Master 3rd Grade Parent Letter 2015-2016

4210 Technology Drive
P.O. Box 5008
Fremont, CA 94537
(510) 657-2350
September 9, 2015
Dear Parent or Guardian
Each spring all third grade students are asked to participate in Fremont Unified School District’s
assessment for gifted children. Students identified for GATE services as a result of this testing will
receive differentiated curriculum at their school site beginning in the fourth grade.
One portion of the test measures cognitive development and measures reasoning abilities, both general
and specific. The assessment of general reasoning abilities indicates how children learn new tasks and
solve problems particularly when given little or no direct instruction. These abilities are measured in three
domains: verbal, quantitative, and non- verbal. The three domains include three different reasoning tasks.
The most significant use of this assessment is to assist teachers in adapting instructional goals, instruction,
and materials to meet the individual needs of students.
Testing is administered at each site by a trained test proctor. The assessment is a timed multiple choice
test. The testing process takes approximately 2.5 hours to complete however, the specific working time of
the test is 90 minutes. Approximate time is provided for distributing and collecting test booklets and
answer sheets, filling out student identification data, presenting the test directions and sample exercises,
answering student’s questions, and allowing for short rest periods between the nine subtests.
The student’s completed answer sheets are sent to Riverside Publishing Co. in Iowa for scoring after all
schools have completed testing. Parents will receive results of the test in a letter by U.S. mail in early
June. Students who score at or above 99% (NPR, age related) in either the verbal, quantitative, nonverbal
batteries or 98% total composite will qualify for identification.
All third graders are given this test unless we receive parent notification that they do not wish their child
to participate in this assessment. Please inform the GATE Office in Writing if you do not wish for your
child to take this test. Please send the request for your child to opt out of this assessment to: John
Schroeder GATE Program Specialist, 4210 Technology Drive, Fremont, CA 94538. E-mails and faxes
will not be accepted. Also, be sure to include your child’s name, teacher name, and school site. If you
have questions you may contact John Schroeder GATE Program Specialist at or by phone at 510-657-2350 ext 12325.
Information about the FUSD GATE Program is located at the District’s website:
Click on the Departments tab and then the GATE button. You may also contact the GATE Office:
John Schroeder, GATE Program Specialist may be reached at (510) 657 2350 ext 12325
Board of Education
Desrie Campbell
Ann Crosbie
Larry Sweeney
Yang Shao, Ph.D.
Michele Berke, Ph.D.
James Morris, Ed.D.
(510) 659-2542
Assistant Superintendent, Instruction
Kim Wallace, Ed.D.
(510) 659-2583
Associate Superintendent
Raul A. Parungao
(510) 659-2572
Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Raúl M. Zamora, Ed.D.
(510) 659-2556