
Engaging spaces
by Kylie & Carla
“Traditional classrooms, conceived
during the Industrial Revolution and
designed for students to passively
receive information, may be
restricting students’ abilities to
engage with knowledge in a
constructivist way.”
(p.389, Cleveland; 2009)
Integrating theory and practice
Spatial confinement can limit new understandings through
neglecting opportunities for:
Interpersonal relationships
Information sources
Experimental activities
Authentic tasks
Multiple Intelligences (Gardner, 1993)
What should 21st Century learning
spaces look & feel like?
• Space
• Flexibility
• Versatility
• Connectedness
• Freedom
• Innovative
• Comfortable
Mythic notions and 21st
century learning spaces
• Campfire: a place to learn
from experts or
storytellers. A place for
whole-group discussions
• Watering hole: a space
for small group discourse
and collaboration.
• Cave: a space for
individual study,
reflection, quiet reading
and creative flow.
What do
you think?
“Physical environments cannot be viewed as the
backdrop for knowledge acquisition, but rather as
influencing learning”
(Lippman, 2007, p. 6, cited in Cleveland, 2009).
Classroom layout
Relationship between learning environments
and student learning is mediated by pedagogies.
Sydney Centre for Innovation in Learning (SCIL)
Identity and role confusion
Why should learning be considered different
for people during their adolescent years?
Erikson’s theory of psychosocial
development states that the
primary task during adolescence
is to develop an identity
(Santrock, 2005).
Students’ choices of study are broadened to recognise
their growing independence as learners and the
diversity of their needs, interests, abilities, goals,
pathways and intentions. Study in English at Stage 6 is
characterised by students’ increased awareness of the
ways in which they organise and participate in learning,
and by greater self-direction.
(NSW BOS; 2009, p.11)
Sufficient work space
Adjustable equipment
Studies have shown that
there is a direct correlation
between student’s time
spent on laptops and
Behavioural Engagement
Involvement in academic and social activities. Crucial for ENGAGEMENT
academic success and increased retention rates.
Emotional Engagement
Positive and negative reactions to teachers, classmates and
school. Influences willingness to participate in work.
Cognitive Engagement
Thoughtfulness and willingness to exert effort to comprehend
complex ideas and master difficult skills.
Students interpretation and interaction
with space influences the utility of space
Mediates how students engage in learning
activities – access social settings, learning
materials and ICT
Reference List
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