Vocational Nursing Admission Requirements/Program Information Table of Contents 1. Welcome Statement .......................................................................................................... Page 2 2. Hill College Philosophy/Mission Statement/Core Values ............................................. Page 3 3. Nursing Philosophy .......................................................................................................... Page 4 4. Vocational Nursing Contact Information ...................................................................... Page 5 5. Health and Community Services standard application requirements ....................... Page 6 6. Additional Admission requirements/Program Information........................................ Page 7 7. Vocational Nursing Program cost .................................................................................. Page 8 8. Vocational Nursing Degree Plan .................................................................................... Page 9 9. Grading Policy (Classroom/Clinical) ........................................................................... Page 10 10. Academic Honesty ......................................................................................................... Page 11 11. Background/Drug Testing Policy/Cost ........................................................................ Page 12 12. Reference form ......................................................................................................... Page 13-14 13. Transfer Course Work Evaluation Guidelines/Form ........................................... Page 15-16 14. Nursing Essential Eligibility Requirements ........................................................... Page 17-18 Welcome to the Hill College Vocational Nursing Program! The program admits a class of students in the fall and spring each year. Class size is limited, and a considerable number of applications are received each year. Excluding prerequisites, the Vocational Nursing Program requires 12 months for completion. The program is a one-year, 48/49 credit hour curriculum leading to a Certificate of Completion. The Vocational Nursing Program is accredited by the Board of Nursing (BON) for the State of Texas and is designed to provide the student with the skill and knowledge required to pass the NCLEX-PN (National Council Licensure Examination - Vocational Nursing). Hill College maintains an open admission policy; however, the number of nursing students that can be accepted is limited by the Texas Board of Nursing for the State of Texas and the availability of clinical instruction facilities. Hill College will take the top candidates who receive the highest total points. In the event of a tie, the candidate with the highest points in the required areas will be given first priority (Reading and Math scores, Preparation essay and Reference form). Hill College reserves the right to refuse admission to the nursing program to any applicant whose application is deemed unsatisfactory. Lori Moseley, MSN, RN Dean of Instruction, Health and Community Services Vocational Nursing Admission Requirements/ Program Information revised 11/2015 P age |2 Hill College Philosophy The Board of Regents, administrators, and faculty at Hill College are committed to the concept that our College be an open door to learning. With this goal in mind, we extend an educational opportunity to students of all ages who can profit from instruction. Every effort is made to provide equal access to the educational opportunities offered at Hill College without regard to race, creed, color, age, sex, national origin, or disability. In keeping with this philosophy, Hill College recognizes and accepts the responsibility for providing curricula for university bound students, for students seeking career opportunities in a variety of occupations, and for persons of the community seeking cultural enrichment, short-term skill training, or personal improvement opportunities. The College will seek to achieve these goals within the limits of its legal responsibilities and available fiscal resources. Mission Statement Hill College will provide high quality comprehensive educational programs and services. The college enhances the educational, cultural, and economic development of its service area and assists both individuals and the community to prepare for a more productive life. Core Values Integrity Educational Excellence Student Success Respect Enthusiasm Collaboration "Respect" includes respecting differences, caring, and being "grounded in tradition." "Enthusiasm" includes intellectual spirit. "Collaboration" includes civic responsibility, communications, responsiveness, and innovation through creativity. Vocational Nursing Admission Requirements/ Program Information revised 11/2015 P age |3 Nursing Philosophy The philosophy of the Nursing Department is consistent with the stated philosophy of Hill College as published in the College Catalog and other institutional documents. The nursing faculty recognizes that man exhibits a holistic nature composed of biological, psychological, socio-cultural and spiritual domains and that dysfunction’s may arise in any or all of these areas. We further believe that rational persons have an inherent right to share with health care providers the responsibility for health maintenance. It is also our belief that society as a whole benefits when its members take an active role in achieving and maintaining a high degree of wellness. Nursing has as its goal enabling patients to maximize their potential for living and helping them to obtain the highest quality of life possible. In achieving this goal, nurses have a viable role as members of the health care team, giving patient care appropriate to the scope of their instruction, under the direction and supervision of registered nurses, physicians, and other qualified health professionals. The nursing faculty accepts and endorses the concept that learning is a process that occurs most readily in a positive and nurturing environment where teachers provide quality instruction following a current and relevant curriculum which proceeds from the simple to the complex. Information and learning experiences should be organized through careful planning and the use of stated goals and objectives as