Khon Kaen University International College International Product

Khon Kaen University International College
International Product and Pricing Strategy
Course number 052 201 - First semester 2013
Mondays at 9:00 in room 822
Lecturer: Michael Cooke
office room 817
Web: KKU.AC.TH/Michco
Homework for Next Week
Global Marketing Strategies
 Skim chapter 8 (fairly long, try to get a sense of the
 Read P&G case 8-2 (pages 287-288). Look for the
P&G trademark on supermarket goods.
How did P&G adapt to income differences within China?
How does P&G learn about Chinese consumers?
Does P&G adapt consumer products for Thailand?
How should Gulf Coast shrimpers market the
• Wally Stevens, the chief operating officer of Slade Gorton, a seafood
distributor in Boston, argues that the damage is self-inflicted. The
American Seafood Distributors Association, of which Mr. Stevens is
president, maintains that farmed shrimp is more consistent in size and
quality than domestic shrimp. He also says the domestic industry has
tried to compete on price alone—impossible, since trawlers and fuel are
so expensive—instead of marketing to a niche. The sort of sophisticated
consumers who seek out boutique pinot noirs from Oregon and artisanal
cheeses from Vermont would presumably pay a little extra for wildcaught Louisiana shrimp. The shrimpers reply that better marketing alone
won't keep them in business, and that a big advertising blitz would eat up
money few of them have.*
• The salmon fishing industry had a similar problem from salmon raised on
farms in the USA, Chile, and elsewhere. The higher cost product found a
viable lucrative niche among wealthier and health conscious consumers.
*Source: The Economist 4 July, 2004 (
Niche: Narrowly defined group of customers having unique needs.
Chapter Overview – Segmentation and
1. Reasons for International Market Segmentation
2. International Market Segmentation Approaches
3. Segmentation Scenarios
4. Bases for Country Segmentation
5. International Positioning Strategies
6. Global, Foreign, and Local Consumer Culture Positioning
Appendix – making sense of data
Note: Much of the material covered today can be found in
Chapter 7 of ‘Global Marketing Management’
Chapter 7
Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons,
 Generally, variation in customer needs is the primary
motive for market segmentation.
 Most companies look for and target attractive market
segments they can effectively serve.
 Market segmentation is critical for global marketing
because of the differences among international consumer
needs and lifestyles.
 After choosing target segments, the next task is to create
a competitive positioning strategy for its products.
Reasons for International Market Segmentation
 Country Screening (market entry consideration is based on initial screening criteria)
 Global Market Research
Cluster countries across relevant characteristics
Focus research efforts on a representative sample
 Market Entry Decisions
Product launches based on shared relevant characteristics across countries
Country differences on other dimensions can hinder success
 Positioning Strategy (influencing customer perception of the product relative to competitors)
Where will marketing efforts have greatest impact?
Target market segments might change due to consumer preferences or population changes
How the products or service is positioned will follow the opportunity
 Resource Allocation (Exhibit 7-1)
Market share clusters (increase penetration)
Consumption clusters (developing the market)
 Marketing Mix Policy
Countries in same segment might have similar mix strategy (design, pricing, promotion, distribution)
Similarities on one dimension might be offset by differences on another (such as price sensitivity)
Exhibit 7-1: Market Clustering Approach for
Instant Coffee
Chapter 7
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Requirements for International Market
 Identifiable
 Should be easy to define and measure
 Value or lifestyle measures typically difficult to gauge
 Sizable
 Segments should be large enough to be worth pursuing
 Small segments aggregated across countries might work
 Accessible
 Segments should be easy to reach
 Infrastructure differences across countries
 Stable target market behavior and composition
 Responsive – segments have unique responses
 Actionable – the required marketing mix is consistent with
the company goals and competencies
Chapter 7
Adapted from 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
International Market Segmentation Approaches
 International segmentation procedures:
 Country-as-segments or aggregate segmentation
(Exhibits 7-2 & 7-3.)
Geographic single dimension or several dimensions
Marketing irrelevance of many country boundaries
Difficulty of determining which variables to use for geo segments
 Disaggregate international consumer segmentation
 Consumer segments defined by similarities along chosen
 Consumer bases might be geographically disbursed – logistical issues
 Two-stage international segmentation
 First aggregate countries (macro level) screens out countries
 Second segment consumers within the country cluster (micro)
 Market oriented and accessible
 For numerous country traits, use data reduction techniques
such as factor analysis (SAS Proc Factor).
