iaslbdmin0115 - International Association of School Librarianship

International Association of School Librarianship
Board Meeting - January 2015
Executive Committee – February 2015
Present: President Diljit Singh; Vice-President, Association Operations Mihaela Banek Zorica;
Vice President, Advocacy & Promotion Elizabeth Greef; Vice-President, Association Relations
Kay Hones; Treasurer Katy Manck; Directors Dianne Oberg, Paulette Stewart, Luisa Marquardt,
Ayse Yuksel-Durukan, Nancy Everhart, Busi Dlamini, Hanna Chaterina George, and Madhu
Bhargava; Executive Director Kathleen Combs, and Marcia Mardis, LJW Editor.
Absent: Directors Geraldine Howell and Lourdes T. David
1. Call to order and welcome
President Singh called the meeting to order on January 26, 2015. The executive committee
meeting was called to order on February 16, 2015
2. Approval of minutes of October 2014 Board Meeting
The board discussed the minutes. Director Oberg asked that the section on her director’s
report be corrected. Treasurer Manck asked that Jennifer Branch’s name be corrected.
Director Stewart moved and Director Oberg seconded:
A motion was made to approve the minutes of the October 2014 Board of Directors Meeting
with corrections. The motion was approved.
3. Matters Arising
There were no matters brought to the attention of the board.
4. Constitutional Matters
a. Renaming of the Assembly of Associations
A motion was made by Director Oberg to change the name of the Assembly of Associations
(see Article 8 of the By-Laws) to be re-named Regional Meetings and that Article 8 be
revised to reflect the current practice of holding regional meetings at each annual conference.
The board discussed this motion.
A new motion was made to change the name of Assembly of Associations to Window on the
World and that Article 8 be revised to reflect the new practice of allowing brief summaries
by regional directors and brief association reports during this meeting time. The motion also
states that Regional Meetings will be added to Article 8 to reflect the current practice of
regional directors hosting a meeting for members of their region to discuss issues and foster
The motion passed.
The International Association of School Librarianship (IASL)
IASL Secretariat: 65 E. Wacker Place, Suite 1900 • Chicago, IL 60601-7246, USA
iasl-online.mlanet.org • iasl@mlahq.org
5. Financial Matters
a. Financial Update
A 2014 financial update was provided for the Board’s review. Treasurer Manck provided the
board with a summary of the association’s financial position for the end of 2014.
b. IASL Shopping page and Affiliate Marketing Proposal
Vice President Greef submitted a proposal for the IASL Shopping page and Affiliate
Marketing. The board discussed the proposal. The board liked the idea of having an IASL
shopping page but felt that some of the questions raised by Greef needed to be answered.
The board also wanted to see a list of potential sponsors.
c. Sponsorship Proposal
Vice President Greef submitted a letter for sponsors. The board discussed the letter and the
idea of having sponsors for the association. The board was in agreement that sponsors
should be pursued and that President Diljit and Treasurer Manck should begin the process of
approaching vendors at the Texas Library Association meeting.
6. Membership
a. Current Membership Status
The board and executive committee discussed the status of membership for IASL.
b. Partner Membership Review
The board discussed the current status of the partner membership program. It was decided by
the executive committee to complete the agreement with the Dutch School library
Association. It was also decided that Vice President Zorica will pursue more partner
membership with 1 association from Zone B and 1 association from Zone C. The project
will be reported on at the Annual General Meeting and then be evaluated during the final
year of the pilot project (2017).
c. Membership Development Plan
The board and executive committee discussed several strategies for developing and
increasing membership. President Singh will work with Vice president Zorica and Vice
President Hones on a written plan. The plan should include reaching out to students and
using regional directors more effectively.
7. Communications
a. Update on Website
IASL headquarters provided an update on the on the status of final transfer of the website.
Staff is currently working on the last few sections of the website that need to be moved over
to the new site. Kathleen also assured the board that an archive of the old site was made and
is located in the IASL files at headquarters.
The International Association of School Librarianship (IASL)
IASL Secretariat: 65 E. Wacker Place, Suite 1900 • Chicago, IL 60601-7246, USA
iasl-online.mlanet.org • iasl@mlahq.org
b. Role of Information coordinator
The board and executive committee discussed the role of information coordinator and agreed
upon a job description for this position. The job description will be sent to the current
coordinator (Carol Youssif) with a list of steps to take immediately. The board would like to
hear from Carol regarding the position. Once the position is approved, Carol will be
officially appointed.
Window on the World of School Library Organizations
Vice President Greef presented a document for the structure of Window on the World
(WoW) to the board. The board and executive committee discussed the report. The structure
suggested by Greef and the policy that WoW should be members only with short excerpts
made available as teasers on the public pages was agreed upon.