well as structured learning activities, based on the Differentiated Entry Level Competencies of Graduates of Texas Nursing Programs. Constant evaluation of students, teachers and the overall program are necessary to maintain a high level of excellence. Students and instructors share responsibility for developing a commitment of life-long learning and optimal levels of personal development. The student MUST be an active member of the educational process which includes but is not limited to: reading the assigned chapters prior to lecture, asking questions, taking notes, and seeking out learning experiences in the classroom and clinical setting. The progress from a beginning nursing student to a graduate nursing student is a process of building from one level of knowledge to the next. The student must retain this information from classroom theory and then apply it to clinical application. Vocational Nursing Admission Requirements/ Program Information revised 11/2015 P age |4 Vocational Nursing Contact Information Contacts: Lori Moseley, MSN, RN Dean of Instruction, Health and Community Services 254-659-7920 817-760-5920 lmoseley@hillcollege.edu Janis Grimland, BSN, RN Vocational Nursing Program Coordinator 254-659-7927 jgrimland@hillcollege.edu Teresa Palinkas Administrative Assistant, Health and Community Services 254-659-7920 tpalinkas@hillcollege.edu Julie Britton Administrative Assistant, Health and Community Services 817-760-5921 jbritton@hillcollege.edu Nursing website www.hillcollege.edu/nursing Vocational Nursing Admission Requirements/ Program Information revised 11/2015 P age |5 Health and Community Services Standard Application Requirements Health and Community Services Hill County Campus 112 Lamar Drive Hillsboro, TX 76645 Phone: 254-659-7920 Johnson County Campus 2112 Mayfield Pkwy Cleburne, TX 76033 Phone: 817-760-5920 Fax: 817-760-5930 Email jbritton@hillcollege.edu tpalinkas@hillcollege.edu TESTING CENTER Hill Hill County Campus Phone: 254-659-7817 Johnson County Campus Phone: 817-760-5814 817-760-5815 Testing Website http://www.hillcollege.edu/TestingCenter HESI Appointments Needed for Testing ADVISING & STUDENT SUCCESS CENTER Hill County Campus 112 Lamar Drive Hillsboro, TX 76645 Phone: 254-659-7650 Johnson County Campus 2112 Mayfield Pkwy Cleburne, TX 76033 Phone: 817-760-5650 1. Complete the Health and Community Services Application Apply online at by clicking the Click Here Now button: www.hillcollege.edu/nursing - for Associate Degree Nursing (2year), ADN/Transition Bridge, Vocational Nursing www.hillcollege.edu/emsp - for EMT and Paramedic www.hillcollege.edu/echocardiography - for Echocardiography Technician If you have any questions, please contact: Julie Britton-jbritton@hillcollege.edu 817.760.5921 or Teresa Palinkas–tpalinkas@hillcollege.edu 254.659.7920 2. Complete/Update the Hill College Application Apply online at www.hillcollege.edu by clicking on the Apply Now icon on the middle of the homepage. If you have any questions, please contact enrollmentinfo@hillcollege.edu. 3. College Transfer‐Official College/University Transcripts from All institutions attended. Must show completion or currently enrolled in the pre-requisites. 4. High School Graduates OR GED – Acceptable GED scores from one of the 50 United States (Mandatory for ALL applicants) ‐.Official High School Transcript. Must show a Date of Graduation/Completion. 6. TOEFL Policy – required for Nursing and Echocardiography applicants ONLY) TOEFL Policy (Nursing and Echocardiography only). TOEFL Policy: Students must demonstrate English proficiency as an admission requirement. This may be demonstrated by one of the following: 1. Attended four years of high school in one of the 50 United States and receiving a diploma 2. Attended two years of high school in one of the 50 United States and passed the GED 3. Acceptable GED scores from one of the 50 United States and acceptable scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language Test (TOEFL) within the two years of the posted deadline date of program application. TOEFL minimum passing: Internet score of 80 or a computer-based TOEFL score of 250 or a paper/pencil test score of 600. Scores will not be considered if they are more than two years old. TOEFL Test score reports must be sent directly to the Health Science Department from the testing center. Information about the TOEFL may be obtained from the web site: www.ets.org/toefl or by calling 1-800-468-6335. TOEFL Waiver (Nursing applicants only) The student can request a TOEFL waiver form from the Health Science department if they meet the following criteria: completion with a “B” or better of 4 different college level English courses and 1 college level communication course; from an accredited US college/university. 6. Immunization records – Mandatory for ALL programs. 2 MMR’s or positive serological titer Varicella 2 injection series or positive serological titer Hepatitis B 3 injection series or positive serological titer Tetanus (within last 10 years) Tdap (once as an adult) Seasonal Influenza CPR – American Heart Associate Health Care Provider. No other CPR card accepted. No exceptions. NOTE: AFTER selection physical (Nursing, Echocardiography, Paramedic) and 2 step TB (all students) will be required. 7. TSI status – must show complete, exempt or be in progress. (varies for program requirements) 8. HESI A2 test completed with acceptable scores within one year from the posted deadline date of the program of entry. (Nursing, Echocardiography and Paramedic applicants only). You will need a HESI A2 referral from the Health and Community department to take the HESI A2 test at the Hill College Testing Center. 9. Professional and/or academic references – must be on the program specific form (Nursing, Echocardiography and Paramedic applicants only) 10. Clear Criminal background. Please contact the Health and Community Services department for further information or questions. Having a criminal history does not automatically preclude you from entry but your selection is dependent upon the charge, age of the offense and final disposition. 