Chapter 7
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Exhibit 7-2: Nestlé’s Geographic
Segmentation of the Americas
Chapter 7
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Exhibit 7-3: Macro-Level Country Characteristics
Chapter 7
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Information filtering (sensory filtering)
◦ Occurs among even lowest organisms (react to heat, light.
Other aspects of environment ignored by primitive senses)
◦ Highest life forms still limited in gathering and processing
information from environment
 We learn to filter information irrelevant to a situation
 Often the most highly educated among us filter most
◦ We fail to see/hear or recall much of what is available to us
Under the right conditions (context) we might recall
what we otherwise would not
Our filtering and recall changes through life and with
Marketers try to determine which audiences might be
receptive to the product message, and how to enable
Distances between high SES among countries might
be less than between SESs within a country (life
circumstances and education factors)
Segmentation Scenarios
 Universal or global segments (go beyond boundaries)
 Customers belonging to universal segments have common needs
 Could be a universal niche (example: global elite, business travelers)
 Common customer needs higher in some product categories (high-tech or travel
 Regional segments
 Differentiated versus undifferentiated strategies apply to global segments as well
 Differentiated strategy tailors marketing to local market conditions
 An undifferentiated strategy is often followed by some high-tech companies –
uniform worldwide marketing, scale economies
 Unique (diverse) segments
 Substantial differences in cross country customer preferences
 Localized marketing mix programs
 Food products may have country specific segments
 Degrees of segmentation often follow degrees of market development (emerging
markets usually have a simple consumer market structure – high price or low price
Country Segmentation Bases
Demographics or population variables
Easy to measure, accessible, stable
Age and sex measures are predictive and actionable
Socioeconomic Variables
Per Capita income
Issues in using per capita income as an indicator:
Difficult to measure HH income in traditional farm economies
Official exchange rates seldom reveal buying power within a country
o Services are provided in-country using local currency
o Goods not traded across borders (housing, etc)
Gray and Black Market sections of the economy (cash or barter)
Income disparities (gap between rich and poor) – Gini index
o Lower number means more income equality
o Scandinavian countries have high equality (lowest index number)
o Thailand, China, USA relatively unequal (higher index)
UN’s Human development index (HDI) classification
Life expectancy at birth
Adult literacy
PPP per capita income – in-country basket of goods
Socioeconomic Strata (SES) Analysis (education, consumption)
Education can be a powerful variable for large developing markets
How to reach large and growing illiterate or semi-literate populations?
In many less developed countries of South Asia or Africa literacy is higher for
Data on literacy and education are relatively easy to obtain
Easy to measure
Accurate and easy to find (for most countries)
The elderly are an often overlooked segment
Global middle class family is highly sought
◦ Unique needs
◦ Self perceptions (active, not old)
◦ Growing number in many countries, including Thailand
◦ Definition is tricky
 HH income figures ignore purchasing power differences
 Vast differences between countries in how income is spent
 Chinese spend less than 5% on rent, transport, health
 US consumers spend 50%
◦ Income distinctions ignore education and values
Example of population clusters, from Japanese
ad agency study of Asian women (Exhibit 7-5):
Socially conscious (8%) Community oriented
My Small World (26%) Family oriented
Happy as I am (26%) Satisfied with current lifestyle
I want more (26%) Like to try new things
Look at me (13%) Ambitious, want status
 Ford Fiesta’s strategy in China (p. 232) targets young, single, educated urban women
 Ford strategy worldwide is standardization of car platforms
 However after consumer research Ford offers more colors in China than in Europe
 Personalization versus standardization
 Ad campaigns targeted the young consumers with bright colors and pop music, via internet
 A different ad campaign targeted the parents with focus on product safety
 Note that the often ignored elderly:
 Have unique needs (wish to perceive self as active, ‘not old’)
 Are a growing % of the population in developed countries (soon up to 1/3 of total population
in some countries)
 May have high disposable income
Exhibit 7-5: Six Types of Chinese Pre-Elders
Chapter 7
Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
◦ Attitudes toward product attributes
 Country of origin
 Status related (microwaves in living room)
◦ Usage rate (product consumption per capita or HH)
◦ Product penetration
 Percentage of target market that uses the product
 An often used measure of new sales potential
◦ Consumption infrastructure (electricity, etc.)
