True Wisdom - Southside Church of Christ

James, #7
“True Wisdom”
James 3:13-18, True Wisdom
 James is an epistle of practical matters.
 It deals with the everyday life matters of
how faith works.
 It provides basic concrete ethical
instruction in the practice of Christianity.
“But prove yourselves doers of the word,
and not merely hearers who delude
themselves.” 1:22
James 3:13-18, True Wisdom
 Context of the chapter:
-vv.1-12 deals with the proper use of the
-regarding those contemplating becoming
-So the paragraph following (vv.13-18) must
be first considered in that context.
-If one thinks himself a “perfect man” he will
manifest in action the characteristics of
“true wisdom” of vv.13-18.
James 3:13-18, True Wisdom
This section on wisdom
then is given to build upon
and further delineate
between mere words and
James 3:13-18, True Wisdom
What does “true wisdom” look like?
 Works, not words, v.13
-1:22 Doers (of works), not just hearers
(of words)
-1:26-27 Those who speak or live their
-2:14-27 The difference between what
we say and what we do
James 3:13-18, True Wisdom
True wisdom is not that which tells everyone
how smart it is,
but rather simply does the right things!
Thus it is demonstrated,
not proclaimed.
Proclaimed wisdom, as herein described may
well be an oxymoron or contradiction at besttrue wisdom is demonstrated in quiet fashion
with gentleness (NASV).
James 3:13-18, True Wisdom
 The Negative Picture- qualities and
characteristics which demonstrate the
decided lack of True Wisdom:
>Bitter Jealousy- Manifested against whom? Most
likely those who seem to have true wisdom.
Thus their motivation for teaching maybe skewed
in the first place, cf. 1Tim.1:3-7
>Selfish Ambition- This type of false wisdom was
certainly present in Paul’s day, cf. Phil.1:12-17;
and it is likewise present in our day, 2Tim.4:3-4.
James 3:13-18, True Wisdom
 The Negative Picture- qualities and
characteristics which demonstrate the
decided lack of True Wisdom:
>Arrogance- This seems to be a part of the
package. Ever known teachers/preachers who
seemed to have the attitude, “How dare you
question anything that I have said/written! Don’t
you know how smart I am?” ? cf. 2Pet.2:10,18
James 3:13-18, True Wisdom
 The Positive Picture- qualities and
characteristics which demonstrate True
>Purity- That is, not tainted with the “doublemindedness” of the unstable (1:5-8) or the
improper motivations of self-proclamation and
self-elevation, 3:14,16.
But rather that which desires what James
sought- to be a doer of the word and not just a
to practice true religion, 1:22,27.
James 3:13-18, True Wisdom
 The Positive Picture- qualities and
characteristics which demonstrate True
>Peaceable- Not the “brawler” forbidden in the
qualifications of an Overseer, 1Tim.3:3 (KJV;
“uncontentious” NASV).
The one who is truly wise is a lover of peace not
strife. He is not the one always looking for a
religious scuffle, 2Tim.2:24; Matt.5:9;
James 3:13-18, True Wisdom
 The Positive Picture- qualities and
characteristics which demonstrate True
>Gentle- This is the one able to with a gentle answer
turn away wrath, Prov.15:1 and with gentleness
correct those in opposition to truth, 2Tim.2:25.
Perhaps more than any other, this is a neglected
quality of Jesus among many proclaiming their
own wisdom, cf. Titus 3:2.
James 3:13-18, True Wisdom
 The Positive Picture- qualities and
characteristics which demonstrate True
>Reasonable- One aspect of Webster’s definition of wisdom,
was having “good sense: JUDGMENT”. The Greek herein
used (eupeithes from eu- easy + peithomai, to persuade) is
found nowhere else in scripture. It refers to one willing to
consider other’s points of view. Literally it refers to one easily
persuadable. Not weak nor unstable, but one who when
presented with truth, reason, and logic is easily converted by
it. This wisdom is ever open to reason and becoming
therefore more wise. Contrast it with the words of 2Pet.2:12.
James 3:13-18, True Wisdom
 The Positive Picture- qualities and
characteristics which demonstrate True
>Merciful- Able to look and act with compassion and
tender affection toward those less fortunate.
This quality is contrasted with the previous in that
they were primarily conditions of the heart.
Mercy differs from pity in that it demands action
or conduct suited to the emotion, cf. James
1:26-27; 2:15-17. This wisdom acts!
James 3:13-18, True Wisdom
 The Positive Picture- qualities and
characteristics which demonstrate True
>Unwavering- (“without variance/partiality” in other translations)
This is exactly the opposite of that depicted in 1:8 (also see 1:6
and 2:4 where the verb form of the same word {adiakriots- a, not
+ diakrino, to distinguish} appears). It refers to the inability to
settle one’s own mind- to come to a conclusion. Thus seemingly
opposed to reasonable (literally easy to persuade), it is actually
not. The wise is one who is fully convinced in his own mind with
such information as he has been able to ascertain.
But when presented with better facts and logic, his vanity is not
an issue at all and truth is readily accepted.
James 3:13-18, True Wisdom
 The Positive Picture- qualities and
characteristics which demonstrate True
>Without Hypocrisy- In true wisdom there is no
pretension nor the need or toleration of it.
This is true because true wisdom is based upon
true dedication to the Lord- not pseudoChristianity or the desire for fleshly accolades.
True wisdom seeks God’s approval for himself
and as many others as possible.
James 3:13-18, True Wisdom
 Conclusion?
True Wisdom is a Seed ,
which produces Righteousness,
and it is sown by those who love and make
peace, v.18.
Do you possess it?
If not, why not, James 1:5!