11. Please be aware that each program may have additional program specific application requirements. It will be your responsibility to contact the program directly for further information. For more information, visit us online at WWW.HILLCOLLEGE.EDU Vocational Nursing Admission Requirements/ Program Information revised 11/2015 P age |6 Vocational Nursing (12 Month) Additional Admission Requirements/Program Information NOTE: All information below is subject to change. 1. Associate Degree Nursing Program Entry/Location: a. Hillsboro Location – January Entry b. Cleburne Location – August Entry 2. Program entrance testing a. HESI A2 with CT - Math 60%; Reading 70%; A&P 70%; b. Critical Thinking (Optional) Minimum passing - 800 3. Preparation Questionnaire 4. Submit all official college transcripts that document the completion of the following courses with a “C” or better with a cumulative GPA of 2.50 or higher. a. BIOL 2401 Anatomy & Physiology I b. BIOL 2402 Anatomy & Physiology II c. PSYC 2301 General Psychology 5. The following are not required for the application process but may be considered for selection: a. Documentation of medical experience such as CNA, EMS or other health care fields that has patient centered care components. b. Completion of the following additional courses that relate to the Vocational Nursing curriculum with a “C” or better with a cumulative GPA of 2.50 or higher: i. VNSG 1331 Pharmacology OR RNSG 1301 Pharmacology ii. VNSG 1216 Nutrition OR BIOL 1322 Diet and Nutrition iii. HITT 1305 Medical Terminology (Optional) Hill College is not responsible for lost or misdirected Mail!!! Vocational Nursing Admission Requirements/ Program Information revised 11/2015 P age |7 Vocational Nursing Program Cost (All prices current as of November 2015 and subject to change without notice) (Costs listed below are the required for entry/completion – there may/will be additional costs not listed) Course name/number Lab Book cost BIOL 2401 Anatomy and Physiology I (Pre-Requisite) A&P I lab manual BIOL 2402 Anatomy & Physiology II YES YES YES $353.50 $65.75 One book for A&P 1&2 $65.75 $187.00 $177.75 $205.75 $36.00 $50.28 A&P II lab manual Yes PSYC 2301 General Psychology VNSG 1216 Nutrition *OR BIOL 1322 Nutrition VNSG 1331 Pharmacology *OR RNSG 1301 Pharmacology Book Bundle $1128.00 VNSG 1500 Nursing in Health and Illness I VNSG 1509 Nursing in Health and Illness II VNSG 1510 Nursing in Health and Illness III VNSG 1330 Maternal Neonatal Nurse VNSG 1334 Pediatrics Tuition (IN) $351.00 Tuition (Out) $427.00 Lab fee $351.00 $427.00 $24.00 $267.00 $183.00 $267.00 $267.00 $267.00 $435.00 $435.00 $435.00 $267.00 $267.00 $324.00 $221.00 $324.00 $324.00 $324.00 $530.00 $530.00 $530.00 $324.00 $324.00 $24.00 $267.00 $324.00 VNSG 1360 Clinical I Practical Nurse $351.00 $427.00 VNSG 1461 Clinical II Practical Nurse $351.00 $427.00 VNSG 1462 Clinical III Practical Nurse *BIOL 1322 and RNSG 1301 are optional courses for the Vocational Nursing program. Completion of these courses will replace VNSG 1216 and VNSG 1331 in the Vocational Nursing curriculum. Other Cost Physical Drug Test Lamp for Pinning Achievement Test fees- $80.00 x 3 NCLEX Review Course fee Board of Nursing (BON) licensure fee NCLEX Registration Exam fee Supply bag White Uniform White Lab Coat Navy Blue Scrub Patch (emblem) Name badge Sphygmomanometer $150.00 $42.00 $40.00 $240.00 $150.00 $125.00 $200.00 $660.00 $50.00 $50.00 $40.00 $10.00 $10.00 $50.00 Navy Blue Scrub Patch (emblem) Name badge Liability Insurance Nursing Pin Full uniform for pinning- varies Stethoscope Sphygmomanometer Penlight Bandage scissors Nursing Pin Full uniform for pinning- varies Stethoscope Vocational Nursing Admission Requirements/ Program Information revised 11/2015 $40.00 $10.00 $10.00 $15.00 $12.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $8.00 $10.00 $12.00 $50.00 $50.00 P age |8 Vocational Nursing Certificate of Technology TSI Required Completion of the requirements listed below leads to the Certificate of Technology and is designed to provide the student with the skill and knowledge required to pass the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (Texas-VN). Locations of the classes are at Johnson County Campus, Cleburne. Please contact the program director at each location for the entry dates and additional information about the program. Extensive travel for clinical required. Also see Section III, Admissions, Specialized Admissions–Vocational Nursing. Major Code: 7010 Prerequisites Coursework: PSYC2301 General Psychology BIOL2401 Anatomy & Physiology I BIOL2402 Anatomy & Physiology II CT Specific Coursework: VNSG1216 OR BIOL1322 Nutrition VNSG1360 Clinical I- Practical Nursing (LPN Training) VNSG1500 Nursing in Health & Illness I VNSG1461 Clinical II-Practical Nursing (LPN Training) VNSG1509 Nursing in Health & Illness II VNSG1510 Nursing in Health & Illness III VNSG1330 Maternal Neonatal Nursing VNSG1331 OR RNSG1301 Pharmacology VNSG1334 Pediatrics +VNSG1462 Clinical III-Practical Nursing (LPN Training) Credit Hours 11 3 4 4 37/38 2/3 3 5 4 5 5 3 3 3 4 + Capstone Experience Certificate of Technology 48/49 Johnson County Campus – Cleburne Jerry Norton Wallace Campus- Hillsboro The Hill College Vocational Nursing Program has 2 entry points Hillsboro - class begins in January and will complete in December of same year of entry. Cleburne – class begins in late August and will complete early August the following year Semester I Weeks 1-6 to 8: Class 8:00 - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday Weeks 6-8 to 16: Class 8:00 - 5:00 p.m. 3 days per week Clinical **varies by program** 2 or 3 days per week Semester II and III Classes 2 days per week 8:00 am - 5:00 p.m. Clinical 2 or 3 days per week 7:30-5:00pm We do clinical in several different areas, as far north as Fort Worth, as far south as Temple. BE PREPARED TO TRAVEL. The travel and expenses to the class and clinical facilities is the responsibility of the STUDENT. Vocational Nursing Admission Requirements/ Program Information revised 11/2015 P age |9 Classroom Grading Policy The following equivalencies between numerical averages and letter grades are used in the Nursing Program: 90 – 100 A 80 – 89 B 75 – 79 C Below 75 F 1. Student must pass each test with a grade of 75 or above and have an average of 75 or above on combined scores. 