Speaking 3

Business Etiquette
Preparing Students
for the Real World
The Agenda
Career Preparation
Creating a Resume and Cover Letter
Interviewing Etiquette
Social Etiquette
Dining with Style and Grace
Communicating with the Industry
Career Preparation
Why Prepare?
It’s a jungle out there…..
Competition is strong, and the way we
present ourselves is under closer
examination more than ever before.
Preparing for Work
Positive Thinking – start your preparation for work now, by
developing a positive attitude about life.
Getting Started – Obtain literature, read books on career
advice, find out who your local employers are.
Complete career awareness assessments to determine what
you may be good at.
Leisure interests – activities and interests outside of your
studies may help direct you into a career.
Defining your Ideal Job
Eight Factors to consider:
• Which skills do you want to use?
• What special knowledge do you have?
• What kind of people do you want to work with?
• What kind of work environment do you prefer?
• Where do you want your next job to be?
• How much money do you want to make?
• How much responsibility are you willing to
• What things are important to you?
Starting out
• The Basics – the best jobs are obtained by those
who plan, get themselves organized and then act.
It takes time and practice.
• Vacation and part-time work – get work
experience. Employers prefer someone who has
positive work experience.
• Choosing your employer – select one that can
provide a valuable learning experience.
• Tracking down the right job – approach jobs of
interest regardless if an opening is available.
What do Employers Want?
Creating a Powerful
Cover Letter
Why is a Resume so Important?
Organizes your thoughts.
Helps you recognize skills and interests.
Makes you feel good about yourself.
Markets your functional skills better.
Turns your education into a career reality.
Helps you achieve your goals.
What Can a Resume Help You Do?
Apply for summer and part-time jobs
Apply for colleges and for scholarships
Apply for internships
Find mentors
Get References
Apply for community service
Distribute at job fairs
Creating your Resume
Your Contact Information
Your Goal or Objective
Education and Academics
Honors and Awards
Workshops, Seminars and Related Programs
Internships, Work-Study Programs and Tech Prep
• Service-Learning and Volunteer Experiences
• Work Experience
Andy G. Tabori
108 North Cliff Avenue
Reno, NV 99999
(555) 555-0000
Seeking an internship in the field of culinary arts
and the hospitality industry.
May 2003
Reno High School, Reno, NV. Expect to graduate
ProStart- Becoming a Foodservice Professional Program
Major Courses:
Restaurant Management
Food Preparation and Baking
Menu Planning
Inventory Control
Food Preparation, Sanitation, Menu Development
and Implementation, Promotional Sales, Catering, Banquet
Preparation and Service, dining Room Service, Bakeshop Production
Hold Servsafe Serving
Safe Food Certification
Good communication
Skills; bilingual Spanish/English
Computer literate (PC and Mac)
Reno High School Cafeteria
Cafeteria Cook, Assist
cooks with food preparation; maintain salad bar; work as server and
dishwasher as needed.
Kingsways Inn, Reno, NV
Summer 2001
Banquet Assistant. Assisted
with food preparation for banquets and full-service meals. Assisted chef
with menu planning, buying and inventory control. Maintained
sanitation in kitchen.
St. Andrew’s Catholic
Church, Reno, NV
Summer 2000
Handyman, Performed
grounds maintenance and janitorial duties.
Cover Letter Goals
• Makes employers want to look at your resume
• Gets potential employers interested in you.
• Impresses them with your experience and skills
related to a job opening.
• Shows your interest in their company and
• Shows that you are dependable, professional and
• Asks for an interview or indicates the job
seeker’s follow-up plan.
Creating The Cover Letter
Your name & address
Contact Person’s Name and Address
Opening Paragraph
Middle Paragraphs
Contact Information and Closing
Opening Paragraph
(Attention and Interest)
• Classified Advertisement
 I read your advertisement in the Chicago Tribune for a Hostess on Sept.
28, 2002
• Unsolicited Mailing
 I would like to apply for a position as a Hostess with Prime Rib Depot. I am
seeking a summer position where I can use my communications skills and work
with the public.
• The Internet
 I am sending my enclosed resume as an application for the Hostess position with
your company. I found the opening listed on your Web site. I am seeking a
position where I can use my communications skills and work with the public.
