss
says, “no more radios”.
A Violation of Law may be better addressed in different forum.
– Discrimination
• County Policy addresses these concerns. They should file complaint and allow
the employer to investigate.
• EEOC – Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (Federal)
• LAD – Law Against Discrimination Division (NJ)
Ideally, you want to have direct evidence rather than circumstantial evidence when
filing a discrimination claim.
SEE ARTICLE “How to Prove Workplace Discrimination”.
– Wage and Hour issues should be addressed in contract but can be reported to
State/Federal Government Wage and Hour Division. (Usually has a 2 year limitation.)
– Workers Compensation
• Work place Injury is addressed in contract
• Recommend speaking to a WC attorney for serious injury since it will protect the
employee over a longer period of time.
Grievance V. Gripe
A Shop Steward may get more gripes than Grievances.
• We are advocates.
But we can’t make all the people happy all the time
Listen to the member and brainstorm possible answers
See the big picture – Talk to other Stewards to see how they might handle things
Ask grievant to outline the details and what they a see a resolution.
• We try to be problem solvers
Know your members
Remain unbiased
Develop a relationship with the employer and your members
Gain the employees and the employers respect
Reminders about Grievance Filing
– “This is a violation of, at least but not limited to …”
– Every grievance should state what the grievant expects as a resolution.
– Every grievance is 50/50.
– Don’t make promises or predictions
– Take notes.
Witnesses are not really reliable
We all bring our own bias to anything we witness.
They can change their tune.
An initial discipline meeting
– In discipline, wait for the evidence before you start your arguments.
– Don’t talk too much –
– Don’t ask questions you don’t know the answer to
– Advise client to limit their comments
– Do not ask client to lie
– You can always ask for a ‘caucus’ (break) to confer further with the client.
BE TIMELY! Every grievance must have a beginning, middle and END!
If the employee asks you to wait, advise them of the time issues and follow
up in writing.
You do not want the grievant to claim you dropped the ball.
Even though there aren’t specific time limits to filing a grievance, an
Arbitrator may still rule a grievance as untimely if the Grievant was aware of
the problem but chose not to grieve it.
Grievance Breakout Groups
• Review grievance as a group
• Discuss and decide which grievances may or may not
be valid
• Elect at least member of the group to speak for the
• Prepare to present an opinion on each of the
• Submit the first grievance as a formal WRITTEN