2. If student does not have a 75 grade and/or a 75 grade average, then he/she will be required to complete the study guide or key terms and objectives, depending on the instructor for that class, from the chapters covered by that test and turn them in to instructor prior to the next exam. 3. The student will also be required to complete the study guide or key terms and objectives, depending on the instructor for that class, from the chapters currently being lectured on and turn them in to instructor prior to the next exam. 4. Failure to complete the above requirements will result in the student receiving an incomplete for that class until required assignment turned in to the instructor. Clinical Grading Policy 90-100% - superior completion of clinical objectives 80-89% - above average completion of clinical objectives 75-79% - average completion of clinical objectives <75% - failure to meet minimal clinical requirements Vocational Nursing Admission Requirements/ Program Information revised 11/2015 P a g e | 10 ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT Academic Integrity In order to preserve the honor and integrity of the academic community, Hill College expects its students to maintain high standards of scholarly conduct. Academic Honesty All faculties shall have the right to examine materials in the student's possession during any academic exercise. In instances of academic misconduct, the faculty may immediately suspend the student from further work on the academic exercise. ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT 1. Collaborating with another student during an examination, preparation ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT of a nursing care plan, or any other requirement without consent of the INCLUDES BUT IS NOT instructor. LIMITED TO THE 2. Use of unauthorized materials during an examination. FOLLOWING ACTS: 3. Altering examination answers after the exam has been graded. 4. Illicit possession of an examination or examination materials. 5. Forgery. 6. Plagiarism that is the presenting of work of another as one's own work. 7. Unauthorized use of any HC computer program. 8. Fabrication of information for use in any academic exercise. 9. The resubmission of previously graded course work by the student to meet a course requirement. 10. Suspected substance abuse and/or mental incapacity SANCTIONS The following actions may be imposed on a student who has committed an act of academic misconduct: I. Possible actions by the faculty member A. Notify the Program Director in writing that an incident has occurred and has been dealt with. B. Grant no credit for the work (exam or assignment) in question. C. Assign a grade of "F" or zero for the work in question. D. Recommend to the Program Director, in writing, that the student be dropped immediately from the course with a grade of "F". E. If the alleged incident occurs during a final examination, a grade of "I" (incomplete) shall be given the student until a decision by the faculty is determined. II. Possible actions by the Program Director A. The Program Director will investigate any misconduct or reported dishonesty related to testing and preparation of written assignments and documents the results of the investigation. B. Based on the results of the investigation, the Program Director shall refer the student through academic administration channels. The Program Director shall recommend to academic administration that one or more of the following specific actions be considered: 1. Issue a warning and place a written report of the incident in the student's permanent record maintained in the Program Director's Office. 2. Place the student on probation at the College for a specified period of time. 3. Dismiss the student from the Hill College Nursing Program. 4. Place the student on suspension from the College for a specified period of time Vocational Nursing Admission Requirements/ Program Information revised 11/2015 P a g e | 11 Criminal Background/Eligibility Issue ANY candidate with eligibility issues related to criminal convictions seeking consideration for a Hill College Nursing Program must be aware of the following: Applicants with an eligibility issue must provide to the Hill College Health and Community Services program documentation that they have completed the declaratory order process prior to the posted deadline date. Applicants with pending declaratory orders at the posted deadline date will be considered at a lower priority for selection. Failure to disclose an eligibility issue prior to admission into the nursing program WILL result in AUTOMATIC DISMISSAL from the nursing program. All candidates will be required to have a criminal background check and a drug test completed before he/she can register for the Hill College VN Program. 213.28 - Licensure of Persons with Criminal Convictions The Texas Board of Nursing (BON) may refuse to approve persons to take the licensure examination, may refuse to issue or renew a license or certificate of registration, or may refuse to issue a temporary permit to any individual that has been convicted of a felony, a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or engage in conduct resulting in the revocation of probation imposed pursuant to such a conviction. The practice of nursing involves clients, their families, significant others and the public in diverse settings. The registered and vocational nurse practices in an autonomous role with individuals who are physically, emotionally and financially vulnerable. The nurse has access to personal information about all aspects of a person’s life, resources and relationships. Therefore, criminal behavior whether violent or non-violent, directed against persons, property or public order and decency is considered by the Board as highly relevant to an individual’s fitness to practice nursing. Clinical facilities have the right to refuse any student to attend clinical rotations at their facility for any issue related to an eligibility issue. If this occurs, the student will not be able to continue in the VN program. Approved Declaratory Order is not a guarantee that the student will be able to attend any clinical rotation if the facility refuses to allow the student access. Failure to disclose a potential eligibility issue not found by the Hill College VN program will be considered unethical behavior and will constitute dismissal from the program without cause. Any candidate with an eligibility issue (see BON rules and regulations) must provide an approved declaratory order prior to acceptance