U.S. Health and Human Services Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT Standards & Interoperability Framework Clinical Element Data Dictionary (CEDD) Provider Directory ESI Object Model Analysis Initial Template – WG Lead Review February 7, 2012 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Revision History Date Document Version 2/7/2012 0.1 Document Revision Description Initial analysis of how to reuse the Provider Directory ESI Object Model as part of the S&I Framework Clinical Element Data Dictionary (CEDD) Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Table of Contents 1. Introduction to Provider Directory CEDD Analysis........................................................................... 4 2. Purpose......................................................................................................................................... 4 Proposed CEDD Object Structure..................................................................................................... 4 3. Proposed Provider Directory CEDD Objects .................................................................................... 5 Electronic Service Information......................................................................................................... 7 Individual Provider Identity (Query and Response) ......................................................................... 8 3.2.1 Individual Provider Identity Query Example....................................................................... 11 Organization Provider Identity (Query and Response) .................................................................. 12 3.3.1 Organization Provider Identity Query Object – Example Usage ........................................ 14 Policy .............................................................................................................................................. 14 Provider Address ............................................................................................................................ 15 Provider Certification ..................................................................................................................... 16 Provider Directory Content Profile ................................................................................................ 17 Provider Directory Identification ................................................................................................... 18 Provider Directory Security Profile ................................................................................................ 18 Provider Individual Name .............................................................................................................. 19 Provider Professional Degree ........................................................................................................ 20 Provider Telephone........................................................................................................................ 20 State License .................................................................................................................................. 21 4. Value Sets Representation ........................................................................................................... 22 Care Transition – State Value Set................................................................................................... 22 Care Transition – Postal Code Value Set ........................................................................................ 23 Care Transition – Provider Type Value Set .................................................................................... 23 Provider Directory State License Type Value Set ........................................................................... 27 Provider Directory Address Usage Value Set ................................................................................. 28 Provider Directory Degree Value Set ............................................................................................. 28 Provider Directory License Status Value Set .................................................................................. 29 Provider Directory Telephone Usage Value Set ............................................................................. 30 5. Objects and Data Elements not included ...................................................................................... 31 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology 1. Introduction to Provider Directory CEDD Analysis This document contains the initial analysis of the Provider Directory ESI Object Model for representation in the S&I Framework Clinical Element Data Dictionary (CEDD). The CEDD is a repository of clinicallyrelevant data elements and their corresponding definitions. It is intended to capture unambiguouslydefined data elements identified by the initiatives and to encourage reuse of those elements. Adding the unique elements and objects developed under the Provider Directories (PD) initiative to the CEDD will enable the S&I Framework to take full advantage of the PD workgroup efforts now and in the future. 