• Referral
 I was referred to you by Mike Thomas, who is my neighbor. He tells me that you frequently
hire dependable, hard working high school seniors at your restaurant. Currently, I am seeking
a summer internship where I can use my communications skills and work with the public.
The Middle Paragraphs
• #1 - Summary of your background and critical
skills (hard skills) to show you are a match for
the position.
 As my resume indicates, I am active in the culinary arts program and the school
café at my high school. I recently was the silver medal winner at the state Student
Invitational. I maintain a 3.0 average and worked 10 hours per week during the
school year.
• #2 – A persuasive paragraph with a few soft
 If you are seeking a dependable, hard-working, and friendly young
person to work as a hostess for the summer, I would like to be
Info about you
Jennifer Dean
3135 High Low Road
Hilltop, IL, 69504
December, 3, 2002
Contact Person
Ms. Jane Howard
General Manager
Prime Rib Depot
344 Center Street
Chicago, IL 60554
Dear Ms. Howard,
Opening Paragraph 
Middle Paragraphs
Contact Information 
and closing
I was referred to you by my neighbor, Tom Williams, who told me
about your restaurant. I will be graduating from Stamford High
School in May and would like to be considered for a hostess
I will have competed ProStart®, a culinary and restaurant
management program, and am skilled in food preparation and
customer service. My work history includes part time positions at
fast food restaurants as well as a hostess at a casual diner.
If you are interested in hiring a dependable, hard-working,and
friendly young person to work this summer, I would like to be
I am available afternoons at (000) 000-000 after 4 p.m. I will be
available for an interview at your convenience. Thank you for your
Jennifer Dean
Enclosure: Resume
• Problem with e-mail is that your tone can
easily be misunderstood
• Always read your email before it goes out.
• Don’t forget the rules of spelling and
• Never omit a greeting
and/or closing.
• Never use ALL CAPITALS.
Interviewing Etiquette
The Perfect Candidate
A complete application
Personal appearance
Answering questions completely
Consistent work attendance
Positive attitude and behavior
Good interpersonal relations
Completing tasks efficiently
Pre-Interviewing Courtesies
Acknowledge your acceptance.
Do your homework on the company.
Prepare your questions.
Make sure you know how to get to the interview
• Coordinate your wardrobe and portfolio.
• Look your best.
• Be 10 minutes early.
Making a good
“First Impression”
• The way you dress is the single biggest nonverbal
communication you make about yourself.
• Your dress conveys success, trustworthiness,
intelligence and suitability.
• Lean towards the conservative side of style.
• Avoid loud colors and printed fabrics
• Make sure your clothes are nicely pressed.
• Bring an extra tie, shirt or pantyhose just in case.
What should I wear?
So !!
Clothing Tips for Men
• Conservative 2-piece dark suit,
navy blue or medium to dark
• Long sleeved blue or white
• Silk tie complimenting in color
or style
• Black dress socks
• Dark polished shoes and
matching belt
• Jewelry – No bracelets,
earrings or large rings.
Dress for Success
Clothing Tips for Women
• Dark conservative suit. Two
piece 1 or 2 button jacket and
knee length skirt.
• White or light colored long
sleeved blouse that is not low
cut or sheer.
• Black well polished shoes with
1 to 1½ inch heels.
• Natural tone or sheer black
• Limited conservative jewelry.
Dress for Success
Body Language
Make frequent eye contact
Take notes
Nod frequently
Keep you hands out of your
Cross you arms
Tap your feet
Clear your throat
Bite your lips or nails
The Interview
The Application
The Greetings – the handshake, the names
The Chit – Chat
The Core – the interviewing questions
The Questions - Have your questions ready!
The Close – What happens next?
Filling in the Blanks
Filling out an Application Form
Follow Directions.
Don’t leave any blanks.
Be neat.
Be prepared.
Provide positive information about
• Avoid negative information about yourself.
Post Interview
• Ask for their Business Card.
• Reflect on how your interview went.
• Write down important discussion
• Write a thank you letter.
• Follow up with a phone call.
Social Etiquette
Meeting and Greeting
• Who introduces who?