into the VN Program. “Hill College policy prohibits the unlawful manufacture, possession, use, sale, transfer, or purchase of a controlled substance or designer drug on campus. It is also a violation of College policy for anyone to unlawfully possess, use, or be under the influence of an alcoholic beverage or controlled substance on the campus or a College related activity off-campus” Drug Testing Policy If a candidate’s drug test comes back positive he/she will not be allowed to register for the VN program. At any point within the year I may be required to do further drug testing and/or background checks if the program director in consultation with the instructor(s) feel there is sufficient evidence to warrant further investigation. Vocational Nursing Admission Requirements/ Program Information revised 11/2015 P a g e | 12 Health and Community Services Professional Recommendation Form Applicant’s name (Print): ______________________________________________ This evaluation will be considered confidential unless otherwise noted below: _______ I (applicant) retain all rights to review this recommendation. _______ I (applicant) do not retain my rights to review this recommendation I am applying for the following program: _____ ADN or Transition (Bridge) ____Vocational Nursing Professions _________________________________________ Applicant signature ______Emergency Medical Services __________________ Date Applicant: References that are mailed directly from the evaluator will be the only references that will be considered acceptable. Thank you for your time in the evaluation of this applicant. All information received will be part of the admission criterion for selection of all qualified applicants. Evaluator - Please mail directly to either location: Hillsboro Location: Hill College, Health and Community Services, 112 Lamar Dr., Hillsboro TX 76645 Cleburne Location: Hill College, Health and Community Services, 2112 Mayfield Parkway, Cleburne TX 76033 I have known this applicant for: __________ year(s) ___________ month(s) Relationship to applicant: ___ Employer/Supervisor ____Co-Worker ____ Professor ______________Other Please rate the above applicant in each of the categories below: Above Average = 3 Average = 2 Below average = 1 No Comment = 0 Not Applicable = NA Writing skills 3 2 1 0 NA Oral communication 3 2 1 0 NA Analytical skills 3 2 1 0 NA Initiative /Leadership 3 2 1 0 NA Punctuality/Responsibility 3 2 1 0 NA Organization/Participation 3 2 1 0 NA Overall academic or work ethics 3 2 1 0 NA Skills/Perseverance Professional Appearance/Attitude? Yes NO ___________________________________ Evaluator Name ___________________________________ Title ___________________________________ Mailing Address ___________________________________ City/State/Zip ___________________________________ Email ___________________________________ Telephone number: ___________________________________ Signature NA Any further comments that you feel will better describe this candidate’s suitability as a candidate for possible selection into the Hill College Health and Career program are encouraged and can be included on the back of this form. Vocational Nursing Admission Requirements/ Program Information revised 11/2015 P a g e | 13 HILL COLLEGE HEALTH and COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT TRANSFER COURSE WORK EVALUATION GUIDELINES A Transfer Course Work Evaluation is an unofficial evaluation of transfer course work which is completed by the Health and Community Services Department as a preliminary evaluation of transfer college courses previously completed toward a specific health occupations program. This is especially important for students presenting coursework from colleges and universities outside the State of Texas. The Transfer Course Work Evaluation should ideally be requested at least a semester before an applicant plans to apply. This would give the student the opportunity to enroll and possibly complete the course(s) before the application deadline. Students presenting science coursework which exceeds the five-year time limit and who wish to have the courses reviewed for a possible time limit waiver may also include the required documents for that process with their request for the Transfer Course Work Evaluation. Transfer Course Work Evaluations are typically completed within two weeks. However, during peak times and when faculty is off-campus between semesters, this process may take longer. Transfer Course Work Evaluation Requests are not completed during individual appointments or “as you wait basis.” To request a Transfer Course Work Evaluation Request, the following materials must be presented to the Health and Community Services: The completed Health and Community Services Transfer Course Work Evaluation form with the specific Health and Community Services program listed. Official transcripts from all colleges and universities previously attended except Hill College. Catalog course descriptions and/or syllabi for each course taken outside of the Hill College District which applies to the specific Health and Community Services program curriculum. Catalog course descriptions may be printed from a colleges’ online catalog or photocopied from a printed catalog. The course names and number of catalog course descriptions and/or syllabi must match those printed on the official transcript. NOTE: Unofficial Transfer Course Work Evaluation is usually completed within 10-14 working days. However, during peak times such as college registration or after the close of the semester when faculty are unavailable, an evaluation may take longer than 30 days for review. Therefore, it is to the applicant’s advantage to request any course evaluation and Education Plan at their earliest convenience prior to application to a Health and Community Services program. The Hill College Health and Community Services program reserves the right to accept or reject any coursework completed outside the Hill College District presented for transfer towards Health and Community Services programs regardless of any previous evaluation and/or transfer credit awarded by another agency, college, or university. I acknowledge that I will be notified via email when my unofficial Transfer Course Work Evaluation Request is ready for pickup. Note: PLEASE ALLOW TWO (2) WEEKS FOR