U.S. Health and Human Services Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT Clinical Element Data Dictionary (CEDD) Value Set Index Draft Version 0.1 November 3, 2011 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Revision History Date 11/3/2011 Document Version 0.1 Document Revision Description Working draft of the S&I Framework Clinical Element Data Dictionary (CEDD) – Value Set Index. This value set index is meant to capture the value sets used in the S&I Framework across initiatives. It is currently being reviewed internally within ONC and with the S&I Framework CEDD and TOC Implementation Guidance SWG’s This working draft includes work from the following initiatives: Transitions of Care Provider Directory TBD 0.2 In development. This will include the following initiatives: Laboratory Reporting Interface Query Health Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Table of Contents 1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 Use of Value Set Metadata ..............................................................................................................................4 1.1.1 Use of “Local to S&I Framework” Value Set URL’s..............................................................................5 1.1.2 Rules for Publication of Value Set Codes ............................................................................................5 Advance Directive Type Value Set ...................................................................................................................5 Allergy/Adverse Event Food and Other Allergens Value Set ...........................................................................6 Allergy/Adverse Event Reaction Value Set ......................................................................................................6 Allergy/Adverse Event Type Value Set ............................................................................................................6 Care Transition – Body Site Value Set .............................................................................................................7 Care Transition – Contact Type Value Set .......................................................................................................7 Care Transition – Country Value Set ...............................................................................................................8 Care Transition – Medication Brand Name Value Set .....................................................................................8 Care Transition - Medication Clinical Drug Name Value Set ...........................................................................9 Care Transition - Medication Drug Class Value Set .........................................................................................9 Care Transition – Patient Class Value Set ......................................................................................................10 Care Transition – Postal Code Value Set .......................................................................................................10 Care Transition - Problem Value Set .............................................................................................................11 Care Transition – Provider Role Value Set .....................................................................................................18 Care Transition – Provider Type Value Set ....................................................................................................18 Care Transition – Race Value Set ...................................................................................................................20 Care Transition – Relationship Value Set ......................................................................................................20 Care Transition - Severity Value Set ..............................................................................................................21 Care Transition – State Value Set ..................................................................................................................21 Encounter Type Value Set .............................................................................................................................22 Health Insurance Subscriber Relationship Value Set.....................................................................................22 Health Insurance Type Value Set ...................................................................................................................23 Ingredient Name Value Set ...........................................................................................................................24 Immunizations Administered Vaccines Value Set Recommendation ............................................................24 Immunization Reason Value Set ....................................................................................................................27 Medication Fill Status Value Set ....................................................................................................................28 Medication Method of Delivery Value Set ....................................................................................................28 Medication Product Form Value Set .............................................................................................................29 Medication Route Value Set ..........................................................................................................................29 Medication Type Value Set ............................................................................................................................29 Problem Status Value Set ..............................................................................................................................30 Problem Type Value Set ................................................................................................................................30 Procedure Value Set ......................................................................................................................................31 Provider Directory State License Value Set ...................................................................................................33 Provider Directory Address Usage Value Set ................................................................................................33 Provider Directory Degree Value Set.............................................................................................................33 Provider Directory Telephone Usage Value Set ............................................................................................34 Result Status Value Set ..................................................................................................................................34 Results Value Set ...........................................................................................................................................34 Social History Type Value Set ........................................................................................................................36 Vital Signs Result Type Value Set ...................................................................................................................37 2. Appendix A – Value Set References ................................................................................................................ 38 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology 1. Introduction This index contains recommended value sets drawn from work with the Health IT Standards Committee, Beacon Communities, and State HIE programs. These value sets have also been drawn from the Consolidated CDA Guide and its supporting value sets. This index draws heavily from work done in the development of HITSP C80 and much of its while also recognizing some of the unique challenges that are faced when dealing with value sets. Many value sets are short, but some are dynamic and large (the list of lab tests in LOINC, Results in SNOMED, not to mention diagnostic codes, etc.) Variations in the size and dynamic nature of terminologies that make it difficult for to find the ultimate “source of truth”. This is especially critical when these sets are points of conformance. The following rules apply in the use of these value sets: Wherever possible, this guidance will adhere to the recommendations of the Health IT Standards Committee on vocabularies and controlled terminologies. In those cases where a value set that aligns to these recommendations cannot be found, an alternative value set is proposed that may use a different vocabulary. Implementers from the ONC Beacon Communities and ONC State HIE Programs (sometimes referred to as ONC Initiative Partners, or OIPs) have provided value set recommendations in some areas where implementers wish to provide a set of most commonly used codes In almost all cases, the value set adopted has been aligned to the Consolidated CDA Guide. The CEDD Value Set Index will also be represented in the S&I Repository and on the S&I Framework CEDD Wiki site, with a web page that explains what the S&I Framework has reused or defined for value sets and include the links to the sources, including UMLS, HL7, CDC, et al. This work has not been defined as of publication of Draft version 0.1 of this document, but further