2. Purpose The CEDD and the PD work products have been developed in separate initiatives and there are differences in how the two present information. Thus, the elements and objects of the PD data model were analyzed to identify how best to incorporate them into the CEDD. This analysis was conducted to help support the inclusion of Provider Directory objects as reusable objects within other S&I Framework initiatives, and to support future efforts at development of Provider Directory implementation guidance. Given the differences between the CEDD and the PD approaches, the following areas of the ESI Object Model will demand further analysis before being added to the CEDD (this is reviewed in Section 5): Individual to Organization and Organization to Organization relationships are excluded from the CEDD analysis. o The relationships between individuals and organizations are not included as CEDD objects. We intend to model these relationships within an implementation and/or capture them in the CEDD UML and data model representations. The chosen approach must ensure that the relationship between Individual and Organization objects is clear. Expected Values for Integration Profile, Content Profile, and Security Profile o The ESI Object Model includes representative examples of the ESI objects, which are meant to clarify but not define the content of these objects. Proposed CEDD Object Structure Each of the proposed Provider Directory CEDD objects are represented with the following values: Data Element Name Data Element Definition Datatype Expected Vocabulary Expected Values The name of the data element A definition of the data element – specifically focused on its context of use The type or structure of the data being queried or described. It is important to note that the formats used may vary depending on context Denotes the expected vocabulary or value set that is used. This vocabulary and/or value set is noted in BOLD and ITALICS Denotes expected value that should be used for this data element. It is important to note that the expected values should closely follow two Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology guidelines: Cardinality The expected value should be as closely aligned to the original source of the information as possible The expected value should draw from the underlying standard that will be used to provide technical representation As defined within the ESI Object Model, Cardinality (also referred to as occurrence) defines the minimum and maximum occurrences of an attribute in a given instance of a set. Occurrences may take the following values: 1 – The object or element is required in an instance of the set. Only a single instance of the object or element is allowed. 1..n – The object or element is required in an instance of the set. One more instances of the object or element are allowed. 0,1 – The object or element may or may not be included in an instance of the set. If it is included, only a single instance of the object or element is allowed. 0..n – The object or element may or may not be included in an instance of the set. If it is included, one more instances of the object or element are allowed. 3. Proposed Provider Directory CEDD Objects The list of objects proposed in Section 3 of this document represents the proposed additions from the S&I Framework Provider Directory initiative to the S&I CEDD. The objects are presented in alphabetical order as follows: Section 3.1 3.2 3.2.1 3.3 3.3.1 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Data Object Electronic Service Information Individual Provider Identity (Query and Response) Individual Provider Identity Query - Example Usage Organizational Provider Identity (Query and Response) Organizational Provider Identity Query – Example Usage Policy Provider Address Provider Certification Provider Directory Content Profile Page Number 7 8 11 12 14 14 15 16 17 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 Provider Directory Identification Provider Directory Security Profile Provider Individual Name Provider Professional Degree Provider Telephone State License 18 18 19 20 21 21 A list of objects not included in this analysis is in Section 5 of this document. These objects will require further discussion and analysis within the CEDD workgroup. Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Electronic Service Information This object captures information on a unique electronic service. This object is defined to support information interchange requirements that are focused on exchanging or querying for specific information on an electronic address. Data Element Name Data Element Definition Datatype Unique ID for Electronic Service Information An identifier assigned by the provider directory whose purpose is to uniquely identify a unique ESI for an individual, organization, individualorganization relationship. String IntegrationProfile A coded value which identifies the integration profile which describes the transport and valid contents String/Coded IntegrationProfileVersion The version(s) of the integration profile supported String IntegrationProfileOptions Options defined for the specific Integration Profile String/Coded Expected Vocabulary Example Value Cardinality An electronic service is a new unique endpoint. A new unique electronic service should be created for each electronic address in which the data elements differ. The Provider Directory IntegrationProfile CEDD Object Value data element shows representative examples of coded elements and descriptions/constraints. The Provider Directory IntegrationProfile CEDD Object shows representative examples of coded versions for each Integration Profile and descriptions/constraints. This specific data element would be defined in 1 1 0..n 0..n Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Data Element Definition Datatype ContentProfile Object An object that identifies, if appropriate, the content profile supported by the service. Object SecurityProfile Object An object that identifies, if appropriate, the security profile supported by the service. Object Address The address of the Electronic Service String Preferred Method Integer between 