Spring2016Application - JMU SafeRides 540-JMU-RIDE

JACard Number
New Member Application
Spring 2016
JACard Number
What is SafeRides?
Our Mission:
The SafeRides mission is designed to provide a safer community. SafeRides will provide a safe
and reliable service within the Harrisonburg community by providing free rides to intoxicated
students and/or to students who are rendered incapable of transportation due to other
circumstances. SafeRides members will also work to prevent drunk driving through our efforts to
educate and fundraise to help support our mission.
Who can join?
Any JMU student who is in good academic standing with at least a 2.0 GPA can be a member.
We cannot accept second semester seniors.
What is the time commitment for members?
Members are expected to attend the weekly meeting, Wednesdays at 7 pm. Each meeting will
be about an hour long. Members are allowed four unexcused absences per semester. Class
related absences will be excused. Members will be required to work three times per semester,
on either a Friday or Saturday night.
What is the structure of the organization?
There are over one hundred SafeRides body members, who are split amongst ten teams.
Teams serve to ensure that every member is having fun and feels connected to the organization
as a whole. The Executive Board is comprised of twenty members, including ten Team Leaders,
who serve as liaisons between the Executive Board and the SafeRides Body.
What would a typical night of working SafeRides be like?
Our hours of operation are 10:00 pm - 3:00 am. Members who are working arrive at the office at
9:00 pm. The Director in Charge holds a short meeting updating the members of any new
information. After the meeting is over, members have time to socialize, eat, and hang out until
10:00 pm, when operations begin.
To sum up, the following are expectations of SafeRides members:
Work at least three times per semester: We cannot achieve success and continue to
make the JMU community proud without your help.
Attend weekly meetings: If you are not able to make a meeting, be sure to contact your
team leader to explain why you will be missing it.
Earn helper points: You can earn these by helping out during SafeRides events, handing
out flyers on the Commons, etc. There are many opportunities to help out during the year.
Participate in team activities: Team points include attending any social events that your
team leader plans.
JACard Number
DUE DATE: Friday, January 29th @ 5:00pm
Questions? Concerns?
Contact Kayla Ibe, Member Recruitment Director
You must attend one of the following:
Monday, January 18th:
Tuesday, January 19th:
Wednesday, January 20th:
1:00 - 2:00 pm
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
3:00 - 4:00 pm
All sessions will be held in Taylor 302 (unless otherwise stated)!!
Thursday, January 21st:
Friday, January 22nd:
Monday, January 25th:
Tuesday, January 26th:
Wednesday, January 27th:
Thursday, January 28th:
**Friday, January 29th:
4:00 - 5:00 pm
2:00 - 3:00 pm
7:00 - 8:00 pm
6:00 – 7:00 pm
10:00 – 11:00 am
2:00 - 3:00 pm
4:00 – 5:00 pm
**If you attend the Friday, January 29th info session, be sure to turn in your application prior to the session
or bring your completed application with you to turn in at 5pm.
PLEASE NOTE: If you do not attend one of these info sessions, your application will not be
evaluated. Be sure to sign in at your session to ensure that your application is considered!
We want all applicants to understand that we will operate from 10:00 pm to 3:00 am every
Friday and Saturday night of the semester. By completing this application, you are agreeing to
drive, navigate, or work in the office the designated number of times per semester, actively
participate in other sponsored events, and educate our campus about the dangers of drunk
JACard Number
Please turn in your completed application to the box at the SafeRides
Office in the Student Success Center by Friday, January 29th at 5:00pm!
General Information:
Name: ------______________________________________
E-mail: _____________________________________
JACard Number: _______________________________
Birthday: ______________________________
Local Address: _______________________________________________________________________
Permanent Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Cell Phone #: _____________________________
T-Shirt Size: ______________________________
Major: __________________________________
Class Year (ex: Senior, Spring 2016): _______________________
Gender: ___________________________
Will you be able to attend General Body Meetings every Wednesday at 7pm? _______________
If not, why?
Have you applied to SafeRides before? _________________
If so, what semester(s)? _________________________________
How did you hear about SafeRides? ______________________________________________________________
IMPORTANT: On the following pages, please replace the “JACard Number” label in the header with your
personal JACard number by double clicking the words. Your JACard number should be at the top of every
page! This allows us to match up your number on this page with your responses on the following pages to
evaluate each candidate anonymously. If it is not at the top of every page, we will be unable to evaluate
your application anonymously, and will therefore be unable to evaluate your application at all.
JACard Number
Getting to Know You Questions:
Please answer each question in less than 100 words.
Write a haiku about applying to SafeRides.
On the show, Parks and Recreation, Tom Haverford has an “Oh No No’s” list of deal
breakers in a relationship (ex: not loving 90’s R&B music). What is one of your “Oh No
What is your most embarrassing username, password, OR email address from the
What is your best joke?
What are three things you wish you could tell your seventh grade self?
“Tweet” your life in 140 characters or less.
Below are multiple choice answers. Write the question that one of these is the
answer to and circle the correct answer:
A. Peanut Butter
B. A sale at Home Depot
C. Donald Trump’s hairpiece
D. All of the above
JACard Number
Short Answer Questions:
Please answer each question in less than 500 words.
Please list your other commitments in addition to SafeRides, such as jobs, other
organizations, and other time commitments. When do these organizations/jobs meet
and how much time do they take up per week?
Have you ever been a part of SafeRides during your time at JMU?
If yes, please explain why you left and why you would like to return.
The SafeRides mission statement (found here) means something different to every
member—what does it mean to you?
When did you last push the boundaries of your comfort zone?
If you were accepted into SafeRides, what would motivate you to drive?
If given the power to change one thing in the world, what would it be and why?
Why does JMU need SafeRides?
Personal Statement:
Please include an 8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper, which illustrates who you are as an individual—we
encourage you to think out of the box! This will be used in order to get to know you better!
Please do not include your name or any photos of yourself on your personal statement so that
we can evaluate your personal statement anonymously along with the rest of your application.
Please also write your JACard number somewhere on your personal statement (it does not
need to be on the front).
JACard Number
If selected after the application process, group interviews will be conducted. Please check all
the possible dates that you could attend group interviews. Interview attire is business
Thursday, February 4th
5:00 – 6:00 pm _______
6:20 – 7:20 pm _______
7:40 – 8:40 pm _______
Friday, February 5th
5:00 – 6:00 pm _______
6:20 – 7:20 pm _______
7:40 – 8:40 pm _______
Saturday, February 6th
12:00 – 1:00 pm _______
1:20 – 2:20 pm _______
2:40 – 3:40 pm _______
4:00-5:00 pm _______
Sunday, February 7th
11:00 am – 12:00 pm _______
12:20 - 1:20 pm _______
Application Checklist:
I have attended one of the mandatory info sessions.
I have completed the general information, getting to know you, and short answer
portions of the application (please type these—handwritten applications will not be
accepted!!!). Please do not print your application double sided.
I have attached my personal statement on an 8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper, and written my
JAC number on it somewhere.
I have selected my availability for the interview process.