New technology for MRSA screening Dr Richard Cunningham Plymouth UK Outline Should we screen for MRSA? What methods are available? Why and how we introduced PCR testing in Plymouth What effect it has had Should we screen? Is MRSA an important problem? Does colonisation precede infection? Is the test sensitive and specific? Is the yield enough to make it worthwhile? Are effective interventions available? Is the cost reasonable? Effect of MRSA surveillance on CCU (Huang et al, CID Oct 2006) Preemptive isolation Harbarth et al Critical Care 2006 Significant fall in transmission rate on medical ICU after preemptive isolation introduced No change in transmission rate on surgical ICU PCR MRSA screening methods Liquid culture Chromagar PCR In house assays IDI-MRSA/BD Geneohm GenoQuick MRSA assay Other rapid methods Baclite (3M) Other MRSA detection methods Chromagar We use as confirmatory test and at weekends Less sensitive, highly specific, much cheaper Takes 24-48 hours BacLite Selective broth, immunomagnetic separation of MRSA, bioluminescent detection 93.4% sensitive, 96.7% specific, cheaper than PCR Takes 5 hours Genoquick MRSA assay Holfelder et al Clin Micro Inf Dis 2006 242 patients, multiple body sites Prevalence approx 5%, PPV 85%, NPV 99% IDI-MRSA™ Assay Nasal Swab Specimen Prep Lysis - DNA Extraction Reconstitution Real-time PCR Analysis on the SmartCycler® Instrument Definitive On-screen Results Results within 2 Hours 9 Copyright © 2005 GeneOhm, Inc. – All rights reserved Junction Region for Detection SCCmec Staphylococcal Chromosomes orfX MRSA orfX MSSA Primers DNA detection of the SCCmec-orfX junction found only in MRSA provides definitive identification of MRSA Detects both HA-MRSA and CA-MRSA strains Cell Lysis and DNA Preparation Transfer entire cell suspension Add 50 µL Sample Buffer Centrifuge 5 min Nasal Swab Remove supernatant Vortex in Lysis Sample Buffer Tube 1 min 4oC DNA Extra spin 95oC 2 min Vortex 5 min & Centrifuge IDI-MRSA published test performance Number Sensitivity % Specificity % Author 778 92.5 96.4 Manufacturers data 98.7 95.4 Huletsky J Clin Micro 2004 287 96 96 Desjardins J Clin Micro 2006 75 89 97 Davidson J Hosp Inf 2006 1211 95 98.8 Wren J Clin Micro 2006 1657 569 MRSA MSSA Derriford Hospital 1000 bed Teaching Hospital 19 adult critical care beds* Specialist units Orthopaedic surgery* Cardiac surgery* Neurosurgery Thoracic surgery Plastic surgery Renal transplant Haematology/oncology Public perception 2005 Quantifying our MRSA problem Critical Care Unit 7% Pre-operative assessment Orthopaedic trauma Orthopaedic elective Elective vascular surgery Elective general surgery 20% & 4% 2% 5.5% 4% MRSA Bacteraemia 98 cases in 03/04 Solution - admission screening? Culture based Elective vascular surgery Elective orthopaedics PCR based Critical care admissions Cardiac surgery Emergency orthopaedics Implementation Setting up laboratory aspects of PCR testing is easy Convincing clinicians is straighforward Persuading managers to fund it is difficult Example business case 3000 tests/yr Critical Care admissions Elective cardiac surgery Emergency orthopaedic surgery Costs Capital Consumables Staffing £30,000 £50,000 £25,000 Business case Assume prevention of; 5 bacteremias 3 mediastinitis 5 sternotomy infections 4 orthopaedic implant infections pre-op prophylaxis Predicted net savings £145,000/yr £37,500 £60,000 £50,000 £40,000 £32,500 Antibiotic savings Cardiac surgery prophylaxis (1000 cases, 3% prevalence) With MRSA PCR Without MRSA PCR Teicoplanin doses (£34/dose) Cefuroxime doses (£1/dose) Total cost 30 1000 £1,962 1000 1000 £34,670 Saving £32,708 Critical Care MRSA PCR screening 693 CCU patients between September 2005 and February 2006 Weekdays only Positive cases decolonised Patients not routinely isolated Confirmed by culture Results 25% Culture screening PCR screening 20 20% 15 15% 10 10% 5 5% 0 0% Ap 0 ril 5 M ay 05 ne u J 05 ly Ju 05 A u ug 0 st 5 pt e S b m e 05 r e c O be o t 5 0 r em v No 05 r be em c De 05 r be n Ja ry a u 06 MRSA positive on admission % Number of transmissions/1000 patient days 25 Results (transmissions per 1000 patient/days) Culture screening phase PCR screening phase 13.9 4.9 (p<0.05) Relative risk reduction 65% Cunningham et al J Hosp Infect 2007 Critical Care Unit associated MRSA bacteraemia MRSA status unknown MRSA pos on admission MRSA neg on admission Screening introduced 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 4 / 3 0 20 5 / 4 0 20 6 / 5 0 20 /7 6 0 20 Predictive value on CCU* 1st Generation test 2nd Generation test Sensitivity 96.8% 97.2% Specificity 97.3% 99.4% PPV 70.4% 94.7% NPV 99.7% 99.7% *1026 patients, considered true positive if MRSA culture positive within 1 week of PCR result Good negative predictive value! Orthopaedic surgery Always a challenge! Problems multiple teams multiple wards incomplete adherence to screening and antibiotic policies short timeframe between admission and surgery very low baseline infection rates make it difficult to assess impact of testing Savings Predicted reduction Bacteraemia 5 Observed reduction 8 Sternotomy 5 12 Antibiotic prophylaxis Saving £120,000 £60,000 £32,000 £212,000 Better press this year! MRSA cases fall at Devon hospital In the last year the hospital has been screening some patients before they are admitted to hospital for surgery. Those found to be carrying the bug are given eradication therapy to get rid of the bacteria before it becomes a problem for them or anyone else in the hospital. Derriford is also using a new state-of-the-art screening system, which reduces the detection of MRSA from five days to three hours, minimising the risk of infection. Derriford Hospital is on course to hit its target for reducing bloodstream infections from MRSA, new figures show.Director of infection control Dr Peter Jenks has told councillors that Plymouth Hospitals Trust was two cases below its target for the financial year with just a couple of weeks to go. Cases of the antibiotic-resistant superbug MRSA have fallen at the South West's biggest hospital. The figures are contained in a report to be discussed by Plymouth Hospitals Trust, which runs Derriford Hospital. The unconfirmed figures show a fall in both numbers and rates of cases. In the year to April Derriford had 88 cases - a fall of 10 from the previous year. Future plans From April 2007 expanded MRSA screening PCR Culture Neurosurgery Thoracic surgery Plastic surgery Haematology & Oncology admissions Acute medical admissions >60yrs Acute surgical admissions >60yrs Elective surgical pre-assessment Weekend service Conclusion Is MRSA an important problem? - Yes Does colonisation precede infection?- Yes Is the test sensitive and specific?- Yes Does the yield make it worthwhile?- Yes Are effective interventions available?- Yes Is the cost reasonable?- Yes Thank you for your attention Any questions?