0 and 99 indicating the preferred order of the service, where 0 is the most preferred service and 99 is the least preferred Numeric, 2 digit Expected Vocabulary Example Value implementation guidance The Provider Directory ContentProfile CEDD object shows representative examples of coded elements and descriptions. The Provider Directory SecurityProfile CEDD object shows representative examples of coded elements and descriptions The integration profile identified will define the format of this value An electronic service is a new unique endpoint. A new unique electronic service should be created for each electronic address in which the data elements differ. Individual Provider Identity (Query and Response) The Individual Provider Identity object is used in a query for and a response to a query for an individual provider. Cardinality 0..n 0..n 1 0,1 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Data Element Definition Datatype Individual ID An identifier assigned by the provider directory whose purpose is to uniquely identify an individual record within this provider directory. String Alternate Individual Identifier An identifier, usually unique , associated with this Individual ID Status of the Individual String Legal name of the individual see Individual Name Object (for individuals, this is the name on the birth certificate or naturalization forms or as legally changed) Alternative or other names used by the individual - see Individual Name Object Code to define type of provider based on standard code set Specialty of Individual Object 1 Object 0..n Individual Record Status Legal Individual Name Alternate/Other Known Individual Names Individual Provider Type Individual Specialty Expected Vocabulary String Code ISO 21298 Code ISO 21298 Or Use Care Transition Example Value Cardinality Return of this information assumes that the query included information from the Individual Section or a unique reference for the individual May be any alternative identifier, including an OID. Valid values are "active", "inactive", "retired" and "deceased" 1 ISO 21298 is recommended but NOT required ISO 21298 or NUCC is recommended but NOT required 0..n 1 0..n 0..n Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Individual Gender Data Element Definition Gender of Individual Datatype String Expected Vocabulary – Provider Type Value Set (NUCC) HL7 GenderCode Example Value Cardinality Set of "M", "F" no entry or null would be used for unknown or indeterminate 0,1 May also use HL7 GenderCode Value Set if desired Date of Birth Individual Address Object Individual Telephone Object Individual NPI Individual Certification Individual State License Individual Professional Degree Individual Email Birthdate of individual Physical Addresses for the individual - see Address Object Telephone numbers for the Individual - See Telephone Object NPI assigned by NPPES NPI Registry List of certifications held by the individual - see Certification Object List of state licenses held by the individual - see State License Object List of professional degrees held by the individual - see Professional Degree Object Email addresses used by the individual (other than for Date Object 0,1 0..n Object 0..n Integer NPI from CMS NPPES Single NPI for a person Single Type 1 NPI 0,1 Object 0..n Object 0..n Object 0..n String 0..n Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Data Element Definition Direct) Description of electronic services provided by the individual - see Electronic Service Information Object A base 64 encoded representation of the public digital certificate Serial number from the public digital certificate Individual Electronic Service Information Individual Public Digital Certificate Individual Digital Certificate ID Individual Digital Certificate distinguished name 3.2.1 Distinguished Name field from digital certificate Datatype Expected Vocabulary Example Value Object Cardinality 0..n String This is a list of organization public digital certificates This is a list of digital certificate Serial Numbers for all individual public digital certificates This is a list of digital certificate Distinguished Names for all Individual Public Digital Certificates String String 0..n 0..n 0..n Individual Provider Identity Query Example In this example query for an individual provider identity, the consumer requests a list of individuals by specifying one or more objects included in the Individual Provider Identity Query Response Object. The response must include all available objects for all individuals that satisfy the query. Query Cardinality 1,nq Description Elements included in the Individual Provider Identity Object Response Cardinality Description 0,nr Individual Provider Identity Instances 0,nr Associated Provider Directory Object Instances Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Organization Provider Identity (Query and Response) The Organization Provider Identity object is used in a query for and a response to a query for an organization. Data Element Name Data Element Definition Datatype An identifier assigned by the provider directory whose purpose is to uniquely identify an organization record within this provider directory. An identifier, usually unique , associated with this Organization ID Status of the Organization String Legal name of the organization String Organization Alias Alternate names for the organization String Organization Address Object Physical addresses of the Organization - see Address Object Type of the organization Telephone numbers for the organization - see Telephone Object National provider identifier Object Organization ID Alternate Organizational Identifier Organizational Record Status Organization Legal Name Organization Type Organization Telephone Object Organization NPI Expected Vocabulary May be any alternative identifier, including an OID. Valid values are "active" or "inactive" Legal name of organization if this Organization ID has a legal name Includes DBA's and nonlegal names such as departments or roles Populated using the Provider Address CEDD Object String String Cardinality 1 String String Object Example Value ISO 21298 Populated using the Provider Telephone CEDD Object 0..n 1 0,1 0..n 1..n 1..n 1..n 0..n Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Data Element Definition Datatype Expected Vocabulary Example Value Cardinality Organization Certification Object issued to the organization Certifications held by the organization Object Organization Specialty Specialty of the Organization String Organization Policy Information Policies supported by the Organization - see Policy Information Object Emails for the organization (other than a Direct address) Description of electronic services provided by the organization A base 64 encoded representation of the public digital certificate Serial number from the public digital certificate Object 0..n String 0..n Distinguished Name field from digital certificate String Organization Email Organization Electronic Service Information Object Organization Public Digital Certificate Organization Digital Certificate ID Organization Digital Certificate distinguished name Object String String Healthcare Provider Taxonomy Code Set Populated using the Provider Certification CEDD Object Standard Code Sets for Specialty Populated using the Electronic Service Information CEDD Object This is a list of organization public digital certificates This is a list of digital certificate Serial Numbers for all organization public digital certificates This is a list of digital certificate Distinguished Names for all organization Public Digital Certificates 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology 3.3.1 Organization Provider Identity Query Object – Example Usage A consumer requests a list of organizations and those organizations’ relationships to other organizations by specifying one or more objects included in the Organization Object. The response must include: 1. All available objects for all organizations that satisfy the query. 2. All instances of the Organization to Organization Relationship Object in which the Organization ID of an organization that satisfies the query is stored as either a Parent Organization ID or Child Organization ID data element. Query Cardinality 1,nq Response Description Cardinality Elements included in the Organization Object Description 0,nr Organization Object Instances 0,nx Organization to Organization Relationship Object Instances 0,nr Associated Provider Directory Object Instances Policy The Policy object is used to store information about policies and regulations that may need to be queried or exchanged. Data Element Name Policy Name Data Element Definition Name of the Policy as defined by Datatype String Expected Vocabulary Example Value Policy Information may Cardinality 1 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Data Element Definition Datatype Expected Vocabulary the community, state or federal governance or policy authority Computable Policy Object Policy Document Address Policy Document Placeholder for a URL pointing to a "to be defined" Computable Policy Object – details to be defined in the Provider Directory ESI Object Model Contains a URL address to where a human readable policy document can be found Electronic copy of policy in PDF format Example Value contain elements related to the presence or absence of a DURSA or other policy related agreements Planning for future effort to define meta data associated with policies to automate the sharing/disclosure of data URL URL Cardinality 0,1 0,1 Binary Object PDF format is recommended 0,1 Provider Address The Provider Address Object contains a single physical (postal) address. Internationalization is currently out of scope, and may be considered as necessary in the future. Data Element Name Address line 1 Address line 2 City County State Data Element Definition Datatype Expected Vocabulary Example Value Cardinality First line of an address Second address line, if needed String String 1 0,1 Contains a valid US city String Valid US city 0,1 Contains a valid US county String Valid list of US counties 0,1 Two digit state String Use Care Transition –State Vocabulary is specified to make this encoded value -- 1 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Data Element Definition Datatype ZIP Code five digit zip with optional extension String Usage Indicates the usage for this address. String Valid values are: Expected Vocabulary Value Set Use Care Transition –Zip Code Value Set Use Provider Directory – Address Usage Value Set Example Value valid city based on US postal codes Use coded values from list of US ZIP codes (drawn from US postal codes) Practice location, Mailing, payment, legal Cardinality 0,1 0,1 a) practice - the address at which healthcare services are provided b) mailing - the address to send general mail c) payment - the address to sent payment and billing issues d) legal - the address to which legal communication should be directed. Provider Certification The Provider Certification object is used to detail specific attributes about the type of certification(s) that an individual provider has acquired. Data Element Name State Certifying Certifying Authority Data Element Definition State certifying assuming it is a state based certifying authority otherwise state is not required Name of Certifying authority as it appears on the certification Datatype String String Expected Vocabulary Use Care Transition – State Value Set Example Value Cardinality Standard state abbreviations (e.g. CA) 0,1 e.g. American board of internal medicine 1 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Data Element Definition Datatype Certificate Type Name of the certification as defined by the certifying authority Certificate number assigned by the certifying authority Four digit year certification was granted String Certificate Number Year Granted Expected Vocabulary Example Value Cardinality e.g. fellow in endocrinology 1 String 1 Integer 1 Provider Directory Content Profile The ContentProfile object identifies the content profile supported by the electronic health record destination. A content profile may be necessary to support those services which demand a content wrapper. This object is used directly in conjunction with the Electronic Service Information object. NOTE: In both the Provider Directory ESI Object Model and in the S&I CEDD, IntegrationProfile, ContentProfile, and SecurityProfile dictionaries have not been defined to date. Data Element Name Data Element Definition Datatype ContentProfile A coded value that identifies, if appropriate, the content profile supported by the service. String/Coded ContentProfileVersion The version(s) of the content profile supported String Expected Vocabulary Use ContentProfile Examples from ESI Object Model Use ContentProfile Examples from ESI Object Model Example Value Cardinality Use the ESI Object Model ContentProfile object for representative examples of coded versions for each ContentProfile and descriptions/options. Use the ESI Object Model ContentProfile object for representative examples of coded versions for each ContentProfile and 1 0..n Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Data Element Definition Datatype Expected Vocabulary Example Value Cardinality descriptions/options. ContentProfileConstraints A coded value that identifies, if appropriate, additional constraints on this ContentProfile String/Coded Use ContentProfile Examples from ESI Object Model Use the ESI Object Model ContentProfile object for representative examples of coded elements and descriptions. 0..n Provider Directory Identification This identifies a unique provider directory instance that can be queried. The reference to the provider directory is included as part of any response to a query for individual or organization information from a provider directory in order to identify the specific provider directory instance that supplies the response. Data Element Name Unique Provider Directory Reference Provider Directory Name Data Element Definition An identifier assigned to the provider directory whose purpose is to uniquely identify the provider directory from which a set of data is retuned. The name associated with the Provider Directory Datatype String Expected Vocabulary Example Value Cardinality These data elements must provide a means for a query response to indicate the provider directory that is the source of the response. 0,1 String 0,1 Provider Directory Security Profile The SecurityProfile object identifies the security profile supported by the service. This object is used directly in conjunction with the Electronic Service Information object. IntegrationProfile, ContentProfile, and SecurityProfile dictionaries have not been defined to date. Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Data Element Definition Datatype SecurityProfile A coded value that identifies, if appropriate, the security profile supported by the service. String/Coded SecurityProfileVersion Version(s) of the security profile supported SecurityProfileConstraints A coded value that identifies, if appropriate, constraints supported by this SecurityProfile Expected Vocabulary Use SecurityProfile Examples from ESI Object Model String Use SecurityProfile Examples from ESI Object Model String/Coded Use SecurityProfile Examples from ESI Object Model Example Value Cardinality Use the ESI Object Model SecurityProfile object for representative examples of coded elements and descriptions Use the ESI Object Model SecurityProfile object for representative examples of coded versions for each SecurityProfile and descriptions/constraints Use the ESI Object Model SecurityProfile object for representative examples of coded elements and descriptions 1 0..n 0..n Provider Individual Name The Provider Individual Name object can be used to support the querying of an individual provider using their only their name. It may be used in situations where more details about the provider are not available. Data Element Name Individual First Name Individual Middle Name Data Element Definition Datatype First Name or Given Name of the Individual String Middle Name or Initial of the Individual String Expected Vocabulary Example Value For names, suggest support for Soundex, partial string, and wild card For names, suggest support for Soundex, partial string, and wild card Cardinality 1 0,1 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Data Element Definition Datatype Individual Last Name Last Name or Family Name of individual String Individual Prefix Honorary title String Individual Suffix Generational Identifier String Expected Vocabulary Example Value For names, suggest support for Soundex, partial string, and wild card Honorary title, example Dr., Sister Generational identifier, example Jr., Sr., II Cardinality 1 0,1 0,1 Provider Professional Degree This object identifies the specific degree that a provider has obtained. Data Element Name Data Element Definition Datatype Granting Institution The formal name of the institution granting the professional degree Code representing the degree granted as defined in the code set String Four digit year degree was granted Integer Degree Year Granted String Expected Vocabulary Example Value Cardinality 1 Use Provider Directory – Degree Value Set RN 1 Valid year 1 Provider Telephone The Provider Telephone object is used to represent discrete data about a specific provider’s telephone information. Data Element Name Data Element Definition Telephone Number Telephone number in standard telephone format (aaa) nnn-nnnn Datatype String Expected Vocabulary Example Value Cardinality 1 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Usage Data Element Definition Indicates the usage for this number. Datatype String Expected Vocabulary Use Provider Directory – Telephone Usage Value Set Example Value Valid values are: Cardinality 1 a) business b) mobile c) pager d) fax State License The State License object is used to describe information on the credentials for a specific provider. Data Element Name State Issuing Issuing Authority License Type License Number Year Issued Data Element Definition Datatype Expected Vocabulary Use Care Transition – State Value Set from CEDD Value Set Index Example Value Two digit state which issued the license String The name of the authority issuing the license Describes what the individual is licensed to practice, for example: physician, nurse, dental, therapist, etc. String The number assigned by the Issuing Authority for this license Four digit year the Issuing Authority issued this license for this individual String 1 Integer 1 String Standard state abbreviations (e.g. CA) Cardinality 1 1 Use License Type Value Set from CEDD Value Set Index Physician, Nurse, Dental, Therapist, Pharmacist, Optician, Midwife, Medical Assistant, Allied Health, Other 1 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Status Data Element Definition Datatype Status of the license: active, inactive, revoked suspended String Expected Vocabulary Example Value Cardinality 0,1 4. Value Sets Representation The following value sets would be proposed for inclusion in the S&I Framework CEDD Value Set index. This index keeps a list of current value sets as defined/reused within other S&I Framework initiatives. Several of the value sets listed are reusable across multiple initiatives, while the Provider Directory initiative introduces several new value sets (in this case, enumerated lists) for reuse in other initiatives. An important note needs to be added to this analysis – the value sets listed here would in many cases not be considered true “value sets” in the sense that they are simply enumerated values that constrain a specific data element. Such values do not draw from any specific controlled vocabulary and this is noted. This list can also be appended by other S&I Framework initiatives who wish to include other values as well. The CEDD analysis concluded that the listed values would be relevant for inclusion into the S&I CEDD to promote reuse of these enumerated values by other S&I Framework initiatives. Care Transition – State Value Set The value set for coding a state value in the S&I Framework is to use any FIPS 5-2 Codes (Identification of the States, the District of Columbia and the Outlying Areas of the United States, and Associated Areas Publication # 5-2, May, 1987). NOTE: This value set is adopted from HITSP C80 - Clinical Document and Message Terminology Component without change Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Value Set Metadata Element Description S&I Framework (Reused from HITSP C80) http://www.itl.nist.gov/fipspubs/fip5-2.htm Dynamic Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Code System Codes for the Identification of the States, the District of Columbia and the Outlying Areas of the United States, and Associated Areas Publication # 5-2, May, 1987 Also referred to as FIPS 5-2 Care Transition – Postal Code Value Set This value set is used within the S&I Framework to represent United States postal codes (known in various countries as a post code, postcode, or ZIP code) appended to a postal address for the purpose of sorting mail. The value set allows the use of any United States Postal Service (USPS) postal code. NOTE: This value set is adopted from HITSP C80 - Clinical Document and Message Terminology Component without change Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Value Set Metadata Element Description Consolidated CDA http://zip4.usps.com/zip4/welcome.jsp Dynamic United States Postal Service (USPS) Care Transition – Provider Type Value Set The value set for a Provider Type in a care transition uses the National Uniform Claim Committee (NUCC) Health Care Provider Taxonomy. This Provider Type value set classifies providers according to the type of license or accreditation they hold or the service they provide. A list of the most common provider types is provided below. At this time, the concept codes are not available from NUCC and this table outlines the high level “Provider Type” classification only: Value Set Metadata Element Source Value Set Metadata Element Description Consolidated CDA Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology URL Type of Binding Description Code System http://www.nucc.org/index.php?option=com_content&ta sk=view&id=14&Itemid=40 Dynamic National Uniform Claim Committee (NUCC) Health Care Provider Taxonomy The following table captures values defined in the S&I Framework Transitions of Care Initiative for provider types, using the NUCC. This list is provided as purely informative and ISO 21298 functional roles may be substituted as well: Provider Type Concept Name Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers Chiropractic Providers Dental Providers Dietary and Nutritional Service Providers Emergency Medical Service Definition Broad classification aggregating providers who are trained and educated to perform services related to behavioral health, mental health, and counseling and may be licensed or practice within the scope or licensure or training A provider qualified by a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) licensed by the State and who practices chiropractic medicine -that discipline within the healing arts which deals with the nervous system and its relationship to the spinal column and its interrelationship with other body systems Broad category to identify practitioners who render services related the practice of dentistry. Dentistry is defined as the evaluation, diagnosis, prevention and/or treatment (nonsurgical, surgical or related procedures) of diseases, disorders and/or conditions of the oral cavity, maxillofacial area and/or the adjacent and associated structures and their impact on the human body; provided by a dentist, within the scope of his/her education, training and experience, in accordance with the ethics of the profession and applicable law Broad category defining practitioners who help prevent and treat illness by promoting healthy eating habits, scientifically evaluating diets and suggesting modifications. They may also assess the nutritional needs of patients, develop and implement nutritional care plans Broad category for individuals who complete additional training and Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Provider Type Concept Name Providers Eye and Vision Service Providers Nursing Service Providers Pharmacy Service Providers (Individuals) Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians Podiatric Medicine and Surgery Providers Respiratory, Developmental, Rehabilitative and Restorative Service Providers Speech, Language and Hearing Providers Agencies Ambulatory Health Care Facilities Hospitals Definition education in the area of pre-hospital emergency services and are licensed and/or practice within the scope of that training Broad category grouping individuals who renders services related to the human eye and visual systems, but are not an allopathic or osteopathic physicians Providers who are trained and educated to perform and administer services related to health promotion, disease prevention, acute and chronic care, spiritual guidance and comfort for healing and health, restoration of health and health maintenance across the life span A broad category grouping providers who render services relating to the preparation and dispensing of drugs A broad category grouping state licensed providers in allopathic or osteopathic medicine whose scope of practice is determined by education Broad category grouping licensed providers who renders services related to the human foot A provider who is trained and educated to perform services related to respiratory care, physical therapy, occupational therapy, developmental therapy, rehabilitation and restorative services and may be licensed, certified or practice within the scope of training A provider who renders services to improve communicative skills of people with language, speech and hearing impairments A non-facility provider that renders outpatient outreach services that are not provided at a specific location. The licensure or registration is assigned to the agency rather than to the individual practitioners as would be the case in a group practice A facility or distinct part of one used for the diagnosis and treatment of outpatients. "Clinic/Center" is irregularly defined, sometimes being limited to organizations serving specialized treatment requirements or distinct patient/client groups (e.g., radiology, poor, and public health) A healthcare organization that has a governing body, an organized Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Provider Type Concept Name Laboratories Managed Care Organizations Nursing & Custodial Care Facilities Residential Treatment Facilities Suppliers Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing Providers Nursing Service Related Providers Definition medical staff and professional staff and inpatient facilities and provides medical nursing and related services for ill and injured patients 24 hrs per day, seven days per week. For licensing purposes, each state has its own definition of hospital A room or building equipped for scientific experimentation, research, testing, or clinical studies of materials, fluids, or tissues obtained from patients Not Available Broad category identifying licensed facilities with inpatient beds specializing in nursing and custodial care Live in facilities where patients or clients, who because of their physical, mental, or emotional condition, are not able to live independently, and who receive treatment appropriate to their particular needs in a less restrictive environment than an inpatient facility. For example, an RTC may provide educational training and therapy for children with emotional disturbances or continuing care and therapy for people with severe mental handicaps Suppliers, pharmacies, and other healthcare providers who supply healthcare related products or medications and associated professional and administrative services A broad grouping of providers who are: 1) trained, educated, and certified to perform basic medical and minor surgical services (or to assist the physician in performance of more complex services) under general physician supervision; and 2) trained, educated at a postgraduate level, and certified to perform autonomous and specialized roles as nurse practitioners, midwives, nurse anesthetists, or clinical nurse specialists Providers not otherwise classified, who perform or administer services in or related to the delivery or research of healthcare services, disease, and restoration of health. An individual provider who is not represented in one of the identified categories but whose data may be needed for Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Provider Type Concept Name Definition clinical, operational or administrative processes Provider Directory State License Type Value Set The S&I Framework recommends inclusion of the following enumerated list of values for identifying state licenses: Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Value Set Metadata Element Description S&I Framework Local to S&I Framework URL TBD Static This value set was developed within the Provider Directory initiative to capture information surrounding the specific state license type that an individual provider has. S&I Framework Enumerated List (code system n/a) The following table captures values defined in the S&I Framework Provider Directory initiative for provider state license types, as an enumerated list: State License Type Enumerated List Value Physician Nurse Dental Therapist Pharmacist Optician Midwife Medical Assistant Allied Health Other Meaning Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Provider Directory Address Usage Value Set The S&I Framework recommends inclusion of the following enumerated list of values for identifying the usage of a specific provider address: Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Value Set Metadata Element Description S&I Framework Local to S&I Framework URL TBD Static This value set was developed within the Provider Directory initiative to capture information surrounding the usage of a provider address S&I Framework Enumerated List (code system n/a) The following table captures values defined in the S&I Framework Provider Directory initiative for provider address usage, as an enumerated list: Provider Address Enumerated List Value Practice Location Mailing Payment Legal Usage Note The address at which healthcare services are provided The address to send general mail The address to send payment and billing issues The address to which legal communication should be directed Provider Directory Degree Value Set The S&I Framework recommends inclusion of the following enumerated list of values for identifying degrees/credentials that a provider may have acquired: Value Set Metadata Element Source Value Set Metadata Element Description S&I Framework Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology URL Type of Binding Description Code System Local to S&I Framework URL TBD Static This value set was developed within the Provider Directory initiative to capture information surrounding the specific degrees/credentials that an individual provider has. S&I Framework Enumerated List (code system n/a) The following table captures values defined in the S&I Framework Provider Directory initiative for a provider degree/credential as an enumerated list: Provider Degree Enumerated List Value Meaning MD DO DC PhD BS BA MPH MS MA RN LVN LPT OTR AuD OD Provider Directory License Status Value Set The S&I Framework recommends inclusion of the following enumerated list of values for identifying a provider’s license status: Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Code System Value Set Metadata Element Description S&I Framework Local to S&I Framework URL TBD Static This value set was developed within the Provider Directory initiative to capture information surrounding the status of a specific state license that an individual provider has. S&I Framework Enumerated List (code system n/a) The following table captures values defined in the S&I Framework Provider Directory initiative for provider license status as an enumerated list Provider License Status Enumerated List Value Active Inactive Revoked Suspended Usage Note Provider Directory Telephone Usage Value Set The S&I Framework recommends inclusion of the following enumerated list of values for identifying the usage of a specific telephone number: Value Set Metadata Element Source URL Type of Binding Description Value Set Metadata Element Description S&I Framework Local to S&I Framework URL TBD Static This value set was developed within the Provider Directory initiative to capture information Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology surrounding the usage of a telephone number. S&I Framework Enumerated List (code system n/a) Code System The following table captures values defined in the S&I Framework Provider Directory initiative for telephone usage as an enumerated list Provider Telephone Usage Enumerated List Value Business Mobile Pager Fax Usage Note 5. Objects and Data Elements not included The following objects from the Provider Directory ESI Object model were not included in the analysis: Area of Analysis not included Individual to Individual Relationship Organization to Organization Relationship Organization to Individual Relationship Integration Profile Examples Security Profile Examples Content Profile Examples Reasoning Used in Analysis May need to be modeled in the CEDD directly – further discussion in the CEDD Workgroup May need to be modeled in the CEDD directly – further discussion in the CEDD Workgroup May need to be modeled in the CEDD directly – further discussion in the CEDD Workgroup As of now, recommend inclusion only in the ESI Object Model (can be linked to directly) As of now, recommend inclusion only in the ESI Object Model (can be linked to directly) As of now, recommend inclusion only in the ESI Object Model (can be linked to directly)