 Infrastructure effects distribution and consumption
 Wide variation in basic infrastructure within regions
Chapter 7
Exhibit 7-7: Benefit Segments of Toothpaste
Market in the U.S.A., China, and Mexico
Chapter 7
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Other Bases for Country Segmentation
Roper Consulting Valuescope Model (1998)
 Strivers (largest WW segment) have material goals
 More likely to be men
 More common in developing Asia than in developed Asia
Devout (second largest segment) emphasis on tradition and duty
 Women more than men
 Least common in Europe, highest in Saudi Arabia
Altruists (18% of all adults) interests in social issues
 Women more than men, and older people
 Latin America and Russia
Intimates value personal relationships and nuclear family
 Europe and North America (especially UK)
Fun Seekers (12% of population) more common in developed Asia (highest in Brazil)
Creative (10% of population) have strong interest in education and technology
People in different segments buy different products, use different media
 Tailor messages to parts of the population most likely to buy
 Tools for refining strategies
 Potential customers
 Reinforcing loyal customers
Chapter 7
A last thought on segments
 For many forms of marketing, the higher the likelihood of getting
a sale, the higher the cost per target consumer.
 Before internet, mailing lists were sold with a price per name.
Marketers considered cost of sending mail
 The more specific the segment (higher likelihood of getting a
response) the higher the unit cost
 How do international Google ads fit this model?
 How does worldwide spam fit into this economic model?
 How does this rule change when there is no cost to deliver a
message? What sort of filtering mechanisms would we have?
International Positioning Strategies
• Positioning: The presentation of a product or service to evoke a
positive and differentiated mental image in the consumer’s
perception (International Marketing; Czinkota and Ronkainen)
• Position: The place a product, brand or group of products occupies
in consumer’s minds relative to competing offerings. (Introduction
to Marketing 9th edition; McDaniel, Lamb, Hair)
• Effective positioning (local or global) requires:
– Finding and assessing competing products
– Understanding the important aspects of competitor positions
– Choosing a position to maximize the impact of marketing efforts
• Product differentiation involves distinguishing a
product from competitor’s products.
International Positioning Strategies
 Uniform versus Localized Positioning Strategies
 Target a universal segment
May involve same positioning worldwide
Might involve tailoring to different markets
 Pursue different segments in different markets
 Typically customize positioning appeals to each segment
 Universal Positioning
 Consistent image worldwide
 Can use global media
 Difficult to devise a theme that appeals across markets (differences in
culture, economics, competition, product lifecycle)
 Successful appeals may target specific buying groups
Quality or performance for business customers
Features or benefits for consumer non-durables
Quality or performance for consumer durables
User groups share common characteristics
 A mainstream brand in a home market might be upscale in overseas
Global, Foreign, and Local Consumer Culture
• Global consumer culture positioning (GCCP)
– Brand as a symbol of a given global consumer culture (self image of
buyer is cosmopolitan)
– Global brands might confer status in less developed economies
– High tech consumer products symbolize modernism
– Consumers share core values
• Local consumer culture positioning (LCCP)
– Brand as an intrinsic part of the local culture
• Brand is portrayed as consumed buy local people
• Brand may be depicted as using local supplies or ingredients
• Multi-local brands are perceived as local across several countries
• Foreign consumer culture positioning (FCCP)
– Brand mystique built around a specific foreign culture
• A company might employ all of these at the same time
(cosmopolitan, with foreign origins, using local ingredients, etc)
Chapter 7
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Exhibit 7-10: McDonald’s Promoting Its Local
Community Support in New Zealand
Chapter 7
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Appendix: Segmentation Tools
• Segmentation techniques and tools:
– Cluster Analysis: Collection of statistical
procedures for dividing objects into groups
(clusters). The grouping is done in such a manner
that members belonging to the same group are
very similar to one another but quite distinct from
members of other groups (no overlap). (SAS Proc
Chapter 7
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Appendix: Segmentation Tools
– Regression Analysis: In regression, one assumes that
there exists a relationship between a response
variable, Y, and one or more so-called predictor
variables, X1, X2 and so on. (SAS Proc Reg)
– The higher the R2 value, the better the ability of the
regression model to predict the data.
– With multivariate regression the user has the ability
to determine which bases are most explanatory.
Chapter 7
Exhibit 7-11: Principles of Cluster Analysis
Chapter 7
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Exhibit 7-12: Plot of Concentration versus
Category Growth Chocolate Market
Chapter 7
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Exhibit 7-13: Cluster Analysis
Chapter 7
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