TRANSFER COURSE WORK EVALUATION TO BE PROCESSED. Official degrees audits are available for students who are enrolled in a Health and Community Services Program. Mail to (choose program specific location) Hillsboro •Hill College • Health and Community Services • 112 Lamar Dr. • Hillsboro TX 76645 Cleburne •Hill College • Health and Community Services • 2112 Mayfield Parkway • Cleburne TX 76033 Vocational Nursing Admission Requirements/ Program Information revised 11/2015 P a g e | 14 Date Hill College Health and Community Services Unofficial Course Work Evaluation Student Information Email Student ID/SS# First MI Last Address City State Zip Phone (H) (Cell) Degree Program (choose one): ⃝ Associate Degree Nursing ⃝ ADN Transition ⃝ Echocardiography ⃝ Emergency Medical Services ⃝ Vocational Nursing Does this request include any science courses age >5 years? ⃝ Yes ⃝ No ⃝ Supporting documents included Instructions: in the spaces below, list the course(s) you wish to transfer. Official transcripts should be requested for each institution in which a course is listed. Once official transcripts are received from the appropriate institution(s), we will process your request. Transfer requirements: Courses you wish to transfer must have similar content to those offered by Hill College and must have been earned at a nationally or regionally accredited institution. Only those undergraduate courses on which a “B” (3.0) or better for all ADN Programs or “C” or better for all other Health Career programs earned will be accepted as transfer credit. Hill College will accept the most recent grade received for possible transfer. Hill College Course # Course Name and Number (Example: ENGL 1312) Transcript ⃝ Enclosed Transfer College Course A/D Course Name and Number (Example: ENG 101A) ⃝ On-file at Hill College Evaluator: Date Evaluator: Date College Attended (Example: George Town University) Grade (A) ⃝ Have been sent to Hill College by Institution Comments: Note: This is an Unofficial Evaluation of possible Transfer Course Work. Official evaluation of Vocational Nursing Admission Requirements/ Program Information revised 11/2015 P a g e | 15 college course work must be requested from the Enrollment Management office Hill College Nursing Essential Eligibility Requirements Hill College complies with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and state and local requirements regarding students with disabilities. Under these laws, no otherwise qualified and competitive individual with a disability shall be denied access to or participation in services, programs and activities of Hill College solely on thebasis of the disability. The College District designates the following person to coordinate its efforts to comply with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, which incorporates and expands the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended: Name: Dr. Heather Kissack Position: Executive Director of Human Resources Address: 112 Lamar Drive, Hillsboro, TX 76645 Telephone: (254) 659-7731 Students with qualified and documented disabilities may request accommodations which will enable them to participate in and benefit from educational programs and activities. Students should contact the Academic Advising and Student Success Center for more details at: 254.659.7650 for Hillsboro, 817.760.5650 for Cleburne, or 817.295.7392 for Burleson. Essential Eligibility Requirements for Participation in the School of Nursing Physical, cognitive, psychomotor, affective and social abilities are required in unique combinations to provide safe and effective nursing care. The applicant/student must be able to meet the essential functions with or without reasonable accommodation’s throughout the program of learning. Admission, progression and graduation are contingent upon one’s ability to demonstrate the essential functions and/or it affiliated clinical agencies may identify additional essential functions. The Hill College School of Nursing reserves the right to amend the essential functions as deemed necessary. In order to be admitted and to progress in the nursing program, one must possess a functional level of ability to perform the duties required of a nurse. Admission or progression may be denied if a student is unable to demonstrate the essential functions with or without reasonable accommodations. Each student/applicant should use the following standard (essential eligibility requirements) for participation in the School of Nursing to assist in determining the necessity of accommodation or modifications. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. Work in a standing position and do frequent walking for twelve hours. Lift and transfer adult and child patients up to six inches from a stooped position, and push or pull the weight of an adult up to three feet. Lift and transfer adult and child patients from a stooped to an upright position to accomplish bed to-chair and chair-to-bed transfers. Use hands, wrists, and arms to physically apply up to ten pounds of pressure in the performance of specific procedures (e.g., to control bleeding, perform CPR). Respond and react immediately to verbal instructions and requests, auditory sounds from monitoring equipment, and perform auditory auscultation of patients. Abilities to monitor and assess heath needs therefore must be able to hear monitor alarms, emergency signals, all auscultatory sounds, and cries for Vocational Nursing Admission Requirements/ Program Information revised 11/2015 P a g e | 16 help. 6. Be able to move freely and physically maneuver in small spaces. Possess sufficient visual acuity to perform close and distant visual activities involving objects, persons, and paperwork, as well as the ability to discriminate depth and color perception. 7. Read calibrated scales of one-hundredth increments in not more than a three-inch space. 8. Possess sufficient fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination to use small instruments and equipment. 9. Discriminate between sharp and dull, hot and cold. 10. Perform mathematical calculations for preparation and administration of medication in a timely manner. 11. Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, using appropriate grammar, spelling, vocabulary and word usage. 12. Comprehend verbal and written directions and make appropriate notations. 