– Traditionally, a man is always introduced to a
woman. Not necessarily in business.
– Highest person of rank is mentioned first.
Remember: “Big, may I introduce Small.”
– A younger person is always introduced to an
older person
– It is helpful to include the persons title
– Always state your name.
Tricks for remembering names
• Repeat the person’s name a few times to
yourself after you’re introduced.
• Use the person’s name immediately in the
conversation after an introduction.
• Immediately introduce that new person to
someone else you know.
• Jot down the person’s name
Mastering the Handshake
The Pull-In
The Two-Handed Shake
The Topper
The Finger Squeeze
The Bone Crusher
The Palm Pinch
The Limp Fish
The Proper Handshake
• Firm, but not bone-crushing
• Lasts about 3 seconds
• May be "pumped" once or twice
from the elbow
• Is released after the shake, even
if the introduction continues
• Includes good eye contact with
the other person
• Hold your drink in your left
hand to avoid a cold, wet
Posture and Poise
The Etiquette Survival Kit
For Teens
What is Diversity?
What are some examples
of human diversity?
Marital status
Physical status
Economic class
Conflict in the Workplace
• Stereotyping
• Disrespect
• Generalizations
• Lack of Awareness
Benefits of being
Culturally Sensitive
• People respect you
• Less conflict
• Problems are easily solved
• Business is more successful –
meaning more job security
Asian Cultures
• The bow symbolizes respect and humility.
• The “ok” sign is a symbol for money.
• The business card – treat it with respect.
• Very punctual. It is rude to be late to a business meeting.
• Opening a gift in front of the giver signifies the gift is more
important than the giver.
• The triangle is considered a negative shape.
• Never touch the head or pass an object over the head – the
head is considered sacred in Thailand.
• Never cross your legs in the presence of an older person.
European and African Cultures
• In Great Britain, the napkin is a child’s diaper. They call
it the Serviette.
• In France, the “ok” sign means zero.
• In Germany, first names are seldom used when doing
• In Germany, gifts are rarely exchanged and are usually
not appropriate.
• The number 7 is considered bad luck in Kenya and
good luck in Czech Republic.
• In Bulgaria, a nod means “no” and shaking you head
means “yes”.
• In some African countries, the color red represents
witchcraft and death.
Middle Eastern Cultures
• Never, never eat with your left hand.
• Never sit in a position that displays the sole
of your foot to an Arab, especially women.
• Never ask a businessman about his wife or
other female members of his family.
• Famous for their hospitality. The coffee
South America
• Much more relaxed attitude toward time.
• In Brazil, the “A-OK” gesture means “up
yours” (to be polite).
Respecting Gender and Sexual
• Best Rule of thumb - Never make jokes or
snide remarks about gender or sexual
• What people do in their private lives is
exactly that : Private.
Respecting Physical Differences
• Don’t stare or avert your gaze.
• Avoid using words such as “handicapped”,
“crippled” and “invalid”
• Avoid using “healthy” and “normal’ to refer to
those without disabilities.
• Talk to everyone in a medium tone of voice.
• Helping someone is discouraged, unless given
permission to do so.
Dining with Style and Grace
Knowing table etiquette will put you at ease.
Your Basic Place Setting
The Formal Dinner Table Setting
Where do I start?
Basic Table Manners
Let’s get seated
Proper napkin use
Ordering from the menu
Minding your posture
Excusing yourself
Dining Skills for Teens
Let’s watch them in action!
The Etiquette Survival Kit
For Teens
Working with your local
restaurant managers
Making a Connection!
• Use your business etiquette skills.
• Managers are usually very busy during lunch, so
try to call mid-morning or mid- afternoon.
• Call the manager and schedule a time to visit
him/her at their restaurant.
• Be early.
• Bring competency checklist, ProStart Program
materials and student photos.
• Know your state child labor laws.
• Keep your visit brief and to the point.
What else?
• Invite the manager to your classroom to
talk to your students.
• Ask if they would provide a field trip
experience for your class.
• Invite local managers to see your students
in action. (Class café or restaurant)
• Ask businesses for equipment donations.
Good Luck!
Any Questions?