Dromana College Year 9 Program 2015 - 16 Selection Guide Overview: Dromana College is pleased to offer an interesting, exciting and engaging Year 9 Program in 2016. Our program focuses on catering for each student, rather than providing a general curriculum for all; ensuring each student is able to maximise their learning potential. The Year 9 Program at Dromana College allows students to choose a total of 8 different electives across the course of the year. The electives are arranged in six main subject areas and students should aim to choose broadly from each of these areas. This will enable students to form a more personalised learning pathway to lead them into their senior school years. All students in Year 9 study English and Mathematics (in single gender classes), Pastoral Care, Health and Physical Education, Humanities and Science. Sem Year 9 Program Sample: Art / Tech Elective: Core: Sessions 1 7 English Additional Electives: 7 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 Maths P/Care Science Humanities Art Elective Elective 1 Elective 3 Elective 5 H & PE Tech Elective Elective 2 Elective 4 Elective 6 2 Conditions and Selection Guidelines: Students are required to adhere to the following conditions when choosing their workshops: All students will participate in 8 electives across the year (4 per semester), however are required to initially choose more than 8 so they have “back up” choices. Students should aim to pick subjects that will interest and challenge them, not just those that they think their friends will choose! The 6 additional electives must be from 3 different Domain areas to ensure balance across the subject areas when choosing electives. Some additional electives, such as Languages, Cycling and Tipoff, run for the whole year and are therefore worth two elective choices. All students are to complete their online selection of workshops by Friday 28 August 2015. 1 Dromana College – Year 9 Program Year 9 Subjects CORE SUBJECTS: 9ENG English (Semester 1 & 2) 9MAT Mathematics (Semester 1 & 2) 9HPE Health and PE 9HUC 21st Century Humanities 9SCI Science (Semester 1 & 2) 9PCH Pastoral Care (Semester 1 & 2) ELECTIVES: THE ARTS 9ART Art 9ADR Drama 9ADA Dance 9ARDP Digital Photography 9AME Media Studies 9AMU Music 9AVC Visual Communication HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION 9HMO Human Movement 9HOR Outdoor Recreation 9HSP Sport and Fitness 9HST Surf and Turf 9HWP Women and Sport HUMANITIES 9HUCC Conflict and Crisis (20th Century History) 9HLAW Human Rights and the Law 9HUGC The Global Challenge 9HWMP The World as a Market Place 9HLAJ Literature and Journalism Passport to Indonesia 9LJAP Passport to Japan Acoustics and Optics (Physics) Forensic Chemistry Applied Microbiology 9SEV 9SCP Environmental Science Introduction to Psychology 9TOSF 9TPDM 9TPDW 9TSR Op Shop Fashion Product Design Metal Product Design Wood Systems and Robotics 9HTO Tipoff LANGUAGES 9LIND SCIENCE 9SAO 9SFC 9SAM TECHNOLOGY 9TBH 9TCR 9TDHO 9TINT 9TMCW Bake House Chefs on the Run Designer Hoodies Information Technology MasterChef Wood ADDITIONAL PROGRAMS Cycling 9HCP 9HSTJ St John’s Ambulance 2 Dromana College – Year 9 Program Subject Descriptors Core Subjects: English Mathematics 21st Century Humanities Health and Physical Education Science Pastoral Care The Arts: Art This subject will introduce you to a range of activities designed to develop creativity and promote self- expression. You will create artworks using a range of mediums such as drawing, painting, stencilling, cartooning, and clay modelling. You will also learn about famous artists, the processes they employ to create art and have the opportunity to create your own art exhibition. This area of study leads into VCE Visual Arts and Design. Drama This elective builds on the skills students previously learnt in Year 7 or 8. It will look at different styles of acting as well as how to improvise performances. Students will be introduced to the concepts explored in senior drama by using different stimuli to create performance. They will also have the opportunity to experiment with a wide range of theatrical conventions and performance styles. By the end of the semester, students will be able to improvise performance as well as create a sustained ensemble piece that utilises stimulus and theatrical conventions. Dance In this elective, students will participate in technique classes concentrating on safe dance practice, technical skills and performance skills. They will be introduced to a wide variety of dance styles through research tasks and peer teaching. Students will be taught a class dance where they will learn spatial awareness and how to take on a choreographer’s expressive intention. Students will also undertake improvisation classes and learn about the ‘dance making’ process and use of body actions to create choreography. At the conclusion of the elective, students will create a small group choreography which will be performed as a practical assessment. Digital Photography The digital photography course is a great lead up to Studio Art Photography in the senior years. It is designed to cover aspects of composition, photographic equipment and computer software such as Adobe Photoshop. The course will build on skills in writing and discussing photographic works as well as the process that have been used to produce this artwork. In this course the emphasis is placed on the Art Elements and Principles of Design and how to recognize them in a photograph. 