DOÑA ANA COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY CCDM 103 N – PRE-ALGEBRA FALL 2012 Instructor: Robin Lackey Room: Section: D A2 Office Hours: By appointment before class Credits: 4 Email: Class Day: MTWR Phone: Leave message @ (575) 5253430 Class time: 8:00-10:05 AM Textbook: Lial, M.; Hestwood, D. Pre-Algebra, 4th Ed. Copyright 2010. Required Materials: Math textbook, paper, 3 ring binder, notebook, calculator, pencil Course Rational: Student Learning Outcomes: Knox Hall 146 To facilitate students in their goal to obtain a degree by laying a stronger foundation for success in required math courses Understand the language of math Be able to solve single variable equations Set up and solve application problems Be proficient in the use of fractions and decimals Be able to graph different forms of linear equations Topical Outline: by Chapter 1.) Introduction to Algebra: Integers 2.) Understanding Variables and Solving Equations 3.) Solving Application Problems 4.) Rational Numbers: Positive & Negative Fractions 5.) Rational Numbers: Positive & Negative Decimals 6.) Ratio, Proportion, & line/Angle/Triangle Relationships 7.) Percent 8.) Measurement 9.) Graphs 1 Classroom Expectations: 1. There will be 6 tests. Only one full credit test will be given if you are absent and you will take it in the testing center on Friday or Saturday after a missed exam. 2. There will be a quiz given almost every day at the end of class. Only one full point make-up quizzes will be given if you are absent. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped. You must be present the entire class session to take the quiz. 3. Class will begin and end at the designated times. Students are expected to arrive on time and remain in class until class is dismissed. Students who are absent cannot participate in class, therefore only students that remain the entire class time will be eligible for participation points. I will be taking role everyday. Participation includes, but not limited to: attentiveness, asking and answering questions when called upon, reading aloud when called upon, working cooperatively in groups, retaking exams. 4. Homework will be assigned regularly and due at the beginning of class. Points will be deducted for late or incomplete work. Students are expected to show all work to support their answers. Homework with only answers will not be accepted. Homework will not be accepted after a chapter test is given on that material. Do not work on homework during lectures. You will miss important information. If you miss a class you must make up the homework. 5. Each student will keep a 3 ring binder notebook, not a folder or any other type of loose file and especially not a spiral. Your work will consist of sections: i Class notes (You should take notes carefully) ii Quizzes, projects and tests iii Homework 7. Each student is expected to take as a comprehensive final exam. No exams are given early or late. If you have a time conflict, please see me immediately. 8. Any student behavior that interferes with the learning process of other students will not be tolerated. Example: Talking while the instructor is teaching or any behavior that is disrespectful to others. Cell phones or beepers will be off during class. Plagiarism Plagiarism is using another person’s work without acknowledgment, making it appear to be one’s own. Intentional and unintentional instances of plagiarism are considered instances of academic misconduct and are subject to disciplinary action such as failure on the assignment, failure of the course or dismissal from the university. The NMSU library has more information and help on how to avoid plagiarism at http://lib/ . 2 Attendance Policy I expect each student to attend every class. It will be very difficult to pass this class without good attendance. In case of an excused absence, it is your responsibility to contact me for any make up work. When the number of absences hinders your progress in the course, you may be dropped from the class. Any student who is absent more than 20% of classes will automatically lose the privilege to RR the class. Please call or come see me if you are absent. * Please note I will work with any student who has a legitimate medical and/or family emergency. If you are a student athlete, please give me an agenda of events. * You must attend classes to receive financial aid. If you stop attending or drop any courses you may be required to repay all or part of the financial aid received. Disabilities Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) covers issues relating to disability and accommodations. If a student has questions or need an accommodation in the classroom (all medical information is treated confidentially), contact: Amadeo (Ike) Ledesma DACC Services for Students with Disabilities - Central Campus room 117, East Mesa Campus room 206A, Phone: 527-7530, E-mail, Website: NMSU policy prohibits discrimination on the basis of age, ancestry, color, disability, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, retaliation, serious medical condition, sex, sexual orientation, spousal affiliation and protected veterans status. Furthermore, Title IX prohibits sex discrimination to include sexual misconduct, sexual violence, sexual harassment and retaliation. Emergencies In case of an emergency such as weather conditions or any other emergencies a message can be found at Grading System Your grade will be based on your effort on Participation, your averages on Tests, Quizzes, Homework, and Final Examination. I will use a point system. SECTIONS Daily homework & test reviews 6 tests 16 quizzes 1 Final exam Participation PERCENTAGES Tests Quizzes Homework Final Exam Grade Participation TOTAL 3 30% 25% 25% 20% of 5% 105% I will keep a running total of your points which will be divided by the total allowable points in each category. This will be your average. Grade Distribution 90% to 100% A 80% to 89% B 70% to 79% C 60% to 69% D -----Students who have made a conscientious effort but fall in this 0% to 59% F category are eligible for an RR. *RR stands for Re-Register and does not affect one's G.P.A. Important Dates to Remember: Instruction Begins Late Registration Begins Last Day to Return Books Labor Day Holiday Late Registration Ends Drop a Course Deadline Last day to drop with "W" Last Day to withdraw from DABCC Spring Break Holiday Final Exam Aug. 23, 2012 Aug. 23, 2012 Aug. 30, 2012 Sept. 3, 2012 Sept. 4, 2012 Sept. 7, 2012 Oct. 16, 2012 Nov. 16, 2012 Nov. 19-23, 2012 Oct. 16, 2012 at 8:00-10:00 pm 4 Tentative Schedule DAY DATE CH.SEC TOPIC PREVIEW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 8/23 8/27 8/28 8/29 8/30 9/4 9/5 9/6 9/10 9/11 9/12 9/13 9/17 9/18 9/19 9/20 9/24 9/25 9/26 9/27 10/1 10/2 10/3 10/4 10/8 10/9 10/10 10/11 10/15 10/16 1.1 1.2-.4 1.6-.7 4.1-.3 4.4-.5 Syllabus/Place Value Combine Integers Multiply\Divide - Integers Multiply\Divide - Fractions Combine Fractions PPT 1.5, 5.1 5.2-.5 1.8, 4.6 5.7 Rounding & Estimating, Read & Write Decimals +, -, x, ÷ of Decimals Order of Operations Mean\Median\Mode 2.1-.2 2.3-.5 4.7, 5.9 3.3 3.4 Variables & Solving Expressions Solve Equations w/ Variables Solving Equations w/ Fractions & Decimals Solving Application w/ 1 unk Solving Application w/ 2 unks 9.4-.5 3.1, 5/10 3.2, 5.10 6.1-.2 Graphs & Linear Equations Perimeter\Circumference Area- Rectangles\Circles Ratio/ Rates 6.3-.4 7.1, 7.3-.5 9.1-.2, 8.3 9.3 5.8, 5.10 Proportions Percent Equation Circle/ Change Units Line Graph Volume of Cylinder \Pythagorean Theorem 5 CHECKS QUIZ QUIZ TEST QUIZ QUIZ TEST QUIZ QUIZ TEST QUIZ QUIZ TEST QUIZ QUIZ TEST REVIEW FINAL