8. Advocacy and Promotion
a. Cycling for libraries advocacy project by Laszlo Kiss
Vice President Greef presented an update on the Cycling for libraries advocacy project. The
board and executive committee discussed the project and IASL’s support for Laszlo. It was
decided that IASL would give our moral support and put announcements out via IASL-Link.
It was also agreed that Greef could work with the IASL 2015 committee on providing Laszlo
with a complimentary registration.
b. Promotion of IASL through social media
The board agreed that Carol Youssif (IASL Information Coordinator) should pursue social
media that will fit with her plan for promoting the association.
Sample Advocacy Article
Vice President Greef submitted a sample article to help promote the association. The board
and executive committee agreed that a advocacy section of the IASL website should include
resources that can be used by members to advocate for the association.
9. Publications and Resources
a. Open Access for IASL Publications
SLW editor, Marcia Mardis, provided an update for the board regarding open access and
suggestion from Florida State University’s Director of Scholarly Communication. The Board
and executive committee discussed open access issues for IASL publications. There was
general agreement that conference proceedings would be made open access through a ‘rolling
firewall’ and that more investigations is need for open access for SLW.
Publications committee
Director Oberg provided the board an update on the new joint publishing initiative between
IASL and Libraries Unlimited.
Professional Development Library
The International Association of School Librarianship (IASL)
IASL Secretariat: 65 E. Wacker Place, Suite 1900 • Chicago, IL 60601-7246, USA
iasl-online.mlanet.org • iasl@mlahq.org
Vice-President Greef updated the board and executive committee on her proposal for
adding the Professional Development (PD) Library to the website and how to include
and update other important sections of the site. It was agreed that the once the new website
is complete that the changes suggested by Greef should be implemented one at a time.
10. Conference Updates
2014 Conference in Moscow
President Singh provided an update for the board and the executive committee regarding the
nonpayment of agreed upon funds from the 2014 conference in Moscow and our continued
efforts to secure the funds.
2015 conference planning report
President Singh provided an update on the planning for the 2015 conference.
2016 Conference planning report
President Singh provided the board with an update on the 2016 conference in Tokyo, Japan.
Future Conferences
Director Everhart provided an update on a possible 2017 conference in Orlando, Florida,
U.S.A. Director Dlamini provided an update regarding a possible 2018 conference in Africa.
Regional Conferences
USA: President Singh provided an update on the planning for the USA regional conference
to be held in Austin, TX on April 14, 2015.
Bangkok: President Singh provided an update on CONSAL, the Congress of Southeast Asian
Librarians, to be held in Bangkok on 11 – 12 June 2015. He and Director George will be
giving a one-day workshop, “School Library Development in the ASEAN Countries.
Jamaica: Director Stewart announced the LAC School Library Conference, Re-defining
School Libraries to Empower Learners of the 21st Century. This is planned for July 12-July
14, 2016 in Jamaica.
Conference Planning Manual
The board agreed that the manual is approved with minor edits based on the board discussion
and that the manual should be reviewed regularly.
11. Collaboration
a. Joint IFLA/IASL Committee
Director Oberg updated the board on the work of the committee, the book being developed by
the Joint Committee, “Global Action on School Library Guidelines”, and the status of
committee membership and leadership.
The International Association of School Librarianship (IASL)
IASL Secretariat: 65 E. Wacker Place, Suite 1900 • Chicago, IL 60601-7246, USA
iasl-online.mlanet.org • iasl@mlahq.org
a. Best Conference Paper Award
Director Oberg provided the board with an update on the progress towards giving these
awards. The executive committee approved award and the application with changes. The
awards will be given at IASL 2015. Jennifer Branch will serve as the 1st chair of this award
committee and will appoint her own members.
13. Committees and SIGs
Appointment of Committee and SIG Chairs
President Singh reported on the status of the chairs for committees and SIGs including
current vacancies. He asked for names for potential chairs. He and Director Hones will work
to appoint chairs.
14. Reports from Regional Directors
Directors from Canada, and Latin America/Caribbean regions gave updates about their
regional activities.
12. Other Matters
Recognition of Jean Lowrie: The board discussed various way to recognize Lowrie for her
contribution to IASL.
Nominations to IFLA Standing Committees: President Singh updated the board on the call
for nominations to IFLA Standing Committees. The board discussed names.
The board meeting was adjourned on February 3, 2015.
adjourned on March 8, 2015
The executive committee was
The International Association of School Librarianship (IASL)
IASL Secretariat: 65 E. Wacker Place, Suite 1900 • Chicago, IL 60601-7246, USA
iasl-online.mlanet.org • iasl@mlahq.org