information will be added as work progresses. Use of Value Set Metadata Value Set Metadata Source Value Set Metadata Description This is the source of the value set, identifying the originator or publisher of the information. It is assumed that the originator of a value set and the publisher of it may be different organizations. The Value Set Source metadata points to the authoritative source for the value set as specified by the S&I Framework, and this source may be owned by either of these organizations. The S&I Framework created specific value sets based upon external vocabularies for certain contexts. When this occurs the Value Set Source is identified as S&I Framework and the context of its use is described in the Value Set Description metadata. URL Type of Binding Every value set used in the S&I Framework is linked to an online location where the content of the value set is available. This is to help implementers identify the source of record for a specific set of concepts This attribute will record whether the value set is bound to data elements statically or dynamically. A statically bound value set has its values fixed until a Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology new version of the value set is released. A dynamically bound value set has its definitions fixed, but the values in the set may vary as new versions of the code system upon which they are based are released The purpose of the value set is defined, in specific context for the S&I Framework. This explains the use of the collection of concepts in the value set. This is the official name of the code system as determined by its source. Description Code System 1.1.1 Use of “Local to S&I Framework” Value Set URL’s The S&I Framework intends to point to the ultimate source of truth for a particular value set, vocabulary subset, and any other source for coded values (such as an enumerated list). When the term “Local to S&I Framework” is used in the index, it denotes that the S&I Framework wiki page listed captures the value set but ultimately points to a “source of truth”. 1.1.2 Rules for Publication of Value Set Codes Value sets are published in the S&I Framework Index under the following conditions: The value set is small and stable enough to be listed here The value set was developed by the S&I Framework in coordination with other The owner of the underlying code system has agreed to allow either the S&I Framework or the public to freely publish The information is available from another published source (in which case it is directly cited within the index) It is important to understand the licensing implications of using value sets from the S&I Framework. (Licensing implications are being researched internal to the S&I Framework. Language to be added post-working draft) Advance Directive Type Value Set In alignment with the CDA Consolidation Guide, the Transitions of Care Initiative recommends the following value set for coding Advance Directive types. Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Code 52765003 Value Set Metadata Element Description Consolidated CDA Local to S&I Framework URL TBD Static Used as part of the Transitions of Care Implementation Guidance, and also part of the Consolidated CDA Guide SNOMED-CT Name Intubation Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Code 61420007 71388002 78823007 89666000 225204009 281789004 304251008 Name Tube Feedings Other Directive Life Support CPR IV Fluid and Support Antibiotics Resuscitation Allergy/Adverse Event Food and Other Allergens Value Set The value set for coding food and other allergens in the S&I Framework is to use any ingredient name drawn from the FDA Structured Product Labeling (SPL) subset. NOTE: This value set is adopted from HITSP C80 - Clinical Document and Message Terminology Component without change. Proper attribution is provided to HITSP C80 in the References section of this document. Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Value Set Metadata Element Description S&I Framework Local to S&I Framework URL TBD Static SNOMED-CT Allergy/Adverse Event Reaction Value Set For the S&I Framework, any problem drawn from the VA/KP Problem List Subset of SNOMED CT may be used to describe an event reaction. NOTE: This set of SNOMED terms and codes is freely reusable worldwide without licensing or intellectual property restrictions. NOTE: This value set is adopted from HITSP C80 - Clinical Document and Message Terminology Component without change Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Value Set Metadata Element Description S&I Framework http://evs.nci.nih.gov/ftp1/FDA/ProblemList/ Static SNOMED-CT Allergy/Adverse Event Type Value Set The value set used to code for allergy and/or adverse event type in a care transition uses the following list of SNOMED-CT concept codes, which describe the type of product and intolerance suffered by the patient: Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology NOTE: This value set is adopted from HITSP C80 - Clinical Document and Message Terminology Component without change Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Value Set Metadata Element Description Consolidated CDA Local to S&I Framework Static SNOMED-CT Concept Name Propensity to adverse reactions (disorder) Propensity to adverse reactions to substance (disorder) Propensity to adverse reactions to drug (disorder) Propensity to adverse reactions to food (disorder) Allergy to substance (disorder) Drug allergy (disorder) Drug intolerance (disorder) Food intolerance (disorder) Propensity to adverse reactions (disorder) Concept Code (SNOMED-CT) 420134006 418038007 419511003 418471000 419199007 416098002 59037007 235719002 420134006 Care Transition – Body Site Value Set The value set for representing a Body Site in the S&I Framework contains values descending from the SNOMED-CT Anatomical Structure (91723000) hierarchy or Acquired body structure (body structure) (280115004) or Anatomical site notations for tumor staging (body structure) (258331007) or Body structure, altered from its original anatomical structure (morphologic abnormality) (118956008) or Physical anatomical entity (body structure) (91722005) This indicates the anatomical site. NOTE: This value set is adopted from HITSP C80 - Clinical Document and Message Terminology Component without change Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Value Set Metadata Element Description Consolidated CDA http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/Snomed/snomed_main.html Dynamic This value set indicates the specific anatomical site to be identified as part of the data associated with a care transition. Used in the Transitions of Care Implementation Guidance and referenced from the Consolidated CDA Guide. SNOMED-CT Care Transition – Contact Type Value Set For a care transition, the value set to use for identifying family relationships is the HL7 RoleClassCode. This represents the type of individual support provided, such as immediate emergency contacts, next of kin, family relations, guardians, agents, et cetera Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Value Set Metadata Element Description Consolidated CDA Local to S&I Framework URL TBD Static This value set is used in the Transitions of Care Implementation Guidance to capture a contact type as part of building family relationships for a patient. HL7 Version 3.0 Vocabulary RoleClass HL7 RoleClass Code Usage Note personal relationship next of kin caregiver agent guarantor emergency contact PRS NOK CAREGIVER AGNT GUAR ECON Care Transition – Country Value Set The value set for coding any country in the S&I Framework is to use ISO 3166-1 Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions: Part 1 Countries. NOTE: This value set is adopted from HITSP C80 - Clinical Document and Message Terminology Component without change Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Value Set Metadata Element Description Consolidated CDA http://www.iso.org/iso/country_codes/iso_3166_code_lists.htm Dynamic ISO 3166-1 Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions: Part 1 Countries Care Transition – Medication Brand Name Value Set The value set for a Medication Brand Name in a care transition uses any RxNorm normal forms for concepts type of Brand Name or Brand Name Packs. The Brand name concepts can be found in the RxNORM file RXCONSO.RRF selecting all terms where SAB=RXNORM (selecting the normal forms), and TTY=BN (selecting the brand names) or TTY=BPCK (selecting the brand name packs) NOTE: This value set is adopted from HITSP C80 - Clinical Document and Message Terminology Component without change Value Set Metadata Element Source Value Set Metadata Element Description S&I Framework (Reuse through HITSP C80) Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology URL Type of Binding Description Code System Local to S&I Framework URL TBD Dynamic This value set is used to identify the product brand name of drugs, such as Tylenol, Claritin, etc. Its primary usage is within the Transition of Care Implementation Guidance to define a medication brand name within the active medication list. RxNORM Care Transition - Medication Clinical Drug Name Value Set The value set for a Medication Clinical Drug Name in the S&I Framework uses any RxNorm normal forms for concepts type of Ingredient Name or Generic Packs. The ingredient name concepts can be found in the RxNORM file RXCONSO.RRF selecting all terms where SAB=RXNORM (selecting the normal