3 Dromana College – Year 9 Program Media Studies Media Studies has a focus on Print Media and Video / Film. During the semester students will explore the abilities and limitations of programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Light room in the planning and creation of an advertising campaign proposal for a product covering at least three different media types. Students will then investigate, design, plan and create a narrative or documentary video. This necessitates the investigation and documentation of the planning process. The sourcing of appropriate music and sound effects, development of a thorough understanding of story and technical/production elements in film making. All of this will contribute to the evolution and completion of a student generated project. Students are expected to take an active role in both theoretical and practical aspects of the subject, and will be required to undertake analysis of professional and commercial media programs. Music Students develop performance skills on their chosen instrument including developing a basic understanding of keyboard, guitar, drum kit and vocals. Students perform both individually and in small groups. Students maintain a work book and use music technology in creating and composing music. Students continue to build theory and aural knowledge building towards the required knowledge for VCE. To undertake this subject students must have some knowledge of music and be learning an instrument. Visual Communication This subject involves all aspects of design using a variety of materials and technologies, including hand drawn work and computer generation. Students will learn about design processes and their uses in society. Areas of study will include: freehand drawing, fashion design, architecture, game design, engineering, interior design, motor vehicle design, building and trades, advertising and the designing of products of all types. Students wishing to continue study in these areas should consider this subject as it will help them in their senior school years. 4 Dromana College – Year 9 Program Health and Physical Education: Human Movement Students will participate in sports that are of a high intensity, competitive in nature and investigate advanced tactics and strategies. This unit will give students a good understanding of the different components of fitness and how they apply to performance. This unit will comprise a wide variety of different games and skills needed to be successful in a particular sport. Students will undertake a theoretical component that focuses on the areas of muscles and bones, components of fitness and energy systems. Outdoor Recreation In this elective, students will learn all the skills needed for a light weight camping expedition in the bush. You will learn the best spots to put your tent, how to set up your tent, bush cooking and nutrition, basic navigation and first aid. A theory component is also part of the subject focusing the relationships with outdoor environments and minimal impact techniques. This unit culminates each group organising their bushwalk as well as other outdoor recreation activities. The college can supply some jackets, backpacks, tents, sleeping mats and stoves. Students will need their own sleeping bag, walking shoes/runners and a thermal top. Approximate cost of camp: $150 Sport and Fitness This elective’s major focus is on the following areas: Sport Students will participate in a variety of sporting activities and games with an emphasis on learning tactics and working as part of a team. The focus of this unit is on participation and teamwork, as well as coaching and keeping active. Fitness Students will learn how to design a training program and then over the course of the unit work to achieve their personal fitness goals. Students will learn about the different components of fitness and the various methods of training to improve their fitness. This elective should be taken only by students who have a keen interest in personal fitness and the sporting industry. Surf and Turf The SURF & TURF program offers an exciting opportunity for students looking for adventure and personal development. The program runs through a series of personal challenges, students gain valuable skills such as motivation, discipline, confidence, perseverance and respect for others. There are 3 components to the SURF & TURF program: Surfing – both practical and theory components Camp – coastal adventure camp Volunteer Work – working within the local community What you need to be involved: Be a competent swimmer (able to swim 200m) Willingness to challenge yourself and be an active member of a team An Interest in helping others Cost: $150 (to cover various excursions and transport) + camp cost 5 Dromana College – Year 9 Program Women and Sport This is a girls-only elective that has both practical classes and theoretical classes that explore the female perspective of sport participation and healthy living. Girls will be able to be physically active in a same sex class environment and have input into the types of sports they would like to study in further detail. Some of the activities undertaken would include aerobics, fitness circuits, self-defence and a variety of other competitive and non-competitive sports. This elective should only be taken by students who have a keen interest in health, sport and personal fitness. 