13. Access patient/client information electronically and document care provided. 14. Develop the ability to make appropriate and timely decision under stressful situations. 15. Demonstrate sufficient endurance to complete a twelve hour clinical laboratory experience. 16. Must have functional ability to work/communicate on computers for testing, EMR charting, documentation, medication administration, monitor reading, etc. Vocational Nursing Admission Requirements/ Program Information revised 11/2015 P a g e | 17 Texas Administrative Code TITLE 22 PART 11 CHAPTER 213 RULE §213.28 Repealed Date: Next Rule>> EXAMINING BOARDS TEXAS BOARD OF NURSING PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE Licensure of Persons with Criminal Offenses 10/29/2015 (a) This section sets out the considerations and criteria in determining the effect of criminal offenses on the eligibility of a person to obtain a license and the consequences that criminal offenses may have on a person's ability to retain or renew a license as a registered nurse or licensed vocational nurse. The Board may refuse to approve persons to take the licensure examination, may refuse to issue or renew a license or certificate of registration, or may refuse to issue a temporary permit to any individual that has been convicted of or received a deferred disposition for a felony, a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, or engaged in conduct resulting in the revocation of probation. (b) The practice of nursing involves clients, their families, significant others and the public in diverse settings. The registered and vocational nurse practices in an autonomous role with individuals who are physically, emotionally and financially vulnerable. The nurse has access to personal information about all aspects of a person's life, resources and relationships. Therefore, criminal behavior whether violent or nonviolent, directed against persons, property or public order and decency is considered by the Board as highly relevant to an individual's fitness to practice nursing. The Board considers the following categories of criminal conduct to relate to and affect the practice of nursing: (1) offenses against the person similar to those outlined in Title 5 of the Texas Penal Code. (A) These offenses include, but are not limited to, the following crimes, as well as any crime that contains substantially similar or equivalent elements under another state or federal law: (i) Abandonment/Endangerment of a Child {TPC §22.041} (ii) Agree to Abduct Child for Remuneration: Younger than Eighteen {TPC §25.031} (iii) Aiding Suicide: Serious Bodily Injury/Death {TPC §22.08} (iv) Assault, Aggravated {TPC §22.02} (v) Capital Murder {TPC §19.03} (vi) Child Pornography, Possession or Promotion {TPC §43.26(a), (e) (Texas Rules of Criminal Procedure Ch. 62)} (vii) Indecency with a Child {TPC §21.11 (TRCP Ch. 62)} (viii) Indecent exposure (2 or more counts and/or required to register as sex offender) {TPC §21.08 (TRCP Ch. 62)} (ix) Injury to Child, Elderly, Disabled {TPC §22.04} (x) Kidnapping {TPC §20.03, §20.04 (TRCP Ch. 62)} (xi) Manslaughter {TPC §19.04} (xii) Murder {TPC §19.02} (xiii) Online Solicitation of a Minor {TPC §33.021(b), (c), (f); (TRCP Ch. 62)} (xiv) Prostitution, Compelling {TPC §43.05 (TRCP Ch. 62)} (xv) Protective Order, Violation {TPC §25.07, §25.071} (xvi) Sale or Purchase of a Child {TPC §25.08} (xvii) Sexual Assault {TPC §22.011 (TRCP Ch. 62)} (xviii) Sexual Conduct, Prohibited {TPC §25.02 (TRCP Ch. 62)} (xix) Sexual Assault, Aggravated {TPC §22.021 (TRCP Ch. 62)} (xx) Sexual Performance by Child {TPC §43.24 (d), §43.25(b) (TRCP Ch. 62)} (xxi) Unlawful Restraint {TPC §0.02} (xxii) Assault {TPC §22.01(a)(1), (b), (c)} (xxiii) Criminally negligent homicide {TPC §19.05} (xxiv) Improper Relationship between Educator and Student {TPC §21.12} (xxv) Improper photography {TPC §21.15} Vocational Nursing Admission Requirements/ Program Information revised 11/2015 P a g e | 18 (xxvi) Obscenity, Wholesale promotion {TPC §43.23(a), (h)} (xxvii) Prostitution (3 or more counts) or Aggravated Promotion {TPC §43.02, §43.04} (xxviii) Resisting Arrest, Use of Deadly Weapon {TPC §38.03(d)} (xxix) Stalking {TPC §42.072(b)} (xxx) Harassment {TPC §42.07} (xxxi) Prostitution or Promotion of {TPC §43.02} (xxxii) Protective Order, Violation {TPC §25.07, §38.112} (xxxiii) Resisting Arrest {TPC §38.03(a)} (xxxiv) Deadly conduct {TPC §22.05(a)} (xxxv) Obscenity, Participates {TPC §43.23(c), (h)} (xxxvi) Terroristic Threat {TPC §22.07} (xxxvii) Criminal Attempt or Conspiracy {TPC §15.01, §15.02} (B) These types of crimes relate to the practice of nursing because: (i) nurses have access to persons who are vulnerable by virtue of illness or injury and are frequently in a position to be exploited; (ii) nurses have access to persons who are especially vulnerable including the elderly, children, the mentally ill, sedated and anesthetized patients, those whose mental or cognitive ability is compromised and patients who are disabled or immobilized and may be subject to harm by similar criminal behavior; (iii) nurses are frequently in situations where they provide intimate care to patients or have contact with partially clothed or fully undressed patients who are vulnerable to exploitation both physically and emotionally; (iv) nurses are in the position to have access to privileged information and opportunity to exploit patient vulnerability; and (v) nurses who commit these crimes outside the workplace raise concern about the nurse's propensity to repeat that same misconduct in the workplace and raises concerns regarding the individual's ability to provide safe, competent care to patients. (2) offenses against property, e.g., robbery, burglary and theft, etc. (A) These offenses include, but are not limited to, the following crimes, as well as any crime that contains substantially similar or equivalent elements under another state or federal law: (i) Burglary (if punishable under Penal Code §30.02(d)) {TRCP Ch. 62 (§62.001(5)(D))} (ii) Robbery {TPC §29.02} (iii) Robbery, Aggravated {TPC §29.03} (iv) Arson {TPC §28.02(d)} (v) Burglary {TPC §30.02} (vi) Criminal Mischief {TPC §28.03} (vii) Money Laundering >= $1500 {TPC §34.02(e)(1) - (4)} (viii) Theft >= $1500 {TPC §31.03(e)(4) - (7)} (ix) Theft < 9 {TPC §31.03(e)(1) - (3)} (x) Vehicle, Unauthorized Use {TPC §31.07} (xi) Criminal Trespass {TPC §30.05(a),(d)} (xii) Cruelty to Animals {TPC §42.091} (xiii) Criminal Attempt or Conspiracy {TPC §15.01, §15.02} (B) These types of crimes relate to the practice of nursing because: (i) nurses have access to persons who are vulnerable by virtue of illness or injury and are frequently in a position to be exploited; (ii) nurses have access to persons who are especially vulnerable including the elderly, children, the mentally ill, sedated and anesthetized patients, those whose mental or cognitive ability is compromised and patients who are disabled or immobilized and may provide easy opportunity to be victimized; (iii) nurses have access to persons who frequently bring valuables (medications, money, jewelry, items of sentimental value, checkbook, or credit cards) with them to a health care facility with no security to prevent theft or exploitation; (iv) nurses frequently provide care in private homes and home-like settings where all of the patient's Vocational Nursing Admission Requirements/ Program Information revised 11/2015 P a g e | 19 property and valuables are accessible to the nurse; (v) nurses frequently provide care autonomously without direct supervision and may have access to and opportunity to misappropriate property; and (vi) nurses who commit these crimes outside the workplace raise concern about the nurse's propensity to repeat that same misconduct in the workplace and, therefore, place patients' property at risk. (vii) certain crimes involving property, such as cruelty to animals and criminal trespass, may also concern the safety of persons and, as such, raise concerns about the propensity of the nurse to repeat similar conduct in the workplace, placing patients at risk. (3) offenses involving fraud or deception. (A) These offenses include, but are not limited to, the following crimes, as well as any crime that contains substantially similar or equivalent elements under another state or federal law: (i) Attempt, Conspiracy, or Solicitation of Ch. 62 offense {TRCP Ch. 62} (ii) Tampering with a Government Record {TPC §37.10} (iii) Insurance Fraud: Intent to Defraud {TPC §35.02(a-1), (d)} (iv) Insurance Fraud: Claim > $500 {TPC §35.02(c)} (v) Insurance Fraud: Claim < 0 {TPC §35.02 (c)(1) - (3)} (vi) Medicaid Fraud > $1500 {TPC §35A.02(b)(4) - (7)} (vii) Medicaid Fraud < $1500 {TPC §35A.02(b)(2) - (3)} (viii) Criminal Attempt or Conspiracy {TPC §15.01, §15.02} (B) These types of crime relate to the practice of nursing because: (i) nurses have access to persons who are vulnerable by virtue of illness or injury and are frequently in a position to be exploited; (ii) nurses have access to persons who are especially vulnerable including the elderly, children, the mentally ill, sedated and anesthetized patients, those whose mental or cognitive ability is compromised and patients who are disabled or immobilized; (iii) nurses are in the position to have access to privileged information and opportunity to exploit patient vulnerability; (iv) nurses are frequently in situations where they must report patient condition, record objective/subjective information, provide patients with information, and report errors in the nurse's own practice or conduct; (v) the nurse-patient relationship is of a dependent nature; and (vi) nurses who commit these crimes outside the workplace raise concern about the nurse's propensity to repeat that same misconduct in the workplace and, therefore, place patients at risk. (4) offenses involving lying and falsification. (A) These offenses include, but are not limited to, the following crimes, as well as any crime that contains substantially similar or equivalent elements under another state or federal law: (i) False Report or Statement {TPC §32.32, §42.06} (ii) Forgery {TPC §32.21(c), (d), (e)} (iii) Tampering with a Governmental Record {TPC §37.10} (B) These crimes are related to nursing because: (i) nurses have access to persons who are vulnerable by virtue of illness or injury; (ii) nurses have access to persons who are especially vulnerable including the elderly, children, the mentally ill, sedated and anesthetized patients, those whose mental or cognitive ability is compromised and patients who are disabled or immobilized; (iii) nurses are frequently in situations where they must report patient condition, record objective/subjective information, provide patients with information, and report errors in the nurse's own practice or conduct; (iv) honesty, accuracy and integrity are personal traits valued by the nursing profession, and considered imperative for the provision of safe and effective nursing care; (v) falsification of documents regarding patient care, incomplete or inaccurate documentation of patient care, failure to provide the care documented, or other acts of deception raise serious concerns whether the nurse will continue such behavior and jeopardize the effectiveness of patient care in the future; Vocational Nursing Admission Requirements/ Program Information revised 11/2015 P a g e | 20 (vi) falsification of employment applications and failing to answer specific questions that would have affected the decision to employ, certify, or otherwise utilize a nurse raises concerns about a nurse's propensity to lie and whether the nurse possesses the qualities of honesty and integrity; (vii) falsification of documents or deception/lying outside of the workplace, including falsification of an application for licensure to the Board, raises concerns about the person's propensity to lie, and the likelihood that such conduct will continue in the practice of nursing; and (viii) a crime of lying or falsification raises concerns about the nurse's propensity to engage in similar conduct while practicing nursing and place patients at risk. (5) offenses involving the delivery, possession, manufacture, or use of, or dispensing or prescribing a controlled substance, dangerous drug, or mood-altering substance. (A) These offenses include, but are not limited to, the following crimes, as well as any crime that contains substantially similar or equivalent elements under another state or federal law: (i) Drug Violations under Health and Safety Code Chs. 481, 482, 483; or Vocational Nursing Admission Requirements/ Program Information revised 11/2015 P a g e | 21