forms), and TTY=IN (selecting the ingredient names) or TTY=GPCK (selecting the generic packs) NOTE: This value set is adopted from HITSP C80 - Clinical Document and Message Terminology Component without change Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Value Set Metadata Element Description S&I Framework (Reuse through HITSP C80) Local to S&I Framework URL TBD Dynamic Primary usage is within the Transition of Care Implementation Guidance to define a medication clinical drug name within the active medication list. RxNORM Care Transition - Medication Drug Class Value Set The value set for a care transition is to use any NDF-RT Code drawn from the following NDF-RT SPL Subsets: Physiologic Effect Structural Class Mechanism of Action NOTE: This value set is adopted from HITSP C80 - Clinical Document and Message Terminology Component without change Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Value Set Metadata Element Description S&I Framework (Reuse through HITSP C80) http://evs.nci.nih.gov/ftp1/FDA/ndfrt/ Dynamic Primary usage is within the Transitions of Care Implementation Guidance to identify a specific Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology medication drug class for a medication that is within the active medication list. NDF-RT Code System Care Transition – Patient Class Value Set This value set is used within the S&I Framework to categorize patients by site where an encounter occurred. NOTE: This value set is adopted from HITSP C80 - Clinical Document and Message Terminology Component without change Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Concept Code Value Set Metadata Element Description Consolidated CDA Local to S&I Framework URL TBD Static Health Level Seven (HL7) Version 3.0 Vocabulary ActEncounterCode Concept Name EMER Emergency IMP Inpatient Encounter AMB Ambulatory Definition A patient encounter that takes place at a dedicated healthcare service delivery location where the patient receives immediate evaluation and treatment, provided until the patient can be discharged or responsibility for the patient's care is transferred elsewhere (for example, the patient could be admitted as an inpatient or transferred to another facility.) A patient encounter where a patient is admitted by a hospital or equivalent facility, assigned to a location where patients generally stay at least overnight and provided with room, board, and continuous nursing service A comprehensive term for healthcare provided in a healthcare facility (e.g., a practitioners office, clinic setting, or hospital) on a nonresident basis. The term ambulatory usually implies that the patient has come to the location and is not assigned to a bed. Sometimes referred to as an outpatient encounter Care Transition – Postal Code Value Set This value set is used within the S&I Framework to represent United States postal codes (known in various countries as a post code, postcode, or ZIP code) appended to a postal address for the purpose of sorting mail. The value set allows the use of any United States Postal Service (USPS) postal code. NOTE: This value set is adopted from HITSP C80 - Clinical Document and Message Terminology Component without change Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Value Set Metadata Element Description Consolidated CDA http://zip4.usps.com/zip4/welcome.jsp Dynamic Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Code System United States Postal Service (USPS) Care Transition - Problem Value Set The Health IT Standards Committee recommends the use of SNOMED-CT to capture problems. It is expected, however, that during a care transition, there may be multiple codes used from different terminologies, including ICD-9 and ICD-10. The value set specified for problems within the S&I Framework is based off SNOMED-CT and includes ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes for common problems. For SNOMED-CT, the value set is limited to terms descending from the Clinical Findings (404684003) or Situation with Explicit Context (243796009) hierarchies. This value set is not intended to be comprehensive but represents the recommendations for specific codes that are common to an active problem list. Implementers should note that a list of ICD-9, ICD-10 and SNOMED-CT codes are provided for commonly used problems that have been identified as most likely to be coded during a care transition. Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Problem Name Acute Respiratory Failure Asthma Chronic Kidney Disease Congestive Heart Failure COPD Cystic Fibrosis Depression screening Diabetes Diabetes Diabetes Value Set Metadata Element Description S&I Framework Local to S&I Framework URL TBD Dynamic Note that the usage of this value set is currently specific to a care transition as defined in the S&I Framework SNOMED-CT Problem Codes 518.84 493.0, 493.1, 493.2, 493.8, 493.9, 495.8 585.1-6 428 496 277.00, 277.01, 277.02, 277.03, 277.09 V79.0 250, 250.0, 250.00, 250.01, 250.02, 250.03, 250.10, 250.11, 250.12, 250.13, 250.20, 250.21, 250.22, 250.23, 250.30, 250.31, 250.32, 250.33, 250.4, 250.40, 250.41, 250.42, 250.43, 250.50, 250.51, 250.52, 250.53, 250.60, 250.61, 250.62, 250.63, 250.7, 250.70, 250.71, 250.72, 250.73, 250.8, 250.80, 250.81, 250.82, 250.83, 250.9, 250.90, 250.91, 250.92, 250.93, 357.2, 362.0, 362.01, 362.02, 362.03, 362.04, 362.05, 362.06, 362.07, 366.41, 648.0, 648.00, 648.01, 648.02, 648.03, 648.04 31, E10.36, E11.36, E11.9, E13, E13.32, E13.33, E13.34, E13.35, E13.43, O24.42 111552007, 111558006, 11530004, 123763000, 127013003, 127014009, 190321005, 190328004, 190330002, 190331003, 190336008, 190353001, 190361006, 190368000, 190369008, 190371008, 190372001, 190383005, 190389009, 190390000, 190392008, 190406000, 190407009, 190410002, 190411003, 190412005, 190416001, 190417004, 190418009, 190419001, Code Set ICD-9 ICD-9 ICD-9 ICD-9 ICD-9 ICD-9 ICD-9 ICD-9 ICD-10 SNOMEDCT Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Problem Name Diabetes (Exclusion) Diabetic Retinopathy Diabetic Retinopathy Diabetic Retinopathy Emphysema Gestational Diabetes Gestational Diabetes Gestational Diabetes Hypertension Hyperlipidemia Ischemic Vascular Disease Microalbuminuria Nephropathy Problem Codes 190422004, 193184006, 197605007, 198609003, 199223000, 199227004, 199229001, 199230006, 199231005, 199234002, 201250006, 201251005, 201252003, 23045005, 230572002, 230577008, 237599002, 237600004, 237601000, 237604008, 237613005, 237618001, 237619009, 237627000, 25907005, 26298008, 267379000, 267380002, 2751001, 275918005, 28032008, 28453007, 290002008, 309426007, 310387003, 311366001, 312912001, 313435000, 313436004, 314537004, 314771006, 314772004, 314893005, 314902007, 314903002, 33559001, 34140002, 359611005, 359638003, 359642000, 360546002, 371087003, 38542009, 39058009, 39181008, 408539000, 408540003, 413183008, 414890007, 414906009, 420414003, 420422005, 421750000, 421847006, 421895002, 422183001, 422228004, 422275004, 423263001, 424736006, 424989000, 425159004, 425442003, 426705001, 426875007, 427089005, 428896009, 42954008, 44054006, 4627003, 46635009, 50620007, 51002006, 5368009, 54181000, 57886004, 59079001, 5969009, 70694009, 73211009, 74263009, 75524006, 75682002, 76751001, 81531005, 81830002, 8801005, 91352004, 9859006 648.8, 249, 251.8, 962 E10.3, E10.31, E10.311, E10.319, E11.31, E11.311, E11.319, E11.32, E11.321, E11.329, E11.33, E11.331, E11.339, E11.34, E11.341, E11.349 193349004, 193350004, 232020009, 232021008, 232022001, 232023006, 25093002, 25412000, 311782002, 312903003, 312904009, 312905005, 312906006, 312907002, 312908007, 312909004, 312912001, 314010006, 314011005, 314014002, 314015001, 390834004, 399625000, 399862001, 399863006, 399864000, 399865004, 399866003, 399868002, 399869005, 399870006, 399871005, 399872003, 399873008, 399874002, 399875001, 399876000, 399877009, 408409007, 408410002, 408411003, 408412005, 408413000, 408414006, 408415007, 408416008, 414892004, 414894003, 414908005, 414910007, 417677008, 420486006, 420789003, 421779007, 422034002, 4855003, 59276001, 62585004 362.01, 362.02, 362.03, 362.04, 362.05, 362.06 491.20-491.22, 518.20, 506.4, 518.1, 998.81, 958.7 648.8, 648.80, 648.81, 648.82, 648.83, 648.84 R73.02, R73.09 11687002, 420491007, 420738003, 420989005, 421223006, 421389009, 421443003, 422155003, 46894009, 71546005, 75022004 401.