6 Dromana College – Year 9 Program Humanities: Conflict and Crisis (20th Century History) Have you ever accused someone of going over the top? What if we told you that most people that went over the top ended up dying? What if we told you that when French farmers plough their fields, they still dig up the bones of your ancestors? What if we told you that in the 1930’s, all Australians lived with a great depression? What has a rat got to do with WWII? Why are so many people these days still walking the Kokoda Trail? Do you know how many seconds away from global destruction we came in the 1960’s? A conscription is not something you get from the chemist. Stalin and Hitler murdered the equivalent to the population of Australia and New Zealand between them. It the 1960’s JFK, Malcom X and Martin Luther King were assassinated. More bombs were dropped in The Vietnam War than both WW1 and WW11 combined. James Bond helped to win the Cold War. Osama Bin Laden was once an ally; Nelson Mandela was once a terrorist… and the only certainty is change. If you are interested in learning how history has shaped your life, this is the elective for you. Human Rights and the Law What are our human rights and how are our human rights protected around the world? We begin this elective with an exploration of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and how rights are protected and abused around the world. Topics include; child labour the death penalty and rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender and intersex people. We then take a closer look at our rights as Australians through a study of our legal system. Topics include; law making through courts and parliament criminal and civil laws the protection of rights in our Constitution the courtroom and the jury The unit is designed for students interested in gaining a broad knowledge as to how the legal system impacts us and our society. It is also designed to prepare students for VCE legal studies as students will develop skills in analysing legal cases and applying legal principles to legal problems. Literature and Journalism This elective will focus on the study of a diverse collection of genres and text types. In lively class discussion, students will respond to a wide range of films, novels, poetry, plays, short stories and more. The elective will also focus on building the individual skills of the students in the areas of creative and analytical writing. These skills will assist students in their studies and also support their learning in mainstream English. Journalism skills will be developed and students will be encouraged to participate in contributing pieces to the College magazine and other publications. 7 Dromana College – Year 9 Program The Global Challenge Ignite your curiosity and wonder about the diversity of the world’s places, peoples, cultures and environments. In this elective we take a holistic approach to exploring current world phenomenon from social, historical, economic, environmental, political and technological perspectives. This elective covers key global issues such as climate change, global trade, war, population booms, famine and natural disasters. These are deep-rooted within Geography, making it one of the most relevant courses that you could choose to study and leading to many career pathways, working for people and the environment, from a local to international scale. This elective will help students understand which natural and human made factors are responsible for our changing world. As future leaders, students learn to question why the world is the way it is, and propose actions designed to shape a socially just and sustainable future. The elective develops skills in observation, collecting data through research and fieldwork and synthesising knowledge gathered from the understanding of many perspectives on an issue. The assessment for this elective centres on fieldwork at Dromana town centre and at the Tootgarook Wetlands. Through this fieldwork students are able to apply their geographical knowledge and investigatory skills to the complexities of the “real world”. The World as a Market Place: Business and Economics Have you ever heard people say money makes the world go around? They’re talking about the economy. Economics is not just money. It is about businesses and how they work. It is how the world links together. It is jobs, how you get them and why people have them. It is food and water, how we get it and where we get it from. It is taxes and allowances. It is shares and the stock market. Economics is part of all aspects of our lives! Students will gain an understanding of the foundations for business, by looking closer at the broader concepts of business and the economy in order to then refine their knowledge for VCE and prepare for life beyond school. Students will have the opportunity to use case studies and work on real examples to understand the world we live in and how we interact with it. The knowledge gained through this unit will enhance students’ ability to solve complex problems, by exploring the big economic problem – that our world is made up of limited resources and we need to work out how to allocate them. Business is a big part in solving this problem. Sign up and become an informed global citizen. 8 Dromana College – Year 9 Program Languages: Passport to Japan Passport to Japan will allow students to gain practical language skills as well as provide opportunities to apply these skills in a range of cultural experiences. Cultural experiences include interaction with local feeder schools, karaoke, a visit to Japanese hot springs, an opportunity to taste authentic Japanese cuisine and participation in a University run language forum. The language focus of this Unit will be to build authentic language that can be applied in a variety of real life situations such as writing to a friend about a holiday, discussing the weather as well as the language required to plan a holiday to Japan and exchange gifts with cultural appropriateness. Upon commencement of this Unit, students will be issued a Languages passport and are encouraged to collect competency stamps throughout the year. These stamps will equate to proficient language use, participation in term based cultural excursions and involvement in extra-curricular language activities such as speaking competitions. Students who obtain 10 stamps across the year will be issued with a Dromana College Languages Certificate. The continuation of the study of languages in Year 9 gives students the opportunity to obtain the Victorian Baccalaureate in Year 12, and leads to a range of career pathways in the fields of business, international relations, education, tourism, and health. Students will also be eligible to partake in the Years 10-12 international study tour which provides students with the opportunity to engage and experience the culture of Japan while using their language in an authentic setting. Tertiary institutions have indicated that they strongly support initiatives that encourage students to study a language in the final years of schooling. The cost of enrolment in Year 9 Passport to Japan is $90. 9 Dromana College – Year 9 Program Passport to Indonesia Passport to Indonesia will allow students to gain practical language skills as well as provide opportunities to apply these skills in a range of cultural experiences. Cultural experiences include interaction with local feeder schools, a visit to the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia, an opportunity to taste authentic Indonesian cuisine, participation in a traditional Indonesian dance workshop, and a market visit. The language focus of this Unit will be to build authentic language that can be applied in a variety of real life situations such as writing to a friend about your hobbies, discussing the weather and local environment as well as the language required to book a holiday to Indonesia and organise a party. Upon commencement of this Unit, students will be issued a Languages passport and are encouraged to collect competency stamps throughout the year. These stamps will equate to proficient language use, participation in term based cultural excursions and involvement in extra-curricular language activities such as speaking competitions. Students who obtain 10 stamps across the year will be issued with a Dromana College Languages Certificate. The continuation of the study of languages in Year 9 gives students the opportunity to obtain the Victorian Baccalaureate in Year 12, and leads to a range of career pathways in the fields of business, international relations, education, tourism, and health. Students will also be eligible to partake in the Years 10-12 international study tour which provides students with the opportunity to engage and experience the culture of Indonesia while using their language in an authentic setting. Tertiary institutions have indicated that they strongly support initiatives that encourage students to study a language in the final years of schooling. The cost of enrolment in Year 9 Passport to Indonesia is $90. 10 Dromana College – Year 9 Program Science: Acoustics and Optics (Physics) Physics is a fascinating subject and this elective is designed to explore physics concepts in an engaging, practical fashion. The elective is very hands on and will cover the many different areas of physics. You will undertake activities such as circuit construction, investigating series and parallel resistance, making light bend, investigating sound, motion and detecting alpha, beta and gamma radiation. If you are genuinely interested in how physics relates to our world, this elective is for you. It will also help prepare you for Year 10 Essential Science and VCE physics. Applied Microbiology In the Applied Microbiology elective students will learn all about the organisms that are too small to see with the naked eye. Students will learn about the structure and function of the organelles within all cells. We will make extensive use of microscopes to investigate plant, animal, bacterial and fungal cells. Students will learn where bacteria are likely to grow, how scientists grow bacteria to study them in laboratories and then grow bacteria to study at school. Investigations will include food poisoning cases, prevention of food spoilage and outbreaks of viral diseases. This course will prepare students for further study and provide students with important skills for studying biological sciences. Forensic Chemistry In this workshop you will learn how Chemistry can be used to solve crimes. You will develop the skills to make observations, gather and analyse evidence using the tools of the forensic chemists and use this information to solve a crime. At the conclusion of the unit you will be able to explain how fingerprints are made and collected at a crime scene and explain the structure of DNA and how it is used to identify an individual. You will explain how chemical reactions and a variety of techniques, including flame tests and chromatography, can be used by the forensic chemists. This workshop will help prepare you for Year 10 Essential Science and VCE Chemistry. Environmental Science Year 9 Environmental Science looks at the function of the Earth’s system. Emphasis is placed on the origin and evolution of the Earth system and universe, human interactions with the Earth’s geologic and environmental systems and geochemical cycles and energy in the Earth system. This science class emphasizes the application of scientific concepts to the understanding and solution of environmental problems and solutions. This elective leads into VCE Environmental Science. Introduction to Psychology Psychology reaches into every part of our lives. It is an incredibly diverse and fascinating subject that considers virtually every aspect of our thoughts, feelings and behaviour. No matter what your current interests are, what job you want in the future, how well you want to do at school or how to improve your relationships with others, psychology can help. Neuropsychology is a branch of psychology and neurology that aims to understand the relationship between the structure and function of the brain. How does your brain learn and recall memories? How is it that the brain allows us to experience emotions like fear, sadness and excitement? Is your brain similar to a computer? In this elective you will learn that the study of psychology is a journey of discovery about you and your amazing brain. This elective will also help you prepare for Year 10 psychology and VCE psychology. 11 Dromana College – Year 9 Program Technology: Bake House This subject is about baking. If you enjoy cooking, and want to improve those baking skills before the challenge of senior school Food Technology subjects, this is something you will enjoy. During the semester you will be involved in designing, producing and evaluating different types of bakehouse products. Students will progress towards designing and producing their own cakes and a gingerbread house. Chefs on the Run Do you want to know how to survive in the kitchen and produce foods to entertain your friends? If yes, this could be the subject for you. The course will involve designing, producing and evaluating meals for special occasions including breakfasts, lunches, dinners, cocktail parties and buffets. The students will then progress towards independently producing their own design meals. Designer Hoodies Design and create your very own hoodie. Students can choose from a wide range of windcheater fabrics (supplied by the Textiles Department). Use a pattern to produce your own clothing with simple stitching techniques, this subject is a must! If you can sew straight this is for you! Information Technology Students will work independently and in teams to solve problems using ICT. They will develop skills in analysing a client’s needs to design and produce solutions using a range of software skills. Students will be required to design and produce the following: Game/Animation using the Scratch programming language; Website using a content management system such and WordPress or Joomla; Excel spreadsheet; Students will also examine the different pathways and opportunities that exist within the ICT industry. Masterchef Wood Love woodwork and Cooking? Want to combine both? In this unit, we will construct a lovely presentation tasting board, a knife block to hold your knives and a wooden utensil to present your very own Master Chef creation. We will research the presentation methods used by the Master Chef contestants and by celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, and then create your own unique set. We will meet a real chef who will tell us about the design principles used in food styling and current trends that are being used now. A Master Chef inspired meal will showcase your wares at the end of the course which will also be photographed for inclusion into our own school magazine. Op Shop Fashion Did you know that over 250,000 tonnes are donated to charity shops every year? In this elective you will design, plan and construct a garment or accessory using materials purchased from local op shops. It’s cheap, good for the environment and plenty of fun. Students will experiment using different construction techniques eg glue gun, sewing machine, jewellery findings, felting and many more. You are limited only by your imagination. 12 Dromana College – Year 9 Program Product Design - Metal This elective is the continuation of the type of work and projects undertaken in previous years. Theory and practice are integrated to give a wide range of experiences in the working of engineering materials including plastics. Students develop design proposals as possible solutions to a problem and will have a choice of projects that will both appeal and be useful to them. Students will also be using the latest technology with the use of the CNC Mill. This elective is designed to consolidate and further develop practical skills in the welding workshop. Emphasis will be placed on workshop safety, correct use of hand tools and ancillary equipment. Students will work with mild steel, although will be introduced to various other materials to understand the principle of material manipulation and formation. Students will be instructed in the safe use and applications of oxy-acetylene and arc welding processes. Students will complete a variety of set models designed for the year level and have input into their design. Product Design - Wood Learn how to build useful projects with wood using various joining methods. Students will use numerous tools and equipment to build their project and use finishing techniques to produce a professional product. This subject is specifically targeted at students who enjoy the practical elements of design, building, construction and cabinet making. Students design and build their own skateboard deck from plywood using gluing, shaping and bending techniques. Students can print their own designs on the deck before varnishing to enhance their product. Students will have to supply their own trucks. Systems and Robotics Learn about how electronic and mechanical systems work and the components that are used to make them. You will build various electronic and mechanical projects using the design process and use simulation software to help your designs. Once you know how to build systems, you will then learn how to control them by using the latest Lego Robotics, EV3. You will build your Robot and then program it to do various tasks using all the sensors, until you have the skills to tackle the “Maze”. 13 Dromana College – Year 9 Program Additional Programs: St. Johns Ambulance St John Ambulance Australia is a national self-funding charitable organisation, active in every State and Territory, dedicated to helping people in sickness, distress, suffering or danger. We have been active in Australia for over one hundred years, and are part of a wider international organisation with a long and honourable history. Our Operations Branch volunteers in their familiar black-and-white uniforms provide the highest quality first aid coverage at sporting and community events. Students strive to complete their Preliminary First Aid certificate, which gains them entry to St John Ambulance and prepares cadets for duty with adult members of the operations Branch. Students work with Mark White, the school first aid officer and they can have an active role in the wider school community, by attending events as first aid students. Please note: This elective will run all year and take up 2 elective choices (one per semester) Cycling The aim of the Dromana College Cycling Program is to foster a cycling culture to enable students to gain valuable skills and knowledge about cycling and racing, and to provide challenging and positive experiences for participants. A limit of 20 students will be accepted into the program, due to staffing limitations. Students would improve on basic, intermediate and advanced off road riding skills through theory and practical sessions. Students need to apply and need to be accepted to the program. Students would do the following activities: Undergo an extensive skills based training regime tailored for individual needs undertaken at school and at followed up at home. Understand training and racing food requirements and the role of hydration. Care and maintenance of their personal equipment including the servicing and maintenance of their riding gear, and their mountain bikes. Study the theory behind gear ratios, tyre pressures, different lube characteristics, and hydraulic braking Descending and hill climbing techniques, accelerating and braking techniques and cornering to negotiate obstacles. Become more environmentally aware of the impact of users such as mountain bikers on the native vegetation and wildlife. Parent’s need to organise the regular bringing of the mountain bike. COST: $75 per term, or $300 for 12 months involvement. This is to cover the reduced ratio of students to staff for risk management of cyclists. Please note: This elective will run all year and take up 2 elective choices (one per semester) Tipoff Basketball Program Cost: $480 This program is run in association with the Southern Peninsula Basketball Association and focuses on building students basketball skills, but also on developing student’s ability to work in teams and to have an understanding of Health and Fitness. The program offers students the opportunity to complete their referee accreditation and level 0 coaching course, and in 2016 will also build on our partnership with Wheel Chair Basketball Victoria. Please note: This elective will run all year and take up 2 elective choices (one per semester) 14 Dromana College – Year 9 Program Dromana College Year 9 Program 2015 - 16 Selection Guide Year 9 selections need to be made online. This page is to be used to plan what you intend to enter online. You are required to undertake at least 1 Art and 1 Technology subject over the course of the year in 2016. You will also have 6 additional electives, which must come from at least 3 different learning areas. Languages, Cycling, Tipoff and St John’s are whole year subjects and so are worth two elective choices. To try and ensure you get your first preferences please enter in order what your preferences are. Please complete your preferences online by Friday 28 August 2015. Please note, this form is for planning purposes only. You MUST complete the online course selection. CORE English Maths Pastoral Science HUMS ART / TECH ELECTIVE Art? ADDITIONAL ELECTIVES (must be from 3 different Domains Areas) ? ? ? H & PE Tech? ? ? ? Please complete your workshop preferences for Year 9 2016: - Enter your subjects in order of preference - You can only enter a subject once Domain Type 1 Arts Choice 1 2 Technology Choice 1 3 Free Choice 1 4 Free Choice 2 5 Free Choice 3 6 Free Choice 4 7 Free Choice 5 8 Free Choice 6 Name: 15 Dromana College – Year 9 Program Subject Domain Area The Arts Number of Units 1 Technology 1 Year 8 Form: