PN Guideline - Boone County Schools

Writing Process: Brainstorming/Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Editing, and Publication
1. Complete the Memory Inventory (Brainstorming) -Due Monday 11-2
2. Complete the Planning Sheet (Prewrite)
-Due Wednesday 11-4
3. Complete the Memory Map (Outline)
-Due Thursday 11-5
-Due Friday 11-6
4. Draft the story by including the elements of an effective narrative.
 An opening or lead that hooks the reader (Review the Leads handout)
 An event told vividly in first person point of view
 Details and thorough description of characters and settings
 The characters’ response to the conflict, including their feelings and thoughts
 Effective and purposeful dialogue
 A clear sequence of events using transition words
 Suspenseful climax
 Believable and clear resolution
 Reflection of the incident
 Implied theme/significance of the experience
Revising “seeing again” (A.R.M.S.)
-Due Monday 11-9
5. Revise the narrative by changing text to improve clarity, detail, organization, and content.
6. Revise the narrative by asking yourself the following questions:
 Do I have a clear exposition?
 Do I need to add transition words
to new paragraphs?
 Do I have detailed rising actions
leading to a suspenseful climax?
 Does each paragraph make sense?
 Do I have an engaging falling
 Are the sentences complete ideas?
action that cleverly resolves itself,
 Are the verbs active?
revealing a lesson about life/theme?
 Are the adjectives and adverbs
 Do I have realistic dialogue that
moves the action of the plot?
 Do the conjunctions show the
 Do I need to add sensory images
correct meaning?
and details (similes & metaphors)?
 How can my writing improve?
Editing/Proofreading (C.U.P.S.)
-Due Tuesday 11-10
7. Edit your draft to correct errors in grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.
Publication/Final Draft
-Due Wednesday 11-11
8. Type the final draft of the narrative. Must be 12 point Times New Roman Font and double spaced.
PN items collected on Wednesday 11-11-15 are the following:
Writing Process Step #1 Brainstorming -Memory Inventory
Writing Process Step #2 Prewrite -Personal Narrative Planning Sheet
Writing Process Step #3 Outline -Memory Map
Writing Process Rough Draft Evidence of Revisions
Writing Process Rough Draft Evidence of Editing
Writing Process Final Draft