-405.XX 272.X 411, 413, 414.0, 414.2, 414.8, 414.9, 429.2, 433-434, 440.1, 440.2, 440.4, 444, 445 791.0 250.4, 250.40, 250.41, 250.42, 250.43, 403, 403.0, 403.00, 403.01, 403.1, 403.10, 403.11, 403.9, 403.90, 403.91, 404, 404.0, 404.00, 404.01, 404.02, 404.03, 404.1, 404.10, 404.11, 404.12, 404.13, 404.9, 404.90, 404.91, 404.92, 404.93, 405.01, 405.11, 405.91, 580, 580.0, 580.4, 580.8, 580.81, 580.89, 580.9, 581, 581.0, 581.1, 581.2, 581.3, 581.8, 581.81, 581.89, 581.9, 582, 582.0, 582.1, 582.2, 582.4, 582.8, 582.81, 582.89, 582.9, 583, 583.0, 583.1, 583.2, 583.4, 583.6, 583.7, 583.8, 583.81, 583.89, 583.9, 584, 584.5, 584.6, 584.7, 584.8, 584.9, 585, 585.1, 585.2, 585.3, 585.4, Code Set ICD-9 ICD-10 SNOMEDCT ICD-9 ICD-9 ICD-9 ICD-10 SNOMEDCT ICD-9 ICD-9 ICD-9 ICD-9 ICD-9 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Problem Name Nephropathy Nephropathy Problem Codes 585.5, 585.6, 585.9, 586, 587, 588, 588.0, 588.1, 588.8, 588.81, 588.89, 588.9, 753.0, 753.1, 753.10, 753.11, 753.12, 753.13, 753.14, 753.15, 753.16, 753.17, 753.19, 791.0, V42.0, V45.1, V45.11, V45.12, V56, V56.0, V56.1, V56.2, V56.3, V56.31, V56.32, V56.8 G56, G56.8, G56.80, G56.81, G56.82, G56.9, G56.90, G56.91, G56.92, G57, G57.8, G57.80, G57.81, G57.82, G57.9, G57.90, G57.91, G57.92, G58, G58.0, G58.7, G58.8, G58.9, G59, G61, G61.0, G61.1, G61.8, G61.81, G61.89, G61.9, G62, G62.0, G62.9 193003, 290006, 1426004, 1592005, 1776003, 2900003, 3321001, 4292005, 4390004, 4451004, 4495005, 4576001, 4676006, 5397007, 5753006, 6134000, 7703001, 7724006, 8199003, 8436004, 8468007, 8964003, 8996006, 9918001, 10123006, 10697004, 10833000, 11013005, 11026009, 11109001, 11659006, 12897005, 13010001, 13335004, 13530005, 13886001, 13889008, 14178006, 14343001, 14669001, 14853005, 14973001, 15842009, 16147005, 16297002, 16507009, 16652001, 16756008, 16934004, 17121006, 17380002, 17901006, 18417009, 18796000, 19351000, 20341008, 20483002, 20917003, 21764004, 21952001, 22011005, 22702000, 22846003, 23697004, 23754003, 24790002, 25646005, 25765006, 25821008, 26235008, 26367008, 27174002, 28196006, 28545001, 28770003, 28918009, 29908007, 30124006, 30275001, 30295007, 31005002, 32093003, 32278006, 32659003, 32916005, 33561005, 33763006, 34165000, 35455006, 35546006, 36171008, 36184004, 36225005, 36388008, 36402006, 36473002, 36568005, 36689008, 36891003, 37133005, 37183000, 37891007, 38481006, 39018007, 39291006, 39734002, 40095003, 40233000, 40488004, 40894000, 41305006, 41729002, 41962002, 42399005, 42496002, 42927005, 43064006, 43258006, 43629001, 43738009, 44323002, 44513007, 44730006, 45281005, 45456005, 45646000, 45743004, 45812003, 45816000, 46177005, 46395002, 48061001, 48631008, 48638002, 48655003, 48713002, 48796009, 49008000, 49220004, 49809007, 50581000, 50909009, 51055000, 51292008, 51677000, 52042003, 52254009, 52342006, 52777008, 52845002, 53378008, 53556002, 54155004, 54181000, 54480007, 54781007, 54879000, 54967001, 55006001, 55536001, 55655006, 55856005, 56108007, 56346006, 57088004, 57469000, 57557005, 57684003, 57965003, 58276006, 58574008, 58797008, 59400006, 59530001, 59758007, 59780005, 60989005, 61474001, 61598006, 61680002, 61852001, 62216007, 62240004, 63510008, 64323009, 65127006, 65443008, 66993009, 67132008, 68815009, 69718008, 70092007, 71064009, 71110009, 71275003, 71909003, 72613009, 73030000, 73286009, 73305009, 74594005, 75030003, 75150001, 75652008, 75712001, 76224000, 76521009, 76910007, 77186001, 77624000, 77945009, 78209002, 78311009, 78544004, 79385002, 80902009, 81363003, 81896006, 81986001, 81987005, 82525005, 83563007, 83850008, 83866005, 84121007, 85020001, 85487008, 85901000, 86210009, 86234004, 86235003, 86249007, 86463003, 86564006, 87571007, 88102009, 88380005, 88531004, 90241004, 90493000, 90688005, 90708001, 91003006, 92165001, Code Set ICD-10 SNOMEDCT Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Problem Name Problem Codes 92624000, 92921005, 92975004, 93290000, 93425004, 94889006, 95444008, 95474000, 95568003, 95570007, 95571006, 95572004, 95575002, 95577005, 95578000, 95579008, 95580006, 95582003, 95889002, 102455002, 105999006, 106000008, 109477002, 110996009, 111395007, 111403005, 111404004, 111406002, 111407006, 112066009, 118951003, 123609007, 123610002, 123611003, 123612005, 123752003, 123753008, 123755001, 124147007, 126874009, 126880001, 126881002, 127013003, 128996006, 129128006, 168041003, 187144000, 188250002, 188251003, 194774006, 194780003, 194781004, 197577008, 197589005, 197590001, 197591002, 197593004, 197594005, 197595006, 197596007, 197597003, 197598008, 197599000, 197600002, 197601003, 197603000, 197605007, 197606008, 197607004, 197627003, 197628008, 197629000, 197650009, 197659005, 197660000, 197661001, 197663003, 197664009, 197670003, 197671004, 197679002, 197688006, 197707007, 197708002, 197712008, 197738008, 197739000, 197752005, 197753000, 197801000, 197802007, 197813005, 197817006, 197820003, 198841006, 198842004, 198843009, 198844003, 198845002, 198846001, 198949009, 199110003, 199132007, 199134008, 199135009, 199136005, 199137001, 200117009, 200118004, 204938007, 204941003, 204942005, 204949001, 204950001, 204957003, 204962002, 204980006, 204984002, 204985001, 210197003, 210207004, 210811000, 213231008, 226309007, 230970001, 236367002, 236369004, 236374007, 236376009, 236377000, 236380004, 236381000, 236382007, 236383002, 236384008, 236385009, 236395002, 236402009, 236403004, 236404005, 236405006, 236406007, 236423003, 236424009, 236425005, 236428007, 236429004, 236430009, 236431008, 236432001, 236433006, 236434000, 236435004, 236436003, 236437007, 236438002, 236439005, 236441006, 236442004, 236443009, 236444003, 236445002, 236448000, 236452000, 236453005, 236454004, 236455003, 236456002, 236457006, 236460004, 236461000, 236463002, 236464008, 236467001, 236469003, 236470002, 236471003, 236472005, 236474006, 236475007, 236477004, 236478009, 236479001, 236480003, 236481004, 236482006, 236483001, 236484007, 236485008, 236486009, 236487000, 236488005, 236490006, 236491005, 236492003, 236493008, 236495001, 236498004, 236499007, 236500003, 236502006, 236503001, 236504007, 236505008, 236506009, 236507000, 236508005, 236511006, 236514003, 236515002, 236516001, 236517005, 236518000, 236519008, 236520002, 236521003, 236522005, 236523000, 236526008, 236527004, 236528009, 236530006, 236531005, 236532003, 236534002, 236535001, 236569000, 236570004, 236583003, 236584009, 236586006, 236587002, 236590008, 236592000, 236614007, 236708007, 236710009, 236713006, 237230004, 239932005, 240317003, 253860008, 253862000, 253864004, 253865003, 253866002, 253867006, 253869009, 253872002, 253875000, 253876004, 253881008, 253883006, 253886003, 254914004, 254915003, 254916002, 254919009, 254920003, 254922006, 254923001, 254924007, 262612001, 262891006, 262893009, 262894003, 262900003, 266549004, 266556005, 267430007, 268232000, 268234004, 268854008, 269257004, 269301005, 269489006, 270494003, 270517006, 271387005, 271432005, 274401005, 275408006, 275510005, 276583007, 276584001, 276585000, 276586004, 276627004, 277010001, 277011002, 278531007, 282348002, 282664001, 283905005, 288004005, 289923007, 298127003, 301814009, 302233006, 302849000, Code Set Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Problem Name Obesity Polycystic ovaries Polycystic ovaries Problem Codes 302910002, 302922004, 307309005, 307532008, 307604008, 307618001, 309426007, 309785008, 310387003, 311366001, 311496007, 359563005, 361146001, 361147005, 361264003, 363224005, 363234001, 363287001, 363288006, 363518003, 367540006, 370488005, 370493008, 370494002, 371011007, 371019009, 371020003, 373421000, 373422007, 373584008, 373585009, 373599008, 399094007, 399190000, 399340005, 405573009, 405584002, 420279001, 421893009, 422593004, 423322005, 423533009, 423919000, 425369003, 425384007, 425414000, 425455002, 426136000, 427555000, 427649000, 428255004, 428720002, 429224003, 429489008, 430535006, 431480000, 431501001, 431855005, 431856006, 431857002, 432294000, 432461000, 433036004, 433144002, 433146000, 433229006, 438783006, 439990003, 440018001, 441815006 278 256.4 E28.2 Polycystic ovaries 69878008 Pregnancy (normal) 630, 631, 632, 633.00, 633.01, 633.10, 633.11, 633.20, 633.21, 633.80, 633.81, 633.90, 633.91, 634.00, 634.01, 634.02, 634.10, 634.11, 634.12, 634.20, 634.21, 634.22, 34.30, 634.31, 634.32, 634.40, 634.41, 634.42, 634.50, 634.51, 634.52, 634.60, 634.61, 634.62, 634.70, 634.71, 634.72, 634.80, 634.81, 634.82, 634.90, 634.91, 634.92, 635.00, 635.01, 635.02, 635.10, 635.11, 635.12, 635.20, 635.21, 635.22, 635.30, 635.31, 635.32, 635.40, 635.41, 635.42, 635.50, 635.51, 635.52, 635.60, 635.61, 635.62, 635.70, 635.71, 635.72, 635.80, 635.81, 635.82, 635.90, 635.91, 635.92, 636.00, 636.01, 636.02, 636.10, 636.11, 636.12, 636.20, 636.21, 636.22, 636.30, 636.31, 636.32, 636.40, 636.41, 636.42, 636.50, 636.51, 636.52, 636.60, 636.61, 636.62, 636.70, 636.71, 636.72, 636.80, 636.81, 636.82, 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661.03, 661.10, 661.11, 661.13, 661.20, 661.21, 661.23, 661.30, 661.31, 661.33, 661.40, 661.41, 661.43, 661.90, 661.91, 661.93, 662.00, 662.01, 662.03, 662.10, 662.11, 662.13, 662.20, 662.21, 662.23, 662.30, 662.31, 662.33, 663.00, 663.01, 663.03, 663.10, 663.11, 663.13, 663.20, 663.21, 663.23, 663.30, 663.31, 663.33, 663.40, 663.41, Code Set Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Problem Name PregProblem nancy (normal) Steroid Induced Diabetes Steroid Induced Diabetes Problem Codes 663.43, 663.50, 663.51, 663.53, 663.60, 663.61, 663.63, 663.80, 663.81, 663.83, 663.90, 663.91, 663.93, 664.00, 664.01, 664.04, 664.10, 664.11, 664.14, 664.20, 664.21, 664.24, 664.30, 664.31, 664.34, 664.40, 664.41, 664.44, 664.50, 664.51, 664.54, 664.60, 664.61, 664.64, 664.80, 664.81, 664.84, 664.90, 664.91, 664.94, 665.00, 665.01, 665.03, 665.10, 665.11, 665.20, 665.22, 665.24, 665.30, 665.31, 665.34, 665.40, 665.41, 665.44, 665.50, 665.51, 665.54, 665.60, 665.61, 665.64, 665.70, 665.71, 665.72, 665.74, 665.80, 665.81, 665.82, 665.83, 665.84, 665.90, 665.91, 665.92, 665.93, 665.94, 666.00, 666.02, 666.04, 666.10, 666.12, 666.14, 666.20, 666.22, 666.24, 666.30, 666.32, 666.34, 667.00, 667.02, 667.04, 667.10, 667.12, 667.14, 668.00, 668.01, 668.02, 668.03, 668.04, 668.10, 668.11, 668.12, 668.13, 668.14, 668.20, 668.21, 668.22, 668.23, 668.24, 668.80, 668.81, 668.82, 668.83, 668.84, 668.90, 668.91, 668.92, 668.93, 668.94, 669.00, 669.01, 669.02, 669.03, 669.04, 669.10, 669.11, 669.12, 669.13, 669.14, 669.20, 669.21, 669.22, 669.23, 669.24, 669.30, 669.32, 669.34, 669.40, 669.41, 669.42, 669.43, 669.44, 669.50, 669.51, 669.60, 669.61, 669.70, 669.71, 669.80, 669.81, 669.82, 669.83, 669.84, 669.90, 669.91, 669.92, 669.93, 669.94, 670.00, 670.02, 670.04, 670.10, 670.12, 670.14, 670.20, 670.22, 670.24, 670.30, 670.32, 670.34, 670.80, 670.82, 670.84, 671.00, 671.01, 671.02, 671.03, 671.04, 671.10, 671.11, 671.12, 671.13, 671.14, 671.20, 671.21, 671.22, 671.23, 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676.42, 676.43, 676.44, 676.50, 676.51, 676.52, 676.53, 676.54, 676.60, 676.61, 676.62, 676.63, 676.64, 676.80, 676.81, 676.82, 676.83, 676.84, 676.90, 676.91, 676.92, 676.93, 676.94, V22.0, V22.1, V22.2, V23.0, V23.1, V23.2, V23.3, V23.41, V23.49, V23.5, V23.7, V23.81, V23.82, V23.83, V23.84, V23.85, V23.86, V23.89, V23.9, V28.0, V28.1, V28.2, V28.3, V28.4, V28.5, V28.6, V28.81, V28.82, V28.89, V28.9 16356006, 198624007, 198626009, 198627000, 239101008, 289908002, 31601007, 34801009, 38720006, 41991004, 43990006, 44782008, 60000008, 60810003, 64254006, 65147003, 69532007, 79290002, 79586000, 80997009, 82661006, 87605005, 90968009, 9899009 249, 249.0 249.00, 249.01, 249.1, 249.10, 249.11, 249.2, 249.20, 249.21, 249.3, 249.30, 249.31, 249.4, 249.40, 249.41, 249.5, 249.50, 249.51, 249.6, 249.60, 249.61, 249.7, 249.70, 249.71, 249.8, 249.80, 249.81, 249.9, Code Set SNOMEDCT ICD-9 ICD-9 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Problem Name Steroid Induced Diabetes Steroid Induced Diabetes Tobacco Use Problem Codes 249.90, 249.91, 251.8, 962.0 E08, E10, T38 Code Set ICD-10 190416008, 190447002, 53126001 305.1, 649.0x, 989.84 SNOMEDCT ICD-9 Care Transition – Provider Role Value Set The value set for a Provider Role in the S&I Framework uses the HL7 2.5.1 vocabulary specified in the Consolidated CDA Guide, as specified under Provider Role. This classifies providers according to the role they play in the healthcare of the individual Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Value Set Metadata Element Description S&I Framework Local to S&I Framework Static HL7 2.5.1 ProviderRole Care Transition – Provider Type Value Set The value set for a Provider Type in a care transition uses the National Uniform Claim Committee (NUCC) Health Care Provider Taxonomy. This Provider Type value set classifies providers according to the type of license or accreditation they hold or the service they provide. A list of the most common provider types is provided below. At this time, the concept codes are not available from NUCC and this table outlines the high level “Provider Type” classification only: Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Provider Type Concept Name Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers Chiropractic Providers Dental Providers Value Set Metadata Element Description Consolidated CDA http://www.nucc.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=vi ew&id=14&Itemid=40 Dynamic National Uniform Claim Committee (NUCC) Health Care Provider Taxonomy Definition Broad classification aggregating providers who are trained and educated to perform services related to behavioral health, mental health, and counseling and may be licensed or practice within the scope or licensure or training A provider qualified by a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) licensed by the State and who practices chiropractic medicine -that discipline within the healing arts which deals with the nervous system and its relationship to the spinal column and its interrelationship with other body systems Broad category to identify practitioners who render services related the practice of dentistry. Dentistry is defined as the evaluation, diagnosis, Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Provider Type Concept Name Dietary and Nutritional Service Providers Emergency Medical Service Providers Eye and Vision Service Providers Nursing Service Providers Pharmacy Service Providers (Individuals) Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians Podiatric Medicine and Surgery Providers Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers Speech, Language and Hearing Providers Agencies Ambulatory Health Care Facilities Hospitals Laboratories Managed Care Organizations Nursing & Custodial Care Facilities Residential Treatment Facilities Definition prevention and/or treatment (nonsurgical, surgical or related procedures) of diseases, disorders and/or conditions of the oral cavity, maxillofacial area and/or the adjacent and associated structures and their impact on the human body; provided by a dentist, within the scope of his/her education, training and experience, in accordance with the ethics of the profession and applicable law Broad category defining practitioners who help prevent and treat illness by promoting healthy eating habits, scientifically evaluating diets and suggesting modifications. They may also assess the nutritional needs of patients, develop and implement nutritional care plans Broad category for individuals who complete additional training and education in the area of pre-hospital emergency services and are licensed and/or practice within the scope of that training Broad category grouping individuals who renders services related to the human eye and visual systems, but are not an allopathic or osteopathic physicians Providers who are trained and educated to perform and administer services related to health promotion, disease prevention, acute and chronic care, spiritual guidance and comfort for healing and health, restoration of health and health maintenance across the life span A broad category grouping providers who render services relating to the preparation and dispensing of drugs A broad category grouping state licensed providers in allopathic or osteopathic medicine whose scope of practice is determined by education Broad category grouping licensed providers who renders services related to the human foot A provider who is trained and educated to perform services related to respiratory care, physical therapy, occupational therapy, developmental therapy, rehabilitation and restorative services and may be licensed, certified or practice within the scope of training A provider who renders services to improve communicative skills of people with language, speech and hearing impairments A non-facility provider that renders outpatient outreach services that are not provided at a specific location. The licensure or registration is assigned to the agency rather than to the individual practitioners as would be the case in a group practice A facility or distinct part of one used for the diagnosis and treatment of outpatients. "Clinic/Center" is irregularly defined, sometimes being limited to organizations serving specialized treatment requirements or distinct patient/client groups (e.g., radiology, poor, and public health) A healthcare organization that has a governing body, an organized medical staff and professional staff and inpatient facilities and provides medical nursing and related services for ill and injured patients 24 hrs per day, seven days per week. For licensing purposes, each state has its own definition of hospital A room or building equipped for scientific experimentation, research, testing, or clinical studies of materials, fluids, or tissues obtained from patients Not Available Broad category identifying licensed facilities with inpatient beds specializing in nursing and custodial care Live in facilities where patients or clients, who because of their physical, mental, or emotional condition, are not able to live independently, and who Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Provider Type Concept Name Suppliers Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers Nursing Service Related Providers Definition receive treatment appropriate to their particular needs in a less restrictive environment than an inpatient facility. For example, an RTC may provide educational training and therapy for children with emotional disturbances or continuing care and therapy for people with severe mental handicaps Suppliers, pharmacies, and other healthcare providers who supply healthcare related products or medications and associated professional and administrative services A broad grouping of providers who are: 1) trained, educated, and certified to perform basic medical and minor surgical services (or to assist the physician in performance of more complex services) under general physician supervision; and 2) trained, educated at a post-graduate level, and certified to perform autonomous and specialized roles as nurse practitioners, midwives, nurse anesthetists, or clinical nurse specialists Providers not otherwise classified, who perform or administer services in or related to the delivery or research of healthcare services, disease, and restoration of health. An individual provider who is not represented in one of the identified categories but whose data may be needed for clinical, operational or administrative processes Care Transition – Race Value Set A Value Set of codes for Classifying data based upon race. Race is always reported at the discretion of the person for whom this attribute is reported, and reporting must be completed according to Federal guidelines for race reporting. Any code descending from the Race concept (1000-9) in that terminology may be used in the exchange NOTE: This value set is adopted from HITSP C80 - Clinical Document and Message Terminology Component without change Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Value Set Metadata Element Description Consolidated CDA Local to S&I Framework Dynamic CDC Race and Ethnicity Codes Care Transition – Relationship Value Set The value set to use in the S&I Framework for identifying family relationships is the HL7 RoleCode. A Personal Relationship in this value set records the role of a person in relation to another person. This value set is to be used when recording the relationships between different people who are not necessarily related by family ties, but also includes family relationships. Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Value Set Metadata Element Description Consolidated CDA Local to S&I Framework Dynamic Used in the Transitions of Care Implementation Guidance, and shared with the Consolidated CDA Guide Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Code System Health Level Seven (HL7) Version 3.0 Vocabulary RoleCode HL7 RoleClass Code Usage Note personal relationship next of kin caregiver agent guarantor emergency contact PRS NOK CAREGIVER AGNT GUAR ECON Care Transition - Severity Value Set The value set for severity of an allergy, adverse event or problem in the S&I Framework uses the following list of SNOMED-CT concept codes, which describe the severity being experienced. NOTE: This value set is adopted from HITSP C80 - Clinical Document and Message Terminology Component without change Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Concept Code 255604002 371923003 6736007 371924009 24484000 399166001 Value Set Metadata Element Description Consolidated CDA Local to S&I Framework Dynamic SNOMED-CT Concept Name (Fully Qualified SNOMED-CT Name) Mild (qualifier value) Mild to moderate (qualifier value) Moderate (severity modifier) (qualifier value) Moderate to severe (qualifier value) Severe (severity modifier) (qualifier value) Fatal (qualifier value) Definition Usage Notes Not Available Not Available Not Available Mild Mild to moderate Moderate Not Available Not Available Moderate to severe Severe Not Available Fatal Care Transition – State Value Set The value set for a coding a state value in the S&I Framework is to use any FIPS 5-2 Codes (Identification of the States, the District of Columbia and the Outlying Areas of the United States, and Associated Areas Publication # 52, May, 1987). NOTE: This value set is adopted from HITSP C80 - Clinical Document and Message Terminology Component without change Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Value Set Metadata Element Description S&I Framework (Reused from HITSP C80) http://www.itl.nist.gov/fipspubs/fip5-2.htm Dynamic Codes for the Identification of the States, the District of Columbia and the Outlying Areas of the United States, and Associated Areas Publication # 5-2, May, 1987 Also referred to as FIPS 5-2 Encounter Type Value Set Per the recommendation of the Health IT Standards Committee, encounters SHOULD be coded using SNOMED-CT. A full value set in support of this recommendation is under development. The current value set provided in this implementation guidance is based on the HITSP C80 recommendation to use CPT-4 codes as a transition mechanism towards SNOMED-CT. The value set for Encounter Type in the S&I Framework is drawn from the codes of the Current Procedure and Terminology (CPT) designated for Evaluation and Management (99200 – 99299). The value set provided shows the most common Encounters and their CPT coded procedure types as identified by ONC State HIE programs and ONC Beacon Communities. Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Encounter Type Out Patient Office Visit Hospital Observation Services Office Consultations Value Set Metadata Element Description S&I Framework Local to S&I Framework URL TBD Static CPT Coded Procedure Type 99201-99205, 99211-99215 99217-99220 99241-99245 Code Set CPT CPT CPT Health Insurance Subscriber Relationship Value Set NOTE: This value set is adopted from HITSP C80 - Clinical Document and Message Terminology Component without change Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Value Set Metadata Element Description S&I Framework http://www.hl7.org/memonly/downloads/v3edition.cfm#V32008 Static HL7 V3 RoleCode Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Concept Code FAMDEP FSTUD HANDIC INJ PSTUD SELF SPON STUD Concept Name Family dependent Full-time student Handicapped dependent Injured plaintiff Part-time student Self Sponsored dependent Student Health Insurance Type Value Set The S&I Framework supports recommendations of the Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12 Standards Release 004010 for usage of the Health Insurance Type value set. This value set uses the ASC X12 vocabulary for Insurance Type Code (ASC X12 Data Element 1336). NOTE: This value set is adopted from HITSP C80 - Clinical Document and Message Terminology Component without change NOTE: Further updates of this value set will be needed in support of the HIPAA 5010 transition. Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Value Set Metadata Element Description Consolidated CDA Local to S&I Framework Dynamic ASC X12 Concept Code 12 Concept Name Medicare Secondary Working Aged Beneficiary or Spouse with Employer Group Health Plan 13 Medicare Secondary End-Stage Renal Disease Beneficiary in the 12 month coordination period with an employers group health plan Medicare Secondary, No-fault Insurance including Auto is Primary Medicare Secondary Workers Compensation Medicare Secondary Public Health Service (PHS)or Other Federal Agency Medicare Secondary Black Lung Medicare Secondary Veterans Administration Medicare Secondary Disabled Beneficiary Under Age 65 with Large Group Health Plan (LGHP) Medicare Secondary, Other Liability Insurance is Primary Auto Insurance Policy Commercial Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) Medicare Conditionally Primary Disability Disability Benefits 14 15 16 41 42 43 47 AP C1 CO CP D DB Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Concept Code EP FF GP HM HN HS Concept Name Exclusive Provider Organization Family or Friends Group Policy Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) - Medicare Risk Special Low Income Medicare Beneficiary IN IP LC LD LI LT MA MB MC MH MI MP OT PE PL PP PR PS QM RP SP TF WC WU Indemnity Individual Policy Long Term Care Long Term Policy Life Insurance Litigation Medicare Part A Medicare Part B Medicaid Medigap Part A Medigap Part B Medicare Primary Other Property Insurance – Personal Personal Personal Payment (Cash - No Insurance) Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Point of Service (POS) Qualified Medicare Beneficiary Property Insurance - Real Supplemental Policy Tax Equity Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) Workers Compensation Wrap Up Policy Ingredient Name Value Set This value set is used in the S&I Framework to identify unique ingredient identifiers (UNIIs) for substances in drugs, biologics, foods, and devices. Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Value Set Metadata Element Description Consolidated CDA http://www.fda.gov/ForIndustry/DataStandards/StructuredPro ductLabeling/ucm162523.htm Dynamic UNII Immunizations Administered Vaccines Value Set Recommendation The Health IT Standards Committee (HITSC) recommends CVX Codes for vaccinations (acknowledging that vaccinations are treated as medications in some contexts and as a separate category in others). The value set for a Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology care transition uses CVX codes to populate the Coded Product Name in the Immunizations Section of the care transition. Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description S&I Framework - Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/programs/iis/stds/cvx.htm Static This value set provides CVX codes common to a care transition. Code System Per HITSP C80 - See HL7 Table 0292 in Appendix A of HL7 2.5.1 and CDC Website for updates. Mapping between CPT and CVX is also available in CDC CVX Web Site Codes for Vaccine Administered (CVX code) CVX Code 54 55 24 19 27 26 29 12 28 20 106 110 50 120 130 01 22 30 52 83 84 85 104 08 42 43 44 45 47 Value Set Metadata Element Description Immunization Description Adenovirus, type 4 Adenovirus, type 7 Anthrax BCG Botulinum antitoxin Cholera CMVIG Diphtheria antitoxin DT (pediatric) DTaP DTaP, 5 pertussis antigens DTaP-Hep B-IPV DTaP-Hib DTaP-Hib-IPV DTaP-IPV DTP DTP-Hib HBIG Hep A, adult Hep A, ped/adol, 2 dose Hep A, ped/adol, 3 dose Hep A, unspecified formulation Hep A-Hep B Hep B, adolescent or pediatric Hep B, adolescent/high risk infant Hep B, adult Hep B, dialysis Hep B, unspecified formulation Hib (HbOC) Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology CVX Code 46 49 48 17 51 62 118 86 14 87 135 111 144 140 141 88 16 10 134 39 66 05 32 136 114 03 94 04 07 127 128 125 126 02 23 100 133 33 18 40 90 34 Immunization Description Hib (PRP-D) Hib (PRP-OMP) Hib (PRP-T) Hib, unspecified formulation Hib-Hep B HPV, quadrivalent HPV, bivalent IG IG, unspecified formulation IGIV Influenza, high dose seasonal Influenza, live, intranasal Influenza, seasonal, intradermal, preservative free Influenza, seasonal, injectable, preservative free Influenza, seasonal, injectable Influenza, unspecified formulation Influenza, whole IPV Japanese Encephalitis IM Japanese encephalitis SC Lyme disease Measles Meningococcal MPSV4 Meningococcal MCV4O Meningococcal MCV4P MMR MMRV M/R Mumps Novel influenza-H1N1-09 Novel Influenza-H1N1-09, all formulations Novel Influenza-H1N1-09, nasal Novel influenza-H1N1-09, preservative-free OPV Plague Pneumococcal conjugate PCV 7 Pneumococcal conjugate PCV 13 Pneumococcal polysaccharide PPV23 Rabies, intramuscular injection Rabies, intradermal injection Rabies, unspecified formulation RIG Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology CVX Code Immunization Description Rotavirus, pentavalent Rotavirus, monovalent RSV-MAb RSV-IGIV Rubella Td (adult), adsorbed Td (adult) preservative free Tdap Tetanus toxoid, adsorbed TIG Typhoid, oral Typhoid, parenteral Typhoid, parenteral, AKD (U.S. military) Typhoid, unspecified formulation Typhoid, ViCPs Vaccinia immune globulin VZIG Varicella Yellow fever Zoster 116 119 93 71 06 09 113 115 35 13 25 41 53 91 101 79 36 21 37 121 Immunization Reason Value Set The S&I Framework uses this value set to identify the reason why an immunization did not occur NOTE: This value set is adopted from HITSP C80 - Clinical Document and Message Terminology Component with the following change o Addition of VACSAF Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Concept Code IMMUNE Concept Name Immunity MEDPREC Medical precaution Value Set Metadata Element Description Consolidated CDA http://www.hl7.org/memonly/downloads/v3edition.cfm#V32008 Dynamic Per HITSP C80 - The HL7 ActNoImmunicationReason value set is reproduced below in Table 2-88 No Immunization Reason Value Set Definition Health Level Seven (HL7) Version 3.0 Vocabulary ActReason Definition Testing has shown that the patient already has immunity to the agent targeted by the immunization The patient currently has a medical condition for which the vaccine is contraindicated or for which precaution is Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology OSTOCK Out of Stock PATOBJ Patient objection PHILISOP Philosophical objection RELIG Religious objection VACEFF Vaccine efficacy concerns VACSAF Vaccine safety concerns warranted There was no supply of the product on hand to perform the service The patient or their guardian objects to receiving the vaccine The patient or their guardian objects to receiving the vaccine because of philosophical beliefs The patient or their guardian objects to receiving the vaccine on religious grounds The intended vaccine has expired or is otherwise believed to no longer be effective Example: Due to temperature exposure Medication Fill Status Value Set The S&I Framework uses this value set to identify whether a medication has been fulfilled, such as completed and aborted NOTE: This value set is adopted from HITSP C80 - Clinical Document and Message Terminology Component without change Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Concept Code Completed Concept Name Completed Aborted Aborted Value Set Metadata Element Description Consolidated CDA Local to S&I Framework Static Health Level Seven (HL7) Version 3.0 Vocabulary ActStatus Definition An Act that has terminated normally after all of its constituents have been performed The Act has been terminated prior to the originally intended completion Medication Method of Delivery Value Set The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published to the Federal Register July 1, 2010 an Interim Final Rule (IFR) entitled, "Identification of Backward Compatible Version of Adopted Standard for E-Prescribing and the Medicare Prescription Drug Program (NCPDP SCRIPT 10.6)." The regulation names NCPDP SCRIPT 10.6 effective for use July 1, 2010 and continues to support NCPDP SCRIPT 8.1. The S&I Framework proposed recommendation for a value set for Medication Method of Delivery is to use NCPDP Script 10.6 to code values for delivery method. Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Value Set Metadata Element Description S&I Framework Local to S&I Framework Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Type of Binding Description Code System Dynamic NCPDP SCRIPT Medication Product Form Value Set This is the physical form of the product as presented to the individual. The S&I Framework value set defines the use of NCI concept code for pharmaceutical dosage form: C42636 NOTE: This value set is adopted from HITSP C80 - Clinical Document and Message Terminology Component without change Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Value Set Metadata Element Description U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) http://www.fda.gov/ForIndustry/DataStandards/StructuredProductLabeling/u cm162038.htm Dynamic Examples: tablet, capsule, liquid or ointment National Cancer Institute (NCI) Thesaurus Medication Route Value Set This indicates the method for the medication received by the individual. The S&I Framework value set defines the use of NCI concept code for route of administration: C38114 NOTE: This value set is adopted from HITSP C80 - Clinical Document and Message Terminology Component without change Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Value Set Metadata Element Description U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) http://www.fda.gov/ForIndustry/DataStandards/StructuredProductLabeling/u cm162034.htm Dynamic Example: Mouth, intravenously, topically, etc.. National Cancer Institute (NCI) Thesaurus Medication Type Value Set In support of the concept of an Active Medication List, as defined in the Transitions of Care (TOC) Clinical Element Data Dictionary (CEDD), the S&I Framework value set for Medication Type is based on SNOMED-CT. The tables of SNOMED-CT concept codes that are shown below are used: NOTE: This value set is adopted from HITSP C80 - Clinical Document and Message Terminology Component without change Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Value Set Metadata Element Description National Library of Medicine UMLS Local to S&I Framework Static Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Description This is a classification based on how the medication is marketed. SNOMED-CT Code System Concept Name (Fully Qualified SNOMED-CT Name) Over the counter products (product) Prescription drug (product) Concept Code 329505003 73639000 Usage Note Over the counter products Prescription Drug Problem Status Value Set The Health IT Standards Committee recommends the use of SNOMED-CT to capture problems. For an Active Problem List (as specified in the Transitions of Care Clinical Element Data Dictionary (CEDD) ), the value set for Problem Status is derived from SNOMED-CT. The following SNOMED-CT concept codes are used: Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Concept Code Concept Name (Fully Qualified SNOMED-CT Name) 413322009 Resolved 55561003 Active 73425007 Inactive 90734009 7087005 255227004 415684004 410516002 Chronic Intermittent Recurrent Rule out Ruled out Value Set Metadata Element Description S&I Framework Local to S&I Framework Static SNOMED-CT Definition The problem has been resolved (as of the time reported) - the problem is one that still exists for the patient but is not currently a cause for concern (e.g., diabetes that is under control) The problem is currently active (as of the time reported) - the problem exists and is a current cause for concern The problem is currently inactive (as of the time reported) - the problem no longer exists as a problem for the patient as of the time of recording (it may reoccur, but that would be a new instance) Problem Type Value Set The Health IT Standards Committee recommends the use of SNOMED-CT to capture problems. For an Active Problem List (as specified in the Transitions of Care Clinical Element Data Dictionary (CEDD) ), the value set for Problem Type is derived from SNOMED-CT. The following SNOMED-CT concept codes are used: Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology NOTE: This value set is adopted from HITSP C80 - Clinical Document and Message Terminology Component without change Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Concept Code 404684003 418799008 55607006 409586006 64572001 282291009 248536006 Value Set Metadata Element Description Consolidated CDA Local to S&I Framework Static This value set indicates the level of medical judgment used to determine the existence of a problem. It is used as part of the Transitions of Care Implementation Guide. SNOMED-CT Concept Name (Fully Qualified SNOMED-CT Name) Clinical finding (finding) Finding reported by subject or history provider (finding) Problem (finding) Complaint (finding) Disease (disorder) Diagnosis interpretation (observable entity) Finding of functional performance and activity (finding) Definition Usage Note Finding Symptom Problem Complaint Condition Diagnosis Functional limitation Procedure Value Set The Health IT Standards Committee recommends SNOMED-CT for procedures. The value set recommended within the Consolidated CDA Guide, however, is CPT-4. Thus, at this time, a supporting value set for the HITSC Procedure recommendation CANNOT be provided. The value set used for coding Procedure Types for a care transition is listed in the following table. The table below lists the most desired CPT Coded Procedure types. Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Procedure Home Services Well baby/child care visits Preventive Counseling Group Counseling Health Risk Assessment Intervention Unlisted Preventive Medicine Service Value Set Metadata Element Description S&I Framework Local to S&I Framework Dynamic CPT-4, SNOMED-CT, ICD-9, ICD-10 Coded Procedure Type 99341-99345, 99347-99350 99392-99396 99401-99404 99411, 99412 99420 99429 Code Set CPT CPT CPT CPT CPT CPT Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Procedure Health & Behavior Assessment/Intervention (Non-physician only) Individual psychotherapy Interactive psychiatric diagnostic interview examination Physician educational services in a group setting Physical medicine and rehabilitation Preventive medicine services Psychiatric diagnostic interview examination Smoking Cessation Treatment Smoking and tobacco-use cessation counseling visit Smoking Cessation Classes, non-physician provider Eye Exams Eye Exams Nephropathy-related procedures Nephropathy-related procedures Nephropathy-related procedures Coded Procedure Type 96150-96155 90804-90809 90802 99078 97003 99381-99389 90801 S9075 4000F, 4001F, 4004F, 99406, 99407 S9453 134395001, 390735007, 390847009, 390855002 67028, 67030, 67031, 67036, 67038, 67039, 67040, 67041, 67042, 67043, 67101, 67105, 67107, 67108, 67110, 67112, 67113, 67121, 67141, 67145, 67208, 67210, 67218 , 67220, 67221, 67227, 67228, 92002, 92004, 92012, 92014, 92018, 92019, 92225, 92226, 92230, 92235, 92240, 92250, 92260 11932001, 14684005, 225230008, 225231007, 233575001, 233578004, 233581009, 233582002, 233583007, 233584001, 233585000, 233586004, 233587008, 233588003, 233589006, 233590002, 236434000, 236435004, 238318009, 238319001, 238321006, 238322004, 238323009, 265764009, 302497006, 34897002, 427053002, 428648006, 46177005, 57274006, 676002, 67970008, 68341005, 71192002, 73257006 Z49, Z49.0, Z49.01, Z49.02, Z49.3, Z49.31, Z49.32, Z99.2 36145, 36800, 36810, 36815, 36818, 36819-36821, 36831, Code Set CPT CPT CPT CPT CPT CPT CPT CPT CPT CPT SNOMED CT CPT SNOMED-CT ICD-10 CPT-4 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Procedure Nephropathy-related procedures Coded Procedure Type 36832, 36833, 50300, 50320, 50340, 50360, 50365, 50370, 50380, 90920, 90921, 90924, 90925, 90935, 90937, 90940, 90945, 90947, 90957, 90958, 90959, 90960, 90961, 90962, 90965, 90966, 90969, 90970, 90989, 90993, 90997, 90999, 99512 38.95, 39.27, 39.42, 39.43, 39.53, 39.93, 39.94, 39.95, 54.98, 55.4, 55.5, 55.6 Code Set ICD-9 Provider Directory State License Value Set The S&I Framework recommended usage of the following enumerated list of values for identifying state licenses: Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Cod e System Value Set Metadata Element Description S&I Framework Local to S&I Framework URL TBD Static S&I Framework Enumerated List (code system n/a) Provider Directory Address Usage Value Set The S&I Framework recommended usage of the following enumerated list of values for identifying the usage of a specific provider address: Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Value Set Metadata Element Description S&I Framework Local to S&I Framework URL TBD Static S&I Framework Enumerated List (code system n/a) Provider Directory Degree Value Set The S&I Framework recommended usage of the following enumerated list of values for identifying degrees: Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Value Set Metadata Element Description S&I Framework Local to S&I Framework URL TBD Static Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Code System S&I Framework Enumerated List (code system n/a) Provider Directory Telephone Usage Value Set The S&I Framework recommended usage of the following enumerated list of values for identifying the usage of a specific telephone number: Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Value Set Metadata Element Description S&I Framework Local to S&I Framework URL TBD Static This value set was developed within the Provider Directory initiative to capture information surrounding the usage of a telephone number. S&I Framework Enumerated List (code system n/a) Result Status Value Set NOTE: This value set is adopted from HITSP C80 - Clinical Document and Message Terminology Component without change Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Value Set Metadata Element Description S&I Framework Local to S&I Framework URL TBD Static HL7 V3 Concept Code completed Concept Name Completed aborted active cancelled held Aborted Active Cancelled Held new suspended New Suspended Definition An Act that has terminated normally after all of its constituents have been performed The Act has been terminated prior to the originally intended completion The Act can be performed or is being performed The Act has been abandoned before activation An Act that is still in the preparatory stages has been put aside. No action can occur until the Act is released An Act that is in the preparatory stages and may not yet be acted upon An Act that has been activated (actions could or have been performed against it), but has been temporarily disabled. No further action should be taken against it until it is released Results Value Set The value set to use for Results in the S&I Framework is based on LOINC. The value set contains a recommended selection of LOINC result codes that can be used to populate a Results Section. This was developed within the S&I Framework specific to its initiatives that involve the exchange of general results information. Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Result Text 24 hour Urine Creatinine Clearance ALT/SGPT AST/SGOT BNP BUN Chol/HDL Ratio Creatinine Digoxin level Estimated Average Glucose FBS Fe Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT) Ferritin Folate Glucose Random Glucose HBA1c Hct HDL Hep B Surface Antibody Hep C Antibody Hgb INR iPTH Iron Saturation LDL LDL/HDL Ratio LVEF Micro albumin / Creatinine Ratio Platelets PSA RBC count Value Set Metadata Element Description S&I Framework Local to S&I Framework URL TBD Static This value set was developed in consultation with the ONC Beacon Communities and State HIE programs and is designed to capture common results LOINC Result Code (LOINC) 2162-6, 14399-0, 14682-9 1742-6 1920-8 42637-9 3094-0 9830-1 2161-8 27353-2 2335-8 2276-4 2284-8 10966-0, 15076-3, 22705-8, 2339-0, 2341-6, 2349-9, 2350-7, 2351-5, 5914-7 4548-4, 4549-2, 17855-8, 178568 4544-3 2086-7, 2085-9 718-7 6301-6 2090-9, 2089-1, 18262-6, 134577 11054-4 30000-4 2857-1 789-8 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Result Text Serum Albumin Serum Calcium Serum Chloride Serum CPK Serum Creatinine Serum Lead Level Serum Magnesium Serum Phosphorus Serum Potassium Serum Sodium TIBC Total Cholesterol Triglycerides TSH Urine Collection Duration Urine Dip Stick Urine Micro albumin Urine Volume Vitamin B12 WBC count Tobacco Assessment Tobacco Cessation Intervention Tobacco Counseling Nephropathy screening Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-2) Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-2) PHQ-2 total score Result Code (LOINC) 1751-7 17861-6 2075-0 2157-6 2160-0 19123-9 2777-1 2823-3 2951-2 2500-7 2565-0 3049-4 3016-3 13362-9 20454-5, 50561-0, 53525-2, 5804-0 28009-9 6690-2 11218-5, 12842-1, 13705-9, 13801-6, 14585-4, 14956-7, 14957-5, 14958-3, 14959-1, 1753-3, 1754-1, 1755-8, 1757-4, 18373-1, 20621-9, 21059-1, 21482-5, 26801-1, 27298-9, 2887-8, 2888-6, 2889-4, 2890-2, 30000-4, 30001-2, 30003-8, 32209-9, 32294-1, 32551-4, 34366-5, 35663-4, 40486-3, 40662-9, 40663-7, 43605-5, 43606-3, 43607-1, 44292-1, 47558-2, 49023-5, 50949-7, 53121-0, 53530-2, 53531-0, 53532-8, 9318-7 55757-9 58120-7 55758-7 Social History Type Value Set The S&I Framework recommends reuse of the Social History Type value set that is used in the HL7 Consolidated CDA Guide. Value Set Metadata Element Value Set Metadata Element Description Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Source URL Consolidated CDA Local to S&I Framework URL TBD Static Used in the Transitions of Care Implementation Guide and identified in the Consolidated CDA Guide SNOMED-CT Type of Binding Description Code System Code 229819007 256235009 160573003 364393001 364703007 425400000 363908000 228272008 Name Tobacco use and exposure (observable entity) Exercise (observable entity) Alcohol intake (observable entity) Nutritional observable (observable entity) Employment detail (observable entity) Toxic exposure status (observable entity) Details of drug misuse behavior (observable entity) Health-related behavior (observable entity) Usage Note Smoking Exercise ETOH (Alcohol) Use Diet Employment Toxic Exposure Drug Use Other Social History Vital Signs Result Type Value Set The Transitions of Care Initiative recommends the use of LOINC to capture a core set of Vital Signs Results. These vital sign values are captured in the Vital Sign Result Type of the Vital Signs Section. The following value set is derived from HITSP C80 and includes BMI measurements as a vital sign observation. NOTE: This value set is adopted from HITSP C80 - Clinical Document and Message Terminology Component with the following change o Includes BMI measurements as a vital sign observation. Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System LOINC Concept Code 9279-1 8867-4 2710-2 8480-6 8462-4 8310-5 8302-2 8306-3 8287-5 Value Set Metadata Element Description S&I Framework Local to S&I Framework Static Used in the Transitions of Care Implementation Guide and identified in the Consolidated CDA Guide LOINC Description of Vital Sign Respiration Rate Heart Beat Oxygen Saturation Intravascular Systolic Intravascular Diastolic Body Temperature Body Height (Measured) Body Height (Lying) Circumference Occipital Frontal (Tape Measure) Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology 3141-9 39156-5 41909-3 Body Weight (Measured) Body-Mass-Index measurement Body-Mass-Index 2. Appendix A – Value Set References This appendix is under development in coordination with the S&I Framework CEDD and